# List of forbidden commands $global:BannedCommands = @( 'Write-Host' 'Write-Verbose' 'Write-Warning' 'Write-Error' 'Write-Output' 'Write-Information' 'Write-Debug' # Use CIM instead where possible 'Get-WmiObject' 'Invoke-WmiMethod' 'Register-WmiEvent' 'Remove-WmiObject' 'Set-WmiInstance' # Use Get-WinEvent instead 'Get-EventLog' # User Preference should not be used in automation 'Clear-Host' # Console Screen belongs to the user 'Set-Location' # Console path belongs to the user. Use $PSScriptRoot instead. # Dynamic Variables are undesirable. Use hashtable instead. 'Get-Variable' 'Set-Variable' 'Clear-Variable' 'Remove-Variable' 'New-Variable' # Dynamic Code execution should not require this 'Invoke-Expression' # Consider splatting instead. Yes, you can splat parameters for external applications! ) <# Contains list of exceptions for banned cmdlets. Insert the file names of files that may contain them. Example: "Write-Host" = @('Write-PSFHostColor.ps1','Write-PSFMessage.ps1') #> $global:MayContainCommand = @{ "Write-Host" = @('Connect-ServiceDeviceCode.ps1') "Write-Verbose" = @() "Write-Warning" = @() "Write-Error" = @() "Write-Output" = @() "Write-Information" = @() "Write-Debug" = @() } |