
param (

# Because these are set once in a script scope (modules and functions are all considered in one script scope)
# they will be effective in every function, and won't override or be overridden by changes in parent scopes.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

foreach ($fileName in (Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot "*.ps1" -Recurse)) {
    try {
        Write-Verbose "Loading function from path '$fileName'."
        . $fileName.FullName
    } catch {
        Write-Error $_

Set-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name DbSmoPathExclusions -Value @(
        # Current connection settings
        "ManagedComputer/ConnectionSettings", # Wmi only
        "ManagedComputer/Service/Dependencies", # Fatally broken, returns nothing useful


        # SQL 2017 - useless

        # Standard, big, not useful, and empty settings

        # Extremely time consuming for little gain

        # Application-specific information
        "Server/Database/Rules", # These are an old kind of constraint

        # Deprecated and already in Server and Database respectively
        # There is one caveat; while we exclude Server/Settings, in the code we redirect Server/OleDbProviderSettings
        # to the variable in Server/Settings/OleDbProviderSettings; because one works and the other doesn't.

        # Read the strings only instead

        # This is temporarily broken

Set-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name DbSmoPropertyExclusions -Value @("ConnectionContext", "ExecutionManager", "Events", "IsDesignMode", "Parent", "State", "Urn", "UserData" <# ProcessorUsage often throws exceptions #>)
    # ConnectionContext was in SMO 2014; ExecutionManager is another wrapper in SMO 2016

Set-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name DataTypeSimple -Value @(

Set-Variable -Scope Script -Option Constant -Name DataTypeString -Value @(