function New-RmmSiteVariable { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an site-level variable .DESCRIPTION Creates a site variable in the site identified by the given site Uid .PARAMETER siteUid Uid of the site to add a variable to .PARAMETER name The name of the variable .PARAMETER value The value of the variable .PARAMETER masked Flag to mask the variable value .EXAMPLE New-RmmSiteVariable -siteUid '6bcc7737-61ed-4cd9-bf91-26be42401c62' -name "foo" -value "bar" New-RmmSiteVariable -siteUid '6bcc7737-61ed-4cd9-bf91-26be42401c62' -name "foo" -value "bar" -masked #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$siteUid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$value, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$masked ) $requestBody = @{} $requestBody.Add( 'name',$name ) $requestBody.Add( 'value',$value ) If ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'masked' ) ) { $requestBody.Add( 'masked' , $true ) } else { $requestBody.Add( 'masked' , $false ) } New-RmmApiRequest -method PUT -endpoint "site/$siteUid/variable" -requestBody ( $requestBody | ConvertTo-Json ) } |