function Get-DrmmAlert { <# .SYNOPSIS Fetches data of the alert identified by the given alert Uid. .DESCRIPTION Returns details of a specific alert. Alert { alertContext (AlertContext, optional), alertMonitorInfo (AlertMonitorInfo, optional), alertSourceInfo (AlertSourceInfo, optional), alertUid (string, optional), autoresolveMins (integer, optional), diagnostics (string, optional), muted (boolean, optional), priority (string, optional) = ['Critical', 'High', 'Moderate', 'Low', 'Information', 'Unknown'], resolved (boolean, optional), resolvedBy (string, optional), resolvedOn (integer, optional), responseActions (Array[ResponseAction], optional), ticketNumber (string, optional), timestamp (integer, optional) } AlertContext {} AlertMonitorInfo { createsTicket (boolean, optional), sendsEmails (boolean, optional) } AlertSourceInfo { deviceName (string, optional), deviceUid (string, optional), siteName (string, optional), siteUid (string, optional) } ResponseAction { actionReference (string, optional), actionTime (integer, optional), actionType (string, optional) = ['EMAIL_SENT', 'EMAIL_SEND_ERROR', 'TICKET_PENDING', 'TICKET_CREATED', 'TICKET_CREATION_ERROR', 'TICKET_CLOSED_CALL'], description (string, optional) } .PARAMMETER alertUid Provide alert uid which will be use to return alert details. #> # Function Parameters Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $alertUid ) # Validate Alert UID if($alertUid.GetType().Name -ne 'String') { return 'The Alert UID is not a String!' } elseif($alertUid -notmatch '[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}') { return 'The Alert UID format is incorrect!' } # Declare Variables $apiMethod = 'GET' # Return all alert details $Response = New-ApiRequest -apiMethod $apiMethod -apiRequest "/v2/alert/$alertUid" | ConvertFrom-Json return $Response } |