
Function Get-DatabricksSQLHistory {
      List the history of queries through SQL endpoints. You can filter by user ID, endpoint ID, status, and time range.
      List the history of queries through SQL endpoints. You can filter by user ID, endpoint ID, status, and time range.
      Official API Documentation:
      .PARAMETER SQLEndpointIds
      Filter results by SQL endpoint IDs.
      .PARAMETER UserIds
      Filter results by User IDs.
      .PARAMETER Statuses
      Filter results by statuses.
      .PARAMETER StartTimeFrom
      Filter results by the query start time greater than -StartTimeFrom.
      .PARAMETER StartTimeTo
      Filter results by the query start time less than -StartTimeTo.
      .PARAMETER MaxResults
      Filter the number of results returned.
      .PARAMETER NextPageToken
      The token for the next page in case paging in used.
      Get-DatabricksSQLHistory -SQLEndpintIds @("1234567890abcdef") -UserIds @("12345") -Statuses @("RUNNING", "QUEUED") -MaxResults 100

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("sql_endpoint_id", "sql_endpoint_ids")] [string[]] $SQLEndpointIds,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("user_id", "user_ids")] [string[]] $UserIds,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("statuses")] [string[]] [ValidateSet("QUEUED", "RUNNING", "CANCELED", "FAILED", "FINISHED")] $Statuses,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("query_start_time_from_ms", "user_ids")] [int64] $StartTimeFrom,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("query_start_time_to_ms", "user_ids")] [int64] $StartTimeTo,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("max_results")] [int] $MaxResults = -1,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("page_token", "next_page_token")] [string] $NextPageToken
  begin {
    $requestMethod = "GET"
    $apiEndpoint = "/2.0/sql/history/queries"
  process {
    Write-Verbose "Building Body/Parameters for final API call ..."

    $startTimes = @{}
    $filters | Add-Property -Name "start_time_ms" -Value $StartTimeFrom
    $filters | Add-Property -Name "end_time_ms" -Value $StartTimeTo

    $filters = @{}
    $filters | Add-Property -Name "sql_endpoint_ids" -Value $SQLEndpointIds -NullValue @()
    $filters | Add-Property -Name "user_ids" -Value $UserIds -NullValue @()
    $filters | Add-Property -Name "statuses" -Value $Statuses -NullValue @()
    $filters | Add-Property -Name "query_start_time_range" -Value $startTimes -NullValue @{}

    #Set parameters
    $parameters = @{}

    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "filter_by" -Value $filters -NullValue @{}
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "max_results" -Value $MaxResults -NullValue -1
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "page_token" -Value $NextPageToken

    $result = Invoke-DatabricksApiRequest -Method $requestMethod -EndPoint $apiEndpoint -Body $parameters

    return $result