
Function Add-DatabricksInstancePool {
      Create an instance pool. Use the returned instance_pool_id to query the status of the instance pool, which includes the number of instances currently allocated by the pool. If you provide the min_idle_instances parameter, instances are provisioned in the background and are ready to use once the idle_count in the InstancePoolStats equals the requested minimum.
      Create an instance pool. Use the returned instance_pool_id to query the status of the instance pool, which includes the number of instances currently allocated by the pool. If you provide the min_idle_instances parameter, instances are provisioned in the background and are ready to use once the idle_count in the InstancePoolStats equals the requested minimum.
      Official API Documentation:
      .PARAMETER InstancePoolName
      The name of the instance pool. This is required for create and edit operations. It must be unique, non-empty, and less than 100 characters.
      .PARAMETER MinIdleInstances
      The minimum number of idle instances maintained by the pool. This is in addition to any instances in use by active clusters.
      .PARAMETER MaxCapacity
      The maximum number of instances the pool can contain, including both idle instances and ones in use by clusters. Once the maximum capacity is reached, you cannot create new clusters from the pool and existing clusters cannot autoscale up until some instances are made idle in the pool via cluster termination or down-scaling.
      .PARAMETER NodeTypeId
      The node type for the instances in the pool. All clusters attached to the pool inherit this node type and the pool’s idle instances are allocated based on this type. You can retrieve a list of available node types by using the List Node Types API call.
      .PARAMETER CustomTags
      Additional tags for instance pool resources. Databricks tags all pool resources (e.g. AWS instances and EBS volumes) with these tags in addition to default_tags.
      Databricks allows at most 43 custom tags.
      .PARAMETER IdleInstanceAutoterminationMinutes
      The number of minutes that idle instances in excess of the min_idle_instances are maintained by the pool before being terminated. If not specified, excess idle instances are terminated automatically after a default timeout period. If specified, the time must be between 0 and 10000 minutes. If you specify 0, excess idle instances are removed as soon as possible.
      .PARAMETER EnableElasticDisk
      Autoscaling Local Storage: when enabled, the instances in the pool dynamically acquire additional disk space when they are running low on disk space.
      .PARAMETER DiskSpec
      Defines the amount of initial remote storage attached to each instance in the pool.
      .PARAMETER PreloadedSparkVersions
      A list with the runtime version the pool installs on each instance. Pool clusters that use a preloaded runtime version start faster as they do have to wait for the image to download. You can retrieve a list of available runtime versions by using the Runtime Versions API call.
      Add-DatabricksInstancePool -Instance_Pool_Name <instance_pool_name> -Min_Idle_Instances <min_idle_instances> -Max_Capacity <max_capacity> -Aws_Attributes <aws_attributes> -Node_Type_Id <node_type_id> -Custom_Tags <custom_tags> -Idle_Instance_Autotermination_Minutes <idle_instance_autotermination_minutes> -Enable_Elastic_Disk <enable_elastic_disk> -Disk_Spec <disk_spec> -Preloaded_Spark_Versions <preloaded_spark_versions>

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("instance_pool_name")][string] $InstancePoolName, 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("min_idle_instances")][int32] $MinIdleInstances, 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("max_capacity")][int32] $MaxCapacity, 
    #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("aws_attributes")][hashtable] $AwsAttributes,
    #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("node_type_id")][string] $NodeTypeId,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("custom_tags")][hashtable] $CustomTags,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("idle_instance_autotermination_minutes")][int32] $IdleInstanceAutoterminationMinutes, 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("enable_elastic_disk")][Nullable[bool]] $EnableElasticDisk, 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 9, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("disk_spec")][hashtable] $DiskSpec
    #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 10, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("preloaded_spark_versions")][array] $PreloadedSparkVersions
  DynamicParam {
    #Create the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $nodeTypeIdValues = (Get-DynamicParamValues { Get-DatabricksNodeType }).node_type_id
    New-DynamicParam -Name NodeTypeId -ValidateSet $nodeTypeIdValues -Alias "node_type_id" -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName -Mandatory -DPDictionary $Dictionary

    $sparkVersionValues = (Get-DynamicParamValues { Get-DatabricksSparkVersion }).key
    New-DynamicParam -Name PreloadedSparkVersions -ValidateSet $sparkVersionValues -Alias "preloaded_spark_versions" -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName -Type string[] -DPDictionary $Dictionary

    if ((Get-DatabricksCloudProvider) -in @("AWS")) {
      $awsZoneValues = (Get-DynamicParamValues { Get-DatabricksZone }).key
      New-DynamicParam -Name AwsZone -ValidateSet $awsZoneValues -Alias "zone_id" -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName -Type string[] -DPDictionary $Dictionary

      New-DynamicParam -Name AwsAvailability -ValidateSet @('SPOT', 'ON_DEMAND', 'SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK') -Alias "availability" -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName -Type string -DPDictionary $Dictionary
      New-DynamicParam -Name AwsAttributes -Alias "aws_attributes" -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName hashtable -DPDictionary $Dictionary

    #return RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    return $Dictionary

  begin {
    $requestMethod = "POST"
    $apiEndpoint = "/2.0/instance-pools/create"

  process {
    $NodeTypeId = $PSBoundParameters.NodeTypeId
    $PreloadedSparkVersions = $PSBoundParameters.PreloadedSparkVersions
    $AwsZone = $PSBoundParameters.AwsZone
    $AwsAvailability = $PSBoundParameters.AwsAvailability

    #Set parameters
    Write-Verbose "Building Body/Parameters for final API call ..."
    $parameters = @{ }
    if (-not $AwsAttributes) {
      # check if a ClusterMode was explicitly specified
      if ((Get-DatabricksCloudProvider) -in @("AWS")) {
        $AwsAttributes = @{ }
        $AwsAttributes | Add-Property -Name "availability" -Value $AwsAvailability -Force
        $AwsAttributes | Add-Property -Name "zone_id" -Value $AwsZone -Force
      Write-Verbose "AwsAttributes set to $AwsAttributes"
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "instance_pool_name" -Value $InstancePoolName -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "min_idle_instances" -Value $MinIdleInstances -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "max_capacity" -Value $MaxCapacity -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "aws_attributes" -Value $AwsAttributes -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "node_type_id" -Value $NodeTypeId -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "custom_tags" -Value $CustomTags -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "idle_instance_autotermination_minutes" -Value $IdleInstanceAutoterminationMinutes -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "enable_elastic_disk" -Value $EnableElasticDisk -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "disk_spec" -Value $DiskSpec -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "preloaded_spark_versions" -Value $PreloadedSparkVersions -Force
    $result = Invoke-DatabricksApiRequest -Method $requestMethod -EndPoint $apiEndpoint -Body $parameters
    return $result

Function Update-DatabricksInstancePool {
      Edit an instance pool. This modifies the configuration of an existing instance pool.
      Edit an instance pool. This modifies the configuration of an existing instance pool.
      Official API Documentation:
      .PARAMETER InstancePoolId
      The ID of the instance pool to edit. This field is required.
      .PARAMETER InstancePoolName
      The name of the instance pool. This is required for create and edit operations. It must be unique, non-empty, and less than 100 characters.
      .PARAMETER MinIdleInstances
      The minimum number of idle instances maintained by the pool. This is in addition to any instances in use by active clusters.
      .PARAMETER MaxCapacity
      The maximum number of instances the pool can contain, including both idle instances and ones in use by clusters. Once the maximum capacity is reached, you cannot create new clusters from the pool and existing clusters cannot autoscale up until some instances are made idle in the pool via cluster termination or down-scaling.
      .PARAMETER NodeTypeId
      The node type for the instances in the pool. All clusters attached to the pool inherit this node type and the pool’s idle instances are allocated based on this type. You can retrieve a list of available node types by using the List Node Types API call.
      .PARAMETER IdleInstanceAutoterminationMinutes
      The number of minutes that idle instances in excess of the min_idle_instances are maintained by the pool before being terminated. If not specified, excess idle instances are terminated automatically after a default timeout period. If specified, the time must be between 0 and 10000 minutes. If 0 is supplied, excess idle instances are removed as soon as possible.
      Update-DatabricksInstancePool -Instance_Pool_Id <instance_pool_id> -Instance_Pool_Name <instance_pool_name> -Min_Idle_Instances <min_idle_instances> -Max_Capacity <max_capacity> -Node_Type_Id <node_type_id> -Idle_Instance_Autotermination_Minutes <idle_instance_autotermination_minutes>

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("instance_pool_id")] [string] $InstancePoolId, 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("instance_pool_name")][string] $InstancePoolName, 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("min_idle_instances")][int32] $MinIdleInstances, 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("max_capacity")][int32] $MaxCapacity, 
    #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $NodeTypeId,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("idle_instance_autotermination_minutes")][int32] $IdleInstanceAutoterminationMinutes
  DynamicParam {
    #Create the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $nodeTypeIdValues = (Get-DynamicParamValues { Get-DatabricksNodeType }).node_type_id
    New-DynamicParam -Name NodeTypeId -ValidateSet $nodeTypeIdValues -Alias "node_type_id" -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName -DPDictionary $Dictionary
    #return RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    return $Dictionary
  begin {
    $requestMethod = "POST"
    $apiEndpoint = "/2.0/instance-pools/edit"
  process {
    $NodeTypeId = $PSBoundParameters.NodeTypeId

    #Set parameters
    Write-Verbose "Building Body/Parameters for final API call ..."
    $parameters = @{ }

    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "instance_pool_id" -Value $InstancePoolId -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "instance_pool_name" -Value $InstancePoolName -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "min_idle_instances" -Value $MinIdleInstances -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "max_capacity" -Value $MaxCapacity -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "node_type_id" -Value $NodeTypeId -Force
    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "idle_instance_autotermination_minutes" -Value $IdleInstanceAutoterminationMinutes -Force
    $result = Invoke-DatabricksApiRequest -Method $requestMethod -EndPoint $apiEndpoint -Body $parameters
    return $result

Function Remove-DatabricksInstancePool {
      Delete an instance pool. This permanently deletes the instance pool. The idle instances in the pool are terminated asynchronously. New clusters cannot attach to the pool. Running clusters attached to the pool continue to run but cannot autoscale up. Terminated clusters attached to the pool will fail to start until they are edited to no longer use the pool.
      Delete an instance pool. This permanently deletes the instance pool. The idle instances in the pool are terminated asynchronously. New clusters cannot attach to the pool. Running clusters attached to the pool continue to run but cannot autoscale up. Terminated clusters attached to the pool will fail to start until they are edited to no longer use the pool.
      Official API Documentation:
      .PARAMETER InstancePoolID
      The ID of the instance pool to delete.
      Remove-DatabricksInstancePool -InstancePoolID <instance_pool_id>

    #[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [Alias("instance_pool_id")] [string] $InstancePoolID
  DynamicParam {
    #Create the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $instancePoolValues = (Get-DynamicParamValues { Get-DatabricksInstancePool }).instance_pool_id
    New-DynamicParam -Name InstancePoolID -ValidateSet $instancePoolValues -Alias 'instance_pool_id' -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName -Mandatory -DPDictionary $Dictionary
    #return RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    return $Dictionary
  begin {
    $requestMethod = "POST"
    $apiEndpoint = "/2.0/instance-pools/delete"
  process {
    $InstancePoolID = $PSBoundParameters.InstancePoolID

    #Set parameters
    Write-Verbose "Building Body/Parameters for final API call ..."
    $parameters = @{ }

    $parameters | Add-Property -Name "instance_pool_id" -Value $InstancePoolID -Force
    $result = Invoke-DatabricksApiRequest -Method $requestMethod -EndPoint $apiEndpoint -Body $parameters
    return $result

Function Get-DatabricksInstancePool {
      Retrieve the information for an instance pool given its identifier.
      Retrieve the information for an instance pool given its identifier.
      Official API Documentation:
      .PARAMETER InstancePoolID
      The instance pool about which to retrieve information.
      .PARAMETER List
      Optional parameter to list the all InstancePools, which is also the default.
      Get-DatabricksInstancePool -InstancePoolID <instance_pool_id>

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $List
    #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("instance_pool_id")] [string] $InstancePoolID
  DynamicParam {
    if (-not $List) {
      #Create the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
      $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
      $instancePoolValues = (Get-DynamicParamValues { Get-DatabricksInstancePool -List }).instance_pool_id
      New-DynamicParam -Name InstancePoolID -ValidateSet $instancePoolValues -Alias 'instance_pool_id' -ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName -DPDictionary $Dictionary
      #return RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
      return $Dictionary

  begin {
    $requestMethod = "GET"
    $apiEndpoint = "/2.0/instance-pools/list"

  process {
    $InstancePoolID = $PSBoundParameters.InstancePoolID
    if ($InstancePoolID) {
      Write-Verbose "InstancePoolId specified ($InstancePoolID) - using get endpoint instead of list endpoint..."
      $apiEndpoint = "/2.0/instance-pools/get"
    #Set parameters
    Write-Verbose "Building Body/Parameters for final API call ..."
    $parameters = @{ }
    $parameters | Add-Property  -Name "instance_pool_id" -Value $InstancePoolID

    $result = Invoke-DatabricksApiRequest -Method $requestMethod -EndPoint $apiEndpoint -Body $parameters

    if ($InstancePoolID) {
      # if a InstancePool was specified, we return the result as it is
      return $result
    else {
      # if no InstancePool was specified, we return the InstancePools as an array
      return $result.instance_pools