using namespace System.Net function GET_DeviceCredantials { <# .SYNOPSIS Collects the access data .DESCRIPTION Collects the access data and prepares it for the main function. .NOTES The function has so far only been tested under Windows, the application is still in alpha status. The basic function works as intended, but some adjustments should be made, especially with regard to the user name/password. .LINK .EXAMPLE not required #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $UserCredantials=@() <#Number of switches that Var will later use as IDs.#> Write-Host "Enter the Number (min.1 - max.9) of Device: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline do { $SWnumber = Read-Host $vaNoD = $SWnumber -match '^[1-9]$' if (!($vaNoD)) { Write-Host "$SWnumber is not an valid Number." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -fore Yellow "Please Enter a valid Number: " -NoNewline } } until ($vaNoD) <#For IPAddr Check#> $IPPattern = '^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})$' if($SWnumber -ge 1){ for ($Device =1; $Device -le $SWnumber;$Device++){ Write-Host "Please enter Credantials for Device number: $Device " $CredantialsCollect=[ordered]@{} Write-Host "Please Enter IP: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline <#Input Loop Until Validation meets pattern#> do { <# Set IP address var #> $IPADR = Read-Host <# Check that the input matches the specification. #> Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $FOS_OnorOff=Test-Connection $IPADR -Count 1 Write-Debug -Message "Test-Connection to $IPADR was $($FOS_OnorOff.Status) ` " $ok = $IPADR -match $IPPattern if ($ok -eq $false) { <# Error Message and Prompt to enter an IP #> Write-Warning ("'{0}' is not an IP address." -f $IPADR) write-host -fore Yellow "Please Enter IP: " -NoNewline } <#Condition#> } until ( $ok ) <#Test the Conection to the device works but need more inprovement #> #$FOS_OnorOff=Test-Connection $IPADR -Count 1 if($FOS_OnorOff.Status -ne "Success"){Write-Host "Your entered IP: $IPADR is maybe not reachable,`nif connection fails please check the connection and try again." -ForegroundColor Yellow;} #optional a Exit if no resp. $CredantialsCollect.Add('ID',$Device) $CredantialsCollect.Add('IPAddress',$IPADR) [string]$Protocol=Read-Host " 1 - ssh 2 - plink Please choose" switch ($Protocol) { 1 { $Protocol="ssh" } 2 { $Protocol="plink" } } $CredantialsCollect.Add('Protocol',$Protocol) [string]$UserName = Read-Host "Enter the UserName of the device" $CredantialsCollect.Add('UserName',$UserName) if($Protocol -eq "plink"){ $UserPassword = Read-Host "Enter the Password of the device" $UserPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $UserPassword -AsPlainText $CredantialsCollect.Add('Password',$UserPassword) } <# Maybe for later use as a Export Obj #> $CredantialObj=New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $CredantialsCollect #$ExportCredantials = $CredantialObj | Select-Object ID,UserName,IPAddress,Protocol | Export-Csv -Path ".\ExportCredantials.csv" -NoTypeInformation $UserCredantials+=$CredantialObj #$UserCredantials+=$CredantialsCollect } }else { Write-Host "We need the Credantials of min one Device!`nYou are now exiting the script, please restart it." -ForegroundColor Red exit } return $UserCredantials } |