
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Configuration><!-- xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">-->
      <!-- Extracts RID from SID -->
                <EnumerateCollection />
      <!-- NT Hashes for John the Ripper -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:$NT$<NT-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
      <!-- NT Hash History for John the Ripper -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:$NT$<NT-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
                  [System.Collections.ArrayList] $records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                  if ($PSItem.NTHash -ne $null)
                      [string] $record = '{0}:$NT${1}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.NTHash)
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  for($i=1; $i -lt $PSItem.NTHashHistory.Count; $i++)
                      [string] $record = '{0}_history{1}:$NT${2}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, ($i-1), (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.NTHashHistory[$i])
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  $records -join [Environment]::NewLine
      <!-- LM Hashes for John the Ripper -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<LM-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
      <!-- LM Hash History for John the Ripper -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<LM-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
                  [System.Collections.ArrayList] $records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                  if ($PSItem.LMHash -ne $null)
                      [string] $record = '{0}:{1}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHash)
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  for($i=1; $i -lt $PSItem.LMHashHistory.Count; $i++)
                      [string] $record = '{0}_history{1}:{2}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, ($i-1), (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHashHistory[$i])
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  $records -join [Environment]::NewLine
      <!-- PasswordHashes for Ophcrack -->
      <!-- Format: <username>::<LM-hash>:<NT-hash>:<sid>:: -->
      <OutOfBand />
      <!-- NT Hashes for Hashcat -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<NT-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
      <!-- NT Hash History for Hashcat -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<NT-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
                  [System.Collections.ArrayList] $records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                  if ($PSItem.NTHash -ne $null)
                      [string] $record = '{0}:{1}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.NTHash)
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  for($i=1; $i -lt $PSItem.NTHashHistory.Count; $i++)
                      [string] $record = '{0}_history{1}:{2}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, ($i-1), (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.NTHashHistory[$i])
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  $records -join [Environment]::NewLine
      <!-- LM Hashes for Hashcat -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<LM-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
      <!-- LM Hash History for Hashcat -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<LM-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
                  [System.Collections.ArrayList] $records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                  if ($PSItem.LMHash -ne $null) {
                      [string] $record = '{0}:{1}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHash)
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  for($i=1; $i -lt $PSItem.LMHashHistory.Count; $i++) {
                      [string] $record = '{0}_history{1}:{2}' -f $PSItem.SamAccountName, ($i-1), (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHashHistory[$i])
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  $records -join [Environment]::NewLine
      <!-- NT Hashes -->
      <!-- Format: <NT-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
      <!-- NT Hash History -->
      <!-- Format: <NT-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
                  [System.Collections.ArrayList] $records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                  foreach($hash in $PSItem.NTHashHistory)
                      [string] $record = ConvertTo-Hex $hash
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  $records -join [Environment]::NewLine
      <!-- NT Hashes -->
      <!-- Format: <LM-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
      <!-- LM Hash History -->
      <!-- Format: <LM-hash> -->
      <OutOfBand />
                  [System.Collections.ArrayList] $records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                  foreach($hash in $PSItem.LMHashHistory) {
                      [string] $record = ConvertTo-Hex $hash
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  $records -join [Environment]::NewLine
      <!-- PwDump Format -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<uid>:<LM-hash>:<NT-hash>:<comment>:<homedir>: -->
      <OutOfBand />
                <ScriptBlock>if($null -eq $PSItem.LMHash) { 'NO LM-HASH**********************' }</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>if($null -eq $PSItem.NTHash) { 'NO NT-HASH**********************' }</ScriptBlock>
      <!-- PwDump Format with Password Hash History -->
      <!-- Format: <username>:<uid>:<LM-hash>:<NT-hash>:<comment>:<homedir>: -->
      <OutOfBand />
                  [System.Collections.ArrayList] $records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                  [string] $samAccountName = $PSItem.SamAccountName
                  [int] $rid = [DSInternals.Common.SecurityIdentifierExtensions]::GetRid($PSItem.Sid)
                  [string] $lmHash = 'NO LM-HASH**********************'
                  if($null -ne $PSItem.LMHash -and (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHash) -ne 'aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee') {
                      $lmHash = ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHash
                  [string] $ntHash = 'NO NT-HASH**********************'
                  if($null -ne $PSItem.NTHash) {
                      $ntHash = ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.NTHash
                  [string] $record = '{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:::' -f $SamAccountName, $rid, $lmHash, $ntHash
                  [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  for($i=1; $i -lt $PSItem.NTHashHistory.Count; $i++)
                      [string] $lmHash = 'NO LM-HASH**********************'
                      if($null -ne $PSItem.LMHashHistory[$i] -and (ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHashHistory[$i]) -ne 'aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee') {
                          $lmHash = ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.LMHashHistory[$i]
                      [string] $ntHash = 'NO NT-HASH**********************'
                      if($null -ne $PSItem.NTHashHistory[$i]) {
                          $ntHash = ConvertTo-Hex $PSItem.NTHashHistory[$i]
                      [string] $record = '{0}_history{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}:::' -f $SamAccountName, ($i-1), $rid, $lmHash, $ntHash
                      [int] $position = $records.Add($record)
                  $records -join [Environment]::NewLine