# # Script module file for the 'DSInternals' module. # # Copyright (c) Michael Grafnetter # # # Load the platform-specific libraries. # Note: This operation cannot be done in the module manifest, # as it only supports restricted language mode. # [string] $interopAssemblyPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE\DSInternals.Replication.Interop.dll" try { Add-Type -Path $interopAssemblyPath -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.IO.IOException] { # # Make the error message more meaningful by checking common failure reasons. # [string] $message = 'The Get-ADRepl* cmdlets will not work properly, because the "{0}" assembly could not be loaded.' -f $interopAssemblyPath [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory] $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::OpenError # Check the presence of the Universal C Runtime [string] $ucrtPath = Join-Path ([System.Environment]::SystemDirectory) 'ucrtbase.dll' [bool] $ucrtPresent = Test-Path -Path $ucrtPath if(-not $ucrtPresent) { # This can happen on systems prior to Windows 10 with missing updates. $message += ' The Universal C Runtime is missing. Run Windows Update or install it manually and reload the DSInternals module afterwards.' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotInstalled } # Check if the interop assembly is blocked [object] $zoneIdentifier = Get-Item -Path $interopAssemblyPath -Stream 'Zone.Identifier' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($zoneIdentifier -ne $null) { # This usually happens to users of the ZIP distribution who forget to unblock it before extracting the files. $message += ' Unblock the assembly using either the Properties dialog or the Unblock-File cmdlet and reload the DSInternals module afterwards.' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::SecurityError } # Build the error report Write-Error -Message $message ` -Exception $PSItem.Exception ` -Category $errorCategory ` -CategoryTargetName $interopAssemblyPath ` -CategoryActivity $PSItem.CategoryInfo.Activity ` -CategoryReason $PSItem.CategoryInfo.Reason } # # Check if the MD5 hash function is available. # if([System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig]::AllowOnlyFipsAlgorithms) { [string] $message = 'Only FIPS certified cryptographic algorithms are enabled in .NET. DSInternals cmdlets that require the MD5 hash function will not work as expected.' [string] $configPath = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Path + '.config' [string] $recommendedAction = 'Add the <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false"/> directive to the "{0}" file.' -f $configPath Write-Error -Message $message ` -RecommendedAction $recommendedAction ` -Category ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::SecurityError) } # # Check if the current OS is Windows. # if($env:OS -ne 'Windows_NT') { Write-Error -Message 'The DSInternals PowerShell module is only supported on Windows.' ` -Category ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotImplemented) } # # Type Data # Note: *.types.ps1xml cannot be used for the following configuration, because it is processed before *.psm1 and would thus fail loading platform-specific assemblies. # Update-TypeData -TypeName 'DSInternals.Common.Data.SupplementalCredentials' ` -TypeConverter ([DSInternals.PowerShell.SupplementalCredentialsDeserializer]) ` -Force # # Cmdlet aliases # New-Alias -Name Set-ADAccountPasswordHash -Value Set-SamAccountPasswordHash New-Alias -Name Set-WinUserPasswordHash -Value Set-SamAccountPasswordHash New-Alias -Name Get-ADPasswordPolicy -Value Get-SamPasswordPolicy New-Alias -Name Get-ADDefaultPasswordPolicy -Value Get-SamPasswordPolicy New-Alias -Name ConvertFrom-UnattendXmlPassword -Value ConvertFrom-UnicodePassword New-Alias -Name ConvertTo-AADHash -Value ConvertTo-OrgIdHash New-Alias -Name ConvertTo-MsoPasswordHash -Value ConvertTo-OrgIdHash New-Alias -Name Get-ADReplicationAccount -Value Get-ADReplAccount New-Alias -Name ConvertFrom-ManagedPasswordBlob -Value ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob New-Alias -Name Get-SysKey -Value Get-BootKey New-Alias -Name Get-SystemKey -Value Get-BootKey New-Alias -Name Set-ADDBSysKey -Value Set-ADDBBootKey New-Alias -Name Test-ADPasswordQuality -Value Test-PasswordQuality New-Alias -Name Test-ADDBPasswordQuality -Value Test-PasswordQuality New-Alias -Name Test-ADReplPasswordQuality -Value Test-PasswordQuality New-Alias -Name Get-KeyCredential -Value Get-ADKeyCredential New-Alias -Name Get-KeyCredentialLink -Value Get-ADKeyCredential New-Alias -Name Get-ADKeyCredentialLink -Value Get-ADKeyCredential New-Alias -Name New-ADKeyCredential -Value Get-ADKeyCredential New-Alias -Name New-ADKeyCredentialLink -Value Get-ADKeyCredential New-Alias -Name New-ADNgcKey -Value Get-ADKeyCredential New-Alias -Name Get-LsaPolicy -Value Get-LsaPolicyInformation New-Alias -Name Set-LsaPolicy -Value Set-LsaPolicyInformation New-Alias -Name Write-ADReplNgcKey -Value Add-ADReplNgcKey New-Alias -Name Write-ADNgcKey -Value Add-ADReplNgcKey New-Alias -Name Add-ADNgcKey -Value Add-ADReplNgcKey New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBGroupManagedServiceAccount -Value Get-ADDBServiceAccount New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInfo -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryKey -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBBitLockerKey -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBBitLockerKeyProtector -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryPassword -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBFVERecoveryInformation -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBFVERecoveryInfo -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBFVERecoveryKey -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBFVERecoveryPassword -Value Get-ADDBBitLockerRecoveryInformation New-Alias -Name Get-ADDBDnsRecord -Value Get-ADDBDnsResourceRecord # Export the aliases Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Cmdlet * |