about_DSInternals SHORT DESCRIPTION The DSInternals PowerShell Module exposes several internal and undocumented features of Active Directory. LONG DESCRIPTION LIST OF CMDLETS Offline operations with the Active Directory database Get-ADDBAccount --------------- Reads one or more accounts from a ntds.dit file, including secret attributes. Get-BootKey ----------- Reads the BootKey/SysKey from an offline SYSTEM registry hive. Add-ADDBSidHistory ------------------ Adds one or more values to the sIDHistory attribute of an object in a ntds.dit file. Set-ADDBPrimaryGroup -------------------- Modifies the primaryGroupId attribute of an object to a ntds.dit file. Get-ADDBDomainController ------------------------ Reads information about the originating DC from a ntds.dit file, including domain name, domain SID, DC name and DC site. Set-ADDBDomainController ------------------------ Writes information about the DC to a ntds.dit file, including the highest commited USN and database epoch. Get-ADDBSchemaAttribute ----------------------- Reads AD schema from a ntds.dit file, including datatable column names. Remove-ADDBObject ----------------- Physically removes specified object from a ntds.dit file, making it semantically inconsistent. Highly experimental! Online operations with Active Directory database Get-ADReplAccount ----------------- Reads one or more accounts through the DRSR protocol, including secret attributes. Set-SamAccountPasswordHash -------------------------- Sets NT and LM hashes of an account through the SAMR protocol. Hash calculation ConvertTo-NTHash ---------------- Calculates NT hash of a given password. ConvertTo-LMHash ---------------- Calculates LM hash of a given password. ConvertTo-OrgIdHash ------------------- Calculates OrgId hash of a given password. Used by Azure Active Directory Sync. Password decryption ConvertFrom-GPPrefPassword -------------------------- Decodes a password from the format used by Group Policy Preferences. ConvertTo-GPPrefPassword ------------------------ Converts a password to the format used by Group Policy Preferences. ConvertFrom-UnattendXmlPassword ------------------------------- Decodes a password from the format used in unattend.xml files. ConvertTo-UnicodePassword ------------------------- Converts a password to the format used in unattend.xml or *.ldif files. Misc ConvertTo-Hex ------------- Helper cmdlet that converts binary input to hexadecimal string. SEE ALSO about_ActiveDirectory |