DATA Const{ ConvertFrom-StringData -stringdata @' ProductClass = SoftwareLicensingProduct ProductClassWin7 = OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct OfficeAppId = 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 OfficeAppId2010 = 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 '@ } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Enum OfficeLicenseStatus { Unlicensed = 0 Licensed = 1 OOBGrace = 2 OOTGrace = 3 NonGenuineGrace = 4 Notification = 5 ExtendedGrace = 6 } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Enum OSVersion { Win7 = 7 # Win7 or Server2008R2 Win8 = 8 # Win8 or Server2012 Win81 = 81 # Win8.1 or Server2012R2 Win10 = 10 # Win10 or Server2016 Unknwon = 0 # Unknwon or ~Vista } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Enum OfficeVersion { Office2010 = 14 Office2013 = 15 Office2016 = 16 } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string] $Ensure = 'Present', [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ProductKey, [parameter()] [bool] $Activate = $true, [parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] #[ValidateSet("Office2010","Office2013","Office2016")] [ValidateSet("Office2013", "Office2016")] [string] $OfficeVersion ) #$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $GetRes = @{ Ensure = $Ensure ProductKey = '' Activate = $false OfficeVersion = $OfficeVersion PartialProductKey = '' LicenseStatus = '' Product = '' } # Check specific version of Office is installed or not if (-not (Get-OSPPVBS $OfficeVersion)) { # Write-Verbose ('{0} is not installed.' -f $OfficeVersion) $GetRes.Ensure = 'Absent' return $GetRes } # Check the Product key was installed or not $Product = Get-PrimaryOfficeSKU $OfficeVersion -ea SilentlyContinue if (-not $Product) { #Write-Verbose ('Product key is not installed on this machine.') $GetRes.Ensure = 'Absent' } else { $GetRes.Ensure = 'Present' $GetRes.Product = $Product.Name #Check activation status $GetRes.LicenseStatus = [string]([OfficeLicenseStatus]$Product.LicenseStatus) if ($Product.LicenseStatus -ne [OfficeLicenseStatus]::Licensed) { #Write-Verbose ('Office is NOT Licensed. (License status: "{0}")' -f [OfficeLicenseStatus]$Product.LicenseStatus) $GetRes.Activate = $false } else { #Write-Verbose 'Office is Licensed.' $GetRes.Activate = $true } #Get partial product key (Last 5 chars) $GetRes.PartialProductKey = $Product.PartialProductKey } $GetRes } # end of Get-TargetResource # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string] $Ensure = 'Present', [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ProductKey, [parameter()] [bool] $Activate = $true, [parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] #[ValidateSet("Office2010","Office2013","Office2016")] [ValidateSet("Office2013", "Office2016")] [string] $OfficeVersion ) # $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Test the product key format (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX) if ($ProductKey) { if ($ProductKey -notmatch '^[0-9A-Z]{5}(-[0-9A-Z]{5}){4}$') { Write-Error ('The product key is invalid') return } } $Ospp = Get-OSPPVBS $OfficeVersion if (-not $Ospp) { Write-Error ('OSPP.VBS not found') } $Ospp = ('"{0}"' -f $Ospp) $Cscript = 'C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe' if (-not (Test-Path $Cscript)) { Write-Error ('"{0}" not found' -f $Cscript) } $cState = (Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters) if ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') { # Remove Product Key if ($cState.PartialProductKey.length -ne 5) { Write-Error 'Error happend when removing the product key (PartialProductKey not found)' } else { $Exec = (Start-Command -FilePath $Cscript -ArgumentList ($Ospp, ('/unpkey:{0}' -f $cState.PartialProductKey))) $Err = Assert-Error $Exec.StdOut if ($Err.ErrorCode) {Write-Error ('Error: {0} ({1})' -f $Err.ErrorMsg, $Err.ErrorCode)} else {Write-Verbose ('Remove the product key succeeded')} } } else { $isKeyChenged = $false $local:tmpPPKey = $ProductKey.Substring($ProductKey.Length - 5, 5) # Last 5 chars if (($cState.Ensure -eq 'Absent') -or ($cState.PartialProductKey -ne $tmpPPKey) -or $Force) { # Install Product Key $Exec = (Start-Command -FilePath $Cscript -ArgumentList ($Ospp, ('/inpkey:{0}' -f $ProductKey))) $Err = Assert-Error $Exec.StdOut if ($Err.ErrorCode) {Write-Error ('Error: {0} ({1})' -f $Err.ErrorMsg, $Err.ErrorCode)} else {Write-Verbose ('Install the product key succeeded')} $isKeyChenged = $true } if ($Activate) { if ($isKeyChenged -or (!$cState.Activate)) { #Activation $Exec = (Start-Command -FilePath $Cscript -ArgumentList ($Ospp, '/act')) $Err = Assert-Error $Exec.StdOut if ($Err.ErrorCode) {Write-Error ('Error: {0} ({1})' -f $Err.ErrorMsg, $Err.ErrorCode)} else {Write-Verbose ('Activation succeeded')} } } } } # end of Set-TargetResource # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string] $Ensure = 'Present', [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ProductKey, [parameter()] [bool] $Activate = $true, [parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] #[ValidateSet("Office2010","Office2013","Office2016")] [ValidateSet("Office2013", "Office2016")] [string] $OfficeVersion ) # Test the product key format (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX) if ($ProductKey) { if ($ProductKey -notmatch '^[0-9A-Z]{5}(-[0-9A-Z]{5}){4}$') { Write-Error ('The product key is invalid') return $true } } $cState = (Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters) if ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') { if ($cState.Ensure -eq 'Absent') { Write-Verbose ('Product key not installed. It is your desired state.') return $true } else { Write-Verbose ('Product key is installed. It is NOT your desired state.') return $false } } elseif ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { if ($Force) { Write-Verbose ("Specified 'Force' switch. Skip test and return False.") return $false } if ($cState.Ensure -eq 'Absent') { Write-Verbose ('Product key not installed. It is NOT your desired state.') return $false } $local:tmpPPKey = $ProductKey.Substring($ProductKey.Length - 5, 5) # Last 5 chars if ($cState.PartialProductKey -ne $tmpPPKey) { Write-Verbose ('Partial product key is not matched. (current:"{0}" / desired: "{1}")' -f $cState.PartialProductKey, $tmpPPKey) return $false } if ($Activate) { if (!$cState.Activate) { Write-Verbose ('Office is NOT Licensed. (License status: "{0}")' -f [OfficeLicenseStatus]$cState.LicenseStatus) return $false } else { Write-Verbose 'Office is Licensed.' } } } return $true } # end of Test-TargetResource # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Get-PrimaryOfficeSKU { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [OfficeVersion]$OfficeVersion ) if ($OfficeVersion -eq [OfficeVersion]::Office2010) { $ApplicationId = $Const.OfficeAppId2010 } else { $ApplicationId = $Const.OfficeAppId } if ((Get-OSVersion) -eq [OSVersion]::Win7) { $ProductClass = $Const.ProductClassWin7 } else { $ProductClass = $Const.ProductClass } # This logic is ported from OSPP.VBS $QueryStr = ('SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' -f $ProductClass) $object = Get-WmiObject -Query $QueryStr -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {($_.ApplicationId -eq $ApplicationId) -and (!$_.LicenseIsAddon)} if (@($object).Count -ne 1) { return $null } else { return $object } } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Get-OSVersion { [CmdletBinding()] Param() # https://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/windows/desktop/ms724832(v=vs.85).aspx $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $OperatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ForEach ($OS in $OperatingSystem) { $Ver = $OS.Version -split '\.' switch (('{0}.{1}' -f $Ver[0], $Ver[1])) { '10.0' { return [OSVersion]::Win10 } '6.3' { return [OSVersion]::Win81 } '6.2' { return [OSVersion]::Win8 } '6.1' { return [OSVersion]::Win7 } } } return [OSVersion]::Unknwon } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Get-OSPPVBS { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [OfficeVersion]$OfficeVersion ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $ProgramFiles = $env:ProgramFiles $ProgramFilesX86 = ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} $Path = Join-Path $ProgramFilesX86 ('Microsoft Office\Office{0}\OSPP.VBS' -f [int]$OfficeVersion) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf) { return $Path } $Path = Join-Path $ProgramFiles ('Microsoft Office\Office{0}\OSPP.VBS' -f [int]$OfficeVersion) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf) { return $Path } } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Assert-Error { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$OsppOutput ) if ($OsppOutput -match 'ERROR CODE: (0x.+)') { $ErrorCode = $Matches[1] if ($OsppOutput -match 'ERROR DESCRIPTION: (.+)') { $ErrorMsg = $Matches[1] } } return [pscustomobject]@{ ErrorCode = $ErrorCode ErrorMsg = $ErrorMsg } } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Start-Command { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [string[]]$ArgumentList, [int]$Timeout = [int]::MaxValue ) $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $ProcessInfo.FileName = $FilePath $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $ProcessInfo.Arguments = [string]$ArgumentList $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo $Process.Start() | Out-Null if (!$Process.WaitForExit($Timeout)) { $Process.Kill() Write-Error ('Process timeout. Terminated. (Timeout:{0}s, Process:{1})' -f ($Timeout * 0.001), $FilePath) } $stdout = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $stderr = $Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() [pscustomobject]@{ Process = $Process StdOut = $stdout StdErr = $stderr ExitCode = $Process.ExitCode } } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |