
$modulePath = (get-item (Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)).Parent.FullName
# check os version
$private:Ver = ([System.Environment]::OSVersion).Version
switch (('{0}.{1}' -f $Ver.Major, $Ver.Minor)) {
    '6.1' { $OS = '7' }    #Win7
    '10.0' { $OS = '10'}  #Win10

$private:lang = Join-Path $modulePath ('lang_w{0}.json' -f $OS)
$private:kbl = Join-Path $modulePath ('kbl_w{0}.json' -f $OS)
if(Test-Path $lang){
    $LanguageList = gc $lang | ConvertFrom-Json -ea SilentlyContinue
if(Test-Path $kbl){
    $KeyboardList = gc $kbl | ConvertFrom-Json -ea SilentlyContinue

function Convert-KblNameToId
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='Name')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='Name')]

        $private:langId = $LanguageList.where({$_.tag -eq $LanguageTag}).Id
        $private:kblId = $KeyboardList.where({$ -eq $KeyboardLayoutName}).Id
        if($langId -and $kblId){ ("{0}:{1}" -f $langId, $kblId) }

function Convert-LangIdToTag
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position=0)]

        @($LanguageList.where({$ -eq $LanguageId}).tag)[0]

function Convert-KblIdToName
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position=0)]

        @($KeyboardList.where({$ -eq $KeyboardLayoutId}).id)[0]

function New-GsXml
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

        [string]$Action = 'add',

        [bool]$Default = $false,


        $local:ConstantData = @{
        GsBaseXml = @'
        <gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
                <gs:User UserID="Current" CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct="{0}" CopySettingsToSystemAcct="{1}"/>

        GsKbXmlRaw = '<gs:InputLanguageID Action="{0}" ID="{1}" Default="{2}"/>'

        $KblRaws = [string[]]@()

        $KblRaws += ($ConstantData.GsKbXmlRaw -f $Action, $KeyboardLayoutId, $Default.ToString().ToLower())

        [Xml]($ConstantData.GsBaseXml -f $CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct.ToString().ToLower(), $CopySettingsToSystemAcct.ToString().ToLower(), [string]$KblRaws)

   Add or Remove keyboard layout
   Add or Remove keyboard layout to current user & computer.
   This cmdlet support Windows 7 & 10 system only.
.PARAMETER KeyboardLayoutId
   Specify keyboard layout ID (KLID)
   KLID is special formatted string like "0409:00000409" (Lang tag:Layout id)
   If you don't know desired KLID, you can refer to JSON files in this module's root directory or Use Get-KeyboardLayout cmdlet (or Google it).
.PARAMETER LanguageTag
   If you don't wont see unsuitable KLID, Use LanguageTag and KeyboardLayoutName arguments.
   You can use friendly name to specify keyboard layout instead of KLID.
   Specify LanguageTag for IETF Language Tag like "en-US" or "fr-FR"
.PARAMETER KeyboardLayoutName
   Specify name of keyboard layout.
   The list of all available layout names are written in JSON file that saved in this module's root directory
   e.g.) "United States-International" , "Chinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard"
   You can choose "add" or "remove".
   default: 'add'
   If this param set to $true, keyboard layout will configure to default keyboard of current user.
   default: False
.PARAMETER CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct
   Copy settings to default user account profile.
   This parameter only works on Windows 7 systems.
   default: False
.PARAMETER CopySettingsToSystemAcct
   Copy settings to system account profile.
   This parameter only works on Windows 7 systems.
   default: False
   Clear existence keyboard layouts.
   This parameter only works on Windows 10 systems.
   default: False
   Add "US - US Keyboard" using KLID
   Set-KeyboardLayout -KeyboardLayoutId "0409:00000409"
   Add "Chinese (Taiwan) - Chinese Simplified QuanPin" using friendly name
   Set-KeyboardLayout -LanguageTag 'zh-TW' -KeyboardLayoutName "Chinese Simplified QuanPin"

function Set-KeyboardLayout
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='ID')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='Name')]
        [ValidateScript({$LanguageList.tag -eq $_})]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='Name')]
        [ValidateScript({$ -eq $_})]

        [string]$Action = 'add',

        [bool]$Default = $false,

        [switch]$CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct, # Win7 only
        [switch]$CopySettingsToSystemAcct, # Win7 only
        [switch]$ClearExist # Win10 only

        $KblRaws = @()

        switch ($OS) {
            '7' {
                    Write-Warning ('"ClearExist" parameter works only Windows 10 systems !')
            '10' {
                    Write-Warning ('"CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct" parameter works only Windows 7 systems !')
                    Write-Warning ('"CopySettingsToSystemAcct" parameter works only Windows 7 systems !')
            Default {
                Write-Warning ('Non supported Operating System !')

        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
            $LanguageTag = Convert-LangIdToTag $KeyboardLayoutId.Substring(0, 4)
            $KeyboardLayoutName = Convert-KblIdToName $KeyboardLayoutId.Substring(5)

        if($LanguageTag -and $KeyboardLayoutName){
            $kblRaws += [PSCustomObject]@{
                LanguageTag = $LanguageTag
                KeyboardLayoutName = $KeyboardLayoutName
                Action = $Action
                Default = $Default
            Write-Verbose ('Adding Keyboard (Lang:"{0}" / Layout:"{1}")' -f $LanguageTag,$KeyboardLayoutName)
        elseif ($KeyboardLayoutId) {
            $kblRaws += [PSCustomObject]@{
                KeyboardLayoutId = $KeyboardLayoutId
                Action = $Action
                Default = $Default
            Write-Verbose ('Adding Keyboard (Id:"{0}")' -f $KeyboardLayoutId)

    End {
        switch ($OS) {
            '7' {
                $kblRaws | Set-KeyboardLayout-Win7 -CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct:$CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct -CopySettingsToSystemAcct:$CopySettingsToSystemAcct
            '10' {
                $KblRaws | Set-KeyboardLayout-Win10 -ClearExist:$ClearExist
            Default {
                Write-Error ('Non supported Operating System !')
                $KblRaws | Set-KeyboardLayout-Win10 -ClearExist:$ClearExist

function Set-KeyboardLayout-Win7
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='ID')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='Name')]
        [ValidateScript({$LanguageList.tag -eq $_})]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName='Name')]
        [ValidateScript({$ -eq $_})]

        [string]$Action = 'add',

        [bool]$Default = $false,


        $KblRaws = @()

        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name'){
            $KeyboardLayoutId = Convert-KblNameToId -LanguageTag $LanguageTag -KeyboardLayoutName $KeyboardLayoutName

            $kblRaws += [pscustomobject]@{
                KeyboardLayoutId = $KeyboardLayoutId
                Action = $Action
                Default = $Default

            if($kblRaws.count -le 0){
                Write-Error 'Set keyboard layout failed. invalid arguments'
            $GsXml = [string]($kblRaws | New-GsXml -CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct:$CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct -CopySettingsToSystemAcct:$CopySettingsToSystemAcct -ErrorAction Stop).OuterXml
            $tmpFile = New-Item (Join-Path $env:TEMP ('{0}\gstmp.xml' -f [guid]::NewGuid())) -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            $GsXml | Out-File -FilePath $tmpFile -Encoding utf8 -Force
            if(Test-Path $tmpFile){
                $StartTime = [datetime]::Now
                $Process = Start-Command -FilePath 'control.exe' -ArgumentList ('intl.cpl,, /f:"{0}"' -f $tmpFile) -Timeout (300 * 1000)
                $error = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Microsoft-Windows-International/Operational'; StartTime=$StartTime} -MaxEvents 5 -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.Level -ne 4} | select -First 1
                ($kblRaws | where {$_.Action -eq 'add'}).KeyboardLayoutId | Set-KeyboardLayoutRegistry
                    Write-Error $error.Message
                    Write-Verbose 'Set keyboard layout completed successfully'
                Write-Error 'Set keyboard layout failed. xml not found'
        catch [Exception]{
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
            if($tmpFile -and (Test-Path $tmpFile.Directory)){
                Remove-Item $tmpFile.Directory -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue

function Set-KeyboardLayout-Win10 {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'ID')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

        [ValidateSet('add', 'remove')]
        [string]$Action = 'add',

        [bool]$Default = $false,


    Begin {
        if ($ClearExist) {
            $KblList = New-Object -TypeName (New-WinUserLanguageList -Language 'en-US').GetType().FullName
        else {
            $KblList = Get-WinUserLanguageList
        $DefaultKbl = ''

    Process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name') {
            $KeyboardLayoutId = Convert-KblNameToId -LanguageTag $LanguageTag -KeyboardLayoutName $KeyboardLayoutName

        if (-not $LanguageTag) {
            $LanguageTag = Convert-LangIdToTag $KeyboardLayoutId.Substring(0, 4)

        if ($private:LangObj = $KblList.Find( {$args.LanguageTag -eq $LanguageTag})) {
            switch ($Action) {
                'add' {
                    if ($LangObj.InputMethodTips.FindIndex( {$args -eq $KeyboardLayoutId}) -lt 0) {
                        Write-Verbose ('Installing keyboard layout ({0})' -f $KeyboardLayoutId)
                        Write-Verbose 'The keyboard layout is already exist.'
                'remove' {
                    $index = $LangObj.InputMethodTips.FindIndex( {$args -eq $KeyboardLayoutId})
                    if ($index -ge 0) {
                    if ($LangObj.InputMethodTips.Count -eq 0) {
                        $index = $KblList.FindIndex( {$args.LanguageTag -eq $LanguageTag})
        else {
            switch ($Action) {
                'add' {
                    $private:Lang = New-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageTag -ea SilentlyContinue
                    if ((-not $Lang) -or (-not $Lang.EnglishName)) {
                        Write-Error ('"{0}" is not valid LanguageTag' -f $LanguageTag)
                    else {
                        if ($Lang[0].InputMethodTips.FindIndex( {$args -eq $KeyboardLayoutId}) -lt 0) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Installing keyboard layout ({0})' -f $KeyboardLayoutId)
                'remove' {
                    # nothing to do
                    Write-Verbose 'The keyboard layout is already removed. Nothing need to do.'

        if ($Default -and ($Action) -eq 'add') {
            $DefaultKbl = $KeyboardLayoutId

    End {
        if ($KblList.Count -ge 1) {
            Set-WinUserLanguageList $KblList -Force
            Write-Verbose ('Keyboard layouts installed successfully')
            if ($DefaultKbl) {
                Write-Verbose ('Set default keyboard layout ({0})' -f $DefaultKbl)
                Set-WinDefaultInputMethodOverride $DefaultKbl
        else {
            Write-Error ('No language will remain.')

   Get installed keyboard layout
   Get installed keyboard layout id (KLID)
   You can select 'CurrentUser' or 'System'
   default: 'CurrentUser'

function Get-KeyboardLayout
        [string]$Target = 'CurrentUser'

    $RegKeyLanguage = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language'
    $RegKeyLayout = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem'
    $RegKeyIdMap = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts'
    $MysteriousGUID = '{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}'

    if($Target -eq 'CurrentUser'){
        if(-not (Test-Path $RegKeyLanguage)){
            Write-Error 'Registry key not found.'

        $KeyIdMap = @{}
        Get-ChildItem $RegKeyIdMap | Get-ItemProperty | where {$_.'Layout Id'} | % {$KeyIdMap.Add($_.'Layout Id', $_.PsChildName)}

        $RegLangs = Get-Item $RegKeyLanguage
        $InstalledLangsId = $RegLangs.GetValueNames() | sort | foreach {$RegLangs.GetValue($_)}

        $InstalledLayoutId = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
        foreach($lang in $InstalledLangsId){
            $private:RegKeyTmp1 = (Join-Path $RegKeyLayout ("0x$lang\$MysteriousGUID"))
            if(Test-Path $RegKeyTmp1){
                $private:counter = 0
                    $private:RegKeyTmp2 = Join-Path $RegKeyTmp1 $counter.ToString("00000000")
                    if(Test-Path $RegKeyTmp2){
                        $private:tmp = (get-item $RegKeyTmp2).GetValue('KeyboardLayout')
                            $private:keyId = $tmp.ToString('X').PadLeft(8, '0').Substring(0,4)
                            # $private:langId = $tmp.ToString('X').PadLeft(8, '0').Substring(4,4)
                            if($keyId -and ($keyId.StartsWith('F'))){
                                $KeyId = ("0{0}" -f $KeyId.Substring(1))
                                $layoutId = $KeyIdMap.$Keyid
                                $layoutId = $keyId.PadLeft(8, '0')
                            $InstalledLayoutId.Add(('{0}:{1}' -f $lang.Substring(4,4), $layoutId).ToUpper())
                        elseif($tmp -eq 0){
                            $private:CLSID = (get-item $RegKeyTmp2).GetValue('CLSID')
                            $private:Profile = (get-item $RegKeyTmp2).GetValue('Profile')
                            $InstalledLayoutId.Add(('{0}:{1}{2}' -f $lang.Substring(4,4), $CLSID, $Profile).ToUpper())
    elseif($Target -eq 'System'){
        $InstalledLayoutId = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
        (DISM.exe /Online /Get-Intl /English) | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'Active keyboard(s)' |
            ForEach-Object {
                if($_ -match ':\s*(.*)'){$Matches[1]}
            } | ForEach-Object {
                ($_ -split ',')
            } | ForEach-Object {

    if(-not $InstalledLayoutId){
        # Write-Error 'Cannot get keyboard layout'

function Get-DefaultKeyboardLayout

    $private:RegPreload = 'HKCU:\Keyboard Layout\Preload'
    $private:RegSubstitutes = 'HKCU:\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes'
    $private:RegAssemblies = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\Assemblies'
    $private:MysteriousGUID = '{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}'
    $private:ZeroGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}'

    if(-not ($PreloadId = (Get-ItemProperty $RegPreload).1)){   # $PreloadId = d0010411
        Write-Error "Coudn't get default keyboardLayout"

    # langId equals last 4 chars of Preload value
    $langId = $PreloadId.PadLeft(8, '0').Substring(4,4)   # $langId = 0411

    if($layoutId = (Get-ItemProperty $RegSubstitutes).$PreloadId){  # $layoutId = 0002041e
        # if preload id include in the list of substitutes key, data of substitutes is layoutId
        $tmpKey = Join-Path $RegAssemblies ("0x{0}\{1}" -f $langId.PadLeft(8, '0'), $MysteriousGUID) # 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\Assemblies\0x00000411\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}'
        if(-not (Test-Path $tmpKey)){
            Write-Error "Coudn't get default keyboardLayout"
        $defaultGuid = (get-item $tmpKey).GetValue('Default')   # GUID
        $profileGuid = (get-item $tmpKey).GetValue('Profile')   # GUID
        $layoutId = (get-item $tmpKey).GetValue('KeyboardLayout')   # hex 0x04110411
        if($ZeroGuid -eq $defaultGuid){
            # if default = allzero guid => first 4 chars of keyboardLayout value = layoutId
            $layoutId = $layoutId.ToString('X').PadLeft(8, '0').Substring(0,4).PadLeft(8, '0')  # 00000411
            # layout id = combined default guid & profile guid
            $layoutId = ('{0}{1}' -f $defaultGuid, $profileGuid)    # {4518B9B5-7112-4855-B64F-2EC0DD2831E6}{54EDCC94-1524-4bb1-9FB7-7BABE4F4CA64}
    return ("{0}:{1}" -f $langId,$layoutId)

function Set-KeyboardLayoutRegistry {

        # Constant parameters
        $RegKeyAssembly = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem'
        $RegKeyLanguage = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language'
        $RegKeyIdMap = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts'
        $MysteriousGUID = '{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}'
        $AllZeroGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}'

        # Registry key initialize (if not yet)
        ($RegKeyAssembly, $RegKeyLanguage) | foreach {
            if(-not (Test-Path $_)){
                New-Item $_ -Force

        foreach($KeyboardLayoutId in $KeyboardLayoutIds){
            # Split KeyboardLayoutId to LanguageID and LayoutID e.g) 0411:00000409
            $LangId = $KeyboardLayoutId.Substring(0,4)  # First 4 chars is LanguageID (0411)
            $LayoutId = $KeyboardLayoutId.Substring(5)  # After ':' is LayoutID (00000409)

            # Parse IDs to registry values
            $RegValue_Language = $LangId.PadLeft(8, '0') # Registry value under Language (00000411)
            $RegKey_AssemblyItem = ('0x{0}' -f $RegValue_Language) # Registry key name under AssemblyItem (0x00000411)
            if($LayoutId -match "(\{[0-9a-f\-]{36}\})(\{[0-9a-f\-]{36}\})"){    # PatternA: LayoutID is combined GUIDs style
                $RegValue_CLSID = $Matches[1]   # CLSID is first guid
                $RegValue_KeyboardLayout = 0    # keyboardLayout is 0
                $RegValue_Profile = $Matches[2] # Profile is second guid
            else{   # PatternB: LayoutID is number style
                if($SpecialId = [string](Get-ItemProperty (Join-Path $RegKeyIdMap $LayoutId)).'Layout Id'){
                    $SpecialId = 'F' + $SpecialId.Substring(1)
                    $RegValue_KeyboardLayout = [Convert]::ToInt32(('0x{0}{1}' -f $SpecialId, $LangId), 16)
                    $RegValue_KeyboardLayout = [Convert]::ToInt32(('0x{0}{1}' -f $LayoutId.Substring(4), $LangId), 16)  # Combine (last 4 digits of LayoutID) and (LangugaeID) then Convert to Int. (0x04090411 => 67699729)
                $RegValue_CLSID = $AllZeroGUID
                $RegValue_Profile = $AllZeroGUID

            # STEP1: Set LanguageID to registry under 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language'
                # Check registry value already exists or not
                $LastIndex = 0
                for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt 64; $Index++) { #Max 64 (Prevent Infinite Loop)
                    $LastIndex = $Index
                    $strIndex = ([string]$Index).PadLeft(8, '0')
                    $tmpItem = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegKeyLanguage
                        if($tmpItem.$strIndex -eq $RegValue_Language){
                            $LastIndex = -1 # Reg value is exist

                # Set registry values
                if($LastIndex -eq -1){
                    Write-Verbose ('Language ID is already exist')
                    $strIndex = ([string]$LastIndex).PadLeft(8, '0')
                    Write-Verbose ('Setting LanguageID registry in "{0}"' -f $RegKeyLanguage)
                    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegKeyLanguage -Name $strIndex -Value $RegValue_Language -PropertyType 'String' | Out-Null

            # STEP2: Set LayoutID to registry under 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language'
                # Check registry set already exist
                $LastIndex = 0
                for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt 64; $Index++) { #Max 64 (Prevent Infinite Loop)
                    $LastIndex = $Index
                    $strIndex = ([string]$Index).PadLeft(8, '0')
                    $tmpPath = ($RegKeyAssembly, $RegKey_AssemblyItem, $MysteriousGUID, $strIndex) -join '\'
                    if(Test-Path $tmpPath){
                        $tmpItem = Get-ItemProperty -Path $tmpPath
                        if($tmpItem.'CLSID' -ne $RegValue_CLSID){
                        if($tmpItem.'KeyboardLayout' -ne $RegValue_KeyboardLayout){
                        if($tmpItem.'Profile' -ne $RegValue_Profile){
                        $LastIndex = -1 # Reg set is exist

                # Set registry key and values
                if($LastIndex -eq -1){
                    Write-Verbose ('LayoutID is already exist')
                    $strIndex = ([string]$LastIndex).PadLeft(8, '0')
                    $tmpPath = ($RegKeyAssembly, $RegKey_AssemblyItem, $MysteriousGUID, $strIndex) -join '\'
                    if(-not (Test-Path $tmpPath)){
                        Write-Verbose ('Setting LayoutID registry in "{0}"' -f $tmpPath)
                        New-Item $tmpPath -Force | Out-Null
                        New-ItemProperty -Path $tmpPath -Name 'CLSID' -Value $RegValue_CLSID -PropertyType 'String' | Out-Null
                        New-ItemProperty -Path $tmpPath -Name 'KeyboardLayout' -Value $RegValue_KeyboardLayout -PropertyType 'DWord' | Out-Null
                        New-ItemProperty -Path $tmpPath -Name 'Profile' -Value $RegValue_Profile -PropertyType 'String' | Out-Null

        # End
        Write-Verbose ('Operation completed successfully')

function Start-Command {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [string] $FilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
        [int]$Timeout = [int]::MaxValue
    $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    $ProcessInfo.FileName = $FilePath
    $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
    $ProcessInfo.Arguments = [string]$ArgumentList
    $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
    $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo
    $Process.Start() | Out-Null
        Write-Error ('Process timeout. Terminated. (Timeout:{0}s, Process:{1})' -f ($Timeout * 0.001), $FilePath)