
#region HEADER

$script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot)

Import-Module (Join-Path $script:moduleRoot '\DSCResources\cIniFile\cIniFile.psm1') -Force

# Begin Testing
InModuleScope 'cIniFile' {
    #region Set variables for testing

    $ExistMock = 'Exist.ini'
    $NonExistMock = 'NonExist.ini'

    $MockIniFile1 = @"

    $MockIniObject1 = [ordered]@{
        _ROOT_   = [ordered]@{
            Key1 = 'Value1'
            Key2 = 'Value2'
            Key3 = ''

        SectionA = [ordered]@{
            KeySA1 = 'ValueSA1'
            KeySA2 = 'ValueSA2'

    #endregion Set variables for testing

    #region Tests for Get-TargetResource
    Describe 'cIniFile/Get-TargetResource' {

        Mock Get-IniFile {
            return $MockIniObject1

        Mock Test-Path {$true} -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq $ExistMock}
        Mock Test-Path {$false} -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq $NonExistMock}

        Context 'Ensure = Present' {

            It 'Get exist Key Value Pair, with ROOT section' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Section = ''
                $result = Get-TargetResource @getParam
                $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present'
                $result.Path | Should -Be $getParam.Path
                $result.Key | Should -Be $getParam.Key
                $result.Value | Should -Be 'Value1'
                $result.Section | Should -Be ''

            It 'Get exist Key Value Pair, with specified section' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'KeySA1'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                $result = Get-TargetResource @getParam
                $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present'
                $result.Path | Should -Be $getParam.Path
                $result.Key | Should -Be $getParam.Key
                $result.Value | Should -Be 'ValueSA1'
                $result.Section | Should -Be 'SectionA'

            It 'If $key is empty, only check section' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = ''
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                $result = Get-TargetResource @getParam
                $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present'
                $result.Path | Should -Be $getParam.Path
                $result.Key | Should -Be $getParam.Key
                $result.Value | Should -Be ''
                $result.Section | Should -Be 'SectionA'

        Context 'Ensure = Absent' {
            It 'Should return Absent when ini file not found' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $NonExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Section = ''
                $result = Get-TargetResource @getParam
                $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'
                $result.Path | Should -Be $getParam.Path
                $result.Key | Should -Be $getParam.Key
                $result.Value | Should -Be ''
                $result.Section | Should -Be ''

            It 'If $key is empty, only check section' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = ''
                    Section = 'NOTFOUND'
                $result = Get-TargetResource @getParam
                $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'
                $result.Path | Should -Be $getParam.Path
                $result.Key | Should -Be $getParam.Key
                $result.Value | Should -Be ''
                $result.Section | Should -Be 'NOTFOUND'

            It 'Should return Absent when the key missing (with ROOT section)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'NoKey1'
                    Section = ''
                $result = Get-TargetResource @getParam
                $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'
                $result.Path | Should -Be $getParam.Path
                $result.Key | Should -Be $getParam.Key
                $result.Value | Should -Be ''
                $result.Section | Should -Be ''

            It 'Should return Absent when the key missing (with specified section)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'NoKey1'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                $result = Get-TargetResource @getParam
                $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'
                $result.Path | Should -Be $getParam.Path
                $result.Key | Should -Be $getParam.Key
                $result.Value | Should -Be ''
                $result.Section | Should -Be 'SectionA'
    #endregion Tests for Get-TargetResource

    #region Tests for Set-TargetResource
    Describe 'cIniFile/Test-TargetResource' {

        Mock Get-IniFile {
            return $MockIniObject1

        Mock Test-Path {$true} -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq $ExistMock}
        Mock Test-Path {$false} -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq $NonExistMock}

        Context 'Ensure = Present' {

            Mock Test-Path {$true}

            It 'Should return $true when the key value pair exist (with ROOT section)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Value   = 'Value1'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $true when the key value pair exist (with specified section)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'KeySA1'
                    Value   = 'ValueSA1'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $true when the key value pair exist (Value empty)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key3'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $false when ini file not found' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $NonExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $false when key value pair not exist' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'KeyX'
                    Value   = 'ValueX'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $false when the section not exist' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Value   = 'Value1'
                    Section = 'SectionX'
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $false when key value pair exist but not match value' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key2'
                    Value   = 'ValueX'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $false when key value pair exist but not match value' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key2'
                    Value   = 'ValueX'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false

        Context 'Ensure = Absent' {

            It 'Should return $true when key value pair not exist' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'KeyX'
                    Value   = 'ValueX'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $true when key value pair not exist (specified section)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'KeyX'
                    Value   = 'ValueX'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $true when the section not exist' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'KeySA1'
                    Value   = 'ValueSA1'
                    Section = 'SectionX'
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $true when the ini file not exist' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $NonExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Value   = 'Value1'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $false when key value pair exist (ROOT section)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Value   = 'Value1'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $false when the key value pair exist (specified section)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'KeySA2'
                    Value   = 'ValueSA2'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $false when the key value pair exist (empty value)' {
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $ExistMock
                    Key     = 'Key3'
                    Section = ''
                Test-TargetResource @getParam | Should -Be $false
    #endregion Tests for Set-TargetResource

    #region Tests for Set-TargetResource
    Describe 'cIniFile/Set-TargetResource' {

        Mock Get-IniFile {
                _ROOT_   = [ordered]@{
                    Key1 = 'Value1'
                    Key2 = 'Value2'
                    Key3 = ''
                SectionA = [ordered]@{
                    KeySA1 = 'ValueSA1'
                    KeySA2 = 'ValueSA2'

        BeforeEach {
            $MockIniFile1 | Out-File -FilePath (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini') -Encoding utf8 -Force

        AfterEach {
            Remove-Item (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini') -Force

        Context 'Ensure = Present' {

            It 'Create new ini file when the file not exist' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIniX.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'KeyX'
                    Value   = 'ValueX'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                Test-Path -LiteralPath $path | Should -Be $true
                Get-Content -Path $path -Encoding utf8 | Should -Be 'KeyX=ValueX'

            It 'Add Key Value Pair to ini (ROOT section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'Key4'
                    Value   = 'Value4'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Encoding utf8
                $content[3] | Should -Be 'Key4=Value4'

            It 'Add Key Value Pair to ini (specified section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'KeySA3'
                    Value   = 'ValueSA3'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Encoding utf8
                $content[6] | Should -Be 'KeySA3=ValueSA3'

            It 'Add Section and Key Value Pair to ini' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'KeySB1'
                    Value   = 'ValueSB1'
                    Section = 'SectionB'
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Encoding utf8
                $content[6] | Should -Be '[SectionB]'
                $content[7] | Should -Be 'KeySB1=ValueSB1'

            It 'Mod Value (ROOT section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'Key2'
                    Value   = 'Value2X'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Encoding utf8
                $content[1] | Should -Be 'Key2=Value2X'

            It 'Delete Value (ROOT section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'Key2'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Encoding utf8
                $content[1] | Should -Be 'Key2='

            It 'Nothing Changed if test passed' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Present'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Value   = 'Value1'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Raw -Encoding utf8
                $content | Should -Be $MockIniFile1

        Context 'Ensure = Absent' {

            It 'Nothing to do if ini not found' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIniX.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                Test-Path -LiteralPath $path | Should -Be $false

            It 'Nothing to do if target key not exist (ROOT section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'KeyX'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Raw -Encoding utf8
                $content | Should -Be $MockIniFile1

            It 'Nothing to do if target key not exist (specified section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'Key1'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $content = Get-Content -Path $path -Raw -Encoding utf8
                $content | Should -Be $MockIniFile1

            It 'Remove Key (ROOT section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'Key2'
                    Section = ''
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $path | Should -Not -FileContentMatch 'Key2'

            It 'Remove Key (specified section)' {
                $path = (Join-Path $TestDrive 'MockIni.ini')
                $getParam = @{
                    Ensure  = 'Absent'
                    Path    = $path
                    Key     = 'KeySA1'
                    Section = 'SectionA'
                { Set-TargetResource @getParam } | Should -Not -Throw

                $path | Should -Not -FileContentMatch 'KeySA1'
    #endregion Tests for Test-TargetResource

    #region Tests for Get-IniFile
    Describe 'cIniFile/Get-IniFile' {

        BeforeAll {
            $MockIniFile1 | Out-File -FilePath 'TestDrive:\MocIni1.ini' -Encoding ascii -Force

        It 'Should throw if ini file not exist' {

            { Get-IniFile -Path 'TestDrive:\MocIniX.ini' } |Should -Throw

        It 'Read ini file and convert to ordered hash' {

            $result = Get-IniFile -Path 'TestDrive:\MocIni1.ini'
            $result | Should -BeOfType System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
            $result.Count | Should -Be 2
            $result._ROOT_.Count | Should -Be 3
            $result._ROOT_.Key1 | Should -Be 'Value1'
            $result._ROOT_.Key2 | Should -Be 'Value2'
            $result._ROOT_.Key3 | Should -Be ''
            $result.SectionA.Count | Should -Be 2
            $result.SectionA.KeySA1 | Should -Be 'ValueSA1'
            $result.SectionA.KeySA2 | Should -Be 'ValueSA2'
#endregion Tests for Get-IniFile