$Title = "1.1 LAB - Script-Folder" $Description = "Build a folder with script" $SnippetText = @' Function Ensure-Folder{ $Folder = "C:\Logging" # Test-Resource If(Test-Path $Folder){ "Folder present :-)" } # Set-Resource Else{ "No folder Present!" New-Item -Path $Folder -ItemType Directory } } Ensure-Folder '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "1.2 LAB - Look at Built-In DSC Resources" $Description = "Native DSC Resources in Windows" $SnippetText = @' Get-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration Get-DscResource -Name "File" Get-DscResource -Name "File" -Syntax Get-DscResource -Name "File" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "1.3 LAB - Test Built-In DSC Resources" $Description = "Native DSC Resources in Windows verification" $SnippetText = @' $ResourceParameters = @{ DestinationPath = 'C:\Logging'; Type = 'Directory'; } Invoke-DscResource -Name "File" -Method Test -Property $ResourceParameters -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Verbose Invoke-DscResource -Name "File" -Method Set -Property $ResourceParameters -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Verbose '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "2.1 LAB - Local Configuration Manager (LCM)" $Description = "Configuring the DSC LCM" $SnippetText = @' #Look at LCM Properties Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager | Select * # Create LCM Properties: [DSCLocalConfigurationManager()] configuration LCM { Settings { ConfigurationMode = "ApplyAndAutoCorrect" RefreshMode = 'Push' DebugMode = 'All' RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true } } # Create mof LCM -OutputPath $env:TEMP ise $env:TEMP\localhost.meta.mof # Configure the DSCLocalConfigurationManager Set-DSCLocalConfigurationManager -Path $env:TEMP –Verbose '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "3.1 LAB - DSC-Folder" $Description = "Build a folder with DSC" $SnippetText = @' Configuration DSCFolder { Import-DscResource –ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration File LoggingFolder { Ensure = "Present" DestinationPath = "C:\Logging" Type = "Directory" } } DSCFolder -OutputPath $env:TEMP Start-DscConfiguration -Path $env:TEMP -Wait -Force -Verbose '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "3.2 LAB - DSC-Folder Add dependencies" $Description = "Build a folder with file DSC" $SnippetText = @' Configuration DSCFolder { Import-DscResource –ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration # Create a directory File LoggingFolder { Ensure = "Present" Type = "Directory" DestinationPath = "C:\Logging" } # Create a file File LoggingFile { Ensure = "Present" DestinationPath = "C:\Logging\Log.txt" Contents = "Hello World!" DependsOn = "[File]LoggingFolder" } } DSCFolder -OutputPath $env:TEMP Start-DscConfiguration -Path $env:TEMP -Wait -Force -Verbose '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "4.1 LAB - DSC diagnostics" $Description = "Troubleshooting DSC" $SnippetText = @' #NOTE: Get-DscConfigurationStatus | Show-Object $Status = Get-DscConfigurationStatus $Status.ResourcesInDesiredState $status.MetaConfiguration Get-DscConfiguration Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Dsc/Operational" Install-Module xDscDiagnostics -Force -Verbose -RequiredVersion 2.6.0 Update-xDscEventLogStatus -Channel Debug -Status Enabled Get-xDscOperation Trace-xDscOperation -JobId <JobId> '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "5.1 LAB - Certificate for DSC encyprion" $Description = "Build a Docusign Encryption certificate" $SnippetText = @' $Params = @{ Subject = "CN=DscEncryption" DnsName = "DscEncryption" FriendlyName = 'DSC Encryption Certifificate' TextExtension = @('{text}') KeyUsage = @('KeyEncipherment', 'DataEncipherment') CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" KeyLength = 2048 KeyAlgorithm = 'RSA' HashAlgorithm = 'SHA256' NotBefore = (Get-Date) NotAfter = (Get-Date).AddYears(2) } $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate @Params $cert | Export-Certificate –FilePath 'C:\DSCEncrypt.cer' Import-Certificate -FilePath 'C:\DSCEncrypt.cer' -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "5.2 LAB - Set LCM to use certificate" $Description = "Use a Docusign Encryption certificate in LCM" $SnippetText = @' [DSCLocalConfigurationManager()] Configuration LCM { Param( $CertificateThumbprint ) Settings { CertificateId = $CertificateThumbprint } } LCM -OutputPath $env:TEMP -CertificateThumbprint $cert.Thumbprint Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path $env:TEMP '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params $Title = "5.3 LAB - Encrypt configuration and test" $Description = "Create an encrypted configuration and test on Node" $SnippetText = @' Configuration EncryptedFile { Param( [PsCredential]$credential ) Import-DscResource –ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration Node $AllNodes.NodeName { File EncryptedInfo { DestinationPath = "C:\EncryptTest.txt" Contents = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password Credential = $credential } } } $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = "localhost" PSDscAllowDomainUser = $true CertificateFile = "C:\DSCEncrypt.cer" } ) } # Create MOF job $Cred = Get-Credential -UserName localhost\administrator -Message "Admin Credential" EncryptedFile -OutputPath $env:TEMP -Credential $Cred -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData # Verify encrypted MOF ise "$env:TEMP\localhost.mof" # Run the MOF job Start-DscConfiguration -Path $env:TEMP -Wait -Force -Verbose # Get content of created file Get-Content "C:\EncryptTest.txt" '@ $Params = @{ Force = $true Title = $Title Description = $Description Text = $SnippetText } New-IseSnippet @Params |