
List Users from Active Directory with expired or too old passwords
Shows all users from Active Directory where the password age passes a threshhold.
OU Path to search for user accounts in ADDS
.PARAMETER PreExpireDays
Number of days before password expiration to include in result
.PARAMETER ExcludeExpired
Exclude already expired accounts
Get-ADPasswordExpireList -SearchBase "OU=myCompany,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com"
Lists all users below the OU "OU=myCompany,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com" where the password has already expired
Get-ADPasswordExpireList -PreExpireDays 7 -ExcludeExpired
Lists all users in ADDS where the password will expire in the next 7 days

function Get-ADPasswordExpireList {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1)]
        [Int]$PreExpireDays = 0,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 2)]

    Begin {
        Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory
        $RootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE -Server (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
        if ($SearchBase.Length -eq 0) { $SearchBase = $RootDSE.defaultNamingContext.ToString() }
        $Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties pwdLastSet, title, department, mail, mobile
        $MaxPwdAgeDays = (Get-ADObject -Identity $RootDSE.defaultNamingContext -Properties maxPwdAge).maxPwdAge / -864000000000
        $CurrentDate = Get-Date

    Process {
        foreach ($User in $Users) {
            $PwdLastSetDate = [datetime]::FromFileTime($user.pwdLastSet)
            $PwdAge = ($CurrentDate - $PwdLastSetDate).Days

            if ($PwdAge -gt ($MaxPwdAgeDays - $PreExpireDays) -and $PwdAge -lt $MaxPwdAgeDays) {
                Write-Output -InputObject $User
            elseif (!$ExcludeExpired -and $PwdAge -gt $maxPwdAgeDays) {
                Write-Output -InputObject $User

    End {