
## testing items; commented out ones have been covered by "real" tests, now (Pester tests)
$strCluster = "oc*"
# Get-DrsVMGroup
# Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMGroup
# Get-DrsVMGroup -ReturnRawGroup
# Get-DrsVMHostGroup
# Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMHostGroup
# Get-DrsVMHostGroup -ReturnRawGroup
# Get-DrsVMtoVMRule
# Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMtoVMRule
# Get-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Cluster dcluster[01]
# Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMtoVMHostRule
New-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VM VM0,VM1,VM2
New-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp1 -Cluster $strCluster -VM VM10,VM11,VM12
New-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrpNew -Cluster $strCluster -VM VM10,VM11,fakeVMName ## should throw error -- no such VM
Set-DrsVMGroup -Name nonexistentVMGroup -Cluster $strCluster -VM VM10,VM11 ## should throw error -- no such VMGroup
Set-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VM VM1[01] ## removing one VM
Set-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VM VM12 -Append ## adding back a VM
Set-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster (Get-Cluster $strCluster) -VM VM10,VM11 ## cluster by object, remove a VM from group
Set-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VM (Get-VM VM1[23]) ## VM by object
Set-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VM fakeVMName -Append ## should throw error -- no such VM
Set-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster (Get-Cluster $strCluster) -VM (Get-VM VM10,VM11) -Append
Remove-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster
Get-DrsVMGroup VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster | Remove-DrsVMGroup
New-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost *
New-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost * ## should throw error -- dupe group name
New-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost * -Force
New-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp1 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost fakeVMHostName ## should throw error -- invalid VMHost name
Set-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost desxi03* ## set to just one VMHost
Set-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost desxi05* -Append ## append VMHost to group
Set-DrsVMhostGroup -Name fakeGroupName -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost desx* -Append ## should throw error -- invalid group name
Set-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHost fakeVMHostName -Append ## should throw error -- invalid VMHost name
Get-DrsVMHostGroup -Cluster $strCluster | Set-DrsVMHostGroup -VMHost dev0d,dev0y ## should throw error -- invalid VMHost name
Remove-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster
Get-DrsVMHostGroup -Cluster $strCluster | Remove-DrsVMhostGroup
New-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -Mandatory -VMGroupName VmGrp0 -AffineHostGroupName VMHostGrp0 -WhatIf
New-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -Mandatory -VMGroupName VmGrp0 -AffineHostGroupName VMHostGrp0 ## should throw error -- dupe rule name
New-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -Mandatory -VMGroupName VmGrp0 -AffineHostGroupName VMHostGrp0 -Force
New-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule1 -Cluster (get-cluster $strCluster) -Enabled -Mandatory -VMGroupName fakeGroupName -AffineHostGroupName VMHostGrp0 ## should throw error -- invalid VMGroup name
New-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule1 -Cluster (get-cluster $strCluster) -Enabled -Mandatory -VMGroupName VmGrp0 -AffineHostGroupName fakeGroupName ## should throw error -- invalid VMHostGroup name
Set-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled:$false
Set-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -KeepTogether:$false | fl *
Set-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled:$false -KeepTogether | fl *
Set-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name fakeRuleName -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled:$false -KeepTogether ## should throw error -- invalid rule name
Set-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMGroup fakeGroupName ## should throw error -- invalid VMgroup name
Set-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -VMHostGroup fakeGroupName ## should throw error -- invalid VMHostgroup name
Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMToVMHostRule VmToHostRule0 | Set-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Mandatory | fl *
Remove-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Cluster $strCluster -Name VmToHostRule0
Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Name VmToHostRule0 | Remove-DrsVMtoVMHostRule
New-DrsVMtoVMRule -Name VmToVmRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -KeepTogether -VM VM10,VM11
New-DrsVMtoVMRule -Name VmToVmRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -KeepTogether -VM VM10,VM11 ## should throw error -- dupe rule name
New-DrsVMtoVMRule -Name VmToVmRule1 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -KeepTogether -VM VM0,fakeVMName ## should throw error -- invalid VM name
Set-DrsVMtoVMRule -Name VmToVmRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled:$false -KeepTogether -VM VM11,VM12 -Mandatory:$false
Set-DrsVMtoVMRule -Name VmToVmRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -VM VM13 -Append
Set-DrsVMtoVMRule -Name VmToVmRule0 -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled -KeepTogether:$false -VM fakeVMName ## should throw error -- invalid VM name
Set-DrsVMtoVMRule -Name fakeRuleName -Cluster $strCluster -Enabled ## should throw error -- invalid rule name
Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMToVMRule VMToVmRule0 | Set-DrsVMtoVMRule -Mandatory:$false -KeepTogether -VM VM1[12]
Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-DrsVMToVMRule VMToVmRule0 | Remove-DrsVMToVMRule
Export-DrsRule -Path c:\rules.json
Get-Cluster $strCluster | Export-DrsRule -Name *grp0 -Path c:\temp\drsInfo_NewCluster10.json -Verbose
Import-DrsRule -ShowOnly c:\rules.json
Import-DrsRule c:\rules.json ## should throw errors as rules already exist
Import-DrsRule c:\rules.json -Force ## should prompt for removing existing rules
Import-DrsRule c:\rules.json -Force -Confirm:$false ## should just do it
Import-DrsRule -Cluster $strCluster -Path c:\temp\drsInfo_NewCluster10.json
Import-DrsRule -Path c:\temp\drsInfo_NewCluster10.json -Name hostGrp0 -Force
<# other tests
Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-VM VM0,VM1,VM2 | New-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp2 ## not taking from pipeline
## not sure will work as-is: seems like it will set group twice, once for each VM in pipeline, resulting in group with only last VM in pipeline; may need to move ReconfigureComputeResource() to end{} scriptblock
Get-Cluster $strCluster | Get-VM VM0,VM1 | Set-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster $strCluster -WhatIf
Remove-DrsVMGroup -Name fakeGroupName -Cluster $strCluster ## should throw error -- no such group; doesn't throw error
Remove-DrsVMGroup -Name VmGrp0 -Cluster (Get-Cluster $strCluster) ## problem: if group VmGrp0 does not exist, should error to that effect; currently continues as if actually removing such a group
Remove-DrsVMhostGroup -Name VMHostGrp0 -Cluster (Get-Cluster $strCluster) ## problem: if group VmGrp0 does not exist, should error to that effect; currently continues as if actually removing such a group
Remove-DrsVMhostGroup -Name fakeGroupname -Cluster $strCluster ## should throw error -- invalid group name; doesn't throw error
Remove-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Cluster $strCluster -Name VmToHostRule0 ## should throw error on 2nd run -- invalid rule name, as it was already removed; doesn't throw error
Remove-DrsVMtoVMHostRule -Cluster (Get-Cluster $strCluster) -Name nonExistentRuleName -Verbose ## should throw error -- no such rule; does not
Remove-DrsVMToVMRule fakeRuleName ## should throw error -- invalid rule name; does not