## the version of PowerCLI at which the path to "VMware.Vim.dll" changed from "${env:\ProgramFiles(x86)}\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\." (two folders up from the core module's directory) to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module directory ## build 4624819 is PowerCLI 6.5R1 (6.5.0, build 4624819); this (6.5rel1) is module version $verPowerCLIWhereDllMovedToModuleDir = [System.Version]"" ## the version of PowerShell at which the path to "VMware.Vim.dll" changed from the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module directory to the two subfolders 'net45' and 'netcoreapp2.0'; the .dll appropriate for the PowerShell version depends on if PowerShell is Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core (net45 for Windows PowerShell, netcoreapp2.0 for PowerShell Core) $verPowerCLIWhereDllMovedToDotNetSubdir = [System.Version]"10.0" ## do things to eventually determine the path to the VMware PowerCLI assembly "VMware.Vim.dll"; partially modeled after goodness in v10 of VMware.VimAutomation.Core.psm1 from VMware -- thanks, VMware! ## get the module info for VMware.VimAutomation.Core module for either the currently loaded version (if any), or the latest version available in the PSModulePath otherwise $oModuleInfo = if ($oTmp_currentlyLoadedModuleVersion = Get-Module -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) {$oTmp_currentlyLoadedModuleVersion} else {Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core | Sort-Object -Property Version | Select-Object -Last 1} ## the directory in which the VMware.Vim.dll file resides, based on module version $strVMwareVimDllDirectory = if ($oModuleInfo.Version -ge $verPowerCLIWhereDllMovedToModuleDir) { ## if PowerCLI v10 or greater, get the appropriate, PowerShell-Edition-specific subdirectory from which to use the given .dll if ($oModuleInfo.Version -gt $verPowerCLIWhereDllMovedToDotNetSubdir) { $strDotNetSubdirNameToUse = if (($PSVersionTable.Keys -contains "PSEdition") -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne "Desktop")) {"netcoreapp2.0"} else {"net45"} Join-Path -Path $oModuleInfo.ModuleBase -ChildPath $strDotNetSubdirNameToUse } ## end if ## else, the .dll is in the ModuleBase directory else {$oModuleInfo.ModuleBase} } ## end if ## else, the .dll is in the old location else {(Get-Item (Get-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core).ModuleBase).Parent.Parent.FullName} ## the full filespec of the DLL $strVMwareVimDllFilespec = Join-Path -Path $strVMwareVimDllDirectory -ChildPath "VMware.Vim.dll" Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $strVMwareVimDllFilespec -TypeDefinition @" using VMware.Vim; namespace DRSRule { public class VMGroup { public string Name; public string Cluster; public string[] VM; public ManagedObjectReference[] VMId; public bool UserCreated; public string Type; // not populated/used //public string Id; // Implicit constructor public VMGroup () {} } public class VMHostGroup { public string Name; public string Cluster; public string[] VMHost; public ManagedObjectReference[] VMHostId; public bool UserCreated; public string Type; //public string Id; // Implicit constructor public VMHostGroup () {} } public class VMToVMRule { public string Name; public string Cluster; public string ClusterId; public bool Enabled; public bool Mandatory; public bool KeepTogether; public string[] VM; public ManagedObjectReference[] VMId; public bool UserCreated; public string Type; // Implicit constructor public VMToVMRule () {} } public class VMToVMHostRule { public string Name; public string Cluster; public string ClusterId; public bool Enabled; public bool Mandatory; // KeepTogether is not a property of this type, but is deduced from which of the AffineHostGroupName/AntiAffineHostGroupName properties is populated //public bool KeepTogether; public string VMGroupName; public string AffineHostGroupName; public string AntiAffineHostGroupName; public bool UserCreated; public string Type; // Implicit constructor public VMToVMHostRule () {} } } "@ |