############################################################################################# # DISCLAIMER: # # # # THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE NOT SUPPORTED UNDER ANY MICROSOFT STANDARD SUPPORT # # PROGRAM OR SERVICE. THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY # # OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT # # LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # # PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS # # AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT, ITS AUTHORS, OR # # ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THE SCRIPTS BE LIABLE # # FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS # # PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) # # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS OR DOCUMENTATION, # # EVEN IF MICROSOFT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES # ############################################################################################# Function get-DLHierarchyFromLDAP { <# .SYNOPSIS This function utilizes LDAP to create a tree view of group membership. .DESCRIPTION This function utilizes LDAP to create a tree view of group membership. .PARAMETER GROUPOBJECTID *REQUIRED* This is the group object ID from Entra ID. .PARAMETER LOGFOLDERPATH *REQUIRED* This is the logging directory for storing the migration log and all backup XML files. If running multiple SINGLE instance migrations use different logging directories. .PARAMETER GLOBALCATALOGSERVER *REQUIERD* Specifies the global catalog to utilize for the query. .PARAMETER ACTIVEDIRECTORYCREDENTIALS *REQEUIRED* Specifies the active directory credentials to utilize for AD web service calls. .PARAMETER ALLOWTELEMETRYCOLLECTION *OPTIONAL* Specifies if telemetry collection is allowed. .OUTPUTS Generates a tree view hiearchy file. .NOTES The following blog posts maintain documentation regarding this module. Refer to the first pinned blog post that is the table of contents. .EXAMPLE get-DLHierarchyFromLDAP -globalCatalogServer GC -activeDirectoryCredentials $creds #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$groupObjectID, #Local Active Director Domain Controller Parameters [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$globalCatalogServer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [pscredential]$activeDirectoryCredential, #Define other mandatory parameters [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$logFolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)] [boolean]$allowTelemetryCollection=$TRUE, #Define other non-mandatory parameters. [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)] [boolean]$expandGroupMembership=$TRUE, [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)] [boolean]$expandDynamicGroupMembership=$TRUE, [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)] [boolean]$enableTextOutput=$TRUE, [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)] [boolean]$enableHTMLOutput=$TRUE, [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)] [boolean]$reverseHierarchy=$FALSE ) #Define script based variables. #$logFileName = (Get-Date -Format FileDateTime) #Use random file date time for the log file name. $logFileName = $groupObjectID #Define the output file. [string]$global:outputFile="" #Initialize telemetry collection. $appInsightAPIKey = "63d673af-33f4-401c-931e-f0b64a218d89" $traceModuleName = "DLHierarchy" #Create telemetry values. $telemetryDLHierarchyVersion = $NULL $telemetryActiveDirectoryVersion = $NULL $telemetryOSVersion = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).version $telemetryStartTime = get-universalDateTime $telemetryEndTime = $NULL [double]$telemetryElapsedSeconds = 0 $telemetryEventName = "get-DLHierarchyFromExchangeOnline" [boolean]$telemetryError=$FALSE #Specify stub object types. $LDAPGroupType = "Group" $LDAPType = "LDAP" [int]$defaultIndent = 0 $global:childCounter = 0 $global:ldapObjects =@() $global:groupCounter = @() $global:userCounter = @() $global:contactCounter = @() $global:dynamicGroupCounter = @() $totalObjectsProcessed = 0 #Define windows title. $windowTitle = ("Get-DLHierarchyFromLDAP "+$groupObjectID) $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $windowTitle #Define variables utilized in the core function that are not defined by parameters. $coreVariables = @{ globalCatalogPort = @{ "Value" = ":3268" ; "Description" = "Global catalog port definition" } globalCatalogWithPort = @{ "Value" = ($globalCatalogServer+($corevariables.globalCatalogPort.value)) ; "Description" = "Global catalog server with port" } activeDirectoryPowershellModuleName = @{ "Value" = "ActiveDirectory" ; "Description" = "Static active directory powershell module name" } DLHierarchy = @{ "Value" = "DLHierarchy" ; "Description" = "Static dlConversionv2 powershell module name" } } $processedGroupIds = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] #Create the log file. new-logfile -logFileName $logFileName -logFolderPath $logFolderPath out-logfile -string "***********************************************************" out-logfile -string "Starting get-DLHierarchyFromLDAP" out-logfile -string "***********************************************************" if ($allowTelemetryCollection -eq $TRUE) { start-telemetryConfiguration -allowTelemetryCollection $allowTelemetryCollection -appInsightAPIKey $appInsightAPIKey -traceModuleName $traceModuleName } out-logfile -string "Testing for supported version of Powershell engine." test-powershellVersion out-logfile -string "********************************************************************************" out-logfile -string "NOCTICE" out-logfile -string "Telemetry collection is now enabled by default." out-logfile -string "For information regarding telemetry collection see" out-logfile -string "Administrators may opt out of telemetry collection by using -allowTelemetryCollection value FALSE" out-logfile -string "Telemetry collection is appreciated as it allows further development and script enhacement." out-logfile -string "********************************************************************************" #Output all parameters bound or unbound and their associated values. Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "PARAMETERS" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" write-functionParameters -keyArray $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -parameterArray $PSBoundParameters -variableArray (Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore) out-logfile -string "Ensure that all strings specified have no leading or trailing spaces." out-logfile -string "If reverse hiearchy is enabled - disable group expansion." if ($reverseHierarchy -eq $TRUE) { $expandGroupMembership = $FALSE } #Perform cleanup of any strings so that no spaces existin trailing or leading. $groupObjectID = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $groupObjectID $logFolderPath = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $logFolderPath $globalCatalogServer=remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $globalCatalogServer out-logfile -string "Testing to ensure group ID passed is a GUID format." if (test-isGUID -stringGUID $groupObjectID) { out-logfile -string "Group is vaild string format." } else { Out-logfile -string "Identifier should be an acceptable GUID format. This incldues objectGUID, externalDirectoryObjectID, ExchangeObjectID" } Out-LogFile -string "Calling Test-PowerShellModule to validate the Active Directory is installed." $telemetryActiveDirectoryVersion = Test-PowershellModule -powershellModuleName $corevariables.activeDirectoryPowershellModuleName.value out-logfile -string "Calling Test-PowershellModule to validate the DL Conversion Module version installed." $telemetryDLHierarchyVersion = Test-PowershellModule -powershellModuleName $corevariables.DLHierarchy.value -powershellVersionTest:$TRUE out-logfile -string "Start building tree from group..." $tree = Get-GroupWithChildren -objectID $groupObjectID -processedGroupIds $processedGroupIds -objectType $LDAPGroupType -queryMethodLDAP:$TRUE -globalCatalogServer $coreVariables.globalCatalogWithPort.Value -activeDirectoryCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -expandGroupMembership $expandGroupMembership -expandDynamicGroupMembership $expandDynamicGroupMembership -firstLdapQuery $TRUE -reverseHierarchy $reverseHierarchy if ($enableTextOutput -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Set header in output file to group name." $global:outputFile += "Group Hierarchy for Group ID: "+$groupObjectID+"`n" out-logfile -string "Print hierarchy to log file." print-tree -node $tree -indent $defaultIndent -outputType $LDAPType -reverseHierarchy $reverseHierarchy out-logfile -string "Export hierarchy to file." out-HierarchyFile -outputFileName ("Hierarchy-"+$logFileName) -logFolderPath $global:logFolderPath } else { out-logfile -string "Text output is disabled." } $global:groupCounter = $global:groupCounter | select-object -Unique $global:userCounter = $global:userCounter | select-object -Unique $global:contactCounter = $global:contactCounter | select-object -Unique $global:dynamicGroupCounter = $global:dynamicGroupCounter | select-object -Unique if ($enableHTMLOutput -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Generate HTML File..." start-HTMLOutput -node $tree -outputType $LDAPType -groupObjectID $groupObjectID -reverseHierarchy $reverseHierarchy } else { out-logfile -string "HTML file generation is disabled." } $totalObjectsProcessed = $global:groupCounter.count + $global:contactCounter.count + $global:userCounter.count +$global:dynamicGroupCounter.count Out-logfile -string ("Groups Processed: "+$global:groupCounter.count) out-logfile -string ("Users Processed: "+$global:userCounter.count) out-logfile -string ("Contacts Processed: "+$global:contactCounter.count) out-logfile -string ("Dynamic Groups Processed: "+$global:dynamicGroupCounter.count) out-logfile -string ("Total objects processed: "+$totalObjectsProcessed) $telemetryEndTime = get-universalDateTime $telemetryElapsedSeconds = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryStartTime -endTime $telemetryEndTime $telemetryEventProperties = @{ DLConversionV2Command = $telemetryEventName DLHierarchyVersion = $telemetryDLHierarchyVersion ActiveDirectoryVersion = $telemetryActiveDirectoryVersion OSVersion = $telemetryOSVersion MigrationStartTimeUTC = $telemetryStartTime MigrationEndTimeUTC = $telemetryEndTime MigrationErrors = $telemetryError GroupsProcessed = $global:groupCounter.count UsersProcessed = $global:userCounter.count ContactsProcessed = $global:contactCounter.count DynamicGroupsProcessed = $global:dynamicGroupCounter.count TotalObjectsProcessed = $totalObjectsProcessed } $telemetryEventMetrics = @{ MigrationElapsedSeconds = $telemetryElapsedSeconds } if ($allowTelemetryCollection -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Telemetry1" out-logfile -string $traceModuleName out-logfile -string "Telemetry2" out-logfile -string $telemetryEventName out-logfile -string "Telemetry3" out-logfile -string $telemetryEventMetrics out-logfile -string "Telemetry4" out-logfile -string $telemetryEventProperties send-TelemetryEvent -traceModuleName $traceModuleName -eventName $telemetryEventName -eventMetrics $telemetryEventMetrics -eventProperties $telemetryEventProperties } } |