
# #

Function Start-DistributionListMigration 
    This is the trigger function that begins the process of allowing an administrator to migrate a distribution list from
    on premises to Office 365.
    Trigger function.
    This attribute specifies the windows mail address of the group to be migrated.
    This attribute specifies the global catalog server that will be utilized to process Active Directory commands.
    This attribute specifies the credentials for Active Directory connections.
    Domain admin credentials are required if the group does not have resorces outside of the domain where the group resides.
    Enterprise admin credentials are required if the group has resources across multiple domains in the forest.
    Allows the administrator to specify kerberos or basic authentication for connections to Active Directory.
    This parameter specifies the FQDN of the Azure Active Directory Connect Server.
    When specified the server is utilized to trigger delta syncs to provide timely migrations.
    If not specified the script will wait for standard sync cycles to run.
    *MANDATORY with AADConnectServer specified*
    This parameter specifies the credentials used to connect to the AADConnect server.
    The account specified must be a member of the local administrators sync group of the AADConnect Server
    Allows the administrator to specify kerberos or basic authentication for connections to the AADConnect server.
    *REQUIRED with enableHybridMailFlow:TRUE*
    This parameter specifies that local Exchange on premises installation utilized for hybrid mail flow enablement.
    Exchange server is no required for migrations unlss enable hyrbid mail flow is required.
    *REQUIRED with ExchangeServer specified*
    This is the credential utilized to connect to the Exchange server remote powershell instance.
    Exchange Organization Adminitrator rights are recommended.
    This specifies the authentication method for the Exchage on-premsies remote powershell session.
    *REQUIRED if ExchangeOnlineCertificateThumbprint not specified*
    *NOT ALLOWED if ExchangeCertificateThubprint is specified*
    The credential utilized to connect to Exchange Online.
    This account cannot have interactive logon requirements such as multi-factored authentication.
    Exchange Organization Administrator rights recommened.
    *REQUIRED if ExchangeOnlineCredential is not specified*
    *NOT ALLOWED if ExchangeCredential is specified*
    This is the thumbprint of the certificate utilized to authenticate to the Azure application created for Exchange Certificate Authentication
    *REQUIRED only with ExchangeCertificateThumbpint*
    This specifies the Exchange Online oragnization name in domain.onmicroosft.com format.
    This specifies the Exchange Online environment to connect to if a non-commercial forest is utilized.
    *REQUIRED with ExchangeCertificateThumbprint*
    This specifies the application ID of the Azure application for Exchange certificate authentication.
    *REQUIRED if AzureCertificateThumbprint is not specified*
    This is the credential utilized to connect to Azure Active Directory.
    Global administrator is the tested permissions set / minimum permissions to execute get-azureADGroup
    *DEFAULT: AzureCloud*
    This is the Azure tenant type to connect to if a non-commercial tenant is used.
    *REQUIRED if AzureCertificateThumbprint is specified*
    This is the Azure tenant ID / GUID utilized for Azure certificate authentication.
    *REQUIRED if AzureADCredential is not specified*
    This is the certificate thumbprint associated with the Azure app id for Azure certificate authentication
    *REQUIRED if AzureCertificateThumbprint is specified*
    This is the application ID assocaited with the Azure application created for certificate authentication.
    This is the logging directory for storing the migration log and all backup XML files.
    If running multiple SINGLE instance migrations use different logging directories.
    This is the organizational unit configured in Azure AD Connect to not sync.
    This is utilize for temporary group storage to process the deletion of the group from Office 365.
    By default the original group is retained, mail disabled, and renamed with an !.
    If the group should be deleted post migration set this value to TRUE.
    *REQUIRES use of ExchangeServer and ExchangeCredential*
    This option enables mail flow objects in the on-premises Active Directory post migration.
    This supports relay scenarios through the onpremises Exchange organization.
    This allows the administrator to override the group creation type in Office 365.
    For example, an on premises security group may be migrated to Office 365 as a distribution only list.
    If any security dependencies are discovered during the migration this option is always overridden to preserve security and the settings.
    *Parameter retained for backwards compatibility but now disabled.*
    If centralized transport enabled is detected during migration this switch is required.
    This is an administrator acknowledgement that emails may flow externally in certain mail flow scenarios for migrated groups.
    Allows for on-premises group creation in Office 365 from forests that are not directory syncrhonized for some reason.
    *Requires us of start-collectOnPremFullMailboxAccess*
    This switch will import pre-collected full mailbox access data for the on premises organization and detect permissions for migrated DLs.
    *Requires use of start-collectOffice365FullMailboxAccess
    THis switch will import pre-collected full mailbox access data from the Office 365 organiation and detect permissions for migrated DLs.
    *Requires use of start-collectOnPremSendAs*
    This switch will import pre-collected send as data from the on premsies Exchange organization and detect dependencies on the migrated DLs.
    *Requires use of start-collectOnPremMailboxFolderPermissions*
    This switch will import pre-collected mailbox folder permissions for any default or user created folders within mailboxes.
    The data is searched to discover any dependencies on the migrated DL.
    *Requires use of start-collectOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions*
    This switch will import pre-collected mailbox folder permissions for any default or user created folders within mailboxes.
    The data is searched to discover any dependencies on the migrated DL.
    Allows administrators to opt out of telemetry collection for DL migrations. No identifiable information is collected in telemetry.
    Allows administrators to opt out of detailed telemetry collection. Detailed telemetry collection includes information such as attribute member counts and time to process stages of the migration.
    Specifies if the function call is performing a distribution list health check.
    Logs all activities and backs up all original data to the log folder directory.
    Moves the distribution group from on premieses source of authority to office 365 source of authority.
    The following blog posts maintain documentation regarding this module.
    Refer to the first pinned blog post that is the table of contents.
    Start-DistributionListMigration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -globalCatalogServer server.domain.com -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -logfolderpath c:\temp -dnNoSyncOU "OU" -exchangeOnlineCredential $cred -azureADCredential $cred
    Start-DistributionListMigration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -globalCatalogServer server.domain.com -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -logfolderpath c:\temp -dnNoSyncOU "OU" -exchangeOnlineCredential $cred -azureADCredential $cred -enableHybridMailFlow:$TRUE -triggerUpgradeToOffice365Group:$TRUE
    Start-DistributionListMigration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -globalCatalogServer server.domain.com -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -logfolderpath c:\temp -dnNoSyncOU "OU" -exchangeOnlineCredential $cred -azureADCredential $cred -enableHybridMailFlow:$TRUE -triggerUpgradeToOffice365Group:$TRUE -useCollectedOnPremMailboxFolderPermissions:$TRUE -useCollectedOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions:$TRUE -useCollectedOnPremSendAs:$TRUE -useCollectedOnPremFullMailboxAccess:$TRUE -useCollectedOffice365FullMailboxAccess:$TRUE


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        #Local Active Director Domain Controller Parameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        #Azure Active Directory Connect Parameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        #Exchange On-Premises Parameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        #Exchange Online Parameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        #Define Microsoft Graph Parameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [boolean]$removeGroupViaGraph = $false,
        #Define other mandatory parameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        #Defining optional parameters for retention and upgrade
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$dnNoSyncOU = "NotSet",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [boolean]$retainOriginalGroup = $TRUE,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [boolean]$enableHybridMailflow = $FALSE,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        #Definte parameters for pre-collected permissions
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        #Define paramters for naming conventions.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        #Define parameters for multi-threaded operations
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $FALSE)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $FALSE)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory =$FALSE)]

    $htmlStartTime = get-date

    #Establish required MS Graph Scopes

    $msGraphScopesRequired = @("User.Read.All", "Group.Read.All")

    #Initialize telemetry collection.

    $appInsightAPIKey = "63d673af-33f4-401c-931e-f0b64a218d89"
    $traceModuleName = "DLConversion"

    if ($allowTelemetryCollection -eq $TRUE)
        start-telemetryConfiguration -allowTelemetryCollection $allowTelemetryCollection -appInsightAPIKey $appInsightAPIKey -traceModuleName $traceModuleName

    #Create telemetry values.

    $telemetryDLConversionV2Version = $NULL
    $telemetryExchangeOnlineVersion = $NULL
    $telemetryAzureADVersion = $NULL
    $telemetryMSGraphAuthentication = $NULL
    $telemetryMSGraphUsers = $NULL
    $telemetryMSGraphGroups = $NULL
    $telemetryActiveDirectoryVersion = $NULL
    $telemetryOSVersion = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).version
    $telemetryStartTime = get-universalDateTime
    $telemetryEndTime = $NULL
    [double]$telemetryElapsedSeconds = 0
    $telemetryEventName = "Start-DistributionListMigration"

    $windowTitle = ("Start-DistributionListMigration "+$groupSMTPAddress)
    $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $windowTitle

    #Define a global for DLConfiguration cleanup.

    $global:DLMoveCleanup = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        originalDLConfiguration = $null
        adCredential = $activeDirectoryCredential
        globalCatalogServer = $globalCatalogServer

     #Define the status directory.


    #Define global variables.

    $global:blogURL = "https://timmcmic.wordpress.com"

    if ($isHealthCheck -eq $FALSE)
        $global:logFile=$NULL #This is the global variable for the calculated log file name

    #Define variables for import data - used for importing data into pre-collect.

    [array]$importData=@() #Empty array for the import data.
    [string]$importFilePath=$NULL #Import file path where the XML data is located to import (calculated later)

    if ($isMultiMachine -eq $TRUE)
            #At this point we know that multiple machines was in use.
            #For multiple machines - the local controller instance mapped the drive Z for us in windows.
            #Therefore we override the original log folder path passed in and just use Z.

            $logFolderPath = $networkName+":"

    #Define the nested groups csv.

    [string]$nestedGroupCSV = "nestedGroups.csv"
    [string]$nestedGroupException = "*Nested_Group_Exception*"
    [string]$nestedCSVPath = $logFolderPath+"\"+$nestedGroupCSV

    if ($isHealthCheck -eq $FALSE)
        #Define the sub folders for multi-threading.


        #If multi threaded - the log directory needs to be created for each thread.
        #Create the log folder path for status before changing the log folder path.

        if ($totalThreadCount -gt 0)
            new-statusFile -logFolderPath $logFolderPath


    #For mailbox folder permissions set these to false.
    #Supported methods for gathering folder permissions require use of the pre-collection.
    #Precolletion automatically sets these to true. These were origianlly added to support doing it at runtime - but its too slow.

    #Define variables utilized in the core function that are not defined by parameters.

    $coreVariables = @{ 
        useOnPremisesExchange = @{ "Value" = $FALSE ; "Description" = "Boolean determines if Exchange on premises should be utilized" }
        useAADConnect = @{ "Value" = $FALSE ; "Description" = "Boolean determines if an AADConnect isntance will be utilzied" }
        exchangeOnPremisesPowershellSessionName = @{ "Value" = "ExchangeOnPremises" ; "Description" = "Static exchange on premises powershell session name" }
        aadConnectPowershellSessionName = @{ "Value" = "AADConnect" ; "Description" = "Static AADConnect powershell session name" }
        ADGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName = @{ "Value" = "ADGlobalCatalog" ; "Description" = "Static AD Domain controller powershell session name" }
        exchangeOnlinePowershellModuleName = @{ "Value" = "ExchangeOnlineManagement" ; "Description" = "Static Exchange Online powershell module name" }
        activeDirectoryPowershellModuleName = @{ "Value" = "ActiveDirectory" ; "Description" = "Static active directory powershell module name" }
        azureActiveDirectoryPowershellModuleName = @{ "Value" = "AzureAD" ; "Description" = "Static azure active directory powershell module name" }
        msGraphAuthenticationPowershellModuleName = @{ "Value" = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication" ; "Description" = "Static ms graph powershell name authentication" }
        msGraphUsersPowershellModuleName = @{ "Value" = "Microsoft.Graph.Users" ; "Description" = "Static ms graph powershell name users" }
        msGraphGroupsPowershellModuleName = @{ "Value" = "Microsoft.Graph.Groups" ; "Description" = "Static ms graph powershell name groups" }
        dlConversionPowershellModule = @{ "Value" = "DLConversionV2" ; "Description" = "Static dlConversionv2 powershell module name" }
        globalCatalogPort = @{ "Value" = ":3268" ; "Description" = "Global catalog port definition" }
        globalCatalogWithPort = @{ "Value" = ($globalCatalogServer+($corevariables.globalCatalogPort.value)) ; "Description" = "Global catalog server with port" }

    #The variables below are utilized to define working parameter sets.
    #Some variables are assigned to single values - since these will be utilized with functions that query or set information.

    $onPremADAttributes = @{
        onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembers = @{"Value" = "dlMemSubmitPerms" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Accept Messages from DL Members"}
        onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembersCommon = @{"Value" = "AcceptMessagesFromMembers" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Accept Messages from DL Members"}
        onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembers = @{"Value" = "dlMemRejectPerms" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Reject Messages from DL Members"}
        onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembersCommon = @{"Value" = "RejectMessagesFromMembers" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Reject Messages from DL Members"}
        onPremBypassModerationFromDL = @{"Value" = "msExchBypassModerationFromDLMembersLink" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Bypass Moderation from DL Members"}
        onPremBypassModerationFromDLCommon = @{"Value" = "BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Bypass Moderation from DL Members"}
        onPremForwardingAddress = @{"Value" = "altRecipient" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for ForwardingAddress"}
        onPremForwardingAddressCommon = @{"Value" = "ForwardingAddress" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for ForwardingAddress"}
        onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo = @{"Value" = "publicDelegates" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Grant Send on Behalf To"}
        onPremGrantSendOnBehalfToCommon = @{"Value" = "GrantSendOnBehalfTo" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Grant Send on Behalf To"}
        onPremRejectMessagesFromSenders = @{"Value" = "unauthorig" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Reject Messages from Sender"}
        onPremRejectMessagesFromSendersCommon = @{"Value" = "RejectMessagesFromSenders" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Reject Messages from Sender"}
        onPremAcceptMessagesFromSenders = @{"Value" = "authOrig" ; "Description" = "LDAp Attribute for Accept Messages From Sender"} 
        onPremAcceptMessagesFromSendersCommon = @{"Value" = "AcceptMessagesFromSenders" ; "Description" = "LDAp Attribute for Accept Messages From Sender"} 
        onPremManagedBy = @{"Value" = "managedBy" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Managed By"}
        onPremManagedByCommon = @{"Value" = "ManagedBy" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Managed By"}
        onPremCoManagedBy = @{"Value" = "msExchCoManagedByLink" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attributes for Co Managers (Muiltivalued ManagedBy)"}
        onPremCoManagedByCommon = @{"Value" = "ManagedBy" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attributes for Co Managers (Muiltivalued ManagedBy)"}
        onPremModeratedBy = @{"Value" = "msExchModeratedByLink" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attrbitute for Moderated By"}
        onPremModeratedByCommon = @{"Value" = "ModeratedBy" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attrbitute for Moderated By"}
        onPremBypassModerationFromSenders = @{"Value" = "msExchBypassModerationLink" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Bypass Moderation from Senders"}
        onPremBypassModerationFromSendersCommon = @{"Value" = "BypassModerationFromSendersorMembers" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Bypass Moderation from Senders"}
        onPremMembers = @{"Value" = "member" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Distribution Group Members" }
        onPremMembersCommon = @{"Value" = "Member" ; "Description" = "LDAP Attribute for Distribution Group Members" }
        onPremForwardingAddressBL = @{"Value" = "altRecipientBL" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Forwarding Address"}
        onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembersBL = @{"Value" = "dlMemRejectPermsBL" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Reject Messages from DL Members"}
        onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembersBL = @{"Value" = "dlMemSubmitPermsBL" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Accept Messages from DL Members"}
        onPremManagedObjects = @{"Value" = "managedObjects" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Managed By"}
        onPremMemberOf = @{"Value" = "memberOf" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Members"}
        onPremBypassModerationFromDLMembersBL = @{"Value" = "msExchBypassModerationFromDLMembersBL" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Bypass Moderation from DL Members"}
        onPremCoManagedByBL = @{"Value" = "msExchCoManagedObjectsBL" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Co Managers (Multivalued ManagedBY)"}
        onPremGrantSendOnBehalfToBL = @{"Value" = "publicDelegatesBL" ; "Description" = "LDAP Backlink Attribute for Grant Send On Behalf To"}
        onPremGroupType = @{"Value" = "groupType" ; "Description" = "Value representing universal / global / local / security / distribution"}

    #Define the Office 365 attributes that will be used for filters.

    $office365Attributes  = @{ 
        office365AcceptMessagesFrom = @{ "Value" = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 objects that have accept messages from senders or members for the migrated group"}
        office365BypassModerationFrom = @{ "Value" = "BypassModerationFromDLMembers" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 objects that have bypass moderation from senders or members for the migrated group"}
        office365CoManagers = @{ "Value" = "CoManagedBy" ; "Description" = "ALl office 365 objects that have managed by set for the migrated group"}
        office365GrantSendOnBehalfTo = @{ "Value" = "GrantSendOnBehalfTo" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 objects that have grant sent on behalf to for the migrated group"}
        office365ManagedBy = @{ "Value" = "ManagedBy" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 objects that have managed by set on the group"}
        office365Members = @{ "Value" = "Members" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 groups that the migrated group is a member of"}
        office365RejectMessagesFrom = @{ "Value" = "RejectMessagesFromDLMembers" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 groups that have the reject messages from senders or members right assignged to the migrated group"}
        office365ForwardingAddress = @{ "Value" = "ForwardingAddress" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 objects that have the migrated group set for forwarding"}
        office365BypassModerationusers = @{ "Value" = "BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 objects that have bypass moderation for the migrated group"}
        office365UnifiedAccept = @{ "Value" = "AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 Unified Groups that the migrated group has accept messages from senders or members rights assigned"}
        office365UnifiedReject = @{ "Value" = "RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers" ; "Description" = "All Office 365 Unified Groups that the migrated group has reject messages from senders or members rights assigned"}

    #Static variables utilized for the Exchange On-Premsies Powershell.

    $onPremExchangePowershell = @{
        exchangeServerConfiguration = @{"Value" = "Microsoft.Exchange" ; "Description" = "Defines the Exchange Remote Powershell configuration"} 
        exchangeServerAllowRedirection = @{"Value" = $TRUE ; "Description" = "Defines the Exchange Remote Powershell redirection preference"} 
        exchangeServerURI = @{"Value" = "https://"+$exchangeServer+"/powershell" ; "Description" = "Defines the Exchange Remote Powershell connection URL"} 
        exchangeServerURIKerberos = @{"Value" = "http://"+$exchangeServer+"/powershell" ; "Description" = "Defines the Exchange Remote Powershell connection URL"} 

    #Define XML files to contain backups.

    $xmlFiles = @{
        originalDLConfigurationADXML = @{ "Value" =  "originalDLConfigurationADXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that exports the original DL configuration"}
        originalDLConfigurationUpdatedXML = @{ "Value" =  "originalDLConfigurationUpdatedXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that exports the updated DL configuration"}
        office365DLConfigurationXML = @{ "Value" =  "office365DLConfigurationXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that exports the Office 365 DL configuration"}
        office365GroupConfigurationXML = @{ "Value" = "office365GroupConfigurationXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that exports the Office 365 Group configuraiton"}
        office365DLConfigurationPostMigrationXML = @{ "Value" =  "office365DLConfigurationPostMigrationXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that exports the Office 365 DL configuration post migration"}
        office365DLMembershipPostMigrationXML = @{ "Value" =  "office365DLMembershipPostMigrationXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that exports the Office 365 DL membership post migration"}
        exchangeDLMembershipSMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeDLMemberShipSMTPXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the SMTP addresses of the on premises DL membership"}
        exchangeRejectMessagesSMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeRejectMessagesSMTPXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the Reject Messages From Senders or Members property of the on premises DL"}
        exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTPXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the Accept Messages from Senders or Members property of the on premises DL"}
        exchangeManagedBySMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeManagedBySMTPXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the ManagedBy proprty of the on premises DL"}
        exchangeModeratedBySMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeModeratedBYSMTPXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the Moderated By property of the on premises DL"}
        exchangeBypassModerationSMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeBypassModerationSMTPXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the Bypass Moderation From Senders or Members property of the on premises DL"}
        exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the Grant Send On Behalf To property of the on premises DL"}
        exchangeSendAsSMTPXML = @{ "Value" =  "exchangeSendASSMTPXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds the Send As rights of the on premises DL"}
        allGroupsMemberOfXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupsMemberOfXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all of on premises groups the migrated group is a member of"}
        allGroupsRejectXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupsRejectXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all of the on premises groups the migrated group has reject rights assigned"}
        allGroupsAcceptXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupsAcceptXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all of the on premises groups the migrated group has accept rights assigned"}
        allGroupsBypassModerationXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupsBypassModerationXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all of the on premises groups that the migrated group has bypass moderation rights assigned"}
        allUsersForwardingAddressXML = @{ "Value" =  "allUsersForwardingAddressXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all recipients the migrated group hsa forwarding address set on"}
        allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfToXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfToXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all of the on premises objects that the migrated group hsa grant send on behalf to on"}
        allGroupsManagedByXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupsManagedByXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all of the on premises objects the migrated group has managed by rights assigned"}
        allGroupsSendAsXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupSendAsXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all of the on premises objects that have the migrated group with send as rights assigned"}
        allGroupsSendAsNormalizedXML= @{ "Value" = "allGroupsSendAsNormalizedXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all normalized send as right"}
        allGroupsFullMailboxAccessXML = @{ "Value" =  "allGroupsFullMailboxAccessXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all full mailbox access rights assigned to the migrated group"}
        allMailboxesFolderPermissionsXML = @{ "Value" =  "allMailboxesFolderPermissionsXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all mailbox folder permissions assigned to the migrated group"}
        allOffice365MemberOfXML= @{ "Value" = "allOffice365MemberOfXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds All cloud only groups that have the migrated group as a member"}
        allOffice365AcceptXML= @{ "Value" = "allOffice365AcceptXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds All cloud only groups that have the migrated group assigned accept messages from senders or members rights"}
        allOffice365RejectXML= @{ "Value" = "allOffice365RejectXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds All cloud only groups that have the migrated group assigned reject messages from senders or members rights"}
        allOffice365BypassModerationXML= @{ "Value" = "allOffice365BypassModerationXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds All cloud only groups that have the migrated group assigned bypass moderation from senders or members"}
        allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfToXML= @{ "Value" = "allOffice365GrantSentOnBehalfToXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds All cloud only groups that have the migrated group assigned grant send on behalf to rights"}
        allOffice365ManagedByXML= @{ "Value" = "allOffice365ManagedByXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds All cloud only groups that have the migrated group assigned managed by rights"}
        allOffice365ForwardingAddressXML= @{ "Value" = "allOffice365ForwardingAddressXML" ; "Description" = " XML file that holds all cloud only recipients where forwarding is set to the migrated grouop"}
        allOffic365SendAsAccessXML = @{ "Value" =  "allOffice365SendAsAccessXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all cloud groups where send as rights are assigned to the migrated group"}
        allOffice365FullMailboxAccessXML = @{ "Value" =  "allOffice365FullMailboxAccessXML" ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all cloud only objects where full mailbox access is assigned to the migrated group"}
        allOffice365MailboxesFolderPermissionsXML = @{ "Value" =  'allOffice365MailboxesFolderPermissionsXML' ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all cloud only recipients where a mailbox folder permission is assigned to the migrated group"}
        allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroupXML = @{ "Value" =  'allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroupXML' ; "Description" = "XML file that holds all cloud only send as rights assigned to the migrated group"}
        routingContactXML= @{ "Value" = "routingContactXML" ; "Description" = "XML file holds the routing contact configuration when intially created"}
        routingDynamicGroupXML= @{ "Value" = "routingDynamicGroupXML" ; "Description" = "XML file holds the routing contact configuration when mail enabled"}
        allGroupsCoManagedByXML= @{ "Value" = "allGroupsCoManagedByXML" ; "Description" = "XML file holds all on premises objects that the migrated group has managed by rights assigned"}
        retainOffice365RecipientFullMailboxAccessXML= @{ "Value" = "office365RecipientFullMailboxAccess.xml" ; "Description" = "Import XML file for pre-gathered full mailbox access rights in Office 365"}
        retainMailboxFolderPermsOffice365XML= @{ "Value" = "office365MailboxFolderPermissions.xml" ; "Description" = "Import XML file for pre-gathered mailbox folder permissions in Office 365"}
        retainOnPremRecipientFullMailboxAccessXML= @{ "Value" = "onPremRecipientFullMailboxAccess.xml" ; "Description" = "Import XML for pre-gathered full mailbox access rights "}
        retainOnPremMailboxFolderPermissionsXML= @{ "Value" = "onPremailboxFolderPermissions.xml" ; "Description" = "Import XML file for mailbox folder permissions"}
        retainOnPremRecipientSendAsXML= @{ "Value" = "onPremRecipientSendAs.xml" ; "Description" = "Import XML file for send as permissions"}
        azureDLConfigurationXML = @{"Value" = "azureADDL" ; "Description" = "Export XML file holding the configuration from azure active directory"}
        azureDLMembershipXML = @{"Value" = "azureADDLMembership" ; "Description" = "Export XML file holding the membership of the Azure AD group"}
        msGraphDLConfigurationXML = @{"Value" = "msGraphADDL" ; "Description" = "Export XML file holding the configuration from azure active directory"}
        msGraphDLMembershipXML = @{"Value" = "msGraphADDLMembership" ; "Description" = "Export XML file holding the membership of the Azure AD group"}
        preCreateErrorsXML = @{"value" = "preCreateErrors" ; "Description" = "Export XML of all precreate errors for group to be migrated."}
        testOffice365ErrorsXML = @{"value" = "testOffice365Errors" ; "Description" = "Export XML of all tested recipient errors in Offic3 365."}
        office365DLMembership = @{"Value" = "office365DLMembership" ; "Description" = "Original Office 365 DL Membership"}

    #Define the property sets that will be cleared on the on premises object.

    [array]$dlPropertySet = '*' #Clear all properties of a given object
    [array]$dlPropertySetToClear = #Holds the final array of attributes to be cleared.
    [array]$dlPropertiesToClearModern='authOrig','DisplayName','DisplayNamePrintable',$onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesfromDLMembers.Value,$onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesfromDLMembers.Value,'extensionAttribute1','extensionAttribute10','extensionAttribute11','extensionAttribute12','extensionAttribute13','extensionAttribute14','extensionAttribute15','extensionAttribute2','extensionAttribute3','extensionAttribute4','extensionAttribute5','extensionAttribute6','extensionAttribute7','extensionAttribute8','extensionAttribute9','legacyExchangeDN','mail','mailNickName','msExchRecipientDisplayType','msExchRecipientTypeDetails','msExchRemoteRecipientType',$onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDL.Value,'msExchBypassModerationLink','msExchCoManagedByLink','msExchEnableModeration','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute2','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute4','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute5','msExchGroupDepartRestriction','msExchGroupJoinRestriction','msExchHideFromAddressLists','msExchModeratedByLink','msExchModerationFlags','msExchRequireAuthToSendTo','msExchSenderHintTranslations','oofReplyToOriginator','proxyAddresses',$onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo.Value,'reportToOriginator','reportToOwner','unAuthOrig','msExchArbitrationMailbox','msExchPoliciesIncluded','msExchUMDtmfMap','msExchVersion','showInAddressBook','msExchAddressBookFlags','msExchBypassAudit','msExchGroupExternalMemberCount','msExchGroupMemberCount','msExchGroupSecurityFlags','msExchLocalizationFlags','msExchMailboxAuditEnable','msExchMailboxAuditLogAgeLimit','msExchMailboxFolderSet','msExchMDBRulesQuota','msExchPoliciesIncluded','msExchProvisioningFlags','msExchRecipientSoftDeletedStatus','msExchRoleGroupType','msExchTransportRecipientSettingsFlags','msExchUMDtmfMap','msExchUserAccountControl','msExchVersion' #Properties Exchange 2016 or newer schema.
    [array]$dlPropertiesToClearLegacy='authOrig','DisplayName','DisplayNamePrintable',$onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesfromDLMembers.Value,$onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesfromDLMembers.Value,'extensionAttribute1','extensionAttribute10','extensionAttribute11','extensionAttribute12','extensionAttribute13','extensionAttribute14','extensionAttribute15','extensionAttribute2','extensionAttribute3','extensionAttribute4','extensionAttribute5','extensionAttribute6','extensionAttribute7','extensionAttribute8','extensionAttribute9','legacyExchangeDN','mail','mailNickName','msExchRecipientDisplayType','msExchRecipientTypeDetails','msExchRemoteRecipientType',$onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDL.Value,'msExchBypassModerationLink','msExchCoManagedByLink','msExchEnableModeration','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute2','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute4','msExchExtensionCustomAttribute5','msExchGroupDepartRestriction','msExchGroupJoinRestriction','msExchHideFromAddressLists','msExchModeratedByLink','msExchModerationFlags','msExchRequireAuthToSendTo','msExchSenderHintTranslations','oofReplyToOriginator','proxyAddresses',$onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo.Value,'reportToOriginator','reportToOwner','unAuthOrig','msExchArbitrationMailbox','msExchPoliciesIncluded','msExchUMDtmfMap','msExchVersion','showInAddressBook','msExchAddressBookFlags','msExchBypassAudit','msExchGroupExternalMemberCount','msExchGroupMemberCount','msExchLocalizationFlags','msExchMailboxAuditEnable','msExchMailboxAuditLogAgeLimit','msExchMailboxFolderSet','msExchMDBRulesQuota','msExchPoliciesIncluded','msExchProvisioningFlags','msExchRecipientSoftDeletedStatus','msExchRoleGroupType','msExchTransportRecipientSettingsFlags','msExchUMDtmfMap','msExchUserAccountControl','msExchVersion' #Properties Exchange 2013 or older schema

    #On premises variables for the distribution list to be migrated.

    $originalDLConfiguration=$NULL #This holds the on premises DL configuration for the group to be migrated.
    $originalAzureADConfiguration=$NULL #This holds the azure ad DL configuration
    $originalDLConfigurationUpdated=$NULL #This holds the on premises DL configuration post the rename operations.
    $routingContactConfig=$NULL #Holds the mail routing contact configuration.
    $routingDynamicGroupConfig=$NULL #Holds the dynamic distribution list configuration used for mail routing.
    [array]$exchangeDLMembershipSMTP=@() #Array of DL membership from AD.
    [array]$exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP=@() #Array of members with reject permissions from AD.
    [array]$exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP=@() #Array of members with accept permissions from AD.
    [array]$exchangeManagedBySMTP=@() #Array of members with manage by rights from AD.
    [array]$exchangeModeratedBySMTP=@() #Array of members with moderation rights.
    [array]$exchangeBypassModerationSMTP=@() #Array of objects with bypass moderation rights from AD.
    [array]$exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP=@() #Array of objects with grant send on behalf to normalized SMTP
    [array]$exchangeSendAsSMTP=@() #Array of objects wtih send as rights normalized SMTP

    #The following variables hold information regarding other groups in the environment that have dependnecies on the group to be migrated.

    [array]$allGroupsMemberOf=$NULL #Complete AD information for all groups the migrated group is a member of.
    [array]$allGroupsReject=$NULL #Complete AD inforomation for all groups that the migrated group has reject mesages from.
    [array]$allGroupsAccept=$NULL #Complete AD information for all groups that the migrated group has accept messages from.
    [array]$allGroupsBypassModeration=$NULL #Complete AD information for all groups that the migrated group has bypass moderations.
    [array]$allUsersForwardingAddress=$NULL #All users on premsies that have this group as a forwarding DN.
    [array]$allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo=$NULL #All dependencies on premsies that have grant send on behalf to.
    [array]$allGroupsManagedBy=$NULL #All dependencies on premises that have managed by rights
    [array]$allObjectsFullMailboxAccess=$NULL #All dependencies on premises that have full mailbox access rights
    [array]$allObjectSendAsAccess=$NULL #All dependencies on premises that have the migrated group with send as rights.
    [array]$allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized=@() #All dependencies send as rights normalized
    [array]$allMailboxesFolderPermissions=@() #All dependencies on premises with mailbox folder permissions defined
    [array]$allGroupsCoManagedByBL=$NULL #All groups on premises where the migrated group is a manager

    #The following variables hold information regarding Office 365 objects that have dependencies on the migrated DL.

    [array]$allOffice365MemberOf=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group is a member of.
    [array]$allOffice365Accept=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group has accept messages from senders or members.
    [array]$allOffice365Reject=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group has reject messages from senders or members.
    [array]$allOffice365BypassModeration=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group has bypass moderation from senders or members.
    [array]$allOffice365ManagedBy=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group has managed by rights on.
    [array]$allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group has grant send on behalf to on.
    [array]$allOffice365ForwardingAddress=$NULL #All cloud only recipients the migrated group has forwarding address
    [array]$allOffice365FullMailboxAccess=$NULL #All cloud only recipients the migrated group has full ,amilbox access on.
    [array]$allOffice365SendAsAccess=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group has send as access on.
    [array]$allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup = $NULL #All send as permissions set on the on premises group that are set in the cloud.
    [array]$allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions=$NULL #All cloud only groups the migrated group has mailbox folder permissions on.
    #Cloud variables for the distribution list to be migrated.

    $office365DLConfiguration = $NULL #This holds the office 365 DL configuration for the group to be migrated.
    $office365GroupConfiguration = $NULL #This holds the office 365 group configuration for the group to be migrated.
    $msGraphDLConfiguration = $NULL #This holds the Azure AD DL configuration
    $msGraphDlMembership = $NULL
    $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration = $NULL #This hold the Office 365 DL configuration post migration.
    $office365DLMembershipPostMigration=$NULL #This holds the Office 365 DL membership information post migration
    $routingContactConfiguration=$NULL #This is the empty routing contact configuration.

    #Declare some variables for string processing as items move around.


    #For loop counter.


    #Exchange Schema Version

    [int]$exchangeLegacySchemaVersion=15317 #Exchange 2016 Preview Schema - anything less is legacy.

    #Define new arrays to check for errors instead of failing.



    #To support the new feature for multiple onmicrosoft.com domains -> use this variable to hold the cross premsies routing domain.
    #This value can no longer be calculated off the address@domain.onmicrosoft.com value.

    [string]$mailOnMicrosoftComDomain = ""

    #Define variables for kerberos enablement.

    $commandStartTime = get-date
    $commandEndTime = $NULL
    [int]$kerberosRunTime = 4

    #Ensure that no status files exist at the start of the run.

    if ($isHealthCheck -eq $FALSE)
        if ($totalThreadCount -gt 0)
            if ($global:threadNumber -eq 1)
                remove-statusFiles -fullCleanup:$TRUE

    #Log start of DL migration to the log file.

    if ($isHealthCheck -eq $FALSE)
        new-LogFile -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress.trim() -logFolderPath $logFolderPath

        $traceFilePath = $logFolderPath + $global:staticFolderName

        out-logfile -string ("Trace file path: "+$traceFilePath)

    $htmlFunctionStartTime = get-Date

    out-logfile -string "Testing for supported version of Powershell engine."


    function session-toImport
        #Now we can determine if exchange on premises is utilized and if so establish the connection.
        Out-LogFile -string "Determine if Exchange On Premises specified and create session if necessary."

        if ($coreVariables.useOnPremisesExchange.value -eq $TRUE)
            if ($exchangeAuthenticationMethod -eq "Basic")
                    Out-LogFile -string "Calling New-PowerShellSession"

                    $sessiontoImport=new-PowershellSession -credentials $exchangecredential -powershellSessionName $corevariables.exchangeOnPremisesPowershellSessionName.value -connectionURI $onPremExchangePowershell.exchangeServerURI.value -authenticationType $exchangeAuthenticationMethod -configurationName $onPremExchangePowershell.exchangeServerConfiguration.value -allowredirection $onPremExchangePowershell.exchangeServerAllowRedirection.value -requiresImport:$TRUE
                    Out-LogFile -string "ERROR: Unable to create powershell session." -isError:$TRUE
            elseif ($exchangeAuthenticationMethod -eq "Kerberos")
                    Out-LogFile -string "Calling New-PowerShellSession"

                    $sessiontoImport=new-PowershellSession -credentials $exchangecredential -powershellSessionName $corevariables.exchangeOnPremisesPowershellSessionName.value -connectionURI $onPremExchangePowershell.exchangeServerURIKerberos.value -authenticationType $exchangeAuthenticationMethod -configurationName $onPremExchangePowershell.exchangeServerConfiguration.value -allowredirection $onPremExchangePowershell.exchangeServerAllowRedirection.value -requiresImport:$TRUE
                    Out-LogFile -string "ERROR: Unable to create powershell session." -isError:$TRUE
                out-logfile -string "Major issue creating on-premsies Exchange powershell session - unknown - ending." -isError:$TRUE
                Out-LogFile -string "Calling import-PowerShellSession"

                import-powershellsession -powershellsession $sessionToImport
                Out-LogFile -string "ERROR: Unable to create powershell session." -isError:$TRUE
                out-logfile -string "Calling set entire forest."

                Out-LogFile -string "ERROR: Unable to view entire forest." -isError:$TRUE
            Out-LogFile -string "No on premises Exchange specified - skipping setup of powershell session."

    function generate-HTMLFile
        #Prepare the HTML file for output.
        #Define the HTML file.

        out-logfile -string "Preparring to generate HTML file."

        $functionHTMLSuffix = "html"
        $global:functionHTMLFile = $global:LogFile.replace("log","$functionHTMLSuffix")

        out-logfile -string $global:functionHTMLFile
        $headerString = ("Migration Summary for "+$groupSMTPAddress)

        New-HTML -TitleText $groupSMTPAddress -FilePath $global:functionHTMLFile {
            New-HTMLHeader {
                New-HTMLText -Text $headerString -FontSize 24 -Color White -BackGroundColor Black -Alignment center
                #Define HTML table options.

                New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript

                if (($global:preCreateErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:postCreateErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($onPremReplaceErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($office365ReplaceErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:generalErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:testOffice365Errors.count -gt 0))
                    New-HTMLText -Text "Migration Errors Detected - Summary Information Below" -FontSize 24 -Color White -BackGroundColor RED -Alignment center

                    out-logfile -string "Generate Error Summary List"

                    New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Error Count Summary" {
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("Pre Office 365 Group Create Errors: "+$global:preCreateErrors.count) -fontSize 14
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("Test Office 365 Errors: "+$global:testOffice365Errors.count) -fontSize 14
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("Post Create Errors: "+$global:postCreateErrors.count) -fontSize 14
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("On-Premises Replace Errors :"+$onPremReplaceErrors.count) -fontSize 14
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("Office 365 Replace Errors: "+$office365ReplaceErrors.count) -fontSize 14
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("Office 365 Replace Permissions Errors: "+$global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count) -fontSize 14
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("On Prem Replace Permissions Errors: "+$global:onPremReplacePermissionsErrors.count) -fontSize 14
                                new-htmlListItem -text ("General Errors: "+$global:generalErrors.count) -fontSize 14
                    }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                    out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for pre create errors."

                    if ($global:preCreateErrors.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "Precreate errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Pre Office 365 Group Create Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($global:preCreateErrors | select-object Alias,Name,PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,RecipientType,GroupType,RecipientOrUser,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,OnPremADAttribute,DN,isErrorMessage) -Filtering  {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        out-logfile -string "Precreate errors do not exist."

                    out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for test office 365 errors."

                    if ($global:testOffice365Errors.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "Test Office 365 Errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Test Office 365 Dependency Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($global:testOffice365Errors | select-object Alias,Name,PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,RecipientType,GroupType,RecipientOrUser,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,OnPremADAttribute,DN,isErrorMessage) -Filtering  {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        out-logfile -string "Test Office 365 Errors do not exist."

                    out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for post office 365 group creation errors."

                    if ($global:postCreateErrors.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "Post Office 365 Group Creation Errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Post Office 365 Group Creation Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($global:postCreateErrors | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN,externalDirectoryObjectID,Name,Alias,Attribute,ErrorMessage,ErrorMessageDetail) -Filtering  {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        Out-logfile -string "Post Office 365 GRoup Creation Errors do not exist."

                    out-logfile -string "Generate html for On Premises Replacement Errors"

                    if ($onPremReplaceErrors.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "On premsies replacement errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Replacement Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($onPremReplaceErrors | select-object DistinguishedName,CanonicalDomainName,CanonicalName,Attribute,ErrorMessage,ErrorMessageDetail) -Filtering {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        out-logfile -string "On premises replacement errors do not exist."

                    out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Office 365 Replacement Errors."

                    if ($office365ReplaceErrors.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "Office 365 Replacement Errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 Replacement Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($office365ReplaceErrors | select-object DistinguishedName,PrimarySMTPAddress,Alias,DisplayName,Attribute,ErrorMessage,ErrorMessageDetail ) -Filtering {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        out-logfile -string "Office 365 Replacement Errors do not eixst."

                    out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Office 365 Replace Permissions Errors"

                    if ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "Office 365 Replace Permissions Errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 Permissions Replacement Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors | select-object permissionIdentity,Attribute,ErrorMessage,ErrorMessageDetail ) -Filtering {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        out-logfile -string "Office 365 Replace Permissions Errors do not exist."

                    out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for On Premises Replace Permissions Errors"

                    if ($onPremReplacePermissionsError.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "On Premises Replace Permissions Errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Permissions Replacement Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors | select-object permissionIdentity,Attribute,ErrorMessage,ErrorMessageDetail ) -Filtering {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        out-logfile -string "On Premises Replace Permissions Errors do not exist."

                    out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for General Errors"

                    if ($global:generalErrors.count -gt 0)
                        out-logfile -string "General Errors exist."

                        new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("General Errors"){
                            new-htmlTable -DataTable ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors | select-object ErrorMessage,ErrorMessageDetail ) -Filtering {
                            } -AutoSize
                        } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
                        out-logfile -string "General Errors do not exist"
                    New-HTMLText -Text "*****MIGRATION SUCCESSFUL*****" -FontSize 24 -Color White -BackGroundColor Green -Alignment center

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Summary Counts."

                New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Group Statistics" {
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the member migration: "+$exchangeDLMembershipSMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the reject memebers: "+$exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the accept memebers: "+$exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the managedBY memebers: "+$exchangeManagedBySMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the moderatedBY memebers: "+$exchangeModeratedBySMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the bypassModeration memebers: "+$exchangeBypassModerationSMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the grantSendOnBehalfTo memebers: "+$exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of objects included in the send as rights: "+$exchangeSendAsSMTP.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups on premsies that this group has send as rights on: "+$allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized.Count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups on premises that this group has full mailbox access on: "+$allObjectsFullMailboxAccess.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of mailbox folders on premises that this group has access to: "+$allMailboxesFolderPermissions.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups that the migrated DL is a member of = "+$allGroupsMemberOf.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups that this group is a manager of: = "+$allGroupsManagedBy.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups that this group has grant send on behalf to = "+$allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups that have this group as bypass moderation = "+$allGroupsBypassModeration.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups with accept permissions = "+$allGroupsAccept.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups with reject permissions = "+$allGroupsReject.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of mailboxes forwarding to this group is = "+$allUsersForwardingAddress.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of groups this group is a co-manager on = "+$allGroupsCoManagedByBL.Count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 objects that the migrated DL is a member of = "+$allOffice365MemberOf.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 objects that this group is a manager of: = "+$allOffice365ManagedBy.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 objects that this group has grant send on behalf to = "+$allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 objects that have this group as bypass moderation = "+$allOffice365BypassModeration.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 objects with accept permissions = "+$allOffice365Accept.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 objects with reject permissions = "+$allOffice365Reject.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 mailboxes forwarding to this group is = "+$allOffice365ForwardingAddress.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of recipients that have send as rights on the group to be migrated = "+$allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 recipients where the group has send as rights = "+$allOffice365SendAsAccess.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 recipients with full mailbox access = "+$allOffice365FullMailboxAccess.count) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("The number of office 365 mailbox folders with migrated group rights = "+$allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions.count) -fontSize 14
                }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Telemetry Times"

                New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Telemetry Time" {
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("MigrationElapsedSeconds = "+$telemetryElapsedSeconds) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToNormalizeDNs = "+$telemetryNormalizeDN) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToValidateCloudRecipients = "+$telemetryValidateCloudRecipients) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToCollectOnPremDependency = "+$telemetryDependencyOnPrem) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToCollectOffice365Dependency = "+$telemetryCollectOffice365Dependency) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimePendingRemoveDLOffice365 = "+$telemetryTimeToRemoveDL) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToCreateOffice365DLComplete = "+$telemetryCreateOffice365DL) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToCreateOffice365DLFirstPass = "+$telemetryCreateOffice365DLFirstPass) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToReplaceOnPremDependency = "+$telemetryReplaceOnPremDependency) -fontSize 14
                        new-htmlListItem -text ("TimeToReplaceOffice365Dependency = "+$telemetryReplaceOffice365Dependency) -fontSize 14
                }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Original DL Configuration"

                New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Original DL Configuration (Active Directory)" {
                        foreach ($object in $originalDLConfiguration.psObject.properties)
                            if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                            elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                $string = ($object.name)
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Original DL Configuration Updated"

                if ($originalDLConfigurationPostMigration -ne $NULL)
                    New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Original DL Configuration Updated (Active Directory)" {
                            foreach ($object in $originalDLConfigurationUpdated.psObject.properties)
                                if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                    foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                        $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                        new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                                elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                    $string = ($object.name)
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                    }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Original Graph Configuration"

                New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Original DL Configuration (Azure Active Directory)" {
                        foreach ($object in $msGraphDLConfiguration.psObject.properties)
                            if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                            elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                $string = ($object.name)
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Office 365 DL Configuration"

                New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Original DL Configuration (Exchange Online)" {
                        foreach ($object in $office365DLConfiguration.psObject.properties)
                            if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                            elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                $string = ($object.name)
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Office 365 Group Configuration"

                New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Original Group Configuration (Exchange Online)" {
                        foreach ($object in  $office365GroupConfiguration.psObject.properties)
                            if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                            elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                $string = ($object.name)
                                new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Office 365 DL Configuration Post Migration"

                if ($office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -ne $NULL)
                    New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Office 365 DL Configuration Post Migration (Exchange Online)" {
                            foreach ($object in  $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.psObject.properties)
                                if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                    foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                        $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                        new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                                elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                    $string = ($object.name)
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                    }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for on premsies group membership."

                if ($originalDLConfiguration.member.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group Membership"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($originalDLConfiguration.member) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for MS Graph Group membership."

                if ($msGraphDLMembership.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Graph Group Membership"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($msGraphDlMembership | select-object ID) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Office 365 DL Membership"

                if ($office365DLMembership.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 DL Membership"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($office365DLMembership) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for Office 365 DL Membership Post Migration"

                if ($office365DLMembershipPostMigration.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 DL Membership Post Migration"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($office365DLMembershipPostMigration) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for all on premsies normalized attributes."

                if ($exchangeDLMembership.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises DL Membership Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeDLMembershipSMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Reject Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Accept Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($exchangeManagedBySMTP.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Accept Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeManagedBySMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($exchangeModeratedBySMTP.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises ModeratedBy Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeModeratedBySMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($exchangeBypassModerationSMTP.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises BypassModeration Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeBypassModerationSMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises GrantSendOnBehalfTo Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($exchangeSendAsSMTP.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises SendAs Normalized"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($exchangeSendAsSMTP | select-object PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN,Alias,ExternalDirectoryObjectID,DN,isAlreadyMigrated,RecipientOrUser,OnPremADAttributeCommonName,OnPremADAttribute) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for all on premises dependencies."

                if ($allGroupsMemberOf.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group Member Of"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allGroupsMemberOf) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allGroupsReject.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group Reject"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allGroupsReject) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allGroupsAccept.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group Accept"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allGroupsAccept) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allGroupsBypassModeration.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group ModeratedBy"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allGroupsBypassModeration) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allUsersForwardingAddress.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group Forwarding On Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allUsersForwardingAddress) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group SendOnBehalf Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allGroupsManagedBy.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group ManagedBy Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allGroupsManagedBy) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allObjectsFullMailboxAccess.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group FullMailboxAccess Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allObjectsFullMailboxAccess) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allObjectSendAsAccess.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group SendAsAccess Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allObjectSendAsAccess) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group SendAsAccessNormalized Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allMailboxesFolderPermissions.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group MailboxFolderPermissions Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allMailboxesFolderPermissions) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allGroupsCoManagedByBL.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("On Premises Group CoManagedBy Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allGroupsCoManagedByBL) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate HTML for all Office 365 dependencies."

                if ($allOffice365MemberOf.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 Member of Other Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365MemberOf) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365Accept.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 Accept Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365Accept) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365Accept.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 Accept Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365Accept) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365Reject.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 Reject Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365Reject) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365BypassModeration.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 BypassModeration Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365BypassModeration) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365ManagedBy.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 ManagedBy Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365ManagedBy) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 GrantSendOnBehalfTo Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365ForwardingAddress.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 ForwardingAddress Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365ForwardingAddress) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365FullMailboxAccess.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 ForwardingAddress Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365FullMailboxAccess) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365SendAsAccess.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 SendAs on Other Groups Objects"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365SendAsAccess) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 SendAs On Group"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                if ($allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions.count -gt 0)
                    new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Office 365 Mailbox Folder Permissions"){
                        new-htmlTable -DataTable ($allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions) -Filtering {
                        } -AutoSize
                    } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Record routing contact configuration."

                if ($routingContactConfig -ne $NULL)
                    New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Hybrid Routing Contact" {
                            foreach ($object in  $routingContactConfig.psObject.properties)
                                if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                    foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                        $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                        new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                                elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                    $string = ($object.name)
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                    }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Record routing contact configuration."

                if ($routingDynamicGroupConfig -ne $NULL)
                    New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Hybrid Routing Group" {
                            foreach ($object in  $routingDynamicGroupConfig.psObject.properties)
                                if ($object.Value.count -gt 1)
                                    foreach ($value in $object.Value)
                                        $string = ($object.name + " " + $value.tostring())
                                        new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                                elseif ($object.value -ne $NULL)
                                    $string = ($object.name + " " + $object.value.tostring())
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14                            }
                                    $string = ($object.name)
                                    new-htmlListItem -text $string -fontSize 14
                    }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed

                out-logfile -string "Generate timeline."

                new-htmlSection -HeaderText ("Migration Timeline Highlights"){
                    new-HTMLTimeLIne {
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Migration Start Time" -Date $htmlStartTime
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Initialization Complete" -Date $htmlFunctionStartTime
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Parameter Validation" -Date $htmlStartValidationTime
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Powershell Session Initialization" -Date $htmlStartPowershellSessions
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Capture On-Premises DL Information" -Date $htmlCaptureOnPremisesDLInfo
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Capture Office 365 DL Information" -Date $htmlCaptureOffice365DLConfiguration
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Capture Graph DL Information" -Date $htmlCaptureGraphDLConfiguration
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Capture Graph DL Membership" -Date $htmlCaptureGraphDLMembership
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Capture Office 365 DL Membership" -Date $htmlCaptureOffice365DLMembership
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Cloud Group Validation" -Date $htmlStartGroupValidation
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Attribute Normalization" -Date $htmlStartAttributeNormalization
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Cloud Validation" -Date $htmlStartCloudValidation
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Capture On-Premises Dependencies" -Date $htmlCaptureOnPremisesDependencies
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Capture Office 365 Dependencies" -Date $htmlRecordOffice365Dependencies
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Create Office 365 Stub Group" -Date $htmlCreateOffice365StubGroup
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start First Pass Office 365 Attributes" -Date $htmlFirstPassAttributes
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Move to Non-Sync OU" -Date $htmlMoveToNonSyncOU
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start AD Connect Sync First Pass" -Date $htmlStartADConnectFirstPass
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start AD Replication First Pass" -Date $htmlReplicateActiveDirectoryFirstPass
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Remove VIA Graph" -Date $htmlRemoveGroupViaGraph
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start AD Connect Second Pass" -Date $htmlStartADConnectSecondPass
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Test Cloud DL Deletion" -Date $htmlTestCloudDLDeletion
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Second Pass Office 365 Attributes" -Date $htmlSecondPassAttributes
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Capture Office 365 DL Info Post Migration" -Date $htmlCaptureOffice365InfoPostMigration
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Rename Original Group" -Date $htmlRenameorOriginalGroup
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Disable Original Group" -Date $htmlDisableOriginalGroup
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Move to Original OU" -Date $htmlMoveToOriginalOU.
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Create Routing Contact" -Date $htmlCreateRoutingContact
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Enable Hybrid Mail Flow" -Date $htmlEnableHybridMailFlow
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start AD Replication Third Pass" -Date $htmlStartADReplicationThirdPass
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Replace On-Premises Dependencies" -Date $htmlStartReplaceOnPremisesDependencies
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start Replace Office 365 Dependencies" -Date $htmlStartReplaceOffice365Dependencies
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Remove On-Premises Group" -Date $htmlRemoveOnPremGroup
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start AD Replication Fourth Pass" -Date $htmlStartADReplicationFourthPath
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "Start AD Connect Third Pass" -Date $htmlStartADConnectThirdPass
                        new-HTMLTimeLineItem -HeadingText "END" -Date $htmlEndTime
                } -HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Black"  -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed
        } -online -ShowHTML

    out-logfile -string "********************************************************************************"
    out-logfile -string "NOTICE"
    out-logfile -string "Telemetry collection is now enabled by default."
    out-logfile -string "For information regarding telemetry collection see https://timmcmic.wordpress.com/2022/11/14/4288/"
    out-logfile -string "Administrators may opt out of telemetry collection by using -allowTelemetryCollection value FALSE"
    out-logfile -string "Telemetry collection is appreciated as it allows further development and script enhancement."
    out-logfile -string "********************************************************************************"

    #Output all parameters bound or unbound and their associated values.

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "PARAMETERS"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    write-functionParameters -keyArray $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -parameterArray $PSBoundParameters -variableArray (Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore)

    Out-LogFile -string "================================================================================"
    Out-LogFile -string "================================================================================"

    out-logfile -string "Set error action preference to continue to allow write-error in out-logfile to service exception retrys"

    out-logfile -string ("Runtime start UTC: " + $telemetryStartTime.ToString())

    if ($errorActionPreference -ne "Continue")
        out-logfile -string ("Current Error Action Preference: "+$errorActionPreference)
        $errorActionPreference = "Continue"
        out-logfile -string ("New Error Action Preference: "+$errorActionPreference)
        out-logfile -string ("Current Error Action Preference is CONTINUE: "+$errorActionPreference)

    out-logfile -string "Ensure that all strings specified have no leading or trailing spaces."

    #Perform cleanup of any strings so that no spaces existin trailing or leading.

    $htmlStartValidationTime = get-date

    $groupSMTPAddress = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $groupSMTPAddress
    $globalCatalogServer = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $globalCatalogServer
    $logFolderPath = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $logFolderPath 

    if ($aadConnectServer -ne $NULL)
        $aadConnectServer = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $aadConnectServer

    if ($exchangeServer -ne $NULL)
        $exchangeServer=remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $exchangeServer
    if ($exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint -ne "")
        $exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint=remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint

    $exchangeOnlineEnvironmentName=remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $exchangeOnlineEnvironmentName

    if ($exchangeOnlineOrganizationName -ne "")
        $exchangeOnlineOrganizationName=remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $exchangeOnlineOrganizationName

    if ($exchangeOnlineAppID -ne "")
        $exchangeOnlineAppID=remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $exchangeOnlineAppID

    $exchangeAuthenticationMethod=remove-StringSpace -stringToFix $exchangeAuthenticationMethod
    $dnNoSyncOU = remove-StringSpace -stringToFix $dnNoSyncOU
    $groupTypeOverride=remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $groupTypeOverride
    if ($azureTenantID -ne $NULL)
        $azureTenantID = remove-StringSpace -stringToFix $azureTenantID
    if ($azureCertificateThumbprint -ne $NULL)
        $azureCertificateThumbprint = remove-StringSpace -stringToFix $azureCertificateThumbPrint
    if ($azureEnvironmentName -ne $NULL)
        $azureEnvironmentName = remove-StringSpace -stringToFix $azureEnvironmentName
    if ($azureApplicationID -ne $NULL)
        $azureApplicationID = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $azureApplicationID

    $msGraphTenantID = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $msGraphTenantID
    $msGraphCertificateThumbprint = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $msGraphCertificateThumbprint
    $msGraphApplicationID = remove-stringSpace -stringToFix $msGraphApplicationID

    if ($aadConnectCredential -ne $null)
        Out-LogFile -string ("AADConnectUserName = "+$aadConnectCredential.UserName.tostring())

    if ($exchangecredential -ne $null)
        Out-LogFile -string ("ExchangeUserName = "+$exchangeCredential.UserName.toString())

    if ($exchangeOnlineCredential -ne $null)
        Out-LogFile -string ("ExchangeOnlineUserName = "+ $exchangeOnlineCredential.UserName.toString())

    if ($azureADCreential -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string ("AzureADUserName = "+$azureADCredential.userName.toString())

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string " RECORD VARIABLES"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    foreach ($dlProperty in $dlPropertySet)
        Out-LogFile -string $dlProperty

    Out-LogFile -string ("DL property set to be cleared legacy = ")

    foreach ($dlProperty in $dlPropertiesToClearLegacy)
        Out-LogFile -string $dlProperty

    Out-LogFile -string ("DL property set to be cleared modern = ")

    foreach ($dlProperty in $dlPropertiesToClearModern)
        Out-LogFile -string $dlProperty

    out-logfile -string ("Predefined thread folders = ")

    foreach ($property in $threadFolder)
        out-logfile -string $property

    out-logfile -string ("Exchange legacy schema version: "+$exchangeLegacySchemaVersion)

    out-logfile -string ("Global import file: "+$global:importFile)
    out-logfile -string ("Global staticFolderName: "+$global:staticFolderName)
    out-logfile -string ("Global threadNumber: "+$global:threadNumber)

    write-hashTable -hashTable $xmlFiles
    write-hashTable -hashTable $onPremExchangePowershell
    write-hashTable -hashTable $office365Attributes
    write-hashTable -hashTable $onPremADAttributes
    write-hashTable -hashTable $coreVariables
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    #Perform paramter validation manually.

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    #Test to ensure that if any of the aadConnect parameters are passed - they are passed together.

    out-logfile -string "Validating and DN for no sync OU is specified if not health check"

    if (($isHealthCheck -eq $FALSE) -and ($dnNoSyncOU -eq "NotSet"))
        out-logfile -string "A no sync OU DN is required when not performing a health check." -isError:$TRUE        
        out-logfile -string "A no sync OU DN is not required for this operation as it is a health check."

    Out-LogFile -string "Validating that both AADConnectServer and AADConnectCredential are specified"

    $coreVariables.useAADConnect.value = start-parameterValidation -aadConnectServer $aadConnectServer -aadConnectCredential $aadConnectCredential

    #Validate that both the exchange credential and exchange server are presented together.

    Out-LogFile -string "Validating that both ExchangeServer and ExchangeCredential are specified."

    $coreVariables.useOnPremisesExchange.value = start-parameterValidation -exchangeServer $exchangeServer -exchangeCredential $exchangeCredential

    #Validate that only one method of engaging exchange online was specified.

    Out-LogFile -string "Validating Exchange Online Credentials."

    start-parameterValidation -exchangeOnlineCredential $exchangeOnlineCredential -exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbprint $exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbprint -threadCount $totalThreadCount

    #Validating that all portions for exchange certificate auth are present.

    out-logfile -string "Validating parameters for Exchange Online Certificate Authentication"

    start-parametervalidation -exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint $exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbprint -exchangeOnlineOrganizationName $exchangeOnlineOrganizationName -exchangeOnlineAppID $exchangeOnlineAppID

    #Validate that only one method of engaging exchange online was specified.
    Out-LogFile -string "Validating Azure AD Credentials."
    start-parameterValidation -azureADCredential $azureADCredential -azureCertificateThumbPrint $azureCertificateThumbprint -threadCount $totalThreadCount
    #Validate that all information for the certificate connection has been provieed.
    out-logfile -string "Validation all components available for AzureAD Cert Authentication"
    start-parameterValidation -azureCertificateThumbPrint $azureCertificateThumbprint -azureTenantID $azureTenantID -azureApplicationID $azureApplicationID

    if ($msGraphCertificateThumbprint -eq "")
        out-logfile -string "Validation all components available for MSGraph Cert Auth"

        start-parameterValidation -msGraphCertificateThumbPrint $msGraphCertificateThumbprint -msGraphTenantID $msGraphTenantID -msGraphApplicationID $msGraphApplicationID
        out-logfile -string "MS graph cert auth is not being utilized - assume interactive auth."

    #exit #Debug exit.

    #Validate that an OU was specified <if> retain group is not set to true.

    Out-LogFile -string "Validating that if retain original group is false a non-sync OU is specified."

    start-parametervalidation -retainOriginalGroup $retainOriginalGroup -doNoSyncOU $doNoSyncOU

    out-logfile -string "Testing for enable hybrid mail flow enablement."

    start-parametervalidation -useOnPremisesExchange $coreVariables.useOnPremisesExchange.value -enableHybridMailFlow $enableHybridMailFlow

    if ($useCollectedFullMailboxAccessOnPrem -eq $TRUE)

    if ($useCollectedFullMailboxAccessOffice365 -eq $TRUE)

    if ($useCollectedSendAsOnPrem -eq $TRUE)

    if ($useCollectedFolderPermissionsOnPrem -eq $TRUE)
    if ($useCollectedFolderPermissionsOffice365 -eq $TRUE)

    Out-LogFile -string "END PARAMETER VALIDATION"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $htmlStartPowershellSessions = get-date

    Out-Logfile -string "Determine Exchange Schema Version"

        $exchangeRangeUpper = get-ExchangeSchemaVersion -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -errorAction STOP
        out-logfile -string ("The range upper for Exchange Schema is: "+ $exchangeRangeUpper)
        out-logfile -string "Error occured obtaining the Exchange Schema Version."
        out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
    if ($exchangeRangeUpper -ge $exchangeLegacySchemaVersion)
        out-logfile -string "Modern exchange version detected - using modern parameters"
        out-logfile -string "Legacy exchange versions detected - using legacy parameters"
        $dlPropertySetToClear = $dlPropertiesToClearLegacy   

    Out-LogFile -string ("DL property set to be cleared after schema evaluation = ")

    foreach ($dlProperty in $dlPropertySetToClear)
        Out-LogFile -string $dlProperty

    # EXIT #Debug Exit

    #If exchange server information specified - create the on premises powershell session.

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

   #Test to determine if the exchange online powershell module is installed.
   #The exchange online session has to be established first or the commandlet set from on premises fails.

   Out-LogFile -string "Calling Test-PowerShellModule to validate the Exchange Module is installed."

   $telemetryExchangeOnlineVersion = Test-PowershellModule -powershellModuleName $corevariables.exchangeOnlinePowershellModuleName.value -powershellVersionTest:$TRUE

   Out-LogFile -string "Calling Test-PowerShellModule to validate the Active Directory is installed."

   $telemetryActiveDirectoryVersion = Test-PowershellModule -powershellModuleName $corevariables.activeDirectoryPowershellModuleName.value

   out-logfile -string "Calling Test-PowershellModule to validate the DL Conversion Module version installed."

   $telemetryDLConversionV2Version = Test-PowershellModule -powershellModuleName $corevariables.dlConversionPowershellModule.value -powershellVersionTest:$TRUE

   out-logfile -string "Calling Test-PowershellModule to validate the AzureAD Powershell Module version installed."
   $telemetryAzureADVersion = Test-PowershellModule -powershellModuleName $corevariables.azureActiveDirectoryPowershellModuleName.value -powershellVersionTest:$TRUE

   out-logfile -string "Calling Test-PowershellModule to validate the Microsoft Graph Authentication versions installed."

   $telemetryMSGraphAuthentication = test-powershellModule -powershellmodulename $corevariables.msgraphauthenticationpowershellmodulename.value -powershellVersionTest:$TRUE

   out-logfile -string "Calling Test-PowershellModule to validate the Microsoft Graph Users versions installed."

   $telemetryMSGraphUsers = test-powershellModule -powershellmodulename $corevariables.msgraphuserspowershellmodulename.value -powershellVersionTest:$TRUE

   out-logfile -string "Calling Test-PowershellModule to validate the Microsoft Graph Users versions installed."

   $telemetryMSGraphGroups = test-powershellModule -powershellmodulename $corevariables.msgraphgroupspowershellmodulename.value -powershellVersionTest:$TRUE

   #Create the azure ad connection

   Out-LogFile -string "Calling nea-AzureADPowershellSession to create new connection to azure active directory."
   if ($azureCertificateThumbprint -eq "")
      #User specified non-certifate authentication credentials.
        try {
            New-AzureADPowershellSession -azureADCredential $azureADCredential -azureEnvironmentName $azureEnvironmentName
        catch {
            out-logfile -string "Unable to create the Azure AD powershell session using credentials."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
   elseif ($azureCertificateThumbprint -ne "")
      #User specified thumbprint authentication.
        try {
            new-AzureADPowershellSession -azureCertificateThumbprint $azureCertificateThumbprint -azureApplicationID $azureApplicationID -azureTenantID $azureTenantID -azureEnvironmentName $azureEnvironmentName
        catch {
            out-logfile -string "Unable to create the exchange online connection using certificate."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

   #exit #Debug Exit

   #Create the connection to exchange online.

   Out-LogFile -string "Calling New-ExchangeOnlinePowershellSession to create session to office 365."
   out-logfile -string ("Trace file path: "+$traceFilePath)

   if ($exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint -eq "")
      #User specified non-certifate authentication credentials.

        try {
            New-ExchangeOnlinePowershellSession -exchangeOnlineCredentials $exchangeOnlineCredential -exchangeOnlineEnvironmentName $exchangeOnlineEnvironmentName -debugLogPath $traceFilePath
        catch {
            out-logfile -string "Unable to create the exchange online connection using credentials."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
   elseif ($exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint -ne "")
      #User specified thumbprint authentication.

        try {
            new-ExchangeOnlinePowershellSession -exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint $exchangeOnlineCertificateThumbPrint -exchangeOnlineAppId $exchangeOnlineAppID -exchangeOnlineOrganizationName $exchangeOnlineOrganizationName -exchangeOnlineEnvironmentName $exchangeOnlineEnvironmentName -debugLogPath $traceFilePath
        catch {
            out-logfile -string "Unable to create the exchange online connection using certificate."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

   #exit #debug exit


    #If the administrator has specified aad connect information - establish the powershell session.

    Out-LogFile -string "Determine if AAD Connect information specified and establish session if necessary."

    if ($coreVariables.useAADConnect.value -eq $TRUE)
            out-logfile -string "Creating powershell session to the AD Connect server."

            New-PowershellSession -Server $aadConnectServer -Credentials $aadConnectCredential -PowershellSessionName $coreVariables.aadConnectPowershellSessionName.value -authenticationType $aadConnectAuthenticationMethod
            out-logfile -string "Unable to create remote powershell session to the AD Connect server."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string "Validating that the OU provided is a non-SYNC OU."

        try {
            test-nonSyncOU -OU $dnNoSyncOU -powershellSessionName $coreVariables.aadConnectPowershellSessionName.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logfile -string $_
            out-logfile -string "Unable to validate the non-SYNC OU."


    #Establish powershell session to the global catalog server.

        Out-LogFile -string "Establish powershell session to the global catalog server specified."

        new-powershellsession -server $globalCatalogServer -credentials $activeDirectoryCredential -powershellsessionname $coreVariables.ADGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName.value -authenticationType $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod
        out-logfile -string "Unable to create remote powershell session to the AD Global Catalog server."
        out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    Out-LogFile -string "Calling nea-msGraphPowershellSession to create new connection to msGraph active directory."

   if ($msGraphCertificateThumbprint -ne "")
      #User specified thumbprint authentication.

        try {
            new-msGraphPowershellSession -msGraphCertificateThumbprint $msGraphCertificateThumbprint -msGraphApplicationID $msGraphApplicationID -msGraphTenantID $msGraphTenantID -msGraphEnvironmentName $msGraphEnvironmentName -msGraphScopesRequired $msGraphScopesRequired
        catch {
            out-logfile -string "Unable to create the msgraph connection using certificate."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
   elseif ($msGraphTenantID -ne "")
            new-msGraphPowershellSession -msGraphTenantID $msGraphTenantID -msGraphEnvironmentName $msGraphEnvironmentName -msGraphScopesRequired $msGraphScopesRequired
            out-logfile -=string "Unable to create the msgraph connection using tenant ID and credentials."

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $htmlCaptureOnPremisesDLInfo = get-date

    #At this point we are ready to capture the original DL configuration. We'll use the ad provider to gather this information.

    Out-LogFile -string "Getting the original DL Configuration"

        $originalDLConfiguration = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential
        out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    #Testing the returned DL configuration to determine if it is a group. If the object was found by SMTP address is not a group then exit.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Object found by SMTP address is not a group." -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "Object located by mail address and group type is present - proceed."
        out-logfile -string $originalDLConfiguration.groupType.tostring()
    Out-LogFile -string "Log original DL configuration."
    out-logFile -string $originalDLConfiguration

    Out-LogFile -string "Create an XML file backup of the on premises DL Configuration"

    Out-XMLFile -itemToExport $originalDLConfiguration -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.originalDLConfigurationADXML.value

    $htmlCaptureOnPremSendAs = get-date

    Out-LogFile -string "Determine if administrator desires to audit send as."

    if ($retainSendAsOnPrem -eq $TRUE)
        out-logfile -string "Administrator has choosen to audit on premsies send as."
        out-logfile -string "NOTE: THIS IS A LONG RUNNING OPERATION."

        if ($useCollectedSendAsOnPrem -eq $TRUE)
            out-logfile -string "Administrator has selected to import previously gathered permissions."
            $importFilePath=Join-path $importFile $xmlFiles.retainOnPremRecipientSendAsXML.value

            try {
                $importData = import-CLIXML -path $importFilePath
            catch {
                out-logfile -string "Error importing the send as permissions from collect function."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

            try {
                $allObjectSendAsAccess = get-onPremSendAs -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -collectedData $importData
            catch {
                out-logfile -string "Unable to process send as rights on premises."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
            try {
                $allObjectSendAsAccess = Get-onPremSendAs -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration
            catch {
                out-logfile -string "Unable to process send as rights on premsies."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "Administrator has choosen to not audit on premises send as."

    #Record what was returned.

    if ($allObjectSendAsAccess -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string $allObjectSendAsAccess

        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allObjectSendAsAccess -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsSendAsXML.value

    $htmlCaptureOnPremFullMailboxAccess = get-date

    Out-LogFile -string "Determine if administrator desires to audit full mailbox access."

    if ($retainFullMailboxAccessOnPrem -eq $TRUE)
        out-logfile -string "Administrator has choosen to audit on premsies full mailbox access."
        out-logfile -string "NOTE: THIS IS A LONG RUNNING OPERATION."

        if ($useCollectedFullMailboxAccessOnPrem -eq $TRUE)
            out-logfile -string "Administrator has selected to import previously gathered permissions."

            $importFilePath=Join-path $importFile $xmlFiles.retainOnPremRecipientFullMailboxAccessXML.value

            try {
                $importData = import-CLIXML -path $importFilePath
            catch {
                out-logfile -string "Error importing the send as permissions from collect function."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

            $allObjectsFullMailboxAccess = Get-onPremFullMailboxAccess -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -collectedData $importData
            $allObjectsFullMailboxAccess = Get-onPremFullMailboxAccess -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration
        out-logfile -string "Administrator has choosen to not audit on premises full mailbox access."

    #Record what was returned.

    if ($allObjectsFullMailboxAccess -ne $null)
        out-logfile -string $allObjectsFullMailboxAccess

        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allObjectsFullMailboxAccess -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsFullMailboxAccessXML.value
        $allObjectsFullMailboxAccess = @()

    $htmlCaptureOnPremMailboxFolderPermissions = get-date

    out-logfile -string "Determine if the administrator has choosen to audit folder permissions on premsies."

    if ($retainMailboxFolderPermsOnPrem -eq $TRUE)
        out-logfile -string "Administrator has choosen to retain mailbox folder permissions.."
        out-logfile -string "NOTE: THIS IS A LONG RUNNING OPERATION."

        if ($useCollectedFolderPermissionsOnPrem -eq $TRUE)
            out-logfile -string "Administrator has selected to import previously gathered permissions."

            $importFilePath=Join-path $importFile $xmlFiles.retainOnPremMailboxFolderPermissionsXML.value

            try {
                $importData = import-CLIXML -path $importFilePath
            catch {
                out-logfile -string "Error importing the send as permissions from collect function."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

            try {
                $allMailboxesFolderPermissions = get-onPremFolderPermissions -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -collectedData $importData
            catch {
                out-logfile -string "Unable to process on prem folder permissions."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "Administrator has choosen to not audit on premises send as."

    #Record what was returned.

    if ($allMailboxesFolderPermissions -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string $allMailboxesFolderPermissions

        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allMailboxesFolderPermissions -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allMailboxesFolderPermissionsXML.value

    #If there are any sendAs or mailbox access permissiosn for the group.
    #The group should be retained for saftey and only manually deleted if the administrator understands ramiifactions.
    #In testing disabling the group will allow the permissions to continue functioning - deleting the group would loose it.
    #Overrideing the administrators decision to delete the group.

    if (($allObjectSendAsAccess.Count -ne 0) -or ($allObjectsFullMailboxAccess.count -ne 0) -or ($allMailboxesFolderPermissions.count -ne 0))
        out-logfile -string "Overriding any administrator action to delete the group as dependencies exist."
        $retainOriginalGroup = $TRUE
        out-logfile -string "Audit shows no dependencies for sendAs or full mailbox access - keeping administrator settings on group retention."    

    #exit #Debug Exit

    $htmlCaptureOffice365DLConfiguration = get-date

    Out-LogFile -string "Capture the original office 365 distribution list information."

    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
            $office365DLConfiguration=Get-O365DLConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -isFirstPass:$TRUE -errorAction STOP
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
            $office365GroupConfiguration = get-o365GroupConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    Out-LogFile -string $office365DLConfiguration

    Out-LogFile -string "Create an XML file backup of the office 365 DL configuration."

    Out-XMLFile -itemToExport $office365DLConfiguration -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.office365DLConfigurationXML.value

    out-logfile -string $office365GroupConfiguration

    out-logfile -string "Create an XML file backup of the office 365 group cofniguration."

    out-xmlfile -itemToExport $office365GroupConfiguration -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.office365GroupConfigurationXML.value

    out-logfile -string "Capture the original Azure AD distribution list informaiton"
    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
            $azureADDLConfiguration = get-AzureADDLConfiguration -office365DLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration
            out-logfile -string $_
            out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain Azure Active Directory DL Configuration"
    if ($azureADDLConfiguration -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string $azureADDLConfiguration
        out-logfile -string "Create an XML file backup of the Azure AD DL Configuration"
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $azureADDLConfiguration -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.azureDLConfigurationXML.value

    $htmlCaptureGraphDLConfiguration = get-date

    out-logfile -string "Capture the original Graph AD distribution list informaiton"

    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
            $msGraphDLConfiguration = get-msGraphDLConfiguration -office365DLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -errorAction STOP
            out-logfile -string $_
            out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain Azure Active Directory DL Configuration" -isError:$TRUE


    if ($msGraphDLConfiguration -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string $msGraphDlConfiguration

        out-logfile -string "Create an XML file backup of the Azure AD DL Configuration"

        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $msGraphDLConfiguration -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.msGraphDLConfigurationXML.value

    $htmlCaptureGraphDLMembership = get-date

    out-logfile -string "Recording Graph DL membership."

    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
        try {
            $msGraphDLMembership = get-msGraphMembership -groupobjectID $msGraphDLConfiguration.id -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain Azure AD DL Membership."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($NULL -ne $msGraphDLMembership)
        out-logfile -string "Creating an XML file backup of the Azure AD DL Configuration"

        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $msGraphDLMembership -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.msGraphDLMembershipXML.value
    else {

    $htmlCaptureOffice365DLMembership = get-date

    out-logfile -string "Recording Office 365 DL Membership"

    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
            $office365DLMembership = @(get-O365DLMembership -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfiguration.externalDirectoryObjectID -errorAction STOP)
           out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain the Office 365 DL membership"
           out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($office365DLMembership.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Creating an XML file backup of the Office 365 Original DL Membership"

        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $office365DLMembership -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.office365DLMembership.value

    out-logfile -string "Recording Azure AD DL membership."
    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
        try {
            $azureADDLMembership = get-AzureADMembership -groupobjectID $azureADDLConfiguration.objectID -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain Azure AD DL Membership."
            out-logfile -string $_
    if ($azureADDLMembership -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Creating an XML file backup of the Azure AD DL Configuration"
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $azureADDLMembership -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.azureDLMembershipXML.value

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $htmlStartGroupValidation = get-date

    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
        Out-LogFile -string "Perform a safety check to ensure that the distribution list is directory sync."

            Invoke-Office365SafetyCheck -o365dlconfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -azureADDLConfiguration $msGraphDLConfiguration -errorAction STOP
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "The administrator is attempting to migrate a non-synced group. Office 365 check skipped."
            test-nonSyncDL -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -errorAction STOP    
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE   

    #At this time we have the DL configuration on both sides and have checked to ensure it is dir synced.
    #Membership of attributes is via DN - these need to be normalized to SMTP addresses in order to find users in Office 365.

    #Start with DL membership and normallize.

    $htmlStartAttributeNormalization = get-date

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-NormalizedDN to normalize the members DN to Office 365 identifier."

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremMembers.Value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremMembers.Value))
            #Resetting error variable.


            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest = get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -isMember:$TRUE -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremMembers.Value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremMembersCommon.Value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -skipNestedGroupCheck $skipNestedGroupCheck -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeDLMembershipSMTP -ne $NULL)
        Out-LogFile -string "The following objects are members of the group:"
        out-logfile -string $exchangeDLMembershipSMTP
        out-logFile -string "The distribution group has no members."    

    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-NormalizedDN to normalize the reject members DN to Office 365 identifier."

    Out-LogFile -string "REJECT USERS"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromSenders.value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromSenders.value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest = get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromSenders.value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromSendersCommon.value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    Out-LogFile -string "REJECT GROUPS"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembers.value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembers.value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembers.value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembersCommon.value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                else {
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "The group has reject messages members."
        Out-logFile -string $exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP
        out-logfile "The group to be migrated has no reject messages from members."    
    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-NormalizedDN to normalize the accept members DN to Office 365 identifier."

    Out-LogFile -string "ACCEPT USERS"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromSenders.value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromSenders.value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromSenders.value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromSendersCommon.value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                else {
                out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    Out-LogFile -string "ACCEPT GROUPS"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembers.value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembers.value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembers.value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembersCommon.value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP -ne $NULL)
        Out-LogFile -string "The following objects are members of the accept messages from senders:"
        out-logfile -string $exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP
        out-logFile -string "This group has no accept message from restrictions."    
    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-NormalizedDN to normalize the managedBy members DN to Office 365 identifier."

    Out-LogFile -string "Process MANAGEDBY"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremManagedBy.Value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremManagedBy.Value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremManagedBy.Value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremManagedByCommon.Value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    Out-LogFile -string "Process CoMANAGERS"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedBy.Value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedBy.Value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest = get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedBy.Value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedByCommon.Value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeManagedBySMTP -ne $NULL)
        #First scan is to ensure that any of the groups listed on the managed by objects are still security.
        #It is possible someone added it to managed by and changed the group type after.

        foreach ($object in $exchangeManagedBySMTP)
            #If the objec thas a non-null group type (is a group) and the value of the group type matches none of the secuity group types.
            #The object is a distribution list - no good.

            if (($object.groupType -ne $NULL) -and ($object.groupType -ne "-2147483640") -and ($object.groupType -ne "-2147483646") -and ($object.groupType -ne "-2147483644"))
                $object.isErrorMessage = "GROUP_NO_LONGER_SECURITY_EXCEPTION: A group was found on the owners attribute that is no longer a security group. Security group is required. Remove group or change group type to security."
                out-logfile -string object


                out-logfile -string "A distribution list (not security enabled) was found on managed by."
                out-logfile -string "The group must be converted to security or removed from managed by."
                out-logfile -string $object.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN

            #The group is not a distribution list.
            #If the SMTP object of the managedBy object equals the original group - check to see if an override is found.
            #If an override of distribution is found - this is not OK since security is required.

            elseif (($object.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -eq $originalDLConfiguration.mail) -and ($groupTypeOverride -eq "Distribution")) 
                out-logfile -string "Group type override detected - group has managed by permissions."

                #Group type is not NULL / Group type is security value.

                if (($object.groupType -ne $NULL) -and (($object.groupType -eq "-2147483640") -or ($object.groupType -eq "-2147483646" -or ($object.groupType -eq "-2147483644"))))
                    $object.isErrorMessage = "GROUP_OVERRIDE_MANAGER_NOT_ALLOWED: The group being migrated was found on the Owners attribute. The administrator has requested migration as Distribution not Security. To remain an owner the group must be migrated as Security - remove override or remove owner."

                    out-logfile -string $object
                    out-logfile -string "A security group has managed by rights on the distribution list."
                    out-logfile -string "The administrator has specified to override the group type."
                    out-logfile -string "The group override must be removed or the object removed from managedBY."
                    out-logfile -string $object.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN

        Out-LogFile -string "The following objects are members of the managedBY:"
        out-logfile -string $exchangeManagedBySMTP
        out-logfile -string "The group has no managers."    

    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-NormalizedDN to normalize the moderatedBy members DN to Office 365 identifier."

    Out-LogFile -string "Process MODERATEDBY"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremModeratedBy.Value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremModeratedBy.Value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest = get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremModeratedBy.Value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremModeratedByCommon.Value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeModeratedBySMTP -ne $NULL)
        Out-LogFile -string "The following objects are members of the moderatedBY:"
        out-logfile -string $exchangeModeratedBySMTP    
        out-logfile "The group has no moderators."    

    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-NormalizedDN to normalize the bypass moderation users members DN to Office 365 identifier."

    Out-LogFile -string "Process BYPASS USERS"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromSenders.Value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromSenders.Value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest = get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromSenders.Value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromSendersCommon.Value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-NormalizedDN to normalize the bypass moderation groups members DN to Office 365 identifier."

    Out-LogFile -string "Process BYPASS GROUPS"

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDL.Value) -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDL.Value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest = get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDL.Value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDLCommon.Value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeBypassModerationSMTP -ne $NULL)
        Out-LogFile -string "The following objects are members of the bypass moderation:"
        out-logfile -string $exchangeBypassModerationSMTP 
        out-logfile "The group has no bypass moderation."    

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo.Value)-ne $NULL)
        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo.Value))
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute $onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo.Value -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon $onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfToCommon.Value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP -ne $NULL)
        Out-LogFile -string "The following objects are members of the grant send on behalf to:"
        out-logfile -string $exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP
        out-logfile "The group has no grant send on behalf to."    

    Out-LogFile -string "Invoke get-normalizedDN for any on premises object that the migrated group has send as permissions."


    if ($allObjectSendAsAccess -ne $NULL)
        foreach ($permission in $allObjectSendAsAccess)
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $normalizedTest=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -DN "None" -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -activeDirectoryAttribute "SendAsDependency" -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon "SendAsDependency" -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP -CN:$permission.Identity

                out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                else {
                out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

   #At this time we have discovered all permissions based off the LDAP properties of the users. The one remaining is what objects have SENDAS rights on this DL.

    out-logfile -string "Obtaining send as permissions."

        $exchangeSendAsSMTP=get-GroupSendAsPermissions -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -adGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName $coreVariables.ADGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName.value -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress
        out-logfile -string "Unable to normalize the send as DNs."
        out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($exchangeSendAsSMTP -ne $NULL)
        Out-LogFile -string "The following objects have send as rights on the DL."
        out-logfile -string $exchangeSendAsSMTP

    #exit #Debug Exit

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryNormalizeDN = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("Time to Normalize DNs: "+$telemetryNormalizeDN.toString())

    out-logfile -string "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/"
    out-logFile -string "Summary of group information:"
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the member migration: "+$exchangeDLMembershipSMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the reject memebers: "+$exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the accept memebers: "+$exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the managedBY memebers: "+$exchangeManagedBySMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the moderatedBY memebers: "+$exchangeModeratedBySMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the bypassModeration memebers: "+$exchangeBypassModerationSMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the grantSendOnBehalfTo memebers: "+$exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of objects included in the send as rights: "+$exchangeSendAsSMTP.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups on premsies that this group has send as rights on: "+$allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized.Count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups on premises that this group has full mailbox access on: "+$allObjectsFullMailboxAccess.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of mailbox folders on premises that this group has access to: "+$allMailboxesFolderPermissions.count)
    out-logfile -string "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/"

    #Exit #Debug Exit.

    #At this point we have obtained all the information relevant to the individual group.
    #Validate that the discovered dependencies are valid in Office 365.

    $htmlStartCloudValidation = get-date

    $forLoopCounter=0 #Resetting counter at next set of queries.

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    out-logfile -string "Begin accepted domain validation."

    try {
        test-AcceptedDomain -originalDLConfiguration $originalDlConfiguration -errorAction STOP
    catch {
        out-logfile $_
        out-logfile -string "Unable to capture accepted domains for validation." -isError:$TRUE

    try {
        test-outboundConnector -overrideCentralizedMailTransportEnabled $overrideCentralizedMailTransportEnabled -errorAction STOP
    catch {
        out-logfile -string $_
        out-logfile -string "Unable to test outbound connectors for centralized mail flow" -isError:$TRUE

    if ($customRoutingDomain -eq "")
        out-logfile -string "Determine the mail onmicrosoft domain necessary for cross premises routing."
        try {
            $mailOnMicrosoftComDomain = Get-MailOnMicrosoftComDomain -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logfile -string $_
            out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain the onmicrosoft.com domain." -errorAction STOP    
        out-logfile -string "The administrtor has specified a custome routing domain - maybe for legacy tenant implementations."

        $mailOnMicrosoftComDomain = $customRoutingDomain

    out-logfile -string "Being validating all distribution list members."
    if ($exchangeDLMembershipSMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL member is in Office 365 / Exchange Online"

        foreach ($member in $exchangeDLMembershipSMTP)
            #Reset the failure.


            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There are no DL members to test."    

    out-logfile -string "Begin evaluating all members with reject rights."

    if ($exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL reject messages is in Office 365."

        foreach ($member in $exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP)
            #Reset error variable.


            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There are no reject members to test."    

    out-logfile -string "Begin evaluating all members with accept rights."

    if ($exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL accept messages is in Office 365 / Exchange Online"

        foreach ($member in $exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP)
            #Reset error variable.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There are no accept members to test."    

    out-logfile -string "Begin evaluating all managed by members."

    if ($exchangeManagedBySMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL managed by is in Office 365 / Exchange Online"

        foreach ($member in $exchangeManagedBySMTP)
            #Reset Error Variable.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There were no managed by members to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string "Begin evaluating all moderated by members."

    if ($exchangeModeratedBySMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL moderated by is in Office 365 / Exchange Online"

        foreach ($member in $exchangeModeratedBySMTP)
            #Reset error variable.


            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There were no moderated by members to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string "Being evaluating all bypass moderation members."

    if ($exchangeBypassModerationSMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL bypass moderation is in Office 365 / Exchange Online"

        foreach ($member in $exchangeBypassModerationSMTP)
            #Reset error variable.


            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There were no bypass moderation members to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string "Begin evaluation of all grant send on behalf to members."

    if ($exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL grant send on behalf to is in Office 365 / Exchange Online"

        foreach ($member in $exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP)
            $isTestError = "No"

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There were no grant send on behalf to members to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string "Begin evaluation all members with send as rights."

    if ($exchangeSendAsSMTP.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring each DL send as is in Office 365."

        foreach ($member in $exchangeSendAsSMTP)
            #Reset error variable.


            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There were no members with send as rights."    

    out-logfile -string "Begin evaluation of groups on premises that the group to be migrated has send as rights on."

    if ($allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Ensuring that each group on premises that the migrated group has send as rights on is in Office 365."

        foreach ($member in $allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized)
            #Reset error variable.


            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds..." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-LogFile -string ("Testing = "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)

                $isTestError=test-O365Recipient -member $member

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    $member.isError = $TRUE
                    $member.isErrorMessage = "OFFICE_365_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: A group dependency was not found in Office 365. Please either ensure the dependency is present or remove the dependency from the group."

                    out-logfile -string $member

                    $global:testOffice365Errors += $member
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "There were no members with send as rights."    

    out-logfile -string "Test DL name prefix and suffix name constraints."

        test-dlNameLength -DLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -prefix $dlNamePrefix -suffix $dlNameSuffix -errorAction STOP
    catch {
        out-logfile -string $_
        out-logfile -string "Unable to validate the DL name suffix prefix length constraints" -isError:$TRUE

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryValidateCloudRecipients = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("Time to validate recipients in cloud: "+ $telemetryValidateCloudRecipients.toString())

    #At this time we have validated the on premises pre-requisits for group migration.
    #If anything is not in order - this code will provide the summary list to the customer and then trigger end.

    if (($global:preCreateErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:testOffice365Errors.count -gt 0))
        #Write the XML files first so that the error table is complete without separation.

        if ($global:preCreateErrors.count -gt 0)
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $global:preCreateErrors -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.preCreateErrorsXML.value

        if ($global:testOffice365Errors.Count -gt 0)
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $global:testOffice365Errors -itemNametoExport $xmlfiles.testOffice365ErrorsXML.value

        out-logfile -string "+++++"
        out-logfile -string "Pre-requist checks failed. Please refer to the following list of items that require addressing for migration to proceed."
        out-logfile -string "+++++"
        out-logfile -string ""

        if ($global:preCreateErrors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($preReq in $global:preCreateErrors)
                write-errorEntry -errorEntry $preReq

                #Test to see if the error is a NestedGroupException - if so write it to the nested group csv.

                if ($preReq.isErrorMessage -like $nestedGroupException)
                    out-logfile -string "Nested group exception written to CSV."
                    export-csv -Path $nestedCSVPath -inputObject $preReq -append

        if ($global:testOffice365Errors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($preReq in $global:testOffice365Errors)
                write-errorEntry -errorEntry $prereq

        if ($isHealthCheck -eq $FALSE)
            out-logfile -string "Pre-requiste checks failed. Please refer to the previous list of items that require addressing for migration to proceed." -isError:$TRUE
            out-logfile -string "Pre-requiste checks failed. Please refer to the previous list of items that require addressing for migration to proceed."

    if ($isHealthCheck -eq $TRUE)

    #Exit #Debug Exit

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $htmlCaptureOnPremisesDependencies = get-date

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    out-logfile -string "Get all the groups that this user is a member of - normalize to canonicalname."

    #Start with groups this DL is a member of remaining on premises.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremMemberOf.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get-CanonicalName."

        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremMemberOf.value))
                $allGroupsMemberOf += get-canonicalname -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($allGroupsMemberOf -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "The group to be migrated is a member of the following groups."
        out-logfile -string $allGroupsMemberOf
        out-logfile -string "The group is not a member of any other groups on premises."

    #Handle all recipients that have forwarding to this group based on forwarding address.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremForwardingAddressBL.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get-CanonicalName."

        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremForwardingAddressBL.value))
                $allUsersForwardingAddress += get-canonicalname -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($allUsersForwardingAddress -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "The group has forwarding address set on the following users.."
        out-logfile -string $allUsersForwardingAddress
        out-logfile -string "The group does not have forwarding set on any other users."

    #Handle all groups this object has reject permissions on.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembersBL.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get-CanonicalName."

        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembersBL.value))
                $allGroupsReject += get-canonicalname -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($allGroupsReject -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "The group has reject permissions on the following groups:"
        out-logfile -string $allGroupsReject
        out-logfile -string "The group does not have any reject permissions on other groups."

    #Handle all groups this object has accept permissions on.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembersBL.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get-CanonicalName."

        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembersBL.value))
                $allGroupsAccept += get-canonicalname -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($allGroupsAccept -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "The group has accept messages from on the following groups:"
        out-logfile -string $allGroupsAccept
        out-logfile -string "The group does not have accept permissions on any groups."

    if ($originalDlConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedByBL.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get canonical name."

        foreach ($dn in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedByBL.value))
                $allGroupsCoManagedByBL += get-canonicalName -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP

            catch {
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "The group is not a co manager on any other groups."    

    if ($allGroupsCoManagedByBL -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "The group is a co-manager on the following objects:"
        out-logfile -string $allGroupsCoManagedByBL
        out-logfile -string "The group is not a co manager on any other objects."

    #Handle all groups this object has bypass moderation permissions on.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDLMembersBL.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get-CanonicalName."

        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromDLMembersBL.value))
                $allGroupsBypassModeration += get-canonicalname -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($allGroupsBypassModeration -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "This group has bypass moderation on the following groups:"
        out-logfile -string $allGroupsBypassModeration
        out-logfile -string "This group does not have any bypass moderation on any groups."

    #Handle all groups this object has accept permissions on.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfToBL.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get-CanonicalName."

        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfToBL.value))
                $allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo += get-canonicalname -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "This group has grant send on behalf to to the following groups:"
        out-logfile -string $allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo
        out-logfile -string "The group does ont have any send on behalf of rights to other groups."

    #Handle all groups this object has manager permissions on.

    if ($originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedByBL.value) -ne $NULL)
        out-logfile -string "Calling get-CanonicalName."

        foreach ($DN in $originalDLConfiguration.($onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedByBL.value))
                $allGroupsManagedBy += get-canonicalname -globalCatalog $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -dn $DN -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    if ($allGroupsManagedBy -ne $NULL)
        out-logFile -string "This group has managedBY rights on the following groups."
        out-logfile -string $allGroupsManagedBy
        out-logfile -string "The group is not a manager on any other groups."

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryDependencyOnPrem = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("Time to calculate on premsies dependencies: "+ $telemetryDependencyOnPrem.toString())

    out-logfile -string "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/"
    out-logfile -string ("Summary of dependencies found:")
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups that the migrated DL is a member of = "+$allGroupsMemberOf.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups that this group is a manager of: = "+$allGroupsManagedBy.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups that this group has grant send on behalf to = "+$allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups that have this group as bypass moderation = "+$allGroupsBypassModeration.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups with accept permissions = "+$allGroupsAccept.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups with reject permissions = "+$allGroupsReject.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of mailboxes forwarding to this group is = "+$allUsersForwardingAddress.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of groups this group is a co-manager on = "+$allGroupsCoManagedByBL.Count)
    out-logfile -string "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/"

    #Exit #Debug exit

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    Out-LogFile -string "Recording all gathered information to XML to preserve original values."

    if ($allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized.count -ne 0)
        out-logfile -string $allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized

        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsSendAsNormalizedXML.value
    if ($exchangeDLMembershipSMTP -ne $NULL)
        Out-XMLFile -itemtoexport $exchangeDLMembershipSMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeDLMembershipSMTPXML.value

    if ($exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeRejectMessagesSMTPXML.value

    if ($exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTPXML.value

    if ($exchangeManagedBySMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $exchangeManagedBySMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeManagedBySMTPXML.value

    if ($exchangeModeratedBySMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $exchangeModeratedBySMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeModeratedBySMTPXML.value

    if ($exchangeBypassModerationSMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $exchangeBypassModerationSMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeBypassModerationSMTPXML.value

    if ($exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemToExport $exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTPXML.value

    if ($exchangeSendAsSMTP -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemToExport $exchangeSendAsSMTP -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.exchangeSendAsSMTPXML.value

    if ($allGroupsMemberOf -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $allGroupsMemberOf -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsMemberOfXML.value
    if ($allGroupsReject -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $allGroupsReject -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsRejectXML.value
    if ($allGroupsAccept -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $allGroupsAccept -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsAcceptXML.value

    if ($allGroupsCoManagedByBL -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemToExport $allGroupsCoManagedByBL -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsCoManagedByXML.value

    if ($allGroupsBypassModeration -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $allGroupsBypassModeration -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsBypassModerationXML.value

    if ($allUsersForwardingAddress -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allUsersForwardingAddress -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allUsersForwardingAddressXML.value

    if ($allGroupsManagedBy -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allGroupsManagedBy -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsManagedByXML.value

    if ($allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo -ne $NULL)
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfToXML.value
        $allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo =@()

    #EXIT #Debug Exit

    #Ok so at this point we have preserved all of the information regarding the on premises DL.
    #It is possible that there could be cloud only objects that this group was made dependent on.
    #For example - the dirSync group could have been added as a member of a cloud only group - or another group that was migrated.
    #The issue here is that this gets VERY expensive to track - since some of the word to do do is not filterable.
    #With the LDAP improvements we no longer offert the option to track on premises - but the administrator can choose to track the cloud

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $htmlRecordOffice365Dependencies = get-date

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    #Process normal mail enabled groups.

    if (($retainOffice365Settings -eq $TRUE) -and ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE))
        out-logFile -string "Office 365 settings are to be retained."

        try {
            $allOffice365MemberOf = Get-O365GroupDependency -dn $office365DLConfiguration.distinguishedName -attributeType $office365Attributes.office365Members.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL is a member of = "+$allOffice365MemberOf.count)

        try {
            $allOffice365Accept = Get-O365GroupDependency -dn $office365DLConfiguration.distinguishedName -attributeType $office365Attributes.office365AcceptMessagesFrom.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL has accept rights = "+$allOffice365Accept.count)

        try {
            $allOffice365Reject = Get-O365GroupDependency -dn $office365DLConfiguration.distinguishedName -attributeType $office365Attributes.office365RejectMessagesFrom.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL has reject rights = "+$allOffice365Reject.count)

        try {
            $allOffice365BypassModeration = Get-O365GroupDependency -dn $office365DLConfiguration.distinguishedName -attributeType $office365Attributes.office365BypassModerationFrom.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL has grant send on behalf to righbypassModeration rights = "+$allOffice365BypassModeration.count)

        try {
            $allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo = Get-O365GroupDependency -dn $office365DLConfiguration.distinguishedName -attributeType $office365Attributes.office365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL has grantSendOnBehalFto = "+$allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.count)

        try {
            $allOffice365ManagedBy = Get-O365GroupDependency -dn $office365DLConfiguration.distinguishedName -attributeType $office365Attributes.office365ManagedBy.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL has managedBY = "+$allOffice365ManagedBy.count)

        try {
            $allOffice365ForwardingAddress = Get-O365GroupDependency -dn $office365DLConfiguration.distinguishedName -attributeType $office365Attributes.office365ForwardingAddress.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL has forwarding on mailboxes = "+$allOffice365ForwardingAddress.count)

        if ($retainSendAsOffice365 -eq $TRUE)
            out-logfile -string "Retain Office 365 send as set to try - invoke only if group is type security on premsies."

            if (($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483640") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483646") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483644"))
                out-logfile -string "Group is type security on premises - therefore it may have send as rights."

                    $allOffice365SendAsAccess = Get-O365DLSendAs -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -isTrustee:$TRUE -office365GroupConfiguration $office365GroupConfiguration -errorAction STOP
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                out-logfile -string "Group is not security on premsies therefore has no send as rights in Office 365."

        out-logfile -string ("The number of groups in Office 365 cloud only that the DL has send as rights on = "+$allOffice365SendAsAccess.count)

        try {
            $allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup = get-o365DLSendAs -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        if ($retainFullMailboxAccessOffice365 -eq $TRUE)
            if ($useCollectedFullMailboxAccessOffice365 -eq $FALSE)
                try {
                    $allOffice365FullMailboxAccess = Get-O365DLFullMaiboxAccess -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfiguration.externalDirectoryObjectID
                catch {
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
            elseif ($useCollectedFullMailboxAccessOffice365 -eq $TRUE)
                $importFilePath=Join-path $importFile $xmlFiles.retainOffice365RecipientFullMailboxAccessXML.value

                try {
                    $importData = import-CLIXML -path $importFilePath
                catch {
                    out-logfile -string "Error importing the send as permissions from collect function."
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

                try {
                    $allOffice365FullMailboxAccess = Get-O365DLFullMaiboxAccess -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -collectedData $importData
                catch {
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of Office 365 mailboxes that have full mailbox access rights for the migrated group ="+$allOffice365FullMailboxAccess.count)

        if ($useCollectedFolderPermissionsOffice365 -eq $TRUE)
            out-logfile -string "Administrator has opted to retain folder permissions in Office 365."

            $importFilePath=Join-path $importFile $xmlFiles.retainMailboxFolderPermsOffice365XML.value

            try {
                $importData = import-CLIXML -path $importFilePath
            catch {
                out-logfile -string "Error importing the send as permissions from collect function."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

            try {
                $allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions = Get-O365DLMailboxFolderPermissions -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -collectedData $importData
            catch {
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string ("The number of Office 365 mailboxes folders that have folder permissions for the migrated group ="+$allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions.count)

        if ($allOffice365MemberOf -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365MemberOf
            out-xmlfile -itemtoexport $allOffice365MemberOf -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365MemberOfXML.value

        if ($allOffice365Accept -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365Accept
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allOffice365Accept -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365AcceptXML.value

        if ($allOffice365Reject -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365Reject
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allOffice365Reject -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365RejectXML.value
        if ($allOffice365BypassModeration -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365BypassModeration
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allOffice365BypassModeration -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365BypassModerationXML.value

        if ($allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo
            out-xmlfile -itemToExport $allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfToXML.value

        if ($allOffice365ManagedBy -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365ManagedBy
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allOffice365ManagedBy -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365ManagedByXML.value

            out-logfile -string "Setting group type override to security - the group type may have changed on premises after the permission was added."


        if ($allOffice365ForwardingAddress -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365ForwardingAddress
            out-xmlfile -itemToExport $allOffice365ForwardingAddress -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365ForwardingAddressXML.value

        if ($allOffice365SendAsAccess -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365SendAsAccess
            out-xmlfile -itemToExport $allOffice365SendAsAccess -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffic365SendAsAccessXML.value

            out-logfile -string "Resetting group type to security - this is required for send as permissions and may have been changed on premsies."


        if ($allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup
            out-xmlfile -itemToExport $allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroupXML.value

        if ($allOffice365FullMailboxAccess -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365FullMailboxAccess
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $allOffice365FullMailboxAccess -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365FullMailboxAccessXML.value

            out-logfile -string "Resetting group type to security - this is required for mailbox permissions but may have changed on premises."


        if ($allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string $allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions
            out-xmlfile -itemToExport $allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.allOffice365MailboxesFolderPermissionsXML.value

            out-logfile -string "Resetting group type to security - this is required for mailbox folder permissions but may have changed on premsies."

        out-logfile -string "Administrator opted out of recording Office 365 dependencies."

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryCollectOffice365Dependency = ($telemetryFunctionEndTime - $telemetryFunctionStartTime).seconds

    out-logfile -string ("Time to gather Office 365 dependencies: "+$telemetryCollectOffice365Dependency.tostring())

    out-logfile -string "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/"
    out-logfile -string ("Summary of dependencies found:")
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 objects that the migrated DL is a member of = "+$allOffice365MemberOf.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 objects that this group is a manager of: = "+$allOffice365ManagedBy.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 objects that this group has grant send on behalf to = "+$allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 objects that have this group as bypass moderation = "+$allOffice365BypassModeration.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 objects with accept permissions = "+$allOffice365Accept.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 objects with reject permissions = "+$allOffice365Reject.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 mailboxes forwarding to this group is = "+$allOffice365ForwardingAddress.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of recipients that have send as rights on the group to be migrated = "+$allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 recipients where the group has send as rights = "+$allOffice365SendAsAccess.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 recipients with full mailbox access = "+$allOffice365FullMailboxAccess.count)
    out-logfile -string ("The number of office 365 mailbox folders with migrated group rights = "+$allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions.count)
    out-logfile -string "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/"

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    $htmlCreateOffice365StubGroup = get-date

    #EXIT #Debug Exit

    #We can begin the process of recreating the distribution group in Exchange Online.
    #This will make a first pass at creating a stub distribution list and perfomring long running transations like updating membership.
    #By creating the DL first and updating these items - the original DL remains fully available until the new DL is populated and ready to turn over.

    out-logfile -string "Create the new distribution list in Office 365. This list uses the tempoary name for creation."

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    out-logfile "Attempting to create the DL in Office 365."

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration=new-office365dl -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -office365DLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -grouptypeoverride $groupTypeOverride -errorAction STOP

            #Set the global DL info to Office365DLConfiguration so that if there is a failure the DL can be removed.

            out-logfile -string "Setting DL cleanup information - if a failure occurs delete the stub DL."

            $global:DLCleanupInfo = $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration

            #If we made it this far then the group was created.

        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 10)
                out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE 
                out-logfile -string "Unable to create the distribution list on attempt. Retry"

                if ($loopCounter -gt 0)
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepSeconds ($loopCounter * 5) -sleepstring "Invoke sleep - error creating distribution group."
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    #Sometimes the configuration is not immediately available due to ad sync time in Office 365.
    #Implement a loop that protects us here - trying 10 times and sleeping the bare minimum in between to eliminate longer static sleeps.

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

        try {
            #If we hit here we did not get a terminating error. Write the configuration.

            out-LogFile -string "Write new DL configuration to XML."

            out-Logfile -string $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -itemNameToExport (($xmlFiles.office365DLConfigurationPostMigrationXML.value)+"-NewO365DL")
            #If we made it this far we can end the loop - we were succssful.

        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 10)
                out-logfile -string "Unable to get Office 365 distribution list configuration after 10 tries."
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to capture the Office 365 DL configuration. Sleeping 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

                $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1 
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $false)

    #Now it is time to set the multi valued attributes on the DL in Office 365.
    #Setting these first must occur since moderators have to be established before moderation can be enabled.

    $htmlFirstPassAttributes = get-date

    out-logFile -string "Setting the multivalued attributes of the migrated group for the first pass."

    out-logfile -string $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.primarySMTPAddress

    [boolean]$stopLoop = $FALSE
    do {
        try {
            set-Office365DLMV -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -office365DLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -office365GroupConfiguration $office365GroupConfiguration -office365DLConfigurationPostMigration $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -exchangeDLMembership $exchangeDLMembershipSMTP -exchangeRejectMessage $exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP -exchangeAcceptMessage $exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP -exchangeModeratedBy $exchangeModeratedBySMTP -exchangeManagedBy $exchangeManagedBySMTP -exchangeBypassMOderation $exchangeBypassModerationSMTP -exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfTo $exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP -errorAction STOP -groupTypeOverride $groupTypeOverride -exchangeSendAsSMTP $exchangeSendAsSMTP -mailOnMicrosoftComDomain $mailOnMicrosoftComDomain -allowNonSyncedGroup $allowNonSyncedGroup -allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup $allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup -isFirstAttempt:$TRUE

            $stopLoop = $TRUE
        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
            else {
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Uanble to set Office 365 DL Multi Value attributes - try again." -sleepSeconds 5

                $loopCounter = $loopCounter +1
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    out-logfile -string ("The number of post create errors is: "+$global:postCreateErrors.count)

    #Sometimes the configuration is not immediately available due to ad sync time in Office 365.
    #Implement a loop that protects us here - trying 10 times and sleeping the bare minimum in between to eliminate longer static sleeps.

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration = Get-O365DLConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.GUID -errorAction STOP

            #If we made it this far we were successful - output the information to XML.

            out-LogFile -string "Write new DL configuration to XML."

            out-Logfile -string $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -itemNameToExport (($xmlFiles.office365DLConfigurationPostMigrationXML.value)+"-SetMVAttsFirstAttempt")

            #Now that we are this far - we can exit the loop.

        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 10)
                out-logfile -string "Unable to get Office 365 distribution list configuration after 10 tries."
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to capture the Office 365 DL configuration. Sleeping 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

                $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1 
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    #The distribution list has now been created. There are single value attributes that we're now ready to update.

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            set-Office365DL -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -office365DLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -groupTypeOverride $groupTypeOverride -office365DLConfigurationPostMigration $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -isFirstAttempt:$TRUE -prefix $dlNamePrefix -suffix $dlNameSuffix
        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Transient error updating distribution group - retrying." -sleepSeconds 5

    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    out-logfile -string ("The number of post create errors is: "+$global:postCreateErrors.count)

    out-logFile -string ("Capture the DL status post migration.")

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration = Get-O365DLConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.GUID -errorAction STOP

            #If we made it this far we successfully got the DL. Write it.

            out-LogFile -string "Write new DL configuration to XML."

            out-Logfile -string $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -itemNameToExport (($xmlFiles.office365DLConfigurationPostMigrationXML.value)+"-SetSingleValAttsFirstAttempt")

            #Now that we wrote it - stop the loop.

        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 10)
                out-logfile -string "Unable to get Office 365 distribution list configuration after 10 tries."
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to capture the Office 365 DL configuration. Sleeping 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

                $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1 
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $false)

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryCreateOffice365DLFirstPass = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("The time it took to create the Office 365 distribution group and run first pass attributes: "+$telemetryCreateOffice365DLFirstPass.toString())

    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
    Out-LogFile -string "START Remove on premises distribution group from office 365.."
    Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

    #At this stage we will move the group to the non-Sync OU and then re-record the attributes.
    #The move here will allow us to preserve the original groups with attributes until we know that the migration was successful.
    #We will use the move to the non-SYNC OU to trigger deletion.

    #EXIT #Debug exit

    #In this case we should write a status file for all threads.
    #When all threads have reached this point it is safe to have them all move their DLs to the non-Sync OU.

    #If there are multiple threads in use hold all of them for thread

    $htmlMoveToNonSyncOU = get-date

    out-logfile -string "Determine if multiple migration threads are in use..."

    if ($totalThreadCount -eq 0)
        out-logfile -string "Multiple threads are not in use. Continue functions..."
        out-logfile -string "Multiple threads are in use. Hold at this point for all threads to reach the point of moving to non-Sync OU."

            out-statusFile -threadNumber $global:threadNumber -errorAction STOP
            out-logfile -string "Unable to write status file." -isError:$TRUE

            out-logfile -string "All threads are not ready - sleeping."
        } until ((get-statusFileCount) -eq  $totalThreadCount)

    try {
        move-toNonSyncOU -dn $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName -OU $dnNoSyncOU -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -errorAction STOP
    catch {
        out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    $global:DLMoveCleanup.originalDLConfiguration = $originalDLConfiguration

    #If there are multiple threads have all threads > 1 sleep for 15 seconds while thread one deletes all status files.
    #This should cover the 5 seconds that any other threads may be sleeping looking to read the status directory.

    $htmlStartADConnectFirstPass = get-date

    if ($totalThreadCount -gt 0)
        start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep before removing individual status files.." -sleepSeconds 5

        out-logfile -string "Trigger cleanup of individual status files."

            remove-statusFiles -functionThreadNumber $global:threadNumber
            out-logfile -string "Unable to remove status files" -isError:$TRUE

        start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep after removing individual status files.." -sleepSeconds 5

    #$Capture the moved DL configuration (since attibutes change upon move.)

    try {
        $originalDLConfigurationUpdated = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential 
    catch {
        out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    out-LogFile -string $originalDLConfigurationUpdated
    out-xmlFile -itemToExport $originalDLConfigurationUpdated -itemNameTOExport (($xmlFiles.originalDLConfigurationUpdatedXML.value)+"-MoveToNoSyncOU")

    #If there are multiple threads and we've reached this point - we're ready to write a status file.

    out-logfile -string "If thread number > 1 - write the status file here."

    if ($global:threadNumber -gt 1)
        out-logfile -string "Thread number is greater than 1."

            out-statusFile -threadNumber $global:threadNumber -errorAction STOP
            out-logfile -string $_
            out-logfile -string "Unable to write status file." -isError:$TRUE
        out-logfile -string "Thread number is 1 - do not write status at this time."    

    #If there are multiple threads - only replicate the domain controllers and trigger AD connect if all threads have completed their work.

    out-logfile -string "Determine if multiple migration threads are in use..."

    if ($totalThreadCount -eq 0)
        out-logfile -string "Multiple threads are not in use. Continue functions..."
        out-logfile -string "Multiple threads are in use - depending on thread number take different actions."
        if ($global:threadNumber -eq 1)
            out-logfile -string "This is the master thread responsible for triggering operations."
            out-logfile -string "Search status directory and count files - if file count = number of threads - 1 thread 1 can proceed."

            #Do the following until the count of the files in the directory = number of threads - 1.

                out-logfile -string "Other threads are pending. Sleep 5 seconds."
            } until ((get-statusFileCount) -eq ($totalThreadCount - 1))
        elseif ($global:threadNumber -gt 1)
            out-logfile -string "This is not the master thread responsible for triggering operations."
            out-logfile -string "Search directory and count files. If the file count = number of threads proceed."

                out-logfile -string "Thread 1 is not ready to trigger. Sleep 5 seconds."
            } until ((get-statusFileCount) -eq  $totalThreadCount)

    #Replicate domain controllers so that the change is received as soon as possible.()

    $htmlReplicateActiveDirectoryFirstPass = get-date
    if (($global:threadNumber -eq 0) -or ($global:threadNumber -eq 1))
        start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep before invoking AD replication - 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

        out-logfile -string "Invoking AD replication."

        try {
            invoke-ADReplication -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -powershellSessionName $coreVariables.ADGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName.value -errorAction STOP
        catch {
            out-logfile -string $_

    #If group deletion via graph is allowed - do it at this time.

    $htmlRemoveGroupViaGraph = get-date

    out-logfile -string "If delete via graph is in use - process the deletion via graph."

    if ($removeGroupViaGraph -eq $TRUE)
        out-logfile -string "Remove group via graph is enabled."

        try {
            remove-groupViaGraph -groupObjectID $office365DLConfiguration.externalDirectoryObjectID -errorAction STOP

            out-logfile -string "Group removal via graph was successful."
        catch {
            out-logfile -string $_
            out-logfile -string "Unable to remove the group via graph - this is a hard failure."
            out-logfile -string "Since the group is already gone - assume handeled via ad connect and continue."

    #Start the process of syncing the deletion to the cloud if the administrator has provided credentials.
    #Note: If this is not done we are subject to sitting and waiting for it to complete.

    $htmlStartADConnectSecondPass = get-date

    if (($global:threadNumber -eq 0) -or ($global:threadNumber -eq 1))
        if ($coreVariables.useAADConnect.value -eq $TRUE)
            start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep before invoking AD Connect - one minute." -sleepSeconds 60

            out-logfile -string "Invoking AD Connect."

            invoke-ADConnect -powerShellSessionName $coreVariables.aadConnectPowershellSessionName.value

            start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep after invoking AD Connect - one minute." -sleepSeconds 60
            out-logfile -string "AD Connect information not specified - allowing ad connect to run on normal cycle and process deletion."    

    #The single functions have triggered operations. Other threads may continue.

    if ($global:threadNumber -eq 1)
        out-statusFile -threadNumber $global:threadNumber
        start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep after writing file..." -sleepSeconds 3

    #If this is the main thread - introduce a sleep for 10 seconds - allows the other threads to detect 5 files.
    #Reset the status directory for furture thread dependencies.

    if ($totalThreadCount -gt 0)
        start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep before removing individual status files.." -sleepSeconds 5

        out-logfile -string "Trigger cleanup of individual status files."

            remove-statusFiles -functionThreadNumber $global:threadNumber
            out-logfile -string "Unable to remove status files" -isError:$TRUE

        start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep after removing individual status files.." -sleepSeconds 5
    #At this time we have processed the deletion to azure.
    #We need to wait for that deletion to occur in Exchange Online.

    $htmlTestCloudDLDeletion = get-date

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    out-logfile -string "Monitoring Exchange Online for distribution list deletion."

    if ($totalThreadCount -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Calling test-CloudDLPresent with AD Connect information."

        try {

            if ($coreVariables.useAADConnect.value -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string "Invoking test-cloudDLPresent using AD Connect information since multi-threaded."

                test-CloudDLPresent -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfiguration.externalDirectoryObjectID -aadConnectPowershellSessionName $coreVariables.aadConnectPowershellSessionName.value -errorAction SilentlyContinue
                out-logfile -string "Invoking test-cloudDLPresent without using AD Connect information since not specified with multi-threaded migration."

                test-CloudDLPresent -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfiguration.externalDirectoryObjectID -errorAction SilentlyContinue            
        catch {
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
        try {
            out-logfile -string "Invoking test-cloudDLPresent with no ADConnect information (single threaded)."

            test-CloudDLPresent -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfiguration.externalDirectoryObjectID -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        catch {
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryTimeToRemoveDL = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("Elapsed time to remove the Office 365 Distribution List: "+$telemetryTimeToRemoveDL.tostring())

    #At this point we have validated that the group is gone from office 365.
    #EXIT #Debug Exit.

    start-sleepProgress -sleepSeconds 30 -sleepString "Holding post DL creation for 30 seconds to allow buffer for cache purge before resetting attributes that may collid with the origianl group."

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    #Now it is time to set the multi valued attributes on the DL in Office 365.
    #Setting these first must occur since moderators have to be established before moderation can be enabled.

    $htmlSecondPassAttributes = get-date

    out-logFile -string "Setting the multivalued attributes of the migrated group for the first pass."

    out-logfile -string $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.primarySMTPAddress

    [boolean]$stopLoop = $FALSE
    do {
        try {
            set-Office365DLMV -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -office365DLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -office365GroupConfiguration $office365GroupConfiguration -office365DLConfigurationPostMigration $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -exchangeDLMembership $exchangeDLMembershipSMTP -exchangeRejectMessage $exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP -exchangeAcceptMessage $exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP -exchangeModeratedBy $exchangeModeratedBySMTP -exchangeManagedBy $exchangeManagedBySMTP -exchangeBypassMOderation $exchangeBypassModerationSMTP -exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfTo $exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP -errorAction STOP -groupTypeOverride $groupTypeOverride -exchangeSendAsSMTP $exchangeSendAsSMTP -mailOnMicrosoftComDomain $mailOnMicrosoftComDomain -allowNonSyncedGroup $allowNonSyncedGroup -allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup $allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup 

            $stopLoop = $TRUE
        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
            else {
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Uanble to set Office 365 DL Multi Value attributes - try again." -sleepSeconds 5

                $loopCounter = $loopCounter +1
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    out-logfile -string ("The number of post create errors is: "+$global:postCreateErrors.count)

    #Sometimes the configuration is not immediately available due to ad sync time in Office 365.
    #Implement a loop that protects us here - trying 10 times and sleeping the bare minimum in between to eliminate longer static sleeps.

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration = Get-O365DLConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.GUID -errorAction STOP

            #If we made it this far we were successful - output the information to XML.

            out-LogFile -string "Write new DL configuration to XML."

            out-Logfile -string $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -itemNameToExport (($xmlFiles.office365DLConfigurationPostMigrationXML.value)+"-SetMVAtts")

            #Now that we are this far - we can exit the loop.

        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 10)
                out-logfile -string "Unable to get Office 365 distribution list configuration after 10 tries."
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to capture the Office 365 DL configuration. Sleeping 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

                $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1 
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    #The distribution list has now been created. There are single value attributes that we're now ready to update.

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            set-Office365DL -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -office365DLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -groupTypeOverride $groupTypeOverride -office365DLConfigurationPostMigration $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -prefix $dlNamePrefix -suffix $dlNameSuffix
        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Transient error updating distribution group - retrying." -sleepSeconds 5

    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    out-logfile -string ("The number of post create errors is: "+$global:postCreateErrors.count)

    out-logFile -string ("Capture the DL status post migration.")

    $htmlCaptureOffice365InfoPostMigration = get-date

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration = Get-O365DLConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.GUID -errorAction STOP

            #If we made it this far we successfully got the DL. Write it.

            out-LogFile -string "Write new DL configuration to XML."

            out-Logfile -string $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration
            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -itemNameToExport (($xmlFiles.office365DLConfigurationPostMigrationXML.value)+"-SetSingleValAtts")

            #Now that we wrote it - stop the loop.

        catch {
            if ($loopCounter -gt 10)
                out-logfile -string "Unable to get Office 365 distribution list configuration after 10 tries."
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to capture the Office 365 DL configuration. Sleeping 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

                $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1 
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $false)

    out-logfile -string "Obtain the migrated DL membership and record it for validation."

    #out-logfile -string "Debug error for testing move to original OU." -isError:$TRUE

    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
            $office365DLMembershipPostMigration = @(get-O365DLMembership -groupSMTPAddress $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.guid -errorAction STOP)

            #Membership obtained - export.

            out-logFile -string "Write the new DL membership to XML."
            out-logfile -string $office365DLMembershipPostMigration

            out-xmlFile -itemToExport $office365DLMembershipPostMigration -itemNametoExport $xmlFiles.office365DLMembershipPostMigrationXML.value

            #Exports complete - stop loop

            if ($loopCounter -gt 10)
                out-logfile -string "Unable to get Office 365 distribution list configuration after 10 tries."
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to capture the Office 365 DL configuration. Sleeping 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15
                $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1 
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryCreateOffice365DL = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("Time elapsed to fully create Office 365 DL: "+$telemetryCreateOffice365DL.toString())

    #The DL has no been fully created - any failures from this point should not remove the stub DL.

    out-logfile -string "At this point do not delete the stub DL created in the cloud - the DL is now complete as best possible."

    $global:DlCleanupInfo = $NULL

    out-logfile -string "At this point do not move the DL back to the sync OU in the event of a failure."

    $global:DLMoveCleanup.originalDLConfiguration = $NULL

    #The distribution group has been created and both single and multi valued attributes have been updated.
    #The group is fully availablle in exchange online.
    #The group as this point sits in the non-sync OU. This was to service the deletion.
    #The administrator may have reasons for keeping the group.
    #If they do the plan is to do two things.
    ###Rename the group by adding a ! to the name - this ensures that if the group is every accidentally mail enabled it will not soft match the migrated group.
    ###We'll stamp custom attribute flags on it to ensure that we know the group has been mirgated - in case it's a member of another group to be migrated.

    $htmlRenameorOriginalGroup = get-date

    if ($retainOriginalGroup -eq $TRUE)
        Out-LogFile -string "Administrator has choosen to retain the original group."
        out-logfile -string "Rename the group by adding the fixed character !"


        do {
            try {
                set-newDLName -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -dlName $originalDLConfigurationUpdated.Name -dlSAMAccountName $originalDLConfigurationUpdated.SAMAccountName -dn $originalDLConfigurationUpdated.distinguishedName -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP

            catch {
                if($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Uanble to change DL name - try again." -sleepSeconds 5
                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1    
        } while ($stopLoop=$FALSE)


        do {
            try {
                $originalDLConfigurationUpdated = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential 

            catch {
                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to obtain updated original DL Configuration - try again." -sleepSeconds 5

                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1
        } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

        out-logfile -string $originalDLConfigurationUpdated
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $originalDLConfigurationUpdated -itemNameTOExport (($xmlFiles.originalDLConfigurationUpdatedXML.value)+"-RenamedDL")

        Out-LogFile -string "Administrator has choosen to regain the original group."
        out-logfile -string "Disabling the mail attributes on the group."

        $htmlDisableOriginalGroup = get-date

        do {
                Disable-OriginalDL -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfigurationUpdated -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -parameterSet $dlPropertySetToClear -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -useOnPremisesExchange $coreVariables.useOnPremisesExchange.value -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP

                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to disable distribution group - try again." -sleepSeconds 5

                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter + 1
        } while ($stopLoop -eq $false)

        do {
            try {
                $originalDLConfigurationUpdated = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -dn $originalDLConfigurationUpdated.distinguishedName -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential 

                $stopLoop = $TRUE
            catch {
                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                else {
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Attempt to gather updated DL configuration failed - try again." -sleepSeconds 5

                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter + 1
        } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

        out-logfile -string $originalDLConfigurationUpdated
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $originalDLConfigurationUpdated -itemNameTOExport (($xmlFiles.originalDLConfigurationUpdatedXML.value)+"-PostMailDisabledGroup")

        Out-LogFile -string "Move the original group back to the OU it came from. The group will no longer be soft matched."

        $htmlMoveToOriginalOU = get-date


        do {
            try {
                #Discovered that it's possible someone used the name "Test Group". This breaks the following DN search as OU appears in the name - WHOOPS
                #So we need to try to make the substring call more unique - as to avoid detecting OU in a name.
                #To do so - we know that the DN has ,OU= so the first substring we'll search is ,OU=.
                #Then we'll do it again - this time for just OU. And that should give us what we need for the OU.

                $tempOUSubstring = Get-OULocation -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -errorAction STOP

                move-toNonSyncOU -DN $originalDLConfigurationUpdated.distinguishedName -ou $tempOUSubstring -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -dlPostCreate $true -errorAction STOP

                $stopLoop = $TRUE
            catch {
                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                else {

                    out-logfile -string $_
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to move the DL to a non-sync OU - try again." -sleepSeconds 5

                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter +1
        } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

        [int]$loopCounter = 0
        [boolean]$stopLoop = $FALSE

        do {
            try {
                $tempOU=get-OULocation -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration
                $originalDLConfigurationUpdated = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -dn $tempDN -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential 

                $stopLoop = $TRUE
            catch {
                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-logFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                else {
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to obtain moved DL configuration - try again." -sleepSeconds 5

                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter +1
        } while ($stopLoop = $FALSE)

        out-logfile -string $originalDLConfigurationUpdated
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $originalDLConfigurationUpdated -itemNameTOExport (($xmlFiles.originalDLConfigurationUpdatedXML.value)+"-MoveToOriginalOU")

    #Now it is time to create the routing contact.

    $htmlCreateRoutingContact = get-date

    [int]$loopCounter = 0
    [boolean]$stopLoop = $FALSE

    if ($customRoutingDomain -eq "")
        out-logfile -string "Calling new-routing contact without custom routing domain."
        do {
            try {
                new-routingContact -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -office365DlConfiguration $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -customRoutingDomain $mailOnMicrosoftComDomain
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
            catch {
                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                else {
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to create routing contact - try again." -sleepSeconds 5
                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter +1
        } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)
        out-logfile -string "Calling new-routingContact with custom domain."
        do {
            try {
                new-routingContact -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -office365DlConfiguration $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -customRoutingDomain $mailOnMicrosoftComDomain -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod
                $stopLoop = $TRUE
            catch {
                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                else {
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to create routing contact - try again." -sleepSeconds 5
                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter +1
        } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)
    $stopLoop = $FALSE
    [int]$loopCounter = 0

    do {
        try {
            $tempMailArray = $originalDLConfiguration.mail.split("@")

            foreach ($member in $tempMailArray)
                out-logfile -string ("Temp Mail Address Member: "+$member)

            $tempMailAddress = $tempMailArray[0]+"-MigratedByScript"

            out-logfile -string ("Temp routing contact address: "+$tempMailAddress)

            $tempMailAddress = $tempMailAddress+"@"+$tempMailArray[1]

            out-logfile -string ("Temp routing contact address: "+$tempMailAddress)

            $routingContactConfiguration = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $tempMailAddress -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential 

            if ($loopCounter -gt 5)
                out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain routing contact information post creation."
                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Unable to obtain routing contact after creation - sleep try again." -sleepSeconds 10
                $loopCounter = $loopCounter + 1                
    } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

    out-logfile -string $routingContactConfiguration
    out-xmlFile -itemToExport $routingContactConfiguration -itemNameTOExport $xmlFiles.routingContactXML.value

    #Moving the creation of hybrid mail flow here to ensure that mail routing happens at the next ad replication cycle.

    $htmlEnableHybridMailFlow = get-date

    if ($enableHybridMailflow -eq $TRUE)
        $commandEndTime = get-date

        if (($commandEndTime - $commandStartTime).totalHours -gt $kerberosRunTime)
            out-logfile -string "Re-importing the exchange on premises powershell session due to kerberos timeout."


        #The first step is to upgrade the contact to a full mail contact and remove the target address from proxy addresses.


        out-logfile -string "The administrator has enabled hybrid mail flow."

        if (($global:threadNumber -eq 1) -or ($global:threadNumber -eq 0))
            out-logfile -string "Enable mail contact: Thread 1."

                $isTestError=Enable-MailRoutingContact -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -routingContactConfig $routingContactConfiguration -routingXMLFile $xmlFiles.routingContactXML.value
                out-logfile -string $_
        elseif($global:threadNumber -gt 1)
            out-logfile -string "Enable mail contact: Not thread 1 delay"

            start-sleepProgress -sleepstring "Sleep before attempting enable mail contact." -sleepSeconds ($global:threadNumber * $createMailContactDelay)

                $isTestError=Enable-MailRoutingContact -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -routingContactConfig $routingContactConfiguration -routingXMLFile $xmlFiles.routingContactXML.value
                out-logfile -string $_

        if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
            $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                errorMessage = "Unable to enable the mail routing contact as a full recipient. Manually enable the mail routing contact."
                errorMessaegDetail = $errorMessageDetail

            out-logfile -string $isErrorObject


        #The mail contact has been created and upgrade. Now we need to capture the updated configuration.

            $routingContactConfiguration = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -dn $routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential 
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        out-logfile -string $routingContactConfiguration
        out-xmlFile -itemToExport $routingContactConfiguration -itemNameTOExport (($xmlFiles.routingContactXML.value)+"-PostMailEnabledContact")

        #The routing contact configuration has been updated and retained.
        #Now create the dynamic distribution group. This gives us our address book object and our proxy addressed object that cannot collide with the previous object migrated.

        out-logfile -string "Enabling the dynamic distribution group to complete the mail routing scenario."


            #It is possible that we may need to support a distribution list that is missing attributes.
            #The enable mail dynamic has a retry flag - which is designed to create the DL post migration if necessary.
            #We're going to overload this here - if any of the attributes necessary are set to NULL - then pass in the O365 config and the retry flag.
            #This is what the enable post migration does - bases this off the O365 object.

            out-logfile -string "Determine if on premises values are missing and Office 365 values need to be substituted in."

            if ($originalDLConfiguration.name -eq $NULL)
                out-logfile -string "On premises name value is missing - utilize Office 365 values."
                out-logfile -string $office365DLConfiguration.DisplayName
                $originalDLConfiguration.name = $office365DLConfiguration.DisplayName
                out-logfile -string $originalDLConfiguration.name 

            if ($originalDLConfiguration.mailNickName -eq $NULL)
                out-logfile -string "On premises mail nickname value missing - utilize Office 365 values."
                out-logfile -string $office365DLConfiguration.alias
                $originalDLConfiguration.mailNickName = $office365DLConfiguration.alias
                out-logfile -string $originalDLConfiguration.mailNickName

            if ($originalDLConfiguration.mail -eq $NULL)
                out-logfile -string "On premises mail value is missing - utilize Office 365 values."
                out-logfile -string $office365DLConfiguration.primarySMTPAddress
                $originalDLConfiguration.mail = $office365DLConfiguration.primarySMTPAddress
                out-logfile -string $originalDLConfiguration.mail

            if ($originalDLConfiguration.displayName -eq $NULL)
                out-logfile -string "On premises display name value is missing - utilize Office 365 values."
                out-logfile -string $office365DLConfiguration.displayName
                $originalDLConfiguration.displayName = $office365DLConfiguration.displayName
                out-logfile -string $originalDLConfiguration.displayName

            out-logfile -string "Creating the mail dynamic group..."

            $isTestError=Enable-MailDyamicGroup -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -routingContactConfig $routingContactConfiguration

            if ( ($originalDLConfiguration.name -eq $NULL) -or ($originalDLConfiguration.mailNickName -eq $NULL) -or ($originalDLConfiguration.mail -eq $NULL) -or ($originalDLConfiguration.displayName -eq $NULL) )
                out-logfile -string "Using Office 365 attributes for the mail dynamic group."
                $isTestError=Enable-MailDyamicGroup -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -originalDLConfiguration $office365DLConfiguration -routingContactConfig $routingContactConfiguration -isRetry:$TRUE
                out-logfile -string "Using on premises attributes for the mail dynamic group."
                $isTestError=Enable-MailDyamicGroup -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfiguration -routingContactConfig $routingContactConfiguration

            out-logfile -string $_
            $isTestErrorDetail = $_

        if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
            $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                errorMessage = "Unable to create the mail dynamic distribution group to service hybrid mail routing. Manually create the dynamic distribution group."
                erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

            out-logfile -string $isErrorObject



        do {
                $routingDynamicGroupConfig = Get-ADObjectConfiguration -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -globalCatalogServer $corevariables.globalCatalogWithPort.value -parameterSet $dlPropertySet -errorAction STOP -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential

                $stopLoop = $TRUE
                if($loopCounter -gt 10)
                    out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain the routing group after multiple tries."

                    $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                    $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                        errorMessage = "Unable to obtain the routing group after multiple tries."
                        erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail
                    out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                    out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain the dynamic group - retrying..."
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepstring "Unable to obtain the dynamic group - retrying..." -sleepSeconds 10

                    $loopCounter = $loopCounter+1
        } while ($stopLoop -eq $FALSE)

        out-logfile -string $routingDynamicGroupConfig
        out-xmlfile -itemToExport $routingDynamicGroupConfig -itemNameToExport $xmlFiles.routingDynamicGroupXML.value

    $htmlStartADReplicationThirdPass = get-date

    #At this time the contact is created - issuing a replication of domain controllers and sleeping one minute.
    #We've gotta get the contact pushed out so that cross domain operations function - otherwise reconciling memership fails becuase the contacts not available.

    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep before invoking AD replication. Sleeping 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

    out-logfile -string "Invoking AD replication."

    try {
        invoke-ADReplication -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -powershellSessionName $coreVariables.ADGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName.value -errorAction STOP
    catch {
        out-logfile -string $_

    $forLoopCounter=0 #Restting loop counter for next series of operations.

    $htmlStartReplaceOnPremisesDependencies = get-date

    #At this time we are ready to begin resetting the on premises dependencies.

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    $isTestError = "No" #Reset error tracking.

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premies DL members.")

    if ($allGroupsMemberOf.count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allGroupsMemberOf)
            $isTestError = "No" #Reset error tracking.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5

                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremMembers.Value)

            if ($member.distinguishedName -ne $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName)
                    $isTestError=start-replaceOnPrem -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremMembers.Value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                    out-logfile -string $_
                    $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                    $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                        distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                        canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                        attribute = "Distribution List Membership (ADAttribute: Members)"
                        errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises distribution group. Manual add required."
                        erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                    out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                out-logfile -string "The original group had permissions to itself - skipping as it no longer exists."
        out-logfile -string "No on premises group memberships to process."    

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premises reject messages from.")

    if ($allGroupsReject.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allGroupsReject)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error test.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromDLMembers.Value)

            if ($member.distinguishedname -ne $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedname)
                    $isTestError=start-replaceOnPrem -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromSenders.Value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                    out-logfile -string $_
                    $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                    $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                        distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                        canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                        attribute = "Distribution List RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers (ADAttribute: DLMemRejectPerms)"
                        errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises distribution group. Manual add required."
                        erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                    out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                out-logfile -string "The original group had permissions to itself - skipping as it no longer exists."
        out-logfile -string "No on premises reject permission to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premises accept messages from.")

    if ($allGroupsAccept.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allGroupsAccept)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset test

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremRejectMessagesFromDLMembers.Value)

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

            if ($member.distinguishedName -ne $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedname)
                    $isTestError=start-replaceOnPrem -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremAcceptMessagesFromSenders.Value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                    out-logfile -string $_
                    $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                    $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                        distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                        canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                        attribute = "Distribution List AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersorMembers (ADAttribute: DLMemSubmitPerms)"
                        errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises distribution group. Manual add required."
                        erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                    out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                out-logfile -string "The original group had permissions to itself - skipping as it no longer exists."
        out-logfile -string "No on premsies accept permissions to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premises co managed by BL.")

    if ($allGroupsCoManagedByBL.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allGroupsCoManagedByBL)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedBy.Value)

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

            if ($member.distinguishedName -ne $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedname)
                    $isTestError=start-replaceOnPrem -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedBy.Value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                    out-logfile -string $_
                    $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                    $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                        distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                        canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                        attribute = "Distribution List ManagedBy (ADAttribute: MSExchCoManagedBy)"
                        errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises distribution group. Manual add required."
                        erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                    out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                out-logfile -string "The original group was a co-manager of itself."
        out-logfile -string "No on premsies accept permissions to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premises bypass moderation.")

    if ($allGroupsBypassModeration.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allGroupsBypassModeration)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromSenders.Value)

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

            if ($member.distinguishedname -ne $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedName)
                    $isTestError=start-replaceOnPrem -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremBypassModerationFromSenders.Value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                    out-logfile -string $_
                    $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                    $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                        distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                        canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                        attribute = "Distribution List BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers (ADAttribute: msExchBypassModerationFromDLMembers)"
                        errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises distribution group. Manual add required."
                        erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                    out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                out-logfile -string "The original group had permissions to itself - skipping as it no longer exists."
        out-logfile -string "No on premsies accept permissions to evaluate."    

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premises grant send on behalf to.")

    if ($allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo.value)

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

            if ($member.distinguishedname -ne $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedname)
                    $isTestError=start-replaceOnPrem -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremGrantSendOnBehalfTo.value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                    out-logfile -string $_
                    $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                    out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                    $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                        distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                        canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                        attribute = "Distribution List GrantSendOnBehalfTo (ADAttribute: PublicDelegates)"
                        errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises distribution group. Manual add required."
                        erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                    out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                out-logfile -string "The original group had permissions to itself - skipping as it no longer exists."
        out-logfile -string "No on premsies grant send on behalf to evaluate."    

    #Managed by is a unique animal.
    #Managed by is represented by the single valued AD attribute and the multi-evalued exchange attribute.
    #From an exchange standpoint - as long as the member is in one of them it works.
    #We will use the multi-valued attriute so we can recycle the same code.

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premises managed by.")

    if ($allGroupsManagedBy.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allGroupsManagedBy)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedBy.Value)

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

            if ($member.distinguishedname -ne $originalDLConfiguration.distinguishedname)
                #More than groups can have managed by set.
                #If the object is NOT a group - then we should skip it.

                if ($member.objectClass -eq "Group")
                    out-logfile -string "Object class is group - proceed."          

                        $isTestError=start-replaceOnPrem -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremCoManagedBy.Value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                        out-logfile -string $_
                        $isTestErrorDetail = $_

                    if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                        out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                        $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                            distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                            canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                            attribute = "Distribution List ManagedBy (ADAttribute: managedBy)"
                            errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises distribution group. Manual add required."
                            erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                        out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

                    out-logfile -string "Other objects than groups have this group as a manager. Not processing the routing contact change as manager."
                    out-logfile -string "Automatically setting preserve group as to not break permissions on objects."    

                    $retainOriginalGroup = $TRUE

                    out-logfile -string ("Retain Original Group: "+$retainOriginalGroup)
                out-logfile -string "The original group had permissions to itself - skipping as it no longer exists."
        out-logfile -string "No on premsies grant send on behalf to evaluate."    

    #Forwarding address is a single value replacemet.
    #Created separate function for single values and have called that function here.

    out-logfile -string ("Starting on premises forwarding.")

    if ($allUsersForwardingAddress.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allUsersForwardingAddress)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            out-logfile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.canonicalName)
            out-logfile -string ("Routing contact DN = "+$routingContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)
            out-logfile -string ("Attribute Operation = "+$onPremADAttributes.onPremForwardingAddress.Value)

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $isTestError=start-replaceOnPremSV -routingContact $routingContactConfiguration -attributeOperation $onPremADAttributes.onPremForwardingAddress.Value -canonicalObject $member -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding routing contact to on premises resource."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    canonicalDomainName = $member.canonicalDomainName
                    attribute = "Mailbox Attribute Forwarding Address (ADAttribute: forwardingAddress)"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add mail routing contact to on premises mailbox object. Manual add required."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-logfile -string "No on premsies grant send on behalf to evaluate."    

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryReplaceOnPremDependency = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("Time elapsed resetting on premises dependencies: "+$telemetryReplaceOnPremDependency.toString())

    $forLoopCounter=0 #Resetting loop counter now that we're switching to cloud operations.

    $telemetryFunctionStartTime = get-universalDateTime

    $htmlStartReplaceOffice365Dependencies = get-date

    out-logfile -string "Processing Office 365 Accept Messages From"

    if ($allOffice365Accept.count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allOffice365Accept)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $isTestError=start-ReplaceOffice365 -office365Attribute $office365Attributes.office365UnifiedAccept.value -office365Member $member -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding migrated distribution list to Office 365 Resource."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    primarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress
                    alias = $member.Alias
                    displayName = $member.displayName
                    attribute = "Distribution List AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add the migrated distribution list to Office 365 distribution group. Manual add required."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-LogFile -string "There were no Office 365 groups with accept permissions."    

    out-logfile -string "Processing Office 365 Reject Messages From"

    if ($allOffice365Reject.count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allOffice365Reject)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $isTestError=start-ReplaceOffice365 -office365Attribute $office365Attributes.office365UnifiedReject.value -office365Member $member -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding migrated distribution list to Office 365 Resource."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    primarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress
                    alias = $member.Alias
                    displayName = $member.displayName
                    attribute = "Distribution List RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add the migrated distribution list to Office 365 distribution group. Manual add required."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-LogFile -string "There were no Office 365 groups with reject permissions."    

    out-logfile -string "Processing Office 365 Bypass Moderation From Users"

    if ($allOffice365BypassModeration.count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allOffice365BypassModeration)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $isTestError=start-ReplaceOffice365 -office365Attribute $office365Attributes.office365BypassModerationusers.value -office365Member $member -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding migrated distribution list to Office 365 Resource."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    primarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress
                    alias = $member.Alias
                    displayName = $member.displayName
                    attribute = "Distribution List BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add the migrated distribution list to Office 365 distribution group. Manual add required."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-LogFile -string "There were no Office 365 groups with bypass moderation permissions."    

    out-logfile -string "Processing Office 365 Grant Send On Behalf To Users"

    if ($allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $isTestError=start-ReplaceOffice365 -office365Attribute $office365Attributes.office365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.value -office365Member $member -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding migrated distribution list to Office 365 Resource."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    primarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress
                    alias = $member.Alias
                    displayName = $member.displayName
                    attribute = "Distribution List GrantSendOnBehalfTo"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add the migrated distribution list to Office 365 distribution group. Manual add required."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-LogFile -string "There were no Office 365 groups with grant send on behalf to permissions."    

    out-logfile -string "Processing Office 365 Managed By"

    if ($allOffice365ManagedBy.count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allOffice365ManagedBy)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $isTestError=start-ReplaceOffice365 -office365Attribute $office365Attributes.office365ManagedBy.value -office365Member $member -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding migrated distribution list to Office 365 Resource."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    primarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress
                    alias = $member.Alias
                    displayName = $member.displayName
                    attribute = "Distribution List ManagedBy"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add the migrated distribution list to Office 365 distribution group. Manual add required."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-LogFile -string "There were no Office 365 managed by permissions."    

    #Process any group memberships to the service.

    out-logfile -string ("Adding migrated group to any cloud only groups.")

    if ($allOffice365MemberOf.count -gt 0)
        out-logfile -string "Adding cloud only group member."

        foreach ($member in $allOffice365MemberOf )
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.
            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

            out-logfile -string ("Processing group = "+$member.primarySMTPAddress)
            try {
                $isTestError=start-replaceOffice365Members -office365Group $member -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
            catch {
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding migrated distribution list to Office 365 Distribution List."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    primarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress
                    alias = $member.Alias
                    displayName = $member.displayName
                    attribute = "Distribution List Membership"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add the migrated distribution list to Office 365 distribution group. Manual add required."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-logfile -string "No cloud only groups had the migrated group as a member."

    out-logfile -string "Processing Office 365 Managed By"

    if ($allOffice365ForwardingAddress.count -gt 0)
        foreach ($member in $allOffice365ForwardingAddress)
            $isTestError="No" #Reset error tracking.

            if ($forLoopCounter -eq $forLoopTrigger)
                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Throttling for 5 seconds...." -sleepSeconds 5
                $forLoopCounter = 0

                $isTestError=start-ReplaceOffice365 -office365Attribute $office365Attributes.office365ForwardingAddress.value -office365Member $member -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress -errorAction STOP
                out-logfile -string $_
                $isTestErrorDetail = $_

            if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
                out-logfile -string "Error adding forwarding address to a mailbox."

                $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                    distinguishedName = $member.distinguishedName
                    primarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress
                    alias = $member.Alias
                    displayName = $member.displayName
                    attribute = "Distribution List Forwarding Address"
                    errorMessage = "Unable to add the distribution list as a forwarding address to a mailbox recipient."
                    erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

                out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

        out-LogFile -string "There were no mailboxes in Office 365 with the distribution list as forwarding address."    

    if ($allowNonSyncedGroup -eq $FALSE)
        out-logFile -string "Start replacing Office 365 permissions."

            set-Office365DLPermissions -allSendAs $allOffice365SendAsAccess -allFullMailboxAccess $allOffice365FullMailboxAccess -allFolderPermissions $allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions -allOnPremSendAs $allObjectsSendAsAccessNormalized -originalGroupPrimarySMTPAddress $office365DLConfigurationPostMigration.externalDirectoryObjectID -errorAction STOP
            out-logfile -string "Unable to set office 365 send as or full mailbox access permissions."
            out-logfile -string $_

            $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
                permissionIdentity = "ALL"
                attribute = "Send As / Full Mailbox Access / Mailbox Folder Permissions"
                errorMessage = "Unable to call function to reset send as, full mailbox access, and mailbox folder permissions in Office 365."
                erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

            out-logfile -string $isErrorObject

    $telemetryFunctionEndTime = get-universalDateTime

    $telemetryReplaceOffice365Dependency = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryFunctionStartTime -endTime $telemetryFunctionEndTime

    out-logfile -string ("Time elapsed replacing Office 365 dependencies: "+$telemetryReplaceOffice365Dependency.toString())

    #At this time the group has been migrated.
    #All on premises settings have been reconciled.
    #All cloud settings have been reconciled.
    #If exchange hybrid mail flow was enabled - the routing components were completed.

    #If the administrator has choosen to migrate and request upgrade to Office 365 group - trigger the ugprade.

    if ($triggerUpgradeToOffice365Group -eq $TRUE)
        out-logfile -string "Administrator has choosen to trigger modern group upgrade."
            $isTestError=start-upgradeToOffice365Group -groupSMTPAddress $groupSMTPAddress
            out-logfile -string $_

        $isTestError = "No"

        Out-logfile -string "Trigger upgrade to Office 365 Group is no longer supported in this function call."
        out-logfile -string "Use convert-Office365DLtoUnifiedGroup to convert this migrted DL to an Office 365 Group <or> start-Office365GroupMigration to migrate directly to an Office 365 Group."

    if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
        $isTestErrorDetail = $_

        $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
            errorMessage = "Unable to trigger upgrade to Office 365 Unified / Modern group. Administrator may need to manually perform the operation."
            erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

        out-logfile -string $isErrorObject


    $htmlRemoveOnPremGroup = get-date

    #If the administrator has selected to not retain the group - remove it.

    if ($retainOriginalGroup -eq $FALSE)

        out-logfile -string "Deleting the original group."

        $isTestError=remove-OnPremGroup -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -originalDLConfiguration $originalDLConfigurationUpdated -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod $activeDirectoryAuthenticationMethod -errorAction STOP
        $isTestError = "No"

    if ($isTestError -eq "Yes")
        $isTestErrorDetail = $_

        $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{
            errorMessage = "Uanble to remove the on premises group at request of administrator. Group may need to be manually removed."
            erroMessageDetail = $isTestErrorDetail

        out-logfile -string $isErrorObject


   #If there are multiple threads and we've reached this point - we're ready to write a status file.

   out-logfile -string "If thread number > 1 - write the status file here."

   if ($global:threadNumber -gt 1)
       out-logfile -string "Thread number is greater than 1."

           out-statusFile -threadNumber $global:threadNumber -errorAction STOP
           out-logfile -string $_
           out-logfile -string "Unable to write status file." -isError:$TRUE
       out-logfile -string "Thread number is 1 - do not write status at this time."    

   #If there are multiple threads - only replicate the domain controllers and trigger AD connect if all threads have completed their work.

   out-logfile -string "Determine if multiple migration threads are in use..."

   if ($totalThreadCount -eq 0)
       out-logfile -string "Multiple threads are not in use. Continue functions..."
       out-logfile -string "Multiple threads are in use - depending on thread number take different actions."
       if ($global:threadNumber -eq 1)
           out-logfile -string "This is the master thread responsible for triggering operations."
           out-logfile -string "Search status directory and count files - if file count = number of threads - 1 thread 1 can proceed."

           #Do the following until the count of the files in the directory = number of threads - 1.

               start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Other threads are pending. Sleep 5 seconds." -sleepSeconds 5
           } until ((get-statusFileCount) -eq ($totalThreadCount - 1))
       elseif ($global:threadNumber -gt 1)
           out-logfile -string "This is not the master thread responsible for triggering operations."
           out-logfile -string "Search directory and count files. If the file count = number of threads proceed."

               start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Thread 1 is not ready to trigger. Sleep 5 seconds." -sleepSeconds 5

           } until ((get-statusFileCount) -eq  $totalThreadCount)

   #Replicate domain controllers so that the change is received as soon as possible.()

   $htmlStartADReplicationFourthPath = get-date
   if (($global:threadNumber -eq 0) -or ($global:threadNumber -eq 1))
       start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep before invoking AD replication - 15 seconds." -sleepSeconds 15

       out-logfile -string "Invoking AD replication."

       try {
           invoke-ADReplication -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -powershellSessionName $coreVariables.ADGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName.value -errorAction STOP
       catch {
           out-logfile -string $_

   #Start the process of syncing the deletion to the cloud if the administrator has provided credentials.
   #Note: If this is not done we are subject to sitting and waiting for it to complete.

   $htmlStartADConnectThirdPass = get-date

   if (($global:threadNumber -eq 0) -or ($global:threadNumber -eq 1))
       if ($coreVariables.useAADConnect.value -eq $TRUE)
           start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep before invoking AD Connect - one minute." -sleepSeconds 60

           out-logfile -string "Invoking AD Connect."

           invoke-ADConnect -powerShellSessionName $coreVariables.aadConnectPowershellSessionName.value

           start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Starting sleep after invoking AD Connect - one minute." -sleepSeconds 60

           out-logfile -string "AD Connect information not specified - allowing ad connect to run on normal cycle and process deletion."    

   #The single functions have triggered operations. Other threads may continue.

   if ($global:threadNumber -eq 1)
       out-statusFile -threadNumber $global:threadNumber

   #Update 3/27/2024 - removed this section of code.
   #Status file cleanup of entire directory occurs right at the beginning of thread 1.
   #Should in theory be no need to remove individual status files.
   #This could cause a timing issue as other threads complete and remove their status files.
    #If this is the main thread - introduce a sleep for 10 seconds - allows the other threads to detect 5 files.
    #Reset the status directory for furture thread dependencies.
   if ($totalThreadCount -gt 0)
        start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Sleep..." -sleepSeconds 10
        remove-statusFiles -functionThreadNumber $global:threadNumber
            out-logfile -string "Unable to remove status files" -isError:$TRUE

    out-logfile -string "Calling function to disconnect all powershell sessions."


    Out-LogFile -string "================================================================================"
    Out-LogFile -string "================================================================================"

    if (($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:postCreateErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($onPremReplaceErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($office365ReplaceErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count -gt 0) -or ($global:generalErrors.count -gt 0))
        out-logfile -string ""
        out-logfile -string "+++++"
        out-logfile -string "++++++++++"
        out-logfile -string ("Post Create Errors: "+$global:postCreateErrors.count)
        out-logfile -string ("On-Premises Replace Errors :"+$onPremReplaceErrors.count)
        out-logfile -string ("Office 365 Replace Errors: "+$office365ReplaceErrors.count)
        out-logfile -string ("Office 365 Replace Permissions Errors: "+$global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count)
        out-logfile -string ("On Prem Replace Permissions Errors: "+$global:onPremReplacePermissionsErrors.count)
        out-logfile -string ("General Errors: "+$global:generalErrors.count)
        out-logfile -string "++++++++++"
        out-logfile -string "+++++"
        out-logfile -string ""

        if ($global:postCreateErrors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($createError in $global:postCreateErrors)
                out-logfile -string "====="
                out-logfile -string "Post Create Errors:"
                out-logfile -string ("Primary Email Address or UPN: " +$CreateError.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN)
                out-logfile -string ("External Directory Object ID: " +$CreateError.externalDirectoryObjectID)
                out-logfile -string ("Name: "+$CreateError.name)
                out-logfile -string ("Alias: "+$CreateError.Alias)
                out-logfile -string ("Attribute in Error: "+$CreateError.attribute)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message: "+$CreateError.errorMessage)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message Details: "+$CreateError.errorMessageDetail)
                out-logfile -string "====="

        if ($onPremReplaceErrors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($onPremReplaceError in $onPremReplaceErrors)
                out-logfile -string "====="
                out-logfile -string "Replace On Premises Errors:"
                out-logfile -string ("Distinguished Name: "+$onPremReplaceError.distinguishedName)
                out-logfile -string ("Canonical Domain Name: "+$onPremReplaceError.canonicalDomainName)
                out-logfile -string ("Canonical Name: "+$onPremReplaceError.canonicalName)
                out-logfile -string ("Attribute in Error: "+$onPremReplaceError.attribute)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message: "+$onPremReplaceError.errorMessage)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message Details: "+$onPremReplaceError.errorMessageDetail)
                out-logfile -string "====="

        if ($office365ReplaceErrors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($office365ReplaceError in $office365ReplaceErrors)
                out-logfile -string "====="
                out-logfile -string "Replace Office 365 Errors:"
                out-logfile -string ("Distinguished Name: "+$office365ReplaceError.distinguishedName)
                out-logfile -string ("Primary SMTP Address: "+$office365ReplaceError.primarySMTPAddress)
                out-logfile -string ("Alias: "+$office365ReplaceError.alias)
                out-logfile -string ("Display Name: "+$office365ReplaceError.displayName)
                out-logfile -string ("Attribute in Error: "+$office365ReplaceError.attribute)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message: "+$office365ReplaceError.errorMessage)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message Details: "+$office365Replace.errorMessageDetail)
                out-logfile -string "====="
        if ($global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($office365ReplacePermissionsError in $global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors)
                out-logfile -string "====="
                out-logfile -string "Office 365 Permissions Error: "
                out-logfile -string ("Permission in Error: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.permissionidentity)
                out-logfile -string ("Attribute in Error: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.attribute)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.errorMessage)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message Detail: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.errorMessageDetail)
                out-logfile -string "====="

        if ($global:onPremReplacePermissionsErrors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($onPremReplacePermissionsError in $global:office365ReplacePermissionsErrors)
                out-logfile -string "====="
                out-logfile -string "On Prem Permissions Error: "
                out-logfile -string ("Permission in Error: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.permissionidentity)
                out-logfile -string ("Attribute in Error: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.attribute)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.errorMessage)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message Detail: "+$office365ReplacePermissionsError.errorMessageDetail)
                out-logfile -string "====="
        if ($global:generalErrors.count -gt 0)
            foreach ($generalError in $global:generalErrors)
                out-logfile -string "====="
                out-logfile -string "General Errors:"
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message: "+$generalError.errorMessage)
                out-logfile -string ("Error Message Detail: "+$generalError.errorMessageDetail)
                out-logfile -string "====="

        out-logfile -string ""
        out-logfile -string "+++++"
        out-logfile -string "++++++++++"
        out-logfile -string "Errors were encountered in the distribution list creation process requireing administrator review."
        out-logfile -string "Although the migration may have been successful - manual actions may need to be taken to full complete the migration."
        out-logfile -string "++++++++++"
        out-logfile -string "+++++"

        $telemetryError = $TRUE

    #Archive the files into a date time success folder.

    $htmlEndTime = get-date

    $telemetryEndTime = get-universalDateTime
    $telemetryElapsedSeconds = get-elapsedTime -startTime $telemetryStartTime -endTime $telemetryEndTime

    # build the properties and metrics #
    $telemetryEventProperties = @{
        DLConversionV2Command = $telemetryEventName
        DLConversionV2Version = $telemetryDLConversionV2Version
        ExchangeOnlineVersion = $telemetryExchangeOnlineVersion
        MSGraphAuthentication = $telemetryMSGraphAuthentication
        MSGraphUsers = $telemetryMSGraphUsers
        MSGraphGroups = $telemetryMSGraphGroups
        AzureADVersion = $telemetryAzureADVersion
        OSVersion = $telemetryOSVersion
        MigrationStartTimeUTC = $telemetryStartTime
        MigrationEndTimeUTC = $telemetryEndTime
        MigrationErrors = $telemetryError

    if (($allowTelemetryCollection -eq $TRUE) -and ($allowDetailedTelemetryCollection -eq $FALSE))
        $telemetryEventMetrics = @{
            MigrationElapsedSeconds = $telemetryElapsedSeconds
            TimeToNormalizeDNs = $telemetryNormalizeDN
            TimeToValidateCloudRecipients = $telemetryValidateCloudRecipients
            TimeToCollectOnPremDependency = $telemetryDependencyOnPrem
            TimeToCollectOffice365Dependency = $telemetryCollectOffice365Dependency
            TimePendingRemoveDLOffice365 = $telemetryTimeToRemoveDL
            TimeToCreateOffice365DLComplete = $telemetryCreateOffice365DL
            TimeToCreateOffice365DLFirstPass = $telemetryCreateOffice365DLFirstPass
            TimeToReplaceOnPremDependency = $telemetryReplaceOnPremDependency
            TimeToReplaceOffice365Dependency = $telemetryReplaceOffice365Dependency
    elseif (($allowTelemetryCollection -eq $TRUE) -and ($allowDetailedTelemetryCollection -eq $TRUE))
        $telemetryEventMetrics = @{
            MigrationElapsedSeconds = $telemetryElapsedSeconds
            TimeToNormalizeDNs = $telemetryNormalizeDN
            TimeToValidateCloudRecipients = $telemetryValidateCloudRecipients
            TimeToCollectOnPremDependency = $telemetryDependencyOnPrem
            TimeToCollectOffice365Dependency = $telemetryCollectOffice365Dependency
            TimePendingRemoveDLOffice365 = $telemetryTimeToRemoveDL
            TimeToCreateOffice365DLComplete = $telemetryCreateOffice365DL
            TimeToReplaceOnPremDependency = $telemetryReplaceOnPremDependency
            TimeToReplaceOffice365Dependency = $telemetryReplaceOffice365Dependency
            NumberOfGroupMembers = $exchangeDLMembershipSMTP.count
            NumberofGroupRejectSenders = $exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP.count
            NumberofGroupAcceptSenders = $exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP.count
            NumberofGroupManagedBy = $exchangeManagedBySMTP.count
            NumberofGroupModeratedBy = $exchangeModeratedBySMTP.count
            NumberofGroupBypassModerators = $exchangeBypassModerationSMTP.count
            NumberofGroupGrantSendOnBehalfTo = $exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP.count
            NumberofGroupSendAsOnGroup = $exchangeSendAsSMTP.Count
            NumberofOnPremsiesMemberOf = $allGroupsMemberOf.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesRejectSenders = $allGroupsReject.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesAcceptSenders = $allGroupsAccept.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesBypassModeration = $allGroupsBypassModeration.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesMailboxForwarding = $allUsersForwardingAddress.Count
            NumberofOnPrmiesesGrantSendBehalfTo = $allGroupsGrantSendOnBehalfTo.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesManagedBy = $allGroupsManagedBy.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesFullMailboxAccess = $allObjectsFullMailboxAccess.Count
            NumberofOnPremsiesSendAs = $allObjectSendAsAccess.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesFolderPermissions = $allMailboxesFolderPermissions.Count
            NumberofOnPremisesCoManagers = $allGroupsCoManagedByBL.Count
            NumberofOffice365Members = $allOffice365MemberOf.Count
            NumberofOffice365AcceptSenders = $allOffice365Accept.Count
            NumberofOffice365RejectSenders = $allOffice365Reject.Count
            NumberofOffice365BypassModeration = $allOffice365BypassModeration.Count
            NumberofOffice365ManagedBy = $allOffice365ManagedBy.Count
            NumberofOffice365GrantSendOnBehalf = $allOffice365GrantSendOnBehalfTo.Count
            NumberofOffice365ForwardingMailboxes= $allOffice365ForwardingAddress.Count
            NumberofOffice365FullMailboxAccess = $allOffice365FullMailboxAccess.Count
            NumberofOffice365SendAs = $allOffice365SendAsAccess.Count
            NumberofOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup = $allOffice365SendAsAccessOnGroup.Count
            NumberofOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions = $allOffice365MailboxFolderPermissions.Count

    if ($allowTelemetryCollection -eq $TRUE)
        out-logfile -string "Telemetry1"
        out-logfile -string $traceModuleName
        out-logfile -string "Telemetry2"
        out-logfile -string $telemetryEventName
        out-logfile -string "Telemetry3"
        out-logfile -string $telemetryEventMetrics
        out-logfile -string "Telemetry4"
        out-logfile -string $telemetryEventProperties
        send-TelemetryEvent -traceModuleName $traceModuleName -eventName $telemetryEventName -eventMetrics $telemetryEventMetrics -eventProperties $telemetryEventProperties


    if ($telemetryError -eq $TRUE)
        out-logfile -string "" -isError:$TRUE

    Start-ArchiveFiles -isSuccess:$TRUE -logFolderPath $logFolderPath