function compare-recipientProperties { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $onPremData=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $azureData=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $office365Data=$NULL ) $functionReturnArray=@() $functionGroupType = $NULL $functionModerationFlags = $NULL $functionMemberJoinRestriction=$NULL $functionreportToOwner=$NULL $functionReportToOriginator=$NULL $functionoofReplyToOriginator=$NULL $functionHiddenFromAddressListEnabled =$NULL Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN compare-recipientProperties" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" out-logfile -string "Begin compare group type." if (($onPremData.groupType -eq "-2147483640") -or ($onPremData.groupType -eq "-2147483646") -or ($onPremData.groupType -eq "-2147483644")) { out-logfile -string $onPremData.groupType $functionGroupType = "Universal, SecurityEnabled" out-logfile -string $functionGroupType } else { $functionGroupType = "Universal" } if ($office365Data.groupType -eq $functionGroupType) { out-logfile -string "Group type valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "GroupType" onpremisesvalue = $functionGroupType AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.groupType isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Group type invalid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "GroupType" onpremisesvalue = $functionGroupType AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.groupType isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluate bypass nested moderation enabled." if (($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "1") -or ($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "3") -or ($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "7") ) { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchModerationFlags $functionModerationFlags = $TRUE out-logfile -string $functionModerationFlags } else { out-logfile -string "No moderation flags present." $functionModerationFlags = $FALSE out-logfile -string $functionModerationFlags } if ($office365Data.BypassNestedModerationEnabled -eq $functionModerationFlags) { out-logfile -string "Bypass nested moderation enabled valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "BypassNestedModerationEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionModerationFlags AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.bypassNestedModerationEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Bypass nested moderation enabled invalid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "BypassNestedModerationEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionModerationFlags AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.bypassNestedModerationEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluate member join restrictions." if ($onPremData.msExchGroupJoinRestriction -eq $NULL) { $functionMemberJoinRestriction="Closed" out-logfile -string $functionMemberJoinRestriction } elseif ($onPremData.msExchGroupJoinRestriction -eq 0) { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchGroupJoinRestriction $functionMemberJoinRestriction = "Closed" out-logfile -string $functionMemberJoinRestriction } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchGroupJoinRestriction $functionMemberJoinRestriction = "ApprovalRequired" out-logfile -string $functionMemberJoinRestriction } if ($office365Data.MemberJoinRestriction -eq $functionMemberJoinRestriction) { out-logfile -string "Member join restriction is a valid value." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "MemberJoinRestriction" onpremisesvalue = $functionMemberJoinRestriction AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.MemberJoinRestriction isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Member join restriction is a invalid value." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "MemberJoinRestriction" onpremisesvalue = $functionMemberJoinRestriction AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.MemberJoinRestriction isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluate member depart restriction." if ($onPremData.msExchGroupDepartRestriction -eq $NULL) { $functionMemberDepartRestriction = "Closed" out-logfile -string $functionMemberDepartRestriction } elseif ($onPremData.msExchGroupDepartRestriction -eq 0) { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchGroupDepartRestriction $functionMemberDepartRestriction = "Closed" out-logfile -string $functionMemberDepartRestriction } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchGroupDepartRestriction $functionMemberDepartRestriction = "Open" out-logfile -string $functionMemberDepartRestriction } if ($office365Data.MemberDepartRestriction -eq $functionMemberDepartRestriction) { out-logfile -string "Member depart restriction value is valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "MemberDepartRestriction" onpremisesvalue = $functionMemberDepartRestriction AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.MemberDepartRestriction isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Member depart restriction value is not valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "MemberJoinRestriction" onpremisesvalue = $functionMemberJoinRestriction AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.MemberJoinRestriction isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluate report to manager enabled." if ($onPremData.reportToOwner -eq $NULL) { $functionreportToOwner = $FALSE out-logfile -string $functionreportToOwner } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.reportToOwner $functionReportToOwner = $onPremData.reportToOwner } if ($office365Data.ReportToManagerEnabled -eq $functionReportToOwner) { out-logfile -string "Report to manager enabled value is valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ReportToManagerEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionreportToOwner AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.ReportToManagerEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Report to manager enabled value is not valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ReportToManagerEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionreportToOwner AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.ReportToManagerEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluate report to originator enabled." if ($onPremData.reportToOriginator -eq $NULL) { $functionReportToOriginator = $FALSE out-logfile -string $functionReportToOriginator } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.reportToOriginator $functionReportToOriginator = $onPremData.reportToOriginator out-logfile -string $functionReportToOriginator } if ($office365Data.ReportToOriginatorEnabled -eq $functionReportToOriginator) { out-logfile -string "Report to originator enabled value is valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ReportToOriginatorEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionReportToOriginator AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.ReportToOriginatorEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Report to originator enabled value is invalid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ReportToOriginatorEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionReportToOriginator AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.ReportToOriginatorEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluating OOF reply to originator." if ($onPremData.oofReplyToOriginator -eq $NULL) { $functionoofReplyToOriginator = $FALSE out-logfile -string $functionoofReplyToOriginator } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.oofReplyToOriginator $functionoofReplyToOriginator = $onPremData.oofReplyToOriginator out-logfile -string $functionoofReplyToOriginator } if ($office365Data.SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled -eq $functionoofReplyToOriginator) { out-logfile -string "Send OOF messages to originator enabled value is valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionoofReplyToOriginator AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Send OOF messages to originator enabled value is not valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionoofReplyToOriginator AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluating mail nickname / alias." out-logfile -string "Mail Nick Name On Prem" if ($onPremData.MailNickName -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.mailNickName = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif($onPremData.mailnickname -eq "") { $onPremData.mailNickName = "!*NotSet*!" } out-logfile -string 'Mail Nick Name Azure' if ($azureData.mailNickName -eq $NULL) { $azureData.mailNickName = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($azureData.mailNickName -eq "") { $azureData.mailNickName = "!*NotSet*!" } out-logfile -string "Mail nick name Office 365." if ($office365Data.alias -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.alias = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.alias -eq "") { $office365Data.alias = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.mailNickName -eq $azureData.mailNickName) { out-logfile -string "On premises mail nickname value = azure value." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "Alias / MailNickName" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.mailNickName AzureADValue = $azureData.mailNickName isValidInAzure = "True" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "N/A" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } if ($azureData.mailNickName -eq $office365Data.alias) { out-logfile -string "Azure AD mail nickname value = exchange online alias." $functionObject.exchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.Alias $functionObject.isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "TRUE" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Azure AD mail nickname value not equal exchange online value." $functionObject.errorMessage = "VALUE_AZUREAD_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } else { out-logfile -string "On premises mail nickname value not equal azure value." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "Alias / MailNickName" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.mailNickName AzureADValue = $azureData.mailNickName isValidInAzure = "False" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "N/A" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_AZURE_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } Out-logfile -string "Evaluating extension attributes." if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute1 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute1 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute1 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute1 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute2 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute2 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute2 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute2 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute3 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute3 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute3 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute3 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute4 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute4 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute4 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute4 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute5 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute5 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute5 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute5 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute6 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute6 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute6 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute6 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute7 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute7 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute7 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute7 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute8 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute8 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute8 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute8 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute9 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute9 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute9 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute9 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute10 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute10 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute10 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute10 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute11 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute11 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute11 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute11 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute12 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute12 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute12 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute12 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute13 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute13 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute13 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute13 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute14 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute14 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute14 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute14 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute15 -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.extensionAttribute15 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.extensionAttribute15 -eq "") { $onPremData.extensionAttribute15 = "!*NotSet*!" } Out-logfile -string "Evaluating extension attributes." if ($office365Data.customAttribute1 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute1 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute1 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute1 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute2 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute2 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute2 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute2 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute3 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute3 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute3 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute3 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute4 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute4 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute4 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute4 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute5 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute5 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute5 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute5 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute6 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute6 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute6 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute6 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute7 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute7 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute7 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute7 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute8 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute8 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute8 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute8 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute9 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute9 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute9 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute9 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute10 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute10 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute10 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute10 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute11 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute11 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute11 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute11 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute12 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute12 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute12 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute12 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute13 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute13 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute13 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute13 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute14 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute14 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute14 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute14 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.customAttribute15 -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.customAttribute15 = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.customAttribute15 -eq "") { $office365Data.customAttribute15 = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute1 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute1) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute1" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute1 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute1 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute1" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute1 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute1 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute2 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute2) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute2" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute2 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute2 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute2" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute2 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute2 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute3 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute3) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute3" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute3 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute3 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute3" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute3 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute3 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute4 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute4) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute4" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute4 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute4 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute4" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute4 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute4 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute5 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute5) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute5" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute5 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute5 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute5" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute5 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute5 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute6 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute6) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute6" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute6 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute6 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute6" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute6 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute6 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute7 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute7) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute7" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute7 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute7 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute7" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute7 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute7 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute8 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute8) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute8" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute8 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute8 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute8" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute8 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute8 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute9 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute9) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute9" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute9 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute9 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute9" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute9 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute9 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute10 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute10) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute10" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute10 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute10 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute10" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute10 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute10 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute11 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute11) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute11" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute11 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute11 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute11" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute11 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute11 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute12 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute12) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute12" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute12 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute12 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute12" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute12 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute12 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute13 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute13) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute13" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute13 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute13 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute13" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute13 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute13 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute14 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute14) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute14" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute14 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute14 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute14" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute14 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute14 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.extensionAttribute15 -eq $office365Data.customAttribute15) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute15" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute15 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute15 isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "True" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are not valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "CustomAttribute15" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.extensionAttribute15 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.customAttribute15 isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute1 -ne $NULL) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ExtensionCustomAttribute1" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute1 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_NOT_REPLICATED_TO_OFFICE365" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute2 -ne $NULL) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ExtensionCustomAttribute2" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute2 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_NOT_REPLICATED_TO_OFFICE365" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute3 -ne $NULL) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ExtensionCustomAttribute3" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute3 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_NOT_REPLICATED_TO_OFFICE365" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute4 -ne $NULL) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ExtensionCustomAttribute4" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute4 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_NOT_REPLICATED_TO_OFFICE365" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute5 -ne $NULL) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ExtensionCustomAttribute5" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.msExchExtensionAttribute5 AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_NOT_REPLICATED_TO_OFFICE365" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluating display name." if ($onPremData.displayname -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.displayName = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.displayName -eq "") { $onPremData.displayname = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($azureData.displayName -eq $NULL) { $azureData.displayname = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($azureData.displayName -eq "") { $azureData.displayName = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.displayName -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.DisplayName = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.displayName -eq "") { $office365Data.displayName = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.displayName -eq $azureData.displayName) { out-logfile -string "On premises and azure value are valid.." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "DisplayName" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.displayName AzureADValue = $azureData.displayName isValidInAzure = "True" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "N/A" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } if ($azureData.displayName -eq $office365Data.displayName) { out-logfile -string "Azure AD to Exchange Online values are valid." $functionObject.exchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.displayName $functionObject.isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "TRUE" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Azure AD to Exchange Online values are not valid." $functionObject.errorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and azure values are not valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "DisplayName" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.displayName AzureADValue = $azureData.displayName isValidInAzure = "True" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "N/A" IsValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_AZURE_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluating hidden from address list enabled." if ($onPremData.msExchHideFromAddressLists -eq $NULL) { [boolean]$functionHiddenFromAddressListEnabled = $FALSE out-logfile -string $functionHiddenFromAddressListEnabled } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchHideFromAddressLists [boolean]$functionHiddenFromAddressListEnabled = $onPremData.msExchHideFromAddressLists out-logfile -string $functionHiddenFromAddressListEnabled } if ($office365Data.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -eq $FALSE) { $office365HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled = "False" } else { $office365HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled = "True" } if ($functionHiddenFromAddressListEnabled -eq $FALSE) { $onPremHiddentFromAddressListEnabled = "False" } else { $onPremHiddentFromAddressListEnabled = "True" } if ($office365Data.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -eq $functionHiddenFromAddressListEnabled) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online value are valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "HiddenFromAddressListEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $onPremHiddentFromAddressListEnabled AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and office 365 values are not valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "HiddenFromAddressListEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $onPremHiddentFromAddressListEnabled AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluating moderation enabled." if ($onPremData.msExchEnableModeration -eq $NULL) { $functionModerationEnabled = $FALSE out-logfile -string $functionModerationEnabled } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchEnableModeration $functionModerationEnabled = $onPremData.msExchEnableModeration out-logfile -string $functionModerationEnabled } if ($functionModerationEnabled -eq $office365Data.ModerationEnabled) { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online values are valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ModerationEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionModerationEnabled AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.ModerationEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises and exchange online values are not valid." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "ModerationEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionModerationEnabled AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.ModerationEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.mail -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.mail = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.mail -eq "") { $onPremData.mail = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($azureData.mail -eq $NULL) { $azureData.mail = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($azureData.mail -eq "") { $azureData.mail = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.primarySMTPAddress -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.primarySMTPAddress = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.primarySMTPAddress -eq "") { $office365Data.primarySMTPAddress = "!*NotSet*!" } out-logfile -string "Evaluation of primary SMTP address." if ($onPremData.mail -eq $azuredata.mail) { out-logfile -string "On premises mail matches azure ad mail." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "Mail / PrimarySMTPAddress" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.mail AzureADValue = $azureData.mail isValidInAzure = "True" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } if ($azureData.mail -eq $office365Data.primarySMTPAddress) { out-logfile "Azure mail attribute matches office 365 primary smtp address." $functionObject.exchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.primarySMTPAddress $functionObject.isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "TRUE" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { $functionObject.errorMessage = "VALUE_AZURE_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } else { out-logfile -string "On premises mail attribute does not match azure mail attribute." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "Mail / PrimarySMTPAddress" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.mail AzureADValue = $azureData.mail isValidInAzure = "True" ExchangeOnlineValue = "N/A" isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_AZURE_EXCEPTION" } } out-logfile -string "Evaluate require sender authentication." if ($onPremData.msExchRequireAuthToSendTo -eq $NULL) { $functionRequireAuthToSendTo = $FALSE out-logfile -string $functionRequireAuthToSendTo } else { out-logfile -string $onPremData.msExchRequireAuthToSendTo $functionRequireAuthToSendTo = $onPremData.msExchRequireAuthToSendTo out-logfile -string $functionRequireAuthToSendTo } if ($office365Data.RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled -eq $functionRequireAuthToSendTo) { out-logfile -string "Require authentication matches between on premises and exchange online." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionRequireAuthToSendTo AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Require authentication does not match between on premises and office 365." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled" onpremisesvalue = $functionRequireAuthToSendTo AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluate simple display name." if ($onPremData.displayNamePrintable -eq $NULL) { $onPremData.displayNamePrintable = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($onPremData.displayNamePrintable -eq "") { $onPremData.displayNamePrintable = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($office365Data.simpleDisplayName -eq $NULL) { $office365Data.simpleDisplayName = "!*NotSet*!" } elseif ($office365Data.simpleDisplayName -eq "") { $office365Data.simpleDisplayName = "!*NotSet*!" } if ($onPremData.DisplayNamePrintable -eq $office365Data.simpleDisplayName) { out-logfile -string "Simple display name matches between on premies and exchange online." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "SimpleDisplayName" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.DisplayNamePrintable AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.simpledisplayname isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Simple display name does not match between on premies and exchange online." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "SimpleDisplayName" onpremisesvalue = $onPremData.simpleDisplayNamePrintable AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.simpledisplayname isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Evaluating send moderation notifications." if (($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "0") -or ($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "1") ) { out-logfile -string ("The moderation flags are 0 / 2 / 6 - send notifications to never."+$onPremData.msExchModerationFlags) $functionSendModerationNotifications="Never" out-logfile -string ("The function send moderation notifications is = "+$functionSendModerationNotifications) } elseif (($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "2") -or ($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "3") ) { out-logfile -string ("The moderation flags are 0 / 2 / 6 - setting send notifications to internal."+$onPremData.msExchModerationFlags) $functionSendModerationNotifications="Internal" out-logfile -string ("The function send moderation notifications is = "+$functionSendModerationNotifications) } elseif (($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "6") -or ($onPremData.msExchModerationFlags -eq "7") ) { out-logfile -string ("The moderation flags are 0 / 2 / 6 - setting send notifications to always."+$onPremData.msExchModerationFlags) $functionSendModerationNotifications="Always" out-logfile -string ("The function send moderation notifications is = "+$functionSendModerationNotifications) } else { out-logFile -string ("The moderation flags are not set. Setting to default of always.") $functionSendModerationNotifications="Always" out-logFile -string ("The function send moderation notification is = "+$functionSendModerationNotifications) } if ($functionSendModerationNotifications -eq $office365Data.SendModerationNotifications) { out-logfile -string "Send moderation notifications matches between on premises and exchange online." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "SendMOderationNotifications" onpremisesvalue = $functionSendModerationNotifications AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.SendModerationNotifications isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Send moderation notifications does not match between on premises and office 365." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "SendMOderationNotifications" onpremisesvalue = $functionSendModerationNotifications AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = $office365Data.SendModerationNotifications isValidInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_ONPREMISES_NOT_EQUAL_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } if ($onPremData.msExchSenderHintTranslations.count -eq $office365Data.MailtipTranslations.count) { out-logfile -string "Count of mail tips is good - assume values are the same." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "MailTipTranslations" onpremisesvalue = "ManuallyVerify" AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "ManuallyVerify" isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } elseif ($onPremData.msExchSenderHintTranslations.count -eq $office365Data.MailtipTranslations.count) { out-logfile -string "Count of mail tips is good - assume values are the same." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "MailTipTranslations" onpremisesvalue = "ManuallyVerify" AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "ManuallyVerify" isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_COUNT_EQUAL_MANUAL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "Mail tip translation counts are not the same - assume out of sync error." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Attribute = "MailTipTranslations" onpremisesvalue = "ManuallyVerify" AzureADValue = "N/A" isValidInAzure = "N/A" ExchangeOnlineValue = "ManuallyVerify" isValidInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "VALUE_COUNT_NOT_EQUAL_MANUAL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } Out-LogFile -string "END compare-recipientProperties" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" out-logfile $functionReturnArray return $functionReturnArray } |