function compare-recipientArrays { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'ProxyAddresses')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'AllTest')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'AttributeTest')] $onPremData=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'ProxyAddresses')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'AllTest')] $azureData=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'ProxyAddresses')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'AllTest')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'AttributeTest')] $office365Data=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'ProxyAddresses')] $isProxyTest=$false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'AllTest')] $isAllTest=$false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'AttributeTest')] $isAttributeTest=$false ) [array]$functionReturnArray = @() Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN compare-recipientArrays" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" #=========================================================================================== $createOnPremLists={ $onPremDataBySID = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" $onPremDataByPrimarySMTPAddress = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" $onPremDataByExternalDirectoryObjectID = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" foreach ($onPremObject in $onPremData) { if ($onPremObject.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("On Prem External Directory Object ID: "+$onPremObject.externalDirectoryObjectID) $onPremDataByExternalDirectoryObjectID.Add($onPremObject.externalDirectoryObjectID, $onPremObject) } elseif ($onPremObject.objectSID -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("On Prem Object SID: "+$onPremObject.objectSID) $onPremDataBySID.Add($onPremObject.ObjectSID, $onPremObject) } elseif ($onPremObject.primarySMTPAddress -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("On Prem Primary SMTP Address: "+$onPremObject.primarySMTPAddress) $onPremDataByPrimarySMTPAddress.add($onPremObject.primarySMTPAddress,$onPremObject) } } } #=========================================================================================== #=========================================================================================== $createAzureLists={ $azureDataByObjectId = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" $azureDataBySID = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" $azureDataByMail = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" foreach ($azureObject in $azureData) { out-logfile -string ("Azure Data Object ID: "+$azureObject.ID) $azureDataByObjectId.Add($azureObject.ID, $azureObject) if ($azureObject.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Azure Data Object SID: "+$azureObject.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier) $azureDataBySID.Add($azureObject.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier, $azureObject) } if ($azureObject.AdditionalProperties.Mail -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Azure Data Object SID: "+$azureObject.AdditionalProperties.Mail) $azureDataByMail.Add($azureObject.AdditionalProperties.mail, $azureObject) } } } #=========================================================================================== #=========================================================================================== $createOffice365Lists= { $office365DataByExternalDirectoryObjectID = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" $office365DataByExternalSMTPAddress = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String, System.Object]" foreach ($office365Object in $office365Data) { out-logfile -string ("Office 365 Data External Directory Object ID: "+$office365Object.externalDirectoryObjectID) $office365DataByExternalDirectoryObjectID.Add($office365Object.externalDirectoryObjectID, $office365Object) if ($office365Object.externalEmailAddress -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Office 365 Data Primary SMTP Address: "+$office365Object.externalEmailAddress) $office365DataByExternalSMTPAddress.add($office365Object.externalEmailAddress.split(":")[1],$office365Object) } } } #=========================================================================================== #=========================================================================================== $createArrayLists ={ .$createAzureLists .$createOnPremLists .$createOffice365Lists } #=========================================================================================== if($isProxyTest -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Comparing data from all three directories - this has to be proxy addresses." out-logfile -string "Start comparing on premises to AzureAD to Office 365." foreach ($member in $onPremData) { out-logfile -string "Testing azure for presence of proxy address." out-logfile -string $member if ($azureData -contains $member) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ ProxyAddress = $member isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" isValidMember = "N/A" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string "Address present in Azure. Testing Exchange Online" if ($office365Data -contains $member) { out-logfile -string "Email address is present in Exchange Online - this is good." $functionObject.isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "True" } else { out-logfile -string "Email address is not present in Exchange Online - this is bad." $functionObject.isValidMember = "False" $functionObject.errorMessage = "EXCEPTION_ONPREMSIES_PROXY_MISSING_EXCHANGE_ONLINE" } } else { out-logfile -string "Proxy address not present in Azure AD. No further testing required." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ ProxyAddress = $member isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "False" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" isValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "EXCEPTION_ONPREMSIES_PROXY_MISSING_AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY" } } $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } out-logfile -string "Start comparing Exchange Online to Azure AD to On premises." foreach ($member in $office365Data) { out-logfile -string $member if ($azureData -contains $member) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ ProxyAddress = $member isPresentOnPremises = "False" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "Source" isValidMember = "N/A" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string "Address present in Azure. Testing on premises..." if ($onPremData -contains $member) { out-logfile -string "Email address is present in onPremises directory - this is good." $functionObject.isPresentOnPremises = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "True" } else { out-logfile -string "Email address is not present in on premises directory - this is bad." $functionObject.isValidMember = "False" $functionObject.errorMessage = "EXCEPTION_OFFICE365_PROXY_MISSING_ONPREMISES_DIRECTORY" } } else { out-logfile -string "Proxy address not present in Azure AD. No further testing required." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ ProxyAddress = $member isPresentOnPremises = "False" isPresentInAzure = "False" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "Source" isValidMember = "False" ErrorMessage = "EXCEPTION_OFFICE365_PROXY_MISSING_AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY" } } $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } elseif ($isAllTest -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Calling function to create the array lists." .$createArrayLists out-logfile -string "Comparing data from all three directories - this has to be membership." out-logfile -string "Starting the comparison in the reverse order - compare Exchange Online -> Azure -> On Premises." foreach ($member in $office365Data) { out-logfile -string ("Evaluating member: "+$member.externalDirectoryObjectID) out-logfile -string $member out-logfile -string "In this case start comparison by external directory object id - all Office 365 objects have it unless it's a room distribution list." out-logfile -string "Starting Exchange Online -> Azure Evaluation" out-logfile -string "Determining if the object has a primary SMTP address or only an external address. Guest users <or> mail contacts may have external addresses." if ($member.primarySMTPAddress.length -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "Primary SMTP Address is present - length greater than 0" $functionPrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress out-logfile -string $functionPrimarySMTPAddress } elseif ($member.externalEmailAddress -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string "External email address is present." out-logfile -string $member.externalEmailAddress out-logfile -string $member $functionPrimarySMTPAddress = $member.externalEmailAddress.split(":") $functionPrimarySMTPAddress = $functionPrimarySMTPAddress[1] out-logfile -string $functionPrimarySMTPAddress } else { out-logfile -string "Object does not have a proxy address - consider a synced security group?" $functionPrimarySMTPAddress = "N/A" } if ($azureDataByObjectID.ContainsKey($member.externalDirectoryObjectID)) { out-logfile -string "The object was found in Azure AD. -> GOOD" out-logfile -string "Capture the azure object so that we can build the output object with it's attributes." $functionAzureObject = $azureDataByObjectID[$member.externalDirectoryObjectID] out-logfile -string $functionAzureObject out-logfile -string $functionAzureObject.AdditionalProperties out-logfile -string "Attempt to obtain a user principal name." if ($functionAzureObject.AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string "Object has a user principal name." $functionUserPrincipalName = $functionAzureObject.AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName } else { out-logfile -string "Object does not have a user principal name." $functionUserPrincipalName = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionUserPrincipalName out-logfile -string "Determine if the object is a security identifier - log on premises security ID." if ($functionAzureObject.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string "Object has an on premsies object SID - add to the object." $functionOnPremisesObjectSID = $functionAzureObject.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier } else { out-logfile -string "Object does not have an on premsies object sid." $functionOnPremisesObjectSID = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionOnPremisesObjectSID $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $functionPrimarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $functionUserPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID OnPremObjectSID = $functionOnPremisesObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "False" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "Source" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject out-logfile -string "Being Office 365 -> On premises evaluation." out-logfile -string "The objects are matched either by external directory object id, object sid, or primary SMTP address." $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID = ("User_"+$member.externalDirectoryObjectID) out-logfile -string $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID if ($onPremDataByExternalDirectoryObjectID.ContainsKey($functionExternalDirectoryObjectID)) { out-logfile -string ("Found object on premises by external directory object id. "+$functionExternalDirectoryObjectID) $functionObject.isPresentOnPremises = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "TRUE" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject $functionOnPremObject = $onPremDataByExternalDirectoryObjectID[$functionExternalDirectoryObjectID] $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $functionOnPremObject.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $functionOnPremObject.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $functionOnPremObject.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionOnPremObject.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$functionOnPremObject.objectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } $functionReturnArray += $functionObject out-logfile -string $functionObject $onPremDataByExternalDirectoryObjectID.remove($functionExternalDirectoryObjectID) } elseif ($onPremDataBySID.ContainsKey($functionObject.OnPremObjectSID )) { out-logfile -string ("The object was located by object SID: "+$functionObject.objectSID) $functionObject.isPresentOnPremises = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "TRUE" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject $functionOnPremObject = $onPremDataBySID[$functionObject.OnPremObjectSID ] $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $functionOnPremObject.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $functionOnPremObject.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $functionOnPremObject.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionOnPremObject.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$functionOnPremObject.objectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } $functionReturnArray += $functionObject out-logfile -string $functionObject $onPremDataBySID.remove($functionObject.objectSID) } elseif ($onPremDataByPrimarySMTPAddress.ContainsKey($functionPrimarySMTPAddress)) { out-logfile -string ("The object was located by primary SMTP Address: "+$functionPrimarySMTPAddress) $functionObject.isPresentOnPremises = "True" $functionObject.isValidMember = "TRUE" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject $functionOnPremObject = $onPremDataByPrimarySMTPAddress[$functionPrimarySMTPAddress] $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $functionOnPremObject.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $functionOnPremObject.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $functionOnPremObject.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionOnPremObject.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$functionOnPremObject.objectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } $functionReturnArray += $functionObject out-logfile -string $functionObject $onPremDataByPrimarySMTPAddress.remove($functionPrimarySMTPAddress) } else { out-logfile -string "The object was not located in the on premises membership - NOT GOOD." $functionObject.ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_OFFICE365_NOT_IN_ONPREMISES_EXCEPTION" out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } else { out-logfile -string "The object was not found in Azure AD -> BAD" $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = "N/A" ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID ="N/A" isPresentOnPremises = "False" isPresentInAzure = "False" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "Source" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_OFFICE365_NOT_IN_AZURE_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } out-logfile -string "If the on premises data dictionaries contain any more users - these users were not also present in Office 365." out-logfile -string "Test only to see if the users are in Azure. If they are not in Azure that's the issue - if not it's between Azure and Exchange Online." if ($onPremDataByExternalDirectoryObjectID.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "On premises by external directory object id remain for processing - process those users." foreach ($member in $onPremDataByExternalDirectoryObjectID.Values) { $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID.split("_")[1] if ($azureDataByObjectID.ContainsKey($functionExternalDirectoryObjectID)) { out-logfile -string "The object was not found in Azure AD -> BAD" $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$member.ObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_ONPREMISES_NOT_IN_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "The object was not found in Azure AD -> BAD" $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$member.ObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "False" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_ONPREMISES_NOT_IN_AZURE_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } } if ($onPremDataBySID.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "On premises by SID remain for processing - process those users." foreach ($member in $onPremDataBySID.Values) { if($azureDataBySID.ContainsKey($member.objectSID)) { out-logfile -string "The object was not found in Exchange Online -> BAD" $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$member.ObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_ONPREMISES_NOT_IN_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "The object was not found in Azure AD -> BAD" $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$member.ObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "False" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_ONPREMISES_NOT_IN_AZURE_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } } if ($onPremDataByPrimarySMTPAddress.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "On premises by primary SMTP remain for processing - process those users." foreach ($member in $onPremDataByPrimarySMTPAddress.Values) { if($azureDataByMail.ContainsKey($member.primarySMTPAddress)) { out-logfile -string "The object was not found in Exchange Online -> BAD" $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$member.ObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_ONPREMISES_NOT_IN_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "The object was not discovered by primary SMTP address - this may not necessarily be incorrect since contacts may not have a primary SMTP in Azure." out-logfile -string "Search the Office 365 data for the primary SMTP address assume the objects are the same." if ($office365DataByExternalSMTPAddress.ContainsKey($member.primarySMTPAddress)) { out-logfile -string "The object is most likely a contact with an external mail address not represented in azure with a primary proxy address." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$member.ObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "True" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "The object was not found in Azure AD -> BAD" $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $member.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID =$member.ObjectSID isPresentOnPremises = "Source" isPresentInAzure = "False" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_ONPREMISES_NOT_IN_AZURE_EXCEPTION" } } out-logfile -string $functionObject $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } } } elseif ($isAttributeTest -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Comparing on premises to Office 365 values." for ( $i = ($onPremData.count - 1); $i -ge 0 ; $i--) { out-logfile -string ("On Prem Data Count: "+$onPremData.count) out-logfile -string ("Office 365 Data Count: "+$office365Data.count) out-logfile -string ("Evaluating on prem array id: "+$i) if ($onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string "Testing based on external directory object id." out-logfile -string $onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID if ($office365Data.externalDirectoryObjectID -contains $onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID) { out-logfile -string "Member found in Office 365." out-logfile -string "Removing object from office 365 array..." $office365Data = @($office365Data | where-object {$_.ExternalDirectoryObjectID -ne $onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID}) out-logfile -string "Removing object from on premises array." #$functionAzureObject = $azureData | where-object {$_.objectID -eq $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID} $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $onPremData[$i].name DisplayName = $onPremData[$i].displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $onPremData[$i].primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID = $onPremData[$i].objectSID isPresentOnPremises = "True" isPresentInAzure = "N/A" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } $onPremData = @($onPremData | where-object {$_.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID}) $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises external directory object id not found in Office 365 data." } } elseif (($onPremData[$i].PrimarySMTPAddress -ne $NULL) -and ($onPremData[$i].recipientOrUser -ne "User")) { out-logfile -string "Testing based on primary SMTP address." out-logfile -string $onPremData[$i].primarySMTPAddress if ($office365Data.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN -contains $onPremData[$i].primarySMTPAddress) { out-logfile -string "Member found in Azure." out-logfile -string "Removing object from Office 365 array..." $office365Data = @($office365Data | where-object {$_.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $onPremData[$i].primarySMTPAddress}) out-logfile -string "Removing object from on premises array..." #$functionAzureObject = $azureData | where-object {$_.objectID -eq $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID} $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $onPremData[$i].name DisplayName = $onPremData[$i].displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $onPremData[$i].primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID = $onPremData[$i].objectSID isPresentOnPremises = "True" isPresentInAzure = "N/A" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } $onPremData = @($onPremData | where-object {$_.primarySMTPAddress -ne $onPremData[$i].primarySMTPAddress}) $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises primary SMTP address not found in Office 365 data." } } elseif ($onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string "Testing based on user principal name" out-logfile -string $onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName if ($office365Data.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -contains $onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName) { out-logfile -string "Member found in Azure." out-logfile -string "Removing object from Office 365 array..." $office365Data = @($office365Data | where-object {$_.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName}) out-logfile -string "Removing object from on premises array..." #$functionAzureObject = $azureData | where-object {$_.objectID -eq $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID} $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $onPremData[$i].name DisplayName = $onPremData[$i].displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $onPremData[$i].primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $onPremData[$i].externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID = $onPremData[$i].objectSID isPresentOnPremises = "True" isPresentInAzure = "N/A" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "TRUE" ErrorMessage = "N/A" } $onPremData = @($onPremData | where-object {$_.primarySMTPAddress -ne $onPremData[$i].userPrincipalName}) $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } else { out-logfile -string "On premises user principal name not found in Office 365 data." } } else { out-logfile "Did not fit what we expected to find." } } if ($onPremData.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "Issues with on premises members." foreach ($member in $onPremData) { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ DisplayName = $memeber.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = $member.userPrincipalName ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID = $member.objectSID isPresentOnPremises = "True" isPresentInAzure = "N/A" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "False" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_ONPREM_NOT_IN_OFFICE365_EXCEPTION" } $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } if ($office365Data.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "Issues with Office 365 members." foreach ($member in $office365Data) { if ($member.isAmbiguous -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Member is ambiguous - record different exception." $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $member.displayName DisplayName = $memeber.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = "N/A" ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID = "N/A" isPresentOnPremises = "False" isPresentInAzure = "N/A" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "AMBIGUOUS_MEMBER_IN_OFFICE365_NOT_ONPREM_EXCEPTION" } } else { $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $member.displayName DisplayName = $memeber.displayName PrimarySMTPAddress = $member.primarySMTPAddress UserPrincipalName = "N/A" ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $member.externalDirectoryObjectID ObjectSID = "N/A" isPresentOnPremises = "False" isPresentInAzure = "N/A" isPresentInExchangeOnline = "True" IsValidMember = "FALSE" ErrorMessage = "MEMBER_IN_OFFICE365_NOT_ONPREM_EXCEPTION" } } $functionReturnArray += $functionObject } } } else { out-logfile -string "Something went wrong on this comparison call and we did not do anything." } Out-LogFile -string "END compare-recipientArrays" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" out-logfile $functionReturnArray return $functionReturnArray } |