
    This function is used to normalize the DN information of users on premises to SMTP addresses utilized in Office 365.
    This function is used to normalize the DN information of users on premises to SMTP addresses utilized in Office 365.
    .PARAMETER GlobalCatalog
    The global catalog to make the query against.
    The DN of the object to pass to normalize.
    THe canonical name of an object to normalize.
    .PARAMETER adCredential
    The AD credential for global catalog connections.
    .PARAMETER originalGroupDN
    The DN of the original group on premises.
    .PARAMETER isMember
    Boolean if the object to be tested is a member.
    Selects the mail address of the user by DN and returns the mail address.
    get-normalizedDN -globalCatalog GC -DN DN -adCredential CRED -isMember FALSE

    Function Get-NormalizedDN

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $TRUE)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $TRUE)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        #Output all parameters bound or unbound and their associated values.

        write-functionParameters -keyArray $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -parameterArray $PSBoundParameters -variableArray (Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore)

        #Declare function variables.

        $functionTest=$NULL #Holds the return information for the group query.
        $functionObject=$NULL #This is used to hold the object that will be returned.

        #Start function processing.

        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN GET-NormalizedDN"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        #Get the specific user using ad providers.

        $stopLoop = $FALSE
        [int]$loopCounter = 0
        $activeDirectoryDomainName =""

        do {
                Out-LogFile -string "Attempting to find the AD object associated with the member."

                if ($DN -ne "None")
                        out-logfile -string "Obtaining the active directory domain for this operation."
                        $activeDirectoryDomainName=get-activeDirectoryDomainName -dn $DN -errorAction STOP
                        out-logfile -string ("Active Directory Domain Calculated: "+$activeDirectoryDomainName)
                        out-logfile $_
                        out-logfile "Unable to calculate the active directory domain name via DN." -isError:$TRUE

                    out-logfile -string "Attepmting to find the user via distinguished name."

                    $functionTest = get-adObject -filter {distinguishedname -eq $dn} -properties * -credential $adCredential -errorAction STOP -server $activeDirectoryDomainName
                    if ($functionTest -eq $NULL)
                        throw "The array member cannot be found by DN in Active Directory."
                    Out-LogFile -string "The array member was found by DN."
                    out-logfile -string "Attempting to find member by canonical name converted to distinguished name." 

                    #Canonical name is a calculated value - need to tranlate to DN and then search directory.

                        $DN = get-distinguishedName -canonicalName $CN -errorAction STOP
                        out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain the DN from canonical name." -isError:$TRUE

                        out-logfile -string "Obtaining the active directory domain for this operation."
                        $activeDirectoryDomainName=get-activeDirectoryDomainName -dn $DN -errorAction STOP
                        out-logfile -string ("Active Directory Domain Calculated: "+$activeDirectoryDomainName)
                        out-logfile $_
                        out-logfile "Unable to calculate the active directory domain name via DN." -isError:$TRUE

                    $functionTest = get-adObject -filter {distinguishedname -eq $dn} -properties * -credential $adCredential -errorAction STOP -server $activeDirectoryDomainName
                    if ($functionTest -eq $NULL)
                        throw "The array member cannot be found by DN in Active Directory."
                    Out-LogFile -string "The array member was found by DN."

                if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                    Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                    out-logfile -string "Error getting AD object. Sleep and try again."
                    $loopcounter = $loopCounter+1
                    start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Sleeping for 5 seconds get-adobjectError" -sleepSeconds 5
        } until ($stopLoop -eq $TRUE)

        out-logfile -string "Output information utlized for if else evaluation..."
        out-logfile -string ("Object Class: "+$functionTest.objectClass)
        if ($functiontest.msExchRecipientDisplayType -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string ("MSExchRecipientDisplayType: "+$functiontest.msExchRecipientDisplayType)
            out-logfile -string "No msExchRecipientDisplayType attribute"
        if ($functiontest.mail -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string ("Mail: "+$functiontest.mail)
        else {
            out-logfile -string "No mail attribute"
        if ($functionTest.extensionattribute1 -eq "MigratedByScript")
            out-logfile -string ("ExtensionAttribute1: "+$functionTest.extensionattribute1)
            out-logfile -string "Extension attribute 1 not relevant to evaluation"
        if ($functionTest.groupType -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string ("GroupType: "+$functionTest.groupType)
        else {
            out-logfile -string "Group type not utilized for evaluation."
        out-logfile -string ("IsMember: "+$isMember)
        out-logfile -string ("SkipNestedGroupCheck: "+$skipNestedGroupCheck) 
            #In this iteraction of the script were changing how we track recipients - since we're using adsi.
            #First step check to see if the object has a recipient display type - that means it's mail enabled.
            #If the object is mail enabled - regardless of object type - look to see if the previous migration was done (group to contact conversion.)
            #If the group was not migrated or is not a group - take those attributes.
            #The next case is that we do allow contacts to have a mail attribute but not be a full recipient. (The only wayt to get them into the group is to use ADUC to do it - but it happens.)
            #If the object has MAIL and is a CONTACT record information we can. It can be migrated.
            #Otherwise we've found non-mail present object (user with mail attribute / bad user / bad group - end.)

            #Check to see if the recipient has a recipient display type and is a user, or is a contact.

            Out-LogFile -string "Interpreting DN evaluation..."

            if ($functiontest.msExchRecipientDisplayType -eq "3")
                out-logfile -string "A dynamic distribution group was found."
                out-logfile -string "This could be either member or permission."
                out-logfile -string "It will be included as an object but failure will occur if not already provisioned in Office 365."

                $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                    Name = $functionTest.Name
                    PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                    GUID = $NULL
                    RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                    ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                    ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                    ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                    GroupType = $NULL
                    RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                    ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $null
                    OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                    OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                    DN = $DN
                    ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                    isAlreadyMigrated = $false
            elseif (($functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType -ne $NULL) -and (($functionTest.objectClass -eq "User") -or ($functionTest.objectClass -eq "Contact")))
                Out-LogFile -string "The object has a recipient display type and is a user or contact."

                #If the object has already been mirgated - then custom attribute 1 is migrated by script.
                #Update the object to include the custom attribute not the object itself.

                if ($functionTest.extensionAttribute1 -eq "MigratedByScript")
                    Out-LogFile -string "The object was previously migrated - using migrated information."

                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.extensionAttribute2
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $NULL
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $true

                #If the object has not been migrated - then proceed with recording the original attributes.

                    Out-LogFile -string "The object was not previously migrated - using directory information."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $NULL
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
            elseif (($functiontest.mail -ne $NULL) -and ($functiontest.msExchRecipientDisplayType -eq $NULL) -and ($functionTest.objectClass -eq "Contact"))
                Out-LogFile -string "The object is a contact with a mail attribute - but is not fully exchange enabled."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $NULL
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $NULL
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
            elseif ($functionTest.objectClass -eq "User")
                Out-LogFile -string "The object is a user only object hopefully in managedBY or USERS."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $NULL
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.userPrincipalName
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $NULL
                        RecipientOrUser = "User"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $FALSE
            elseif ($functionTest.objectClass -eq "Group")
                out-logfile -string "The recipient is a group."
                #It is possible that the group has permissions to itself.

                if (($functionTest.distinguishedname -eq $originalGroupDN) -and ($isMember -eq $FALSE))
                    out-logFile -string "The group has permissions to itself - this is permissable - adding to array."
                    #The group has permissions to itself and this is permissiable.

                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false

                #A group can be present that was previously migrated and then disabled - if so allow the migration to proceed.
                #Otherwise the group was not previously migrated and would need to be cleaned up.

                elseif ($functionTest.extensionattribute1 -eq "MigratedByScript")
                    out-logfile -string "A group was found as a member and that group was previously migrated."

                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.extensionAttribute2
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $true

                elseif (($functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType -ne $NULL) -and ($isMember -eq $TRUE) -and ($skipNestedGroupCheck -eq $TRUE)) 
                    #The group is mail enabled and a member. All nested groups have to be migrated first.

                    out-logfile -string "A mail enabled group was found as a member of the DL or has permissions on the DL."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
                elseif (($functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType -ne $NULL) -and ($isMember -eq $TRUE)) 
                    #The group is mail enabled and a member. All nested groups have to be migrated first.

                    out-logfile -string "A mail enabled group was found as a member of the DL or has permissions on the DL."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
                        isErrorMessage="NESTED_GROUP_EXCEPTION: A mail enabled group is a child member of the migrated list. The child group must be migrated first or removed from group membership."

                elseif (($functionTest.mail -ne $NULL) -and ($isMember -eq $TRUE) -and ($skipNestedGroupCheck -eq $TRUE) -and (($functionTest.groupType -eq "-2147483640") -or ($functionTest.groupType -eq "-2147483646") -or ($functionTest.groupType -eq "-2147483644"))) 
                    #The group is mail enabled and a member. All nested groups have to be migrated first.

                    out-logfile -string "A nested group was found where only mail was specified - this should yield a valid recipient if group is also security.."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false

                elseif (($functionTest.mail -ne $NULL) -and ($isMember -eq $TRUE) -and (($functionTest.groupType -eq "-2147483640") -or ($functionTest.groupType -eq "-2147483646") -or ($functionTest.groupType -eq "-2147483644"))) 
                    #The group is mail enabled and a member. All nested groups have to be migrated first.

                    out-logfile -string "A nested group was found where only mail was specified - this should yield a valid recipient if group is also security.."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
                        isErrorMessage="NESTED_GROUP_EXCEPTION: A mail enabled group is a child member of the migrated list. The child group must be migrated first or removed from group membership."

                elseif (($functionTest.mail -ne $NULL) -and ($isMember -eq $TRUE))
                    #The group is mail enabled and a member. All nested groups have to be migrated first.
                    out-logfile -string "The group is a member and only has a mail address - this results in an Office 365 Group being provisioned. Allow to proceed."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
                        isErrorMessage="NESTED_GROUP_EXCEPTION: A mail enabled group is a child member of the migrated list. The child group must be migrated first or removed from group membership."

                elseif (($functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType -ne $NULL) -and ($isMember -eq $FALSE)) 
                    #The group is a recipient and has permissions to an attribute.
                    out-logfile -string "The group has permissions on the DL and this is permissable."
                    out-logfile -string $dn

                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $functionTest.mailNickName
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $functionTest.mail
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $functionTest.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId'
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
                elseif (($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483640") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483646") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483644"))
                    out-logfile -string "The group object is a security group - which is now represented in Exchange Online."
                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $NULL
                        Name = $functionTest.Name
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $NULL
                        GUID = $functionTest.objectSID
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $NULL
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $NULL
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $NULL
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "SecurityGroup"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $NULL
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false

                    out-logfile -string ("The following object "+$dn+" is not mail enabled and must be removed or mail enabled to continue.")

                    $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Alias = $null
                        Name = $dn
                        PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $null
                        GUID = $NULL
                        RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                        ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                        ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                        ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                        GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                        RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                        ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $null
                        OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                        OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                        DN = $DN
                        ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                        isAlreadyMigrated = $false
                        isErrorMessage="OBJECT_NOT_MAIL_ENALBED_EXCEPTION: The member is not mail enabled. The object must be removed or mail enabled to continue."
                out-logfile -string ("The following object "+$dn+" is not mail enabled and must be removed or mail enabled to continue.")

                $functionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Alias = $null
                    Name = $dn
                    PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN = $null
                    GUID = $NULL
                    RecipientType = $functionTest.objectClass
                    ExchangeRecipientTypeDetails = $functionTest.msExchRecipientTypeDetails
                    ExchangeRecipientDisplayType = $functionTest.msExchRecipientDisplayType
                    ExchangeRemoteRecipientType = $functionTest.msExchRemoteRecipientType
                    GroupType = $functionTest.GroupType
                    RecipientOrUser = "Recipient"
                    ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $null
                    OnPremADAttribute = $activeDirectoryAttribute
                    OnPremADAttributeCommonName = $activeDirectoryAttributeCommon
                    DN = $DN
                    ParentGroupSMTPAddress = $groupSMTPAddress
                    isAlreadyMigrated = $false
                    isErrorMessage="OBJECT_NOT_MAIL_ENABLED_EXCEPTION: The member is not mail enabled. The object must be removed or mail enabled to continue."
            Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$true  

        Out-LogFile -string "END GET-NormalizedDN"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        #This function is designed to open local and remote powershell sessions.
        #If the session requires import - for example exchange - return the session for later work.
        #If not no return is required.
        return $functionObject