.SYNOPSIS This function triggers ad replication inbound or outbound from the DC where we process changes. .DESCRIPTION This function triggers ad replication inbound or outbound from the DC where we process changes. .PARAMETER PowershellSessionName This is the name of the powershell session that will be used to trigger ad connect. .PARAMETER GlobalCatalogServer This is the global catalog server where replication will be triggered. .OUTPUTS Powershell session to use for aad connect commands. .EXAMPLE invoke-adreplication -powershellsessionName NAME -globalCatalogServer NAME #> Function Invoke-ADReplication { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $PowershellSessionName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $globalCatalogServer ) #Output all parameters bound or unbound and their associated values. write-functionParameters -keyArray $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -parameterArray $PSBoundParameters -variableArray (Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore) #Declare function variables. $workingPowershellSession=$NULL $invokeTest=$null #Start function processing. Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN INVOKE-ADREPLICATION" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" #Obtain the powershell session to work with. try { $workingPowershellSession = Get-PSSession -Name $PowershellSessionName } catch { Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE } #Using the powershell session import the ad connect module. try { out-logfile -string "Replication domain controllers inbound." $invokeTest=invoke-command -session $workingPowershellSession -ScriptBlock { repadmin /syncall /A } *>&1 $invokeTest = $invokeTest -join "`r`n" out-logfile -string $invokeTest } catch { Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE } try { out-logfile -string "Replication domain controllers outbound." $invokeTest=invoke-command -session $workingPowershellSession -ScriptBlock { repadmin /syncall /APe } *>&1 $invokeTest = $invokeTest -join "`r`n" out-logfile -string $invokeTest } catch { Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE } Out-LogFile -string "END INVOKE-ADReplication" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" } |