
    This function extracts the send as ACLs of the group to be migrated.
    This function extracts the send as ACLs of the group to be migrated.
    .PARAMETER adGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName
    The powershell session to invoke the get-ACL call remotely - ensures we use the specified DC.
    .PARAMETER globalCatalogServer
    The global catalog server to feed into the normalization command.
    The DN of the object to pass to normalize.
    .PARAMETER adCredential
    The credential for the AD get operations.
    This returns the normalized list of SMTP addresses assigned send as permissions.
    get-GroupSendAsPermissions -DN DN -globalCatalog GC -adGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName NAME -adCredential $cred

    Function get-GroupSendAsPermissions

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        #Output all parameters bound or unbound and their associated values.

        write-functionParameters -keyArray $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -parameterArray $PSBoundParameters -variableArray (Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore)

        #Declare function variables.

        $functionPSSession = $null
        [array]$functionACLS = @()

        #Start function processing.

        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN GET-GroupSendAsPermissions"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        #Getting the working powershell session for commands that do not support specifying domain controllers.

            out-logfile -string "Obtaining remote powershell session for the global catalog server."

            $functionPSSession = Get-PSSession -Name $adGlobalCatalogPowershellSessionName
            out-logfile -string "Unable to retrieve the global catalog remote powershell session."
            out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        #Get ACL and the ability to work varies greatly with windows versions.
        #We'll implement a home grown try catch here.

        #Get the ACLS on the object building the path without dll in the name.

        out-logfile -string ("Obtaining the ACLS on DN = "+$dn)

        $objectPath = "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$DN"

        out-logfile -string $objectPath

        $functionACLS = invoke-command -session $functionPSSession -ScriptBlock {import-module ActiveDirectory ; (get-ACL $args).access} -ArgumentList $objectPath *>&1

        #If the call includes an exception - this variation did not work.

        if ($functionACLS.exception -ne $NULL)
            out-logfile -string "Error attempting first send as acl call."
            out-logfile -string $functionACLS.exception
            out-logfile -string "Send as acls gathered first try - setting success."

        #If the previous call was not successful - this time try with DLL.

        if ($success -eq $FALSE)
            $objectPath = "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$DN"

            out-logfile -string $objectPath

            $functionACLS = invoke-command -session $functionPSSession -ScriptBlock {import-module ActiveDirectory ; (get-ACL $args).access} -ArgumentList $objectPath *>&1

            #If the call includes an exception - this variation did not work.

            if ($functionACLS.exception -ne $NULL)
                out-logfile -string "Error attempting second send as acl call."
                out-logfile -string $functionACLS.exception
                out-logfile -string "Send as acls gathered second try - setting success."

        #If the previos call was not successful - we'll try with just get-acl.
        #This is prone to failure with special characters and different windows versions.

        if ($success -eq $FALSE)
            $objectPath = $dn

            out-logfile -string $objectPath

            $functionACLS = invoke-command -session $functionPSSession -ScriptBlock {import-module ActiveDirectory ; (get-ACL $args).access} -ArgumentList $objectPath *>&1

            #If the call includes an exception - this variation did not work.

            if ($functionACLS.exception -ne $NULL)
                out-logfile -string "Error attempting third send as acl call."
                out-logfile -string $functionACLS.exception
                out-logfile -string "Send as acls gathered third try - setting success."
        #At this time we've made three attempts to capture send as permissions on the group to be migrated.
        #If success is not true throw exception.

        if ($success -eq $FALSE)
            out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain send as permissions using three known methods."
            out-logfile -string "Send As Failure" -isError:$TRUE
            out-logfile -string "Success gathering send as - proceeding..."    

        #The ACLS object has been extracted.
        #We want all perms that are extended, allowed, and match the object type for send as.

        $functionSendAsRight = $functionACLS | ?{($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -eq "ExtendedRight") -and ($_.objectType -eq "ab721a54-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b") -and ($_.AccessControlType -eq "Allow")}

        #At this time we have all of the function send as rights. If the array is empty - there are no rights.
        #If a send as right is present - it is stored on the object as DOMAIN\NAME format. This is not something that we can work with.
        #We need to normalize this list over to distinguished names.

        if ($functionSendAsRight.count -ne 0)
            out-logfile -string "Send as rights were detected - normalizing identity."

            foreach ($sendAsRight in $functionSendAsRight)
                if ($sendAsRight.identityReference.toString() -notlike "S-1-5*")
                    out-logfile -string "Processing ACL"
                    out-logfile -string $sendAsRight

                    out-logfile -string "ACL skipped - SID found - orphaned ACL."    
                    out-logfile -string $sendAsRight
            out-logfile -string "There were no send as rights on the object - disregard identities."

        #At this time we have an array of names that were split of the identity reference.
        #We now have to normalize those names over to distinguished names so we can then normalize them to SMTP addresses.

        if ($functionSendAsRightName.count -ne 0)
            out-logfile -string "We have send as names that require distinguished names."

            foreach ($sendAsName in $functionSendAsRightName)
                out-logfile -string ("Processing identity = "+$sendAsName)

                out-logfile -string "Testing for NTAuthority\Self"

                if ($sendAsName -eq "Self")
                    out-logfile -string "Self right found on distribution group."

                    $functionSendAsRightDN += $dn

                    $stopLoop = $FALSE
                    [int]$loopCounter = 0

                            $functionSendAsRightDN+=(get-adobject -filter {SAMAccountName -eq $sendAsName} -server $globalCatalogServer -credential $adCredential).distinguishedName

                            $stopLoop = $TRUE
                            if ($loopCounter -gt 4)
                                out-logfile -string "Unablet to retrive the object by name."
                                out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
                                out-logfile -string "Error with get-adObject -> sleep and retry."
                                start-sleepProgress -sleepString "Error with get-adobject -> sleep and retry." -sleepSeconds 5

                    } until ($stopLoop -eq $TRUE)
            out-logfile -string  "There are no send as rights DNs to process."   

        #At this time we have an array of all the DNs.
        #The DNs need to be normalized as any of the other DNs we work with.

        if ($functionSendAsRightDN.count -ne 0)
            out-logfile -string "There are DNs to be normalized."

            foreach ($dnToNormalize in $functionSendAsRightDN)
                out-logfile -string ("Processing DN = "+$dnToNormalize)

                    #$functionSendAsTest+=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -DN $dnToNormalize -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $dn -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                    $normalizedTest=get-normalizedDN -globalCatalogServer $globalCatalogServer -DN $dnToNormalize -adCredential $activeDirectoryCredential -originalGroupDN $dn -activeDirectoryAttribute "SendAs" -activeDirectoryAttributeCommon "SendAsPermissionOnGroup" -errorAction STOP -cn "None"

                    out-logfile -string $normalizedTest

                    if ($normalizedTest.isError -eq $TRUE)
                    out-logfile -string "Unable to normalize the DN to an object with SMTP."
                    out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE
            out-logfile -string "There were no DNs to process."    

        if ($functionSendAsObjects -ne $NULL)
            foreach ($object in $functionSendAsObjects)
                out-logfile -string "This is an object to be returned."
                out-logfile -string $object

        Out-LogFile -string "END GET-GroupSendAsPermissions"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        return $functionSendAsObjects
        #This function is designed to open local and remote powershell sessions.
        #If the session requires import - for example exchange - return the session for later work.
        #If not no return is required.