.SYNOPSIS This function archives the files associated with the distribution list migration. .DESCRIPTION his function archives the files associated with the distribution list migration. .PARAMETER isSuccess .OUTPUTS No return. .EXAMPLE start-archiveFiles -isSuccess:$TRUE #> Function Start-ArchiveFiles { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [boolean]$isSuccess=$FALSE, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$logFolderPath=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [boolean]$isHealthCheck=$FALSE ) #Output all parameters bound or unbound and their associated values. write-functionParameters -keyArray $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -parameterArray $PSBoundParameters -variableArray (Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore) out-logFile -string "Archiving files associated with run." if ($isHealthCheck -eq $TRUE) { $functionDate = Get-Date -Format FileDateTime $functionDate = "PreReqTest-"+$functionDate } else { $functionDate = Get-Date -Format FileDateTime } $functionNameSplit = $global:logFile.split("\") out-logfile -string "Split string for group name." out-logfile -string $functionNameSplit $functionNameSplit = $functionNameSplit[-1].split(".") out-logfile -string "Split string for group name." out-logfile -string $functionNameSplit if ($isSuccess -eq $TRUE) { write-shamelessPlug out-logfile -string "Success - renaming directory." $functionFolderName = $functionNameSplit[0]+"-Success" $functionFolderName = $functionDate+"-"+$functionFolderName $functionOriginalPath= $logFolderPath+$global:staticFolderName out-logfile -string $functionFolderName out-logfile -string $functionOriginalPath rename-item -path $functionOriginalPath -newName $functionFolderName } else { write-shamelessPlug out-logfile -string "FAILED - renaming directory." $functionFolderName = $functionNameSplit[0]+"-FAILED" $functionFolderName = $functionDate+"-"+$functionFolderName $functionOriginalPath= $logFolderPath+$global:staticFolderName out-logfile -string $functionFolderName out-logfile -string $functionOriginalPath $doCounter=0 $stopLoop=$FALSE do { try { rename-item -path $functionOriginalPath -newName $functionFolderName -errorAction Stop $stopLoop=$true } catch { if ($doCounter -gt 5) { $stopLoop-$TRUE } else { start-sleep -s 5 $doCounter=$doCounter+1 } } } until ($stopLoop -eq $TRUE) } } |