
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Install-DCChildDomain.Installing'        = 'Installing a new domain' #
    'Install-DCChildDomain.Results'            = 'Finished installation of domain {0}. The result object (including the SafeMode Administrator Password) has been stored in $DomainCreationResult' # $DomainName
    'Install-DCDomainController.Installing' = 'Installing Domaincontroller into domain {0}' #
    'Install-DCDomainController.Results'    = 'Finished installation of DC {0}. The result object (including the SafeMode Administrator Password) has been stored in $DCCreationResult' # $DnsName
    'Install-DCRootDomain.Installing'        = 'Installing a new forest' #
    'Install-DCRootDomain.Results'            = 'Finished installation of domain {0}. The result object (including the SafeMode Administrator Password) has been stored in $ForestCreationResult' # $DnsName
    'Validate.Child.DomainName'                = 'Invalid domain name: {0}. Please enter a valid domain name without special characters and without the full dns tail (as it will be attached to the parent domain name)' # <user input>, <validation item>
    'Validate.ForestRoot.DnsDomainName'        = 'Invalid DNS domain name: {0}. Please enter a valid DNS name that is not a single label domain name.' # <user input>, <validation item>
    'Validate.Parent.DnsDomainName'            = 'Invalid DNS domain name: {0}. Please enter a valid DNS name that is not a single label domain name.' # <user input>, <validation item>