.SYNOPSIS Gets a list of all policies from the console. .PARAMETER API Optional. API Handle (use only when not using session scope). #> function Get-CyPolicyList { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [CylanceAPIHandle]$API = $GlobalCyAPIHandle ) Read-CyData -API $API -Uri "$($API.BaseUrl)/policies/v2" } <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the policy for a specific device .PARAMETER API Optional. API Handle (use only when not using session scope). .PARAMETER Device The device(s) to set policy for .PARAMETER Policy The policy to assign to device #> function Set-CyPolicyForDevice { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [CylanceAPIHandle]$API = $GlobalCyAPIHandle, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [object]$Device, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object]$Policy ) Begin { if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Policy.policy_id)) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { throw "Policy object does not contain 'policy_id' or 'id' property." } if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Policy.policy_id)) -and (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { $PolicyID = $ } if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Policy.policy_id)) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { $PolicyID = $Policy.policy_id } if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Policy.policy_id)) -and (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { if(($Policy.policy_id).tostring() -eq ($ { $PolicyID = $ } else { throw 'Different value found in policy_id and id, expected to be the same' } } } Process { $updateMap = @{ "name" = $($ "policy_id" = $PolicyID } $json = $updateMap | ConvertTo-Json # remain silent $null = Invoke-CyRestMethod -API $API -Method PUT -Uri "$($API.BaseUrl)/devices/v2/$($" -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Body $json } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the given Policy from the console. Gets the full version, not a shallow object. .PARAMETER API Optional. API Handle (use only when not using session scope). .PARAMETER Policy The policy to retrieve. #> function Get-CyPolicy { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [CylanceAPIHandle]$API = $GlobalCyAPIHandle, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [object]$Policy ) Process { Invoke-CyRestMethod -API $API -Method GET -Uri "$($API.BaseUrl)/policies/v2/$($" | Convert-CyObject } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the given Policy from the console. .PARAMETER API Optional. API Handle (use only when not using session scope). .PARAMETER Policy The policy to retrieve the Detail for. #> function Remove-CyPolicy { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [CylanceAPIHandle]$API = $GlobalCyAPIHandle, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [object]$Policy ) Process { Invoke-CyRestMethod -API $API -Method DELETE -Uri "$($API.BaseUrl)/policies/v2/$($" | Convert-CyObject } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an empty scaffold for a CylancePROTECT policy. #> function Get-CyPolicyScaffold { Param ( ) @{ logpolicy = @{ log_upload = @{ compress = $true delete = $false } maxlogsize = "100" retentiondays = "30" } policy_name = "" policy = @( @{ name = "auto_blocking" value = "0" } @{ name = "auto_delete" value = "0" } @{ name = "auto_uploading" value = "0" } @{ name = "autoit_auto_uploading" value = "0" } @{ name = "custom_thumbprint" value = $null } @{ name = "data_privacy" value = "0" } @{ name = "days_until_deleted" value = "14" } @{ name = "device_control" value = "0" } @{ name = "docx_auto_uploading" value = "0" } @{ name = "full_disc_scan" value = "0" } @{ name = "kill_running_threats" value = "0" } @{ name = "logpolicy" value = "1" } @{ name = "low_confidence_threshold" value = "-600" } @{ name = "memory_exploit_detection" value = "0" } @{ name = "ole_auto_uploading" value = "0" } @{ name = "optics" value = "0" } @{ name = "optics_application_control_auto_upload" value = "0" } @{ name = "optics_malware_auto_upload" value = "0" } @{ name = "optics_memory_defense_auto_upload" value = "0" } @{ name = "optics_script_control_auto_upload" value = "0" } @{ name = "optics_set_disk_usage_maximum_fixed" value = "1000" } @{ name = "pdf_auto_uploading" value = "0" } @{ name = "powershell_auto_uploading" value = "0" } @{ name = "prevent_service_shutdown" value = "0" } @{ name = "python_auto_uploading" value = "0" } @{ name = "sample_copy_path" value = $null } @{ name = "scan_max_archive_size" value = "150" } @{ name = "script_control" value = "0" } @{ name = "show_notifications" value = "0" } @{ name = "threat_report_limit" value = "500" } @{ name = "trust_files_in_scan_exception_list" value = "0" } @{ name = "watch_for_new_files" value = "0" } @{ name = "scan_exception_list" value = @() } ) memoryviolation_actions = @{ memory_violations = @( @{ violation_type = "lsassread" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocessunmapmemory" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "stackpivot" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "stackprotect" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocessoverwritecode" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocesscreatethread" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "overwritecode" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocesswritepe" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocessallocation" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocessmap" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocesswrite" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "outofprocessapc" action = "Alert" } ) memory_violations_ext = @( @{ violation_type = "dyldinjection" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "trackdataread" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "zeroallocate" action = "Alert" }, @{ violation_type = "maliciouspayload" action = "Alert" } ) memory_exclusion_list = @() } file_exclusions = @() checksum = "" script_control = @{ global_settings = @{ allowed_folders = @() control_mode = "Alert" } powershell_settings = @{ console_mode = "Allow" control_mode = "Alert" } macro_settings = @{ control_mode = "Alert" } activescript_settings = @{ control_mode = "Alert" } } filetype_actions = @{ suspicious_files = @( @{ actions = "0" file_type = "executable" } ) threat_files = @( @{ actions = "0" file_type = "executable" } ) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new policy in the console. .DESCRIPTION The new policy is either created with default settings, or with the settings from the policy object passed. If the policy object is an existing policy, its ID, policy_name and other (checksum, last modified timestamp) properties will be overwritten before the policy is created. .PARAMETER Name The name of the new policy .PARAMETER Policy Policy object with settings to use. Optional. .PARAMETER User User object (as returned by Get-CyUserDetail or Get-CyUserList) to use as creator, OR auser's email address. #> function New-CyPolicy { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [CylanceAPIHandle]$API = $GlobalCyAPIHandle, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [object]$Policy = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object]$User ) Begin { # support passing the email address instead of a user object if ($User -match ".+@.+") { $User = Get-CyUserByEmail -API $API -Email $User } } Process { if ($Policy -eq $null) { $Policy = Get-CyPolicyScaffold } # remove fields that don't sit well with policy puts $Policy.checksum = "" $Policy.policy_name = $Name $"policy_utctimestamp") $"policy_id") $json = @{ policy = $Policy user_id = $($ } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 Invoke-CyRestMethod -API $API -Method POST -Uri "$($API.BaseUrl)/policies/v2" -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Body $json } } function Update-CyPolicy { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [CylanceAPIHandle]$API = $GlobalCyAPIHandle, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [object]$Policy = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object]$User ) Begin { # support passing the email address instead of a user object if ($User -match ".+@.+") { $User = Get-CyUserByEmail -API $API -Email $User } } Process { # remove fields that need to be removed for policy puts $Policy.checksum = "" $"policy_utctimestamp") $json = @{ policy = $Policy user_id = $($ } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 Invoke-CyRestMethod -API $API -Method PUT -Uri "$($API.BaseUrl)/policies/v2" -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Body $json } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a copy of an existing policy under a new name with identical settings. .PARAMETER SourcePolicyName Original policy .PARAMETER TargetPolicyName Target policy name .PARAMETER User User object (as returned by Get-CyUserDetail or Get-CyUserList) to use as creator. #> function Copy-CyPolicy { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [CylanceAPIHandle]$API = $GlobalCyAPIHandle, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$SourcePolicyName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object]$TargetPolicyName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object]$User ) # support passing the email address instead of a user object if ($User -match ".+@.+") { $User = Get-CyUserByEmail -API $API -Email $User } $shallowPolicy = Get-CyPolicyList | where name -eq $SourcePolicyName $policy = Get-CyPolicy -API $API -Policy $shallowPolicy New-CyPolicy -Policy $policy -User $User -Name $TargetPolicyName -Verbose } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a value to a list setting in a policy .PARAMETER Type The type of setting to add a value to .PARAMETER Value The value to add .PARAMETER Policy The policy to add the setting to #> function Add-CyPolicyListSetting { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet ("MemDefExclusionPath", "ScriptControlExclusionPath", "ScanExclusion" )] [String[]]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [pscustomobject]$Policy, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Value ) Begin { } Process { if (! ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value))) { switch ($Type) { "MemDefExclusionPath" { if (! (($Policy.memoryviolation_actions.memory_exclusion_list -contains $Value))) { Write-Verbose "Adding policy memory exclusion: $($Value)" $Policy.memoryviolation_actions.memory_exclusion_list += $Value } } "ScriptControlExclusionPath" { if (! ($Policy.script_control.global_settings.allowed_folders -contains $Value)) { Write-Verbose "Adding script control exclusion: $($Value)" $Policy.script_control.global_settings.allowed_folders += $Value } } "ScanExclusion" { $scan_exception_list = $Policy.policy | Where-Object name -eq scan_exception_list if (! ($scan_exception_list.value -contains $Value)) { Write-Verbose "Adding scan folder exclusion: $($Value)" $scan_exception_list.value += $Value } } } } } } |