
    A collection of verbs to work with the Cylance Console API v2
    Allows retrieval and manipulation of configuration objects in the Cylance console using API v2.
    Jan Tietze

    Represents the API handle returned by API after authentication

Class CylanceAPIHandle {

    At some point In the future, artifacts for the API will be classes

Class CylanceDevice {
Class CylanceZone {
Class CylanceThreat {

    Gets an API access token for the authenticated access to the Console API, valid for 30 minutes.
    Optional. API ID
    Optional. API Secret
    Optional. API Tenant ID
    Optional. URL to obtain token, e.g. "https://protectapi<-region>". Defaults to EUC1 region.
    Use the value obtained from the API documentation for your console shard.
    Optional. If you need to access multiple tenants in parallel, use "None" as scope and collect the API object returned.
    Optional. The console ID in your consoles.json file. See the README for CyCLI module.

function Get-CyAPI {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Direct")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Direct")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Direct")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Direct")]
        [String]$APIAuthUrl = "",
        [ValidateSet ("Session", "None")]
        [String]$Scope = "Session"
    DynamicParam {
        Get-CyConsoleArgumentAutoCompleter -Mandatory -ParameterName "Console" -ParameterSetName "ByReference"

    Begin {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
                # decrypt DPAPI protected string into SecureString
                $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($APISecret)
                $pw = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)

                $claims = @{}

                $jwtBearerToken = Get-JWTToken `
                    -claims $claims `
                    -expirationSeconds 1800 `
                    -secret $pw `
                    -iss "" `
                    -tid $APITenantId `
                    -APIid $APIId

                $payload = @{ "auth_token" = $jwtBearerToken } | ConvertTo-Json

                try {
                   $headers = @{
                        "Accept" = "*/*"
                    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $APIAuthUrl -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -UserAgent "" -Body $payload -Headers $headers
                catch {
                    $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
                    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                    Write-Error "Could not obtain valid API token. This may mean that (a) your API credentials are incorrect or (b) your API auth URL is incorrect (use Get-Help Get-CyAPI to get a list of URLs), and your code is attempting to authenticate to the wrong global API instance."
                    if ($Scope -eq "None") {
                        $script:GlobalCyAPIHandle = $null
                    throw $_.Exception

                $baseUrl = ([System.Uri]$APIAuthUrl).Scheme + "://" + ([System.Uri]$APIAuthUrl).Host

                [CylanceAPIHandle]$r = New-Object CylanceAPIHandle
                $r.AccessToken = $result.access_token
                $r.BaseUrl = $baseUrl

                if ($Scope -eq "Session") {
                    $script:GlobalCyAPIHandle = $r
                } else {
                $ConsoleDetails = (Get-CyConsoleConfig) | Where-Object ConsoleId -eq $PSBoundParameters.Console

                # decrypt DPAPI protected string into SecureString
                $SecureStringPw = $ConsoleDetails.APISecret | ConvertTo-SecureString

                if ($null -ne $ConsoleDetails.APIUrl) { 
                    $APIAuthUrl = $ConsoleDetails.APIUrl
                $args = @{
                    APIId = $ConsoleDetails.APIId
                    APISecret = $SecureStringPw
                    APITenantId = $ConsoleDetails.APITenantId
                    Scope = $Scope
                    APIAuthUrl = $APIAuthUrl
                Get-CyAPI @args

    Process {

    Gets ALL pages for paged query results with maximum page size.
    Optional. API Handle (use only when not using session scope).
.PARAMETER QueryParams
    Optional. If you need to add any query parameters, supply them in a Hashtable.

function Read-CyData {
    Param (
        [Hashtable]$QueryParams = @{}

    $auth = "Bearer " + $API.AccessToken

    $headers = @{
        "Accept" = "application/json"
        "Authorization" = $auth

    $page = 1
    do {
        $params = @{
            "page" = $page
            "page_size" = 200
        foreach ($key in $QueryParams.Keys) {
            $params.$key = $QueryParams.$key

        foreach ($key in $params.Keys) {
            Write-Verbose "Read-CyData: GET ${Uri} | $($key) = $($params.$key)"
        $resp = Invoke-RestMethod `
            -Method GET `
            -Uri $Uri `
            -Header $headers `
            -UserAgent "" -Body $params `

        $resp.page_items | foreach-object {
            $_ | Convert-CyObject
        Write-Verbose "Response was page $($resp.page_number) of $($resp.total_pages) pages"


    } while ($resp.page_number -lt $resp.total_pages)

    Returns the currently active global CyAPIHandle, if one is set

Function Get-CyAPIHandle {

    Converts a date string as returned from the API to a DateTime object
    The date string as returned by the API

function Get-CyDateFromString {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    # convert e.g. 2018-03-07T13:21:07 to Date
    # convert e.g. 2018-03-07T13:21:07.123 to Date (date_offline uses fractional seconds)
    Write-Verbose "Converting date $($Date) to [DateTime]"
    $dt = [DateTime]::ParseExact($Date, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFF", [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::AssumeUniversal)
    Write-Verbose "Conversion result: $($dt)"
    return $dt

    Converts all "date" strings received through the JSON API and turns them into "date" objects.

function Convert-CyObject {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    Begin {
        $fields = @("date_first_registered", "date_offline", "date_last_modified", "date_found", "cert_timestamp", "date_last_login", "date_email_confirmed", "date_created", "date_modified")
    Process {
        foreach ($f in $fields) {
            try {
                if (($null -ne $CyObject.$f) -and ($CyObject.$f -isnot [DateTime])) {
                    Write-Verbose "Converting field $($f) (value: $($CyObject.$f)) to date time value"
                    $newval = Get-CyDateFromString $CyObject.$f
                    # I think we hit a bug in PowerShell. Previous code was $CyObject.$f = $newval.
                    # This would break on date conversion with a PropertyAssignmentException when called from Get-CyDeviceDetailByMac, but not when called by Get-CyDeviceDetail
                    $CyObject | Add-Member $f $newval -Force 
                    Write-Verbose "Conversion result for field $($f): $($CyObject.$f) $($newval)"
            } catch [FormatException] {
                Write-Error "Problem converting field $($f) to date time (value: $($CyObject.$f))"
