#$DebugPreference = "Continue" ##Account selection function _Initalize() { $script:license=$null $script:apiKey = $null $script:baseUrl = $null $script:apiKeyFile = CurrencyGet-ProfileDataFile currency-conv ".cur_api_key" $script:baseUrlFile = CurrencyGet-ProfileDataFile currency-conv ".path" if( !(Test-Path $script:apiKeyFile)){ CurrencyWrite-Console "Api key didn't found on the computer. " CurrencyWrite-Console "To use the CurrencyConverter api you need to enter your apiKey or receive free api key." while ( CurrencyTest-Empty $script:baseUrl ){ LicenseTypePrompt } $script:baseUrl | Out-File -FilePath $baseUrlFile if( $script:license -ne 'fr' ){ Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the received api key here: " | Out-File -FilePath $apiKeyFile }else{ Read-Host -Prompt "Please open in the browser link '' and follow the site instructions.` Afterwards enter the received api key here: " | Out-File -FilePath $apiKeyFile CurrencyWrite-Console "Important: Do not forget to verify your email address." } } Get-Content -Path $apiKeyFile | ForEach-Object{ $script:apiKey= $_} Get-Content -Path $baseUrlFile | ForEach-Object{ $script:baseUrl= $_} } function LicenseTypePrompt { $comercialPath="" $freePath= "" $reply = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you have a ApiKey or whant to receive a free one?` [C] Have comercial key; [F] Have free api Key; [R] Need a new free registration." if ( $reply -match "[Cc]" -and $null -ne $reply ) { $script:baseUrl = $comercialPath $script:license = "c" } if ( $reply -match "[Ff]" -and $null -ne $reply ) { $script:baseUrl = $freePath $script:license = "f" } if ( $reply -match "[Rr]" -and $null -ne $reply ) { $script:baseUrl = $freePath $script:license = "fr" } } #$apiKey = "aa9464c63b35f8a405af" function PerformWebRequest { param ( [string]$func, [string]$arg='a' ) $url= "${baseUrl}/api/v7/${func}?q=${arg}&apiKey=${apiKey}" Write-Debug "Performing web request to ${url}" $result= Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ${url} | ConvertFrom-Json return $result } <# .SYNOPSIS Convert amount from one currency to another .DESCRIPTION Perform currency exchange .PARAMETER From Base currency name .PARAMETER To Resulting currency[Default - USD] .PARAMETER Amount Amount to convert [Defult - 1] .EXAMPLE Get-ExchangeRate USD BYN 5 Get-ExchangeRate -From USD -To BYN 5 Get-ExchangeRate -Base PHP -Result EUR -Amount 5 ([PSCustomObject]@{From="BYN"; To="USD";Value=4}) | Get-ExchangeRate ([PSCustomObject]@{Base="PHP"; Amount=400})| Get-ExchangeRate #> function Get-ExchangeRate { param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Mandatory = $true)] [Alias("Base")] [ValidateScript({$_ -in (Get-Currencies).id})] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $ValidValues = (Get-Currencies).id return @($ValidValues) -like "$WordToComplete*" } )] [string]$From, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [Alias("Result")] [ValidateScript({$_ -in (Get-Currencies).id})] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $ValidValues = (Get-Currencies).id return @($ValidValues) -like "$WordToComplete*" } )] [string]$To = "USD", [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [Alias("Value", "Count")] [decimal] $Amount = 1 ) #"${from}_${to}%2C${to}_${from}" $result = PerformWebRequest "convert" "${From}_${To}" $from = $result.results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "${from}_${to}" | ForEach-Object{$} $to = $result.results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "${from}_${to}" | ForEach-Object{$} $val = $result.results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "${from}_${to}" | ForEach-Object{$_.val} #$from= $result.results."${from}_${to}" #$to= $result.results."${to}_${from}" $res = new-object PSObject $res | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Date -Value (Get-Date) $res | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name From -Value $from $res | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name To -Value $to $res | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Amount -Value $amount $res | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Rate -Value $val $res | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Result -Value ($val * $Amount) #$conversion | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name BackRate -Value $to.val ` return $res } function Get-Historical{ Write-Error "Not implemented yet" #&date=[yyyy-mm-dd]&endDate=[yyyy-mm-dd] } <# .SYNOPSIS Countries list with currencies .DESCRIPTION Countries list which currencies can be converted .EXAMPLE Get-Countries #> function Get-Countries { $result = PerformWebRequest "countries" return $result.results } <# .SYNOPSIS Supported currencies list .DESCRIPTION Supported currencies list .EXAMPLE /> Get-Currencies | Where-Object {$ -eq "BYN"} /> Get-Currencies | %{$} #> function Get-Currencies { $result = PerformWebRequest "currencies" $result.results.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $_.Value } #return $result.results } #Get-Currencies | Where-Object {$ -eq "BYN"} #Get-Currencies | %{$} #Get-ExchangeRate USD BYN 5 #Get-ExchangeRate -From USD -To BYN 5 #Get-ExchangeRate -Base USD -Result BYN -Amount 5 #([PSCustomObject]@{From="BYN"; To="USD";Value=4}) | Get-ExchangeRate #([PSCustomObject]@{Base="PHP"; Amount=400})| Get-ExchangeRate <# .SYNOPSIS Remove api key fromthe system .DESCRIPTION Remove api key fromthe system: #> function Remove-CurrencyApi-Key { rm $script:apiKeyFile rm $script:baseUrlFile } |