. "$PSScriptRoot\..\src\Initialize-CsStore.ps1" Describe Initialize-CsStore { $filePath = $(New-TemporaryFile).FullName Remove-Item $filePath Context "Create a new CredentialStore file" { Initialize-CsStore -FilePath $filePath It "should create a new CredentialStore file" { $filePath | Should Exist } It "should contain an empty credentials collection" { $content = Get-Content -Raw -Path $filePath | ConvertFrom-Json $content.credentials.Length | Should Be 0 } Remove-Item $filePath } Context "File already exists exist" { New-Item $filePath -Type file It "should throw an exception" { { Initialize-CsStore -FilePath $filePath } | Should Throw "File already exists, cannot overwrite" } Remove-Item $filePath } Context "New CredentialStore should set file meta data" { Initialize-CsStore -FilePath $filePath $content = Get-Content -Raw -Path $filePath | ConvertFrom-Json It "should set the username" { $content.UserName | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "should set the computer name" { $content.ComputerName | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "should set the created date" { $content.CreatedDate | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } Remove-Item $filePath } } |