
    Gets the root directory of the current Git repository.
    The Get-RepoRoot function retrieves the root directory of the current Git repository.
    This is useful for scripts that need to access files or directories within the repository.
    This example retrieves the root directory of the current Git repository.

function Get-RepoRoot {
    $root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
    return $root

Loads environment variables from a .env file into the current PowerShell session.

The Get-EnvironmentVariables function reads key-value pairs from a .env file and sets them as environment variables in the current PowerShell session. This is useful for managing configuration settings and secrets in a centralized file.

The path to the .env file that contains the environment variables to load. If not specified, the function will look for a .env file in the current directory.

Get-EnvironmentVariables -FilePath "/path/to/.env"
This example loads environment variables from the specified .env file.

This example loads environment variables from a .env file in the current directory.

Make sure the .env file is formatted with each environment variable on a new line in the format KEY=VALUE.

function Get-EnvironmentVariables {
    $envFilePath = Join-Path (Get-RepoRoot)  ".env"
    if (Test-Path $envFilePath) {
        Get-Content $envFilePath | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_ -match "^\s*([^#][^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$") {
                [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($matches[1], $matches[2])

    Installs and updates a specific PowerShell module.
    Ensures that specified PowerShell module is installed and up-to-date.
    Get-CurrentModule "Az"

function Get-CurrentModule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    # Get current version if any
    $version = (Get-Module -ListAvailable $Module) | `
        Sort-Object Version -Descending  | `
        Select-Object Version -First 1 | `
        Select-Object ModuleVersion -ExpandProperty Version

    # Get available version
    $galleryVersion = Find-Module -Name $Module | `
        Sort-Object Version -Descending | `
        Select-Object Version -First 1 | `
        Select-Object OnlineVersion -ExpandProperty Version

    if ($null -eq $version) {
        Write-Host "Installing module $Module..." -NoNewline
        Install-Module $Module -Force | Out-Null  -WarningAction Ignore
        Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green
    else {
        if ([version]$galleryVersion -gt [version]$version) {
            Write-Host "Updating module $Module..." -NoNewline
            Update-Module $Module -Force | Out-Null  -WarningAction Ignore
            Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green

Displays the help information for the script.

The Show-PullRequestHelp function provides detailed information on how to use the script, including available parameters and examples.

This command displays the help information for the script.

function Show-PullRequestHelp {
    Write-Output "Usage: .\New-ChangeSet.ps1 [--all] [--filter <regex>] [--help]"
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Options:"
    Write-Output " -all Include 'Chores' and 'Other' sections in the output."
    Write-Output " -filter <regex> Filter out commits matching the given regular expression."
    Write-Output " -output [filename] Creates/updates the pull request to GitHub."
    Write-Output " -help Show this help message and exit."

    Checks and sets Jira credentials in the environment variables.

    This function checks if the Jira email and token are set in the environment variables.
    If not, it prompts the user to enter the Jira email and optionally create a new Jira API token.
    The entered credentials are saved in a .env file and set as environment variables.

    This function does not take any parameters.

    The function will prompt the user for input if the required environment variables are not set.
    It will also open a browser window to the Jira API token creation page if needed.

    # This will check for Jira credentials and prompt the user to enter them if they are not already set.

function Confirm-JiraCredentials {
    $envFilePath = ".env"
    $reloadEnv = $false

    if (-not $env:JIRA_EMAIL) {
        # Try to get the email from git config
        $gitEmail = git config
        if ($gitEmail) {
            $jiraEmail = Read-Host "Enter your Jira email (Press Enter to use '$gitEmail')"
            if ($jiraEmail -eq "") {
                $jiraEmail = $gitEmail
        else {
            $jiraEmail = Read-Host "Enter your Jira email"
        Add-Content -Path $envFilePath -Value "JIRA_EMAIL=$jiraEmail"
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("JIRA_EMAIL", $jiraEmail)
        $reloadEnv = $true

    if (-not $env:JIRA_TOKEN) {
        $createToken = Read-Host "Do you want to create a new Jira API token? (yes/no)"
        if ($createToken -eq "" -or $createToken.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() -eq "y") {
            Start-Process ""

        # Mask the input for the Jira API token
        $secureJiraToken = Read-Host "Enter your Jira API token" -AsSecureString
        $jiraToken = ConvertFrom-SecureString $secureJiraToken -AsPlainText
        Add-Content -Path $envFilePath -Value "JIRA_TOKEN=$jiraToken"
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("JIRA_TOKEN", $jiraToken)
        $reloadEnv = $true

    if ($reloadEnv) {

Retrieves a pull request template.

The Get-Template function retrieves a pull request template.

PS C:\> Get-Template
This example retrieves a template using the Get-Template function.

function Get-Template {
    # Find the first file in the repository
    $template_file = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "" -Force | Select-Object -First 1

    # Check if the template file was found
    if (-not $template_file) {
        $template_content = "## What was changed?`n`n<!-- Add requirements -->`n`n `n`n## What was changed?`n<!-- Add changelog -->`n"
    else {
        # Read the pull request template
        $template_content = Get-Content -Path $template_file.FullName -Raw

    return $template_content

Retrieves the issue identifier from the current branch name.

The Get-IssueIdentifier function extracts the issue identifier from the current branch name.

PS C:\> Get-IssueIdentifier
This example retrieves the issue identifier from the current branch name.

function Get-IssueIdentifier {
    if ($current_branch -match '(patch|feature)/([a-z0-9]+-[0-9]+)') {
        $issue_identifier = $matches[2].ToUpper()
        return $issue_identifier
    return ""

Retrieves the change set for a given repository.

The Get-ChangeSet function retrieves the change set for a specified repository.
It can be used to gather information about the changes made in the repository.

The pull request template, and existing content, to use.

PS> Get-ChangeSet $template

function Get-ChangeSet {

    Param (

    # Fetch the commit messages from the current branch that are not in the base branch and reverse the order
    $saves = git log "$base_branch..HEAD" --pretty=format:"%s" | ForEach-Object { $_ } | Sort-Object { $_ } -Descending

    # Initialize the changeset
    $changeset = ""

    # Initialize variables for each conventional commit type
    $docs_commits = ""
    $feat_commits = ""
    $fix_commits = ""
    $test_commits = ""
    $chore_commits = ""
    $ci_commits = ""
    $other_commits = ""

    # Filter and format the commits
    foreach ($save in $saves) {
        # Apply filter if specified
        if ($filter -ne "" -and $save -match $filter) {

        # Extract the conventional commit type and the message
        if ($save -match '^(Merge.*|.*\(#\d+\))$') {

        if ($save -match '^(feat|fix|docs|test|chore|ci)(\([^\)]+\))?:\s*(.*)$') {
            $save_type = $matches[1]
            $save_message = $matches[3]
            switch ($save_type) {
                "docs" { $docs_commits += "- $save_message`n" }
                "feat" { $feat_commits += "- $save_message`n" }
                "test" { $test_commits += "- $save_message`n" }
                "fix" { $fix_commits += "- $save_message`n" }
                "chore" { $chore_commits += "- $save_message`n" }
                default { $other_commits += "- $save_message`n" }
        else {
            if ($all) {
                $other_commits += "- $save`n"

    # Format the changeset
    if ($feat_commits -ne "") {
        $changeset += "### Features:`n`n$feat_commits`n"
    if ($fix_commits -ne "") {
        $changeset += "### Fixes:`n`n$fix_commits`n"
    if ($test_commits -ne "") {
        $changeset += "### Tests:`n`n$test_commits`n"
    if ($docs_commits -ne "") {
        $changeset += "### Documentation:`n`n$docs_commits`n"
    if ($ci_commits -ne "") {
        $changeset += "### Continuous Integration:`n`n$ci_commits`n"
    if ($all) {
        if ($chore_commits -ne "") {
            $changeset += "### Chores:`n`n$chore_commits`n"
        if ($other_commits -ne "") {
            $changeset += "### Other:`n`n$other_commits`n"

    # Append updated content to end of the template
    if ($template -ne $null -and $template.IndexOf("<!-- Add changelog -->") -gt 0) {
        return $template.Replace("<!-- Add changelog -->", "$changeset")

    return $template + $changeset

    Retrieves and formats the summary for a pull request.

    The Get-Summary function retrieves the Jira issue details and formats the summary for a pull request.
    It uses the Jira issue identifier from the current branch name to fetch the issue details from Jira.
    The function then formats the description and summary based on the issue details and the provided template.

.PARAMETER template
    The template string to be used for formatting the summary.

    The formatted summary string.

    $template = Get-Template
    $summary = Get-Summary -template $template
    Write-Output $summary

    This function requires the JiraPS module and Jira credentials to be set in the environment variables.

function Get-Summary {

    Param (

    # Tell the module what is the server's address
    Set-JiraConfigServer -Server ""

    # Configure authentication
    $password = ConvertTo-SecureString $env:JIRA_TOKEN -AsPlainText -Force
    $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:JIRA_EMAIL, $password)
    New-JiraSession -Credential $creds -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    # Get the remote issue
    $issue_identifier = Get-IssueIdentifier
    $Global:Title = "[$issue_identifier]"
    $issue = Get-JiraIssue -Issue $issue_identifier -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($issue -eq $null) {
        Write-Warning "Issue $issue_identifier not found in Jira."
        return $template
    # Format the description
    $summary = $($issue.Description)
    $summary = $summary -split "`n", 2 | Select-Object -First 1

    # Format title
    $Global:Title += " $($issue.Summary)"
    if ($Global:Title.Length -gt 50) {
        $Global:Title = $Global:Title.Substring(0, 47) + "..."

    # Format summary
    $has_summary = $template.IndexOf("<!-- Add requirements -->") -gt 0
    $summary = ($has_summary) ? $template.Replace("<!-- Add requirements -->", "$summary") : $template + "`n" + $summary

    return $summary

Sets the content of a PR in GitHub.

The Set-PullRequestRemoteContent function is used to set or update content on the remote GitHub server.


function Set-PullRequestRemoteContent {

    if ($null -ne $output -and $output -ne "") {

    # Check if a PR already exists and get its URL
    $pr_url = ""
    try {
        $pr_url = gh pr view --json url --jq '.url'
    catch {
        $pr_url = ""
    # Create or update the PR
    if ($pr_url.Length -gt 0) {
        gh pr edit $pr_url --body "$content"
    else {
        gh pr create --base "$base_branch" --head "$current_branch" --title "$Global:Title" --body "$content" --draft

    # Open the PR in the browser
    gh pr view --web

    Generates a pull request.
    Generates a pull request using the template with details of the Jira ticket reference and the changeset for the current branch.
    Include 'Chores' and 'Other' sections in the output.
    Filter out commits matching the given regular expression.
    Show this help message and exit.
    The output file to save the pull request content.
    .pr.ps1 -all --filter "feat"


function New-PullRequest {
    Param (

    $base_branch = git remote show origin | Select-String 'HEAD branch' | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString().Split()[-1] }
    $current_branch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

    # Load environment variables from .env file

    # Check if Jira credentials are set

    # Install Jira module
    Get-CurrentModule "JiraPS"

    if ($help) {
        exit 0

    # Load template and merge with summary and changeset
    $content = Get-Template
    $content = Get-Summary $content
    $content = Get-ChangeSet $content

    # Publish to GitHub

    # Output the content
    if ($output -ne $null -and $output -ne "") {
        $content | Out-File -FilePath $output

    Gets the comment-based help and converts to GitHub Flavored Markdown.

    A command name or module name to get comment-based help. For modules, include '.psm1' to generate help for all functions in module.

    Get-HelpByMarkdown -Name New-PullRequest > .\

    Get-HelpByMarkdown -Name Arcane.DevOps.psm1 > .\



function Get-HelpByMarkdown {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    function EncodePartOfHtml {
        param (

    ($Value -replace '<', '&lt;') -replace '>', '&gt;'

    function GetCode {
        param (
        $codeAndRemarks = (($Example | Out-String) -replace ($Example.title), '').Trim() -split "`r`n"

        $code = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[string]"
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $codeAndRemarks.Length; $i++) {
            if ($codeAndRemarks[$i] -eq 'DESCRIPTION' -and $codeAndRemarks[$i + 1] -eq '-----------') {
            if (1 -le $i -and $i -le 2) {

        $code -join "`r`n"

    function GetRemark {
        param (
        $codeAndRemarks = (($Example | Out-String) -replace ($Example.title), '').Trim() -split "`r`n"

        $isSkipped = $false
        $remark = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[string]"
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $codeAndRemarks.Length; $i++) {
            if (!$isSkipped -and $codeAndRemarks[$i - 2] -ne 'DESCRIPTION' -and $codeAndRemarks[$i - 1] -ne '-----------') {
            $isSkipped = $true

        $remark -join "`r`n"

    function Print-HelpLink {
        param (

- [$($Function.Name)](#$($Function.Name.ToLower()))


    function Print-Help {
        param (
## $($Function.Name)

$((($Function.syntax | Out-String) -replace "`r`n", "`r`n`r`n").Trim())

$(($Function.description | Out-String).Trim())

 + $(foreach ($parameter in $Function.parameters.parameter) {

#### -$($ &lt;$($;
$(($parameter.description | Out-String).Trim())
$(((($parameter | Out-String).Trim() -split "`r`n")[-5..-1] | % { $_.Trim() }) -join "`r`n")


            }) + @"



$(($Function.alertSet.alert | Out-String).Trim())

 + $(foreach ($example in $Function.examples.example) {

#### $(($example.title -replace '-*', '').Trim())
$(GetCode $example)
$(GetRemark $example)


            }) + @"



    try {
        if ($Host.UI.RawUI) {
            $rawUI = $Host.UI.RawUI
            $oldSize = $rawUI.BufferSize
            $typeName = $oldSize.GetType().FullName
            if ($IsWindows) {
                $newSize = New-Object $typeName (500, $oldSize.Height)
                $rawUI.BufferSize = $newSize

        if ($Name.ToLower().EndsWith('.psm1')) {
            # Print header
# $($Name.Substring(0, $Name.Length - 5))
The following functions are available in this module:


            $modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath $Name
            $tokens = $errors = $null
            $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile(

            $functionDefinitions = $ast.FindAll({
                    param([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast)

                    $Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and
                    # Class methods have a FunctionDefinitionAst under them as well, but we don't want them.
            ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or
                    $Ast.Parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst])
                }, $true)

            $functionDefinitions | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object {
                # Only top level functions
                try {
                    $topLevel = $functionDefinitions[0].Parent.ToString().Length -eq $_.Parent.ToString().Length 
                    if ($topLevel ) {
                        $Function = Get-Help $_.Name -Full
                        Print-HelpLink $Function
                catch {

            $functionDefinitions | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object {
                # Only top level functions
                try {
                    $topLevel = $functionDefinitions[0].Parent.ToString().Length -eq $_.Parent.ToString().Length 
                    if ($topLevel ) {
                        $Function = Get-Help $_.Name -Full
                        Print-Help $Function
                catch {
        else {
            $Function = Get-Help $Name -Full
            Print-Help $Function
    finally {
        if ($Host.UI.RawUI -and $IsWindows) {
            $rawUI = $Host.UI.RawUI
            $rawUI.BufferSize = $oldSize

    Updates the manifest file.
    Updates the manifest file to expose all latest function versions.
    The path to the module manifest file. By default, ./Rpic.PowerShell.psm1.
.PARAMETER IncrementMajor
    Increments the major version number.
.PARAMETER IncrementMinor
    Increments the minor version number.
.PARAMETER IncrementBuild
    Increments the build version number.
    PS> Update-RpicManifest -IncrementBuild

function Update-PackageManifest {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Path = "./Arcane.DevOps.psm1",

    Write-Host "Updating manifest..." -NoNewLine

    New-RpicModuleCheck "PSScriptAnalyzer"

    $module = Get-ChildItem *.psm1 | Select-Object -First 1
    Import-Module $module.Name -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
    $moduleName = $module.Name.Replace(".psm1", "")

    $functions = @()
    $tokens = $errors = $null
    $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile(

    $functionDefinitions = $ast.FindAll({
            param([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast)
            $Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and
                    ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or
            $Ast.Parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst])
        }, $true)

    $lines = 0;
    $functionDefinitions | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object {
        # Only top level functions
        try {
            $topLevel = $functionDefinitions[0].Parent.ToString().Length -eq $_.Parent.ToString().Length 
            if ($topLevel ) {
                $functions += $_.Name
                $lines ++
        catch {

    try {
        Update-ModuleManifest -Path "./$($moduleName).psd1" -RootModule "$($moduleName).psd1" -ea SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
    catch {
        # do nothing

    try {
        Update-ModuleManifest -Path "./$($moduleName).psd1" -FunctionsToExport $functions -ea SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
    catch {
        # do nothing

    try {
        Update-ModuleManifest -Path "./$($moduleName).psd1" -CmdletsToExport $functions -ea SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
    catch {
        # do nothing
    Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green 
    Write-Host "Updated the module manifest $($moduleName).psd1 with $($lines) functions."

    if ($IncrementMajor -or $IncrementMinor -or $IncrementBuild) {
        $current = Test-ModuleManifest -Path "./$($moduleName).psd1"
        $major = $current.Version.Major
        $minor = $current.Version.Minor
        $build = $current.Version.Build
        if ($IncrementMajor) {
            $major = $major + 1
            $minor = 0
            $build = 0
        if ($IncrementMinor) {
            $minor = $minor + 1
            $build = 0
        if ($IncrementBuild) {
            $build = $build + 1
        $version = $major, $minor, $build -join "."
        Write-Host "Incrementing version to $version"
        Update-ModuleManifest -Path "./$($moduleName).psd1" -ModuleVersion $version