.VERSION 1.6 .GUID 2905a44a-0932-41e9-9d09-b6339a9f0143 .AUTHOR Mike Galvin .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT (C) Mike Galvin. All rights reserved. .TAGS Exchange Mailbox Active Directory Syncronization .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES Exchnage Management PowerShell module. Active Directory Management PowerShell module. .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Create Exchange mailboxes for users with no mailbox contained within an OU tree. .DESCRIPTION Create Exchange mailboxes for users with no mailbox contained within an OU tree. This script will: Create mailboxes for users contained witin an OU tree. You can configure the database and retention policy to use. Output and e-mail a log file. This script is designed to be run locally on an Exchange Server. Please note: to send a log file using ssl and an SMTP password you must generate an encrypted password file. The password file is unique to both the user and machine. The command is as follows: $creds = Get-Credential $creds.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content c:\foo\ps-script-pwd.txt .PARAMETER Ou The AD Organisational Unit (including child OUs) that contains the users to create Exchange Mailboxes for. .PARAMETER Datab The Exchange database to create the mailboxes in. .PARAMETER Rp The retention policy that should be applied to the users. .PARAMETER Compat Use this switch if you are using Exchange 2010. .PARAMETER L The path to output the log file to. The file name will be "Create-Mailboxes.log" .PARAMETER SendTo The e-mail address the log should be sent to. .PARAMETER From The from address the log should be sent from. .PARAMETER Smtp The DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server. .PARAMETER User The user account to connect to the SMTP server. .PARAMETER Pwd The password for the user account. .PARAMETER UseSsl Connect to the SMTP server using SSL. .EXAMPLE Create-Mailboxes.ps1 -Ou "OU=NewUsers,OU=Dept,DC=contoso,DC=com" -Datab "Mail DB 2" -Rp "1-Month-Deleted-Items" -L E:\scripts -Sendto -From -Smtp -User -Pwd P@ssw0rd -UseSsl This will create mailboxes for users that do not already have one in the OU NewUsers and all child OUs. It will create the mailbox using Mail DB 2 and apply the retention policy "1-Month-Deleted-Items". A log will be output to E:\scripts and e-mail using a secure connection. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [alias("Ou")] $OrganisationalUnit, [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [alias("Datab")] $Database, [alias("Rp")] $Retention, [alias("L")] $LogPath, [alias("SendTo")] $MailTo, [alias("From")] $MailFrom, [alias("Smtp")] $SmtpServer, [alias("User")] $SmtpUser, [alias("Pwd")] $SmtpPwd, [switch]$UseSsl, [switch]$Compat) ## Count number of users in ou specified without a mailbox $UsersNo = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OrganisationalUnit -Filter * -Properties mail | Where-Object {$_.mail -eq $null} | Measure-Object ## If users exist without mailboxes run the script If ($UsersNo.count -ne 0) { ## If logging is configured, start log If ($LogPath) { $LogFile = "Create-Mailboxes.log" $Log = "$LogPath\$LogFile" ## If the log file already exists, clear it $LogT = Test-Path -Path $Log If ($LogT) { Clear-Content -Path $Log } Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "****************************************" Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$(Get-Date -Format G) Log started" Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "" } ## If compat is configured load the old Exchange PS Module, if not load the current one. If ($Compat) { Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 ## Logging If ($LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$(Get-Date -Format G) Loaded PSSnapin for Exchange 2010" } } Else { Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn ## Logging If ($LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$(Get-Date -Format G) Loaded PSSnapin for Exchange 2013/16" } } ## Find the users in the OU specified $Users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OrganisationalUnit -Filter * ## For each user that does not have a mailbox, create one and set the retention policy if it has been specified ForEach ($User in $Users) { If ($(Get-ADUser $User -Properties mail).mail -eq $null) { Enable-Mailbox -Identity $User.SamAccountName -Database $Database -RetentionPolicy $Retention ## Logging If ($LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$(Get-Date -Format G) Creating mailbox for User: $($User.SamAccountName) in Database: $Database with Retention Policy: $Retention" } } } ## If log was configured stop the log If ($LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "" Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$(Get-Date -Format G) Log finished" Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "****************************************" ## If email was configured, set the variables for the email subject and body If ($SmtpServer) { $MailSubject = "Create Mailboxes Log" $MailBody = Get-Content -Path $Log | Out-String ## If an email password was configured, create a variable with the username and password If ($SmtpPwd) { $SmtpPwdEncrypt = Get-Content $SmtpPwd | ConvertTo-SecureString $SmtpCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($SmtpUser, $SmtpPwdEncrypt) ## If ssl was configured, send the email with ssl If ($UseSsl) { Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -UseSsl -Credential $SmtpCreds } ## If ssl wasn't configured, send the email without ssl Else { Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Credential $SmtpCreds } } ## If an email username and password were not configured, send the email without authentication Else { Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer } } } } ## End |