# culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' ImportingLibFileMessage = Importing function library '{0}'. FindResourceTokenInContext = Searching context tokens for resource matching '{0}'. FoundResourceTokenInContext = {0} context token(s) with resource '{1}' found. FoundUnExpiredResourceTokenInContext = Un-expired context token with resource '{0}' and timestamp '{1}' found. NotFoundResourceTokenInContext = Context token with resource '{0}' not found. NoMatchingUnexpiredResourceTokenInContext = At least one matching context token with resource '{0}' was found, but all are expired. CreateAuthorizationToken = Creating authorization token: Method = '{0}', ResourceType = '{1}', ResourceId = '{2}', Date = '{3}'. ErrorAuthorizationKeyEmpty = The authorization key is empty. It must be passed in the context or a valid token context for the resource being accessed must be supplied. ErrorNewCollectionOfferParameterConflict = Both 'OfferType' and 'OfferThroughput' should not be specified when creating a new collection. ErrorNewCollectionParitionKeyRequired = A 'PartitionKey' is required when the 'OfferThroughput' is greater than 10000. ErrorNewCollectionIncludedPathIndexInvalidDataType = The DataType '{1}' is invalid for the included path index Kind '{0}'. Please use one of: {2}. '@ |