
# <copyright file="Connect-PowerPlatformCli" company="Endjin Limited">
# Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved.
# </copyright>

Sets up or switches to a Power Platform CLI connection profile.

Sets up or switches to a Power Platform CLI connection profile.

.PARAMETER ProfileName
The path of the file containing the code.

.PARAMETER EnvironmentUrl
The Power Apps environment URL.

The Power Apps Tenant ID.

.PARAMETER UseDeviceCodeFlow
When specified, interactive authentication attempts will use the device code flow.


function Connect-PowerPlatformCli
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ProfileName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $EnvironmentUrl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $TenantId,

        [switch] $UseDeviceCodeFlow

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $true

    if ($EnvironmentUrl.EndsWith('/')) {
        $safeEnvironmentUrl = $EnvironmentUrl
    else {
        $safeEnvironmentUrl = "$EnvironmentUrl/"

    # Check whether the required environment variables are available to enable an auto-login with SP secret
    $requiredEnvVarsForServicePrincipalLogin = (
        ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID) -and `

    # Check whether the required environment variables are available to enable an auto-login with a managed identity
    $requiredEnvVarsForManagedIdLogin = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID)

    $pacAuthListOutput = & pac auth list

    if ($pacAuthListOutput -imatch "No profiles were found on this computer") {
        Write-Host "No profiles found"
        $pacAuthProfileIndex = $null
    else {
        $outputColumns = @(
            "Friendly Name"
        $pacAuthList = $pacAuthListOutput | ConvertFrom-Fwsv -Headers $outputColumns

        $requiredProfile = $pacAuthList |
                                Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ProfileName -and $_.Url -eq $safeEnvironmentUrl }
        $existingProfile = $pacAuthList |
                                Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ProfileName }
        $existingEnvironmentProfile = $pacAuthList |
                                Where-Object { $_.Url -eq $safeEnvironmentUrl }

        if ($requiredProfile) {
            Write-Host "Found matching profile"
            $pacAuthProfileIndex = $requiredProfile.Index
        elseif (!$existingProfile -and $existingEnvironmentProfile) {
            throw "A PowerApp CLI profile already exists for the target environment. Either use this existing profile name or delete the profile. [Profile=$($existingEnvironmentProfile.Name)] [Environment=$safeEnvironmentUrl]"
        elseif ($existingProfile -and !$existingEnvironmentProfile) {
            throw "The PowerApp CLI profile '$ProfileName' already exists, but is configured for a different PowerApp Environment URL. Either use a different profile name or delete the existing profile. [TargetEnvironment=$safeEnvironmentUrl] [ActualEnvironment=$($existingProfile.Url)]"
        else {
            Write-Host "No matching profiles found"
            $pacAuthProfileIndex = $null

    if ($null -eq $pacAuthProfileIndex) {

        $createAuthArgs = @(
            "--name", $ProfileName
            "--environment", $safeEnvironmentUrl
            "--tenant", $TenantId
        # Create SPN-based auth profile
        if ($requiredEnvVarsForServicePrincipalLogin) {
            $createAuthArgs += @(
                "--applicationId", $env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID
                "--clientSecret", $env:AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
        # Create Managed Identity-based auth profile
        elseif ($requiredEnvVarsForManagedIdLogin) {
            $createAuthArgs += @(
                "--applicationId", $env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID
        # Create interactive auth profile using device code flow
        elseif ($UseDeviceCodeFlow) {
            $createAuthArgs += @(

        # Create the authentication profile
        Write-Host "Creating profile '$ProfileName' for environment '$safeEnvironmentUrl'"
        & pac auth create @createAuthArgs | Write-Host -f Magenta
    else {
        $profileIndex = $pacAuthProfileIndex.Replace("[","").Replace("]","")
        Write-Host "Selecting required profile '$ProfileName' [Index=$profileIndex]"
        & pac auth select -i $profileIndex | Write-Host -f Magenta

    $script:isPowerPlatformCliConnected = $true
    $script:powerAppEnvironmentUrl = $safeEnvironmentUrl