$VerboseLogging = property VerboseLogging $false $EnvironmentUrl = property PowerAppsEnvironmentUrl '' $ProfileName = property PowerAppsAuthProfileName '' $SchemaPrefix = property DataverseSchemaPrefix '' $SolutionName = property PowerAppsSolutionName '' $SolutionPath = property SolutionPath '' $SolutionPackagePath = property SolutionPackagePath '' $TableDefinitionsPath = property TableDefinitionsPath (Join-Path $here "tables") $TenantId = property TenantId '' task CheckParameters { if (!$SolutionPath) { throw "$SolutionPath is required" } if (!$SolutionPackagePath) { throw "$SolutionPackagePath is required" } } # Synopsis: Ensures the cross-platform Power Apps CLI .NET global tool is available task EnsurePowerPlatformCli { $toolName = "Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI.Tool" Install-DotNetTool $toolName } task EnsureDataverseEnvironment EnsurePowerPlatformCli,{ $splat = @{ ProfileName = $ProfileName EnvironmentUrl = $EnvironmentUrl TenantId = $TenantId } Connect-PowerPlatformCli @splat } task EnsureDataverseSolution EnsureDataverseEnvironment,{ if (!$SolutionName) { Write-Build White "Reading Solution Name from Solution.xml" $solutionXml = [xml](Get-Content "$SolutionPath/Other/Solution.xml") $SolutionName = $solutionXml.ImportExportXml.SolutionManifest.UniqueName } $solution = Select-PowerAppsSolution -SolutionName $SolutionName if (!$solution) { throw "Solution '$SolutionName' not found in environment $powerAppEnvironmentUrl - currently this must be created manually." } } task ConnectDataverse { Connect-DataverseEnvironment ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -EnvironmentUrl $EnvironmentUrl ` -SolutionName $SolutionName ` -SchemaPrefix $SchemaPrefix # TODO: Consider reading from Solution.xml? } task DeployDataverseTables { $tablesToProcess = Get-ChildItem -Path $TableDefinitionsPath -Filter *.yml foreach ($tableDefintionFile in $tablesToProcess) { $tableDefinition = Get-Content $tableDefintionFile | ConvertFrom-Yaml -Ordered $tableId = Set-DataverseTable @tableDefinition -Verbose:$VerboseLogging foreach ($column in $tableDefinition.columns) { $columnId = $tableId | Set-DataverseColumn @column -Verbose:$VerboseLogging } } } task Deploy EnsureDataverseEnvironment, EnsureDataverseSolution, ConnectDataverse, DeployDataverseTables |