# <copyright file="Set-DataverseColumn" company="Endjin Limited"> # Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved. # </copyright> <# .SYNOPSIS Sets a column in a Dataverse table using the column name. .DESCRIPTION This function sets a column in a specified Dataverse table using the column name. It uses an access token for authentication. .PARAMETER AccessToken The access token used for authentication. If not provided, the script will use the set having called the Connect-DataverseEnvironment function. .PARAMETER Name The name of the Dataverse column to set. .PARAMETER Table The Dataverse table in which to set the column. This parameter can be specified as a Name, Id an object representing the table. .EXAMPLE Set-DataverseColumn -Name "AccountName" -Table $table This example sets the "AccountName" column in the specified Dataverse table using the provided access token. #> function Set-DataverseColumn { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [securestring] $AccessToken = $script:dataverseAccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("TableId")] [Alias("TableName")] $Table, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("String","Money","DateTime","Boolean","Decimal","Integer","Memo","Uniqueidentifier")] # TODO: "Lookup","Picklist","State","Status","Uniqueidentifier","Virtual","BigInt","ManagedProperty","EntityName","CalendarRules","VirtualCollection","EntityCollection","BigDateTime","ManagedPropertyCollection","EntityNameReference","EntityCollectionWithAttributes","EntityReference","EntityReferenceWithAttributes","StringType","MemoType","IntegerType","BigIntType","DoubleType","DecimalType","MoneyType","BooleanType","DateTimeType","LookupType","OwnerType","UniqueidentifierType","StateType","StatusType","VirtualType","ManagedPropertyType","EntityNameType","CalendarRulesType","VirtualCollectionType","EntityCollectionType","BigDateTimeType","ManagedPropertyCollectionType","EntityNameReferenceType","EntityCollectionWithAttributesType","EntityReferenceType","EntityReferenceWithAttributesType" [string] $Type, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $SchemaPrefix = $script:schemaPrefix, [Parameter()] [Alias("additionalProperties")] $AdditionalAttributeMetadata = $null ) $qualifiedName = "$($SchemaPrefix)_$Name".ToLower() $headers = _getHeaders $tableCriteria = _getEntityCriterion $Table $SchemaPrefix $data = [ordered]@{ AttributeType = $Type AttributeTypeName = [ordered]@{ Value = "$($Type)Type" } Description = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = $Description LanguageCode = 1033 } ) } DisplayName = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = $DisplayName LanguageCode = 1033 } ) } RequiredLevel = [ordered]@{ Value = "None" CanBeChanged = $true ManagedPropertyLogicalName = "canmodifyrequirementlevelsettings" } SchemaName = $qualifiedName "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.$($Type)AttributeMetadata" # FormatName = [ordered]@{ # Value = "Text" # todo # } # MaxLength = 100 # todo } # TODO: Refactor this to be pluggable and hence more extensible if ($AdditionalAttributeMetadata) { foreach ($key in $AdditionalAttributeMetadata.Keys) { $data.Add($key, $AdditionalAttributeMetadata[$key]) } } # Provide some defaults for the certains types elseif ($Type -eq "String") { $data.Add("FormatName", [ordered]@{ Value = "Text" # todo }) $data.Add("MaxLength", 100) # todo } elseif ($Type -eq "Boolean") { $optionSet = [ordered]@{ TrueOption = [ordered]@{ Value = 1 Label = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = "True" LanguageCode = 1033 IsManaged = $false } ) } } FalseOption = [ordered]@{ Value = 0 Label = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = "False" LanguageCode = 1033 IsManaged = $false } ) } } OptionSetType = "Boolean" } $data.Add("DefaultValue", $false) $data.Add("OptionSet", $optionSet) } $existingEntity = Get-DataverseColumn -Table $Table -Name $Name -SchemaPrefix $SchemaPrefix # Lookup table name/id for logging purposes $tableName = _getEntityName $Table $SchemaPrefix if ($existingEntity) { Write-Host "Updating column: $Name [ID=$($existingEntity.MetadataId)] [Table=$tableName]" -f Magenta $entityId = $existingEntity.MetadataId $method = "Put" $uri = $script:dataverseEnvironmentUrl + "/EntityDefinitions($tableCriteria)/Attributes(LogicalName='$qualifiedName')" } else { Write-Host "Creating column: $Name [Table=$tableName]" -f Magenta $method = "Post" $uri = $script:dataverseEnvironmentUrl + "/EntityDefinitions($tableCriteria)/Attributes" } # Convert the data to JSON $jsonData = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 # Send the HTTP request $statusCode = $null $responseHeaders = $null $response = Invoke-RestMethod ` -Uri $uri ` -Method $method ` -Body $jsonData ` -Headers $headers ` -StatusCodeVariable statusCode ` -ResponseHeadersVariable responseHeaders # Check the response if ($statusCode -eq 204) { Write-Host " Success" -f Green # Extract EntityId from the response headers which has the following format: # "[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/EntityDefinitions(<36-character-guid>)/Attributes(<36-character-guid>)" $entityUri = $responseHeaders["OData-EntityId"] | Select-Object -First 1 $entityId = $entityUri.SubString($entityUri.Length - 37, 36) return $entityId } else { Write-Host " Failed to create/update column. Status code: $($response.StatusCode)" -f Red return $null } } |