# <copyright file="Set-DataverseColumn" company="Endjin Limited"> # Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved. # </copyright> function Set-DataverseColumn { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [securestring] $AccessToken = $script:dataverseAccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("TableId")] [Alias("TableName")] $Table, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("String","Money","DateTime","Boolean","Decimal","Integer","Memo","Uniqueidentifier")] # TODO: "Lookup","Picklist","State","Status","Uniqueidentifier","Virtual","BigInt","ManagedProperty","EntityName","CalendarRules","VirtualCollection","EntityCollection","BigDateTime","ManagedPropertyCollection","EntityNameReference","EntityCollectionWithAttributes","EntityReference","EntityReferenceWithAttributes","StringType","MemoType","IntegerType","BigIntType","DoubleType","DecimalType","MoneyType","BooleanType","DateTimeType","LookupType","OwnerType","UniqueidentifierType","StateType","StatusType","VirtualType","ManagedPropertyType","EntityNameType","CalendarRulesType","VirtualCollectionType","EntityCollectionType","BigDateTimeType","ManagedPropertyCollectionType","EntityNameReferenceType","EntityCollectionWithAttributesType","EntityReferenceType","EntityReferenceWithAttributesType" [string] $Type, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $SchemaPrefix = $script:schemaPrefix, [Parameter()] [Alias("additionalProperties")] $AdditionalAttributeMetadata = $null ) $qualifiedName = "$($SchemaPrefix)_$Name".ToLower() $headers = _getHeaders $tableCriteria = _getEntityCriterion $Table $SchemaPrefix $data = [ordered]@{ AttributeType = $Type AttributeTypeName = [ordered]@{ Value = "$($Type)Type" } Description = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = $Description LanguageCode = 1033 } ) } DisplayName = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = $DisplayName LanguageCode = 1033 } ) } RequiredLevel = [ordered]@{ Value = "None" CanBeChanged = $true ManagedPropertyLogicalName = "canmodifyrequirementlevelsettings" } SchemaName = $qualifiedName "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.$($Type)AttributeMetadata" # FormatName = [ordered]@{ # Value = "Text" # todo # } # MaxLength = 100 # todo } # TODO: Refactor this to be pluggable and hence more extensible if ($AdditionalAttributeMetadata) { foreach ($key in $AdditionalAttributeMetadata.Keys) { $data.Add($key, $AdditionalAttributeMetadata[$key]) } } # Provide some defaults for the certains types elseif ($Type -eq "String") { $data.Add("FormatName", [ordered]@{ Value = "Text" # todo }) $data.Add("MaxLength", 100) # todo } elseif ($Type -eq "Boolean") { $optionSet = [ordered]@{ TrueOption = [ordered]@{ Value = 1 Label = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = "True" LanguageCode = 1033 IsManaged = $false } ) } } FalseOption = [ordered]@{ Value = 0 Label = [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label" LocalizedLabels = @( [ordered]@{ "@odata.type" = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel" Label = "False" LanguageCode = 1033 IsManaged = $false } ) } } OptionSetType = "Boolean" } $data.Add("DefaultValue", $false) $data.Add("OptionSet", $optionSet) } $existingEntity = Get-DataverseColumn -Table $Table -Name $Name -SchemaPrefix $SchemaPrefix # Lookup table name/id for logging purposes $tableName = _getEntityName $Table $SchemaPrefix if ($existingEntity) { Write-Host "Updating column: $Name [ID=$($existingEntity.MetadataId)] [Table=$tableName]" -f Magenta $entityId = $existingEntity.MetadataId $method = "Put" $uri = $script:dataverseEnvironmentUrl + "/EntityDefinitions($tableCriteria)/Attributes(LogicalName='$qualifiedName')" } else { Write-Host "Creating column: $Name [Table=$tableName]" -f Magenta $method = "Post" $uri = $script:dataverseEnvironmentUrl + "/EntityDefinitions($tableCriteria)/Attributes" } # Convert the data to JSON $jsonData = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 # Send the HTTP request $statusCode = $null $responseHeaders = $null $response = Invoke-RestMethod ` -Uri $uri ` -Method $method ` -Body $jsonData ` -Headers $headers ` -StatusCodeVariable statusCode ` -ResponseHeadersVariable responseHeaders # Check the response if ($statusCode -eq 204) { Write-Host " Success" -f Green # Extract EntityId from the response headers which has the following format: # "[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/EntityDefinitions(<36-character-guid>)/Attributes(<36-character-guid>)" $entityUri = $responseHeaders["OData-EntityId"] | Select-Object -First 1 $entityId = $entityUri.SubString($entityUri.Length - 37, 36) return $entityId } else { Write-Host " Failed to create/update column. Status code: $($response.StatusCode)" -f Red return $null } } |