function CopilotHelperTest_GetCopilotUsageDiagramOrg_Totals{ Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = 'someOrgName' MockCall -Command "gh api orgs/$owner/copilot/usage" -filename $OrgTestDataFile $result = Get-CopilotUsageOrgDiagramTotals -Owner $owner Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result $counts =@' ``` mermaid pie showData title Acceptance Count "Accepted": 3535 "Not Accepted": 12467 ``` '@ $lines =@' ``` mermaid pie showData title Acceptance Lines "Accepted": 5855 "Not Accepted": 29151 ``` '@ Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($result.Contains($counts)) Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($result.Contains($lines)) } function CopilotHelperTest_GetCopilotUsageDiagramOrg_Breakdown{ # ``` mermaid # pie showData # title active_users [432] # "Other": 103 # "typescript": 54 # "markdown": 46 # "powershell": 44 # "javascript": 31 # "json": 25 # "github-actions-workflow": 22 # "text": 21 # "json with comments": 20 # "c#": 18 # "python": 17 # "bicep": 16 # "yaml": 15 # ``` # ``` mermaid # pie showData # title lines_accepted [5855] # "powershell": 1574 # "Other": 1370 # "javascript": 1002 # "c#": 886 # "python": 531 # "typescript": 492 # ``` Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = 'someOrgName' MockCall -Command "gh api orgs/$owner/copilot/usage" -filename $OrgTestDataFile $result = Get-CopilotUsageOrgDiagramBreakdown -Owner $owner @( # Userts 'title active_users [432]' '"Other": 103', # Lines 'title lines_accepted [5855]', '"Other": 1370' ) | ForEach-Object { Assert-IsTrue -Condition $($result[0].Contains($_) -or $result[1].Contains($_)) } } function CopilotHelperTest_GetCopilotUsageDiagramEnterprise_Breakdown{ # ``` mermaid # pie showData # title active_users [864] # "Other": 206 # "typescript": 108 # "markdown": 92 # "powershell": 88 # "javascript": 62 # "json": 50 # "github-actions-workflow": 44 # "text": 42 # "json with comments": 40 # "c#": 36 # "python": 34 # "bicep": 32 # "yaml": 30 # ``` # ``` mermaid # pie showData # title lines_accepted [11710] # "powershell": 3148 # "Other": 2740 # "javascript": 2004 # "c#": 1772 # "python": 1062 # "typescript": 984 # ``` Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = 'someEnterpriseName' MockCall -Command "gh api enterprises/$owner/copilot/usage" -filename $EnterpriseTestDataFile $result = Get-CopilotUsageEnterpriseDiagramBreakdown -Enterprise $owner @( # Userts 'title active_users [864]' '"Other": 206', # Lines 'title lines_accepted [11710]', '"Other": 2740' ) | ForEach-Object { Assert-IsTrue -Condition $($result[0].Contains($_) -or $result[1].Contains($_)) } } |