function Get-Ratio($a, $b){ if($null -eq $a -or $null -eq $b){ return 0 } # parse $a and $b $a = [int64]$a $b = [int64]$b if($b -eq 0){ return 0 } $ret = $a / $b | Get-Round return $ret } function Get-Calcs($a){ # iterate $a and calculate average, total and count $total = 0 $count = 0 $a | ForEach-Object{ $total += $_ $count += 1 } $average = $total / $count return @{ average = $average average_round = $average | Get-Round total = $total count = $count } } function Get-CalcsWithRatios{ [CmdletBinding()] param( # values [Parameter(Mandatory)][int64[]]$values, # Total [Parameter(Mandatory)][int64]$total ) $calcs = Get-Calcs $values $calcs["ratio"] = Get-Ratio $calcs.average $total $calcs["ratio_round"] = $calcs.ratio | Get-Round return $calcs } function Get-Totals($entries){ $total_suggestions_count = $entries | Measure-Object -Property suggestions_count -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum $total_acceptances_count = $entries | Measure-Object -Property acceptances_count -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum $total_lines_suggested = $entries | Measure-Object -Property lines_suggested -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum $total_lines_accepted = $entries | Measure-Object -Property lines_accepted -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum $total_active_users = $entries | Measure-Object -Property active_users -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum return @{ suggestions_count = $total_suggestions_count acceptances_count = $total_acceptances_count lines_suggested = $total_lines_suggested lines_accepted = $total_lines_accepted active_users = $total_active_users } } function Get-CalcsByProperty2($prop,$entries){ $totals = Get-Totals $entries $groups = $entries | Group-Object -Property $prop $ret = @{} $groups | ForEach-Object{ $prop = @{} $prop["suggestions_count"] = Get-CalcsWithRatios -Values $_.Group.suggestions_count -Total $totals.suggestions_count $prop["acceptances_count"] = Get-CalcsWithRatios -Values $_.Group.acceptances_count -Total $totals.acceptances_count $prop["lines_suggested"] = Get-CalcsWithRatios -Values $_.Group.lines_suggested -Total $totals.lines_suggested $prop["lines_accepted"] = Get-CalcsWithRatios -Values $_.Group.lines_accepted -Total $totals.lines_accepted $prop["active_users"] = Get-CalcsWithRatios -Values $_.Group.active_users -Total $totals.active_users $ret[$_.Name] = $prop } return $ret } function Get-CalcsByProperty($prop,$entries){ $groups = $entries | Group-Object -Property $prop $ret = @{} $groups | ForEach-Object{ $prop = @{} $prop["suggestions_count"] = Get-Calcs $_.Group.suggestions_count $prop["acceptances_count"] = Get-Calcs $_.Group.acceptances_count $prop["lines_suggested"] = Get-Calcs $_.Group.lines_suggested $prop["lines_accepted"] = Get-Calcs $_.Group.lines_accepted $prop["active_users"] = Get-Calcs $_.Group.active_users $ret[$_.Name] = $prop } return $ret } function Format-HashTablesByValue{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [Hashtable]$HashTables ) process{ $ret = [ordered]@{} $sorted = $HashTables.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value -Descending foreach($item in $sorted){ $ret[$item.Name] = $item.Value } return $ret } } <# Summary Selects the top $Percentage of HashTables by Value #> function Select-Top{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [Hashtable]$HashTable, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [int]$Percentage ) process{ $ret = [ordered]@{} $sumValues = $HashTable.Values | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum $sorted = $HashTable.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value -Descending $percentageValue = $sumValues * ($Percentage / 100) $currentSum = 0 $top = 0 foreach ($item in $sorted) { $currentSum += $item.Value $top += 1 $ret[$item.Name] = $item.Value if ($currentSum -ge $percentageValue) { break } } $ret["Other"] = $sumValues - $currentSum return $ret } } function Get-Round{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [Double]$Value, [Parameter(Position=0)] [int]$Round = 2 ) process{ return [math]::Round($Value,$Round) } } |