
# REF:

Set-MyInvokeCommandAlias -Alias RemoveBillingUser -Command 'gh api --method DELETE /orgs/{owner}/copilot/billing/selected_users -f "selected_usernames[]={user}"'
Set-MyInvokeCommandAlias -Alias AddBillingUser -Command 'gh api --method POST /orgs/{owner}/copilot/billing/selected_users -f "selected_usernames[]={user}"'

    Remove a user from the billing seats for an organization.

function Remove-CopilotBillingUser{

    process {
        $environment = Get-EnvironmentOwner -Owner $Owner

        $param = @{'owner' = $environment; 'user' = $User}

        $result = Invoke-MyCommandJson -Command RemoveBillingUser -Param $param

        if($null -eq $result){
            "Error calling RemoveBillingUser with [$owner] and [$user]" | Write-Error
            $ret = $null
        } elseif ($result.message -eq "Not Found"){
            "Error calling RemoveBillingUser with [$owner] and [$user] - $($result.message)" | Write-Error
            $ret = $null
        } elseif ($null -ne $result.message){
            "Error calling RemoveBillingUser with [$owner] and [$user] - $($result.message)" | Write-Error
            $ret = $null
        } elseif ($null -eq $result.message){
            $ret = $result
        } else {
            throw "we should never reach this point"

        return $ret
} Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-CopilotBillingUser

    Add a user to the billing seats for an organization.

function Add-CopilotBillingUser{

    process {
        $environment = Get-EnvironmentOwner -Owner $Owner

        $param = @{'owner' = $environment; 'user' = $User}

        $result = Invoke-MyCommandJson -Command AddBillingUser -Param $param

        if($null -eq $result){
            "Error calling AddBillingUser with [$owner] and [$user]" | Write-Error
            $ret = $null
        } elseif ($result.message -eq "Not Found"){
            "Error calling AddBillingUser with [$owner] and [$user] - $($result.message)" | Write-Error
            $ret = $null
        } elseif ($null -ne $result.message){
            "Error calling AddBillingUser with [$owner] and [$user] - $($result.message)" | Write-Error
            $ret = $null
        } elseif ($null -eq $result.message){
            $ret = $result
        } else {
            throw "we should never reach this point"

        return $ret
} Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-CopilotBillingUser