[string] $moduleDir = Split-Path -Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path �Parent Set-StrictMode -Version latest <# .Synopsis Converts the array of objects to a formatted HTML table. #> function ConvertTo-FormattedHtml { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject[]]$InputObject = $null, [string]$Title = $null, [switch]$OutClipboard = $false, [switch]$bodyOnly = $false, [string]$formatJson = $null ) Begin { [PSObject[]] $allInput = @(); [HashTable] $exportHtmlParams = @{ bodyOnly = $bodyOnly Heading = $Title } } process { foreach($item in $InputObject) { $allInput += $item; } } end { if ($allInput[0] -is [PSObject]) { [bool] $gotformatJson = $false if($formatJson.Length -gt 1) { [string] $formatObjectJson = $formatJson [bool] $gotformatJson = $true } else { [string] $formatObjectJson = Find-FormatJsonFromFile -allInput $allInput if($formatObjectJson) { $gotformatJson = $true } } if($gotformatJson) { $formatJsonTables = Convert-FormatObjectJson -formatObjectJson $formatObjectJson [string] $result = Export-Html -InputObject $allInput -Property $formatJsonTables.Property ` -GroupBy $formatJsonTables.GroupBy -GroupByHeading $formatJsonTables.GroupByHeading ` -ColumnHeadings $formatJsonTables.columnHeadings -ColumnBackgroundColors $formatJsonTables.columnBackgroundColor ` @exportHtmlParams -AllowHtml $formatJsonTables.AllowHtml if($OutClipboard) { $result | Out-Clipboard } else { $result } } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Json missing, using properites...' [string] $result = Export-Html -InputObject $allInput -Property (Get-InputProperty -allInput $allInput) @exportHtmlParams if($OutClipboard) { $result | Out-Clipboard } else { $result } } } } } <# .Synopsis Converts a Format Json string to a PSObject #> function Convert-FormatObjectJson { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, HelpMessage='Please add a help message here')] [Object] $formatObjectJson ) Set-StrictMode -off [PSObject] $formatObject = $formatObjectJson | ConvertFrom-Json [HashTable] $columnHeadings = @{} foreach($columnHeading in $formatObject.ColumnHeadings) { $columnHeading.PSObject.Members| ForEach-Object -Process { if($_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty') { $columnHeadings.Add($_.Name,$_.Value) } } } [HashTable] $columnBGColors = @{} foreach($columnHeading in $formatObject.ColumnBackgroundColor) { $columnHeading.PSObject.Members| ForEach-Object -Process { if($_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty') { $columnBGColors.Add($_.Name,$_.Value) } } } if($formatObject.AllowHtml) { $AllowHtml = $formatObject.AllowHtml } else { $AllowHtml = @() } $returnValue = (New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ ColumnHeadings = $columnHeadings ColumnBackgroundColor = $columnBGColors Property = $formatObject.Property GroupBy = $formatObject.GroupBy GroupByHeading = $formatObject.GroupByHeading AllowHtml = $allowHtml }) $returnValue.pstypenames.clear() $returnValue.pstypenames.add('ConvertToHtml.FormatTables') return $returnValue } <# .Synopsis Gets the formatJson from a file #> function Find-FormatJsonFromFile { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object[]] $allInput ) [int] $i = 0 [string] $typenameFormatFilePath = $null do{ $tempPath = (Join-Path -Path $moduleDir -ChildPath ('ExportHtml.' + $allInput[0].PSObject.TypeNames[$i] + '.json')) Write-Verbose -Message "looking for $tempPath" if (Test-Path -Path $tempPath) { $typenameFormatFilePath = $tempPath [string] $formatObjectJson = Get-Content -raw -Path $typenameFormatFilePath return $formatObjectJson } $i++ } while($i -lt $allInput[0].PSObject.TypeNames.Count -and $null -eq $typenameFormatFilePath) return $null } <# .Synopsis Creates a formatting Json for the array of objects. #> function New-FormattedHtmlJson { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject[]]$InputObject = $null ) Begin { [PSObject[]] $allInput = @(); } process { foreach($item in $InputObject) { $allInput += $item; } } end { if ($allInput[0] -is [PSObject]) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating Formatting Json' $formattingTables = Get-DefaultFormattingTable -allInput $allInput [HashTable] $columnHeadings = $formattingTables.ColumnHeadings [HashTable] $ColumnBackgroundColor= $formattingTables.ColumnBackgroundColor [string] $thisTypeName = $formattingTables.thisTypeName $properties = $formattingTables.Properties $allowHtml = @() Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating Json' [HashTable] $jsonProperties = @{ 'TypeName'=$thisTypeName 'Property'=$properties 'GroupBy'=$null; 'GroupByHeading'=$null; 'ColumnHeadings'= $columnHeadings; 'Heading' = $thisTypeName; 'ColumnBackgroundColor' = $ColumnBackgroundColor; 'AllowHtml' = $AllowHtml } [PSObject] $jsonObject = New-Object �TypeName PSObject �Prop $jsonProperties $jsonObject.PSObject.TypeNames[0] = 'Export.Html.Format' #[string] $filename="ExportHtml.$thisTypeName.Json" $jsonObject | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Output #Write-Warning -Message "Created missing Json: $filename" } } } <# .Synopsis Creates the tables and arrays needed for various formatting functions, if we don't already have a formatting json #> function Get-DefaultFormattingTable { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [object[]] $allInput ) [string[]] $properties = Get-InputProperty -allInput $allInput [HashTable] $columnHeadings = @{} foreach($property in $properties) { $columnHeadings.Add($property,$property) } [HashTable] $ColumnBackgroundColor=@{} $ColumnBackgroundColor.Add($properties[0], '#switch ($columnValue) { default { write-Output "#EE0000"} 0 { write-Output return}} # you can also use $this, which is the current object'); [string] $thisTypeName = $allInput[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] return @{ Properties = $properties ColumnHeadings = $columnHeadings ColumnBackgroundColor = $ColumnBackgroundColor thisTypeName = $thisTypeName } } <# .Synopsis Get the properties for the first item out of the array of objects. #> function Get-InputProperty { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [object[]] $allInput ) [string[]] $properties = @() $allInput[0] | Get-Member -membertype 'properties'| ForEach-Object -Process {$properties += $_.Name} return $properties } function Get-HtmlEncodedValue { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$value ) return $value.replace('<', '<').replace('>','>') } <# .Synopsis Converts the array of objects to a formatted HTML table. #> function Export-Html { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object[]]$InputObject, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object[]] $Property, [Object] $GroupBy = $null, [Object] $GroupByHeading = $null, [String] $Heading = $null, [System.Collections.Hashtable] $ColumnHeadings = $null, [System.Collections.Hashtable] $ColumnBackgroundColors = $null, [switch] $bodyOnly, [ValidateNotNull()] [String[]] $AllowHtml = @() ) [string] $headingStyle='width:195.8pt;border-top:solid black 1.0pt;border-left:none;border-bottom:solid #4F81BD 1.5pt;border-right:none;background:#4F81BD;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:20.25pt' [string] $greyStyle='width:195.8pt;border:none;border-bottom:solid #A7BFDE 1.5pt;background:#D9D9D9;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:18.75pt' [string] $whiteStyle='width:195.8pt;border:none;border-bottom:solid #A7BFDE 1.5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:18.75pt' [string] $subject = $Heading [System.Text.StringBuilder] $sb = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder' if (-not $bodyOnly) { $sb.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC `"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN`" `"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd`">") > $null $sb.AppendLine('<html><head/><body>') > $null } $sb.AppendFormat('<h1>{0}</h1>',$subject) > $null $sb.AppendLine('<table>') > $null [string] $lastGroup = [string]::Empty [int] $rowCount = 0 [bool] $firstGroup = $true; $InputObject | ForEach-Object -Process { [string] $color = '#C6EFCE' #lightGreen #if($_.State -eq 'Warning') #{$color='#FFEB9C'} #lightYellow #if($_.State -eq 'Error') #{$color='red'} if ($GroupBy) { if ($_.$GroupBy -ne $lastGroup) { if ($GroupByHeading) { [string] $effectiveGroupByHeading = $GroupByHeading + ': ' + $_.$GroupBy } else { [string] $effectiveGroupByHeading = $GroupBy + ': ' + $_.$GroupBy } [int] $columns = $Property.Count [int] $rowCount = 0 if(-not $firstGroup) { $sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan='$columns' > </td></tr>") > $null } $firstGroup = $false $sb.AppendFormat("<tr><th colspan='$columns' style='$headingStyle'>{0}</th></tr>", $effectiveGroupByHeading) > $null $sb.AppendLine("<tr style='$greyStyle;font-size:13.0pt;color:#1F497D'>") > $null foreach($propertyName in $Property) { [string] $headingName = Get-HeadingName -PropertyName $propertyName -ColumnHeadings $ColumnHeadings $sb.AppendLine("<th>$headingName</th>") > $null } $sb.AppendLine('</tr>') > $null $lastGroup = $_.$GroupBy } } else { if($firstGroup) { $sb.AppendLine("<tr style='$greyStyle;font-size:13.0pt;color:#1F497D'>") > $null foreach($propertyName in $Property) { [string] $headingName = Get-HeadingName -PropertyName $propertyName -ColumnHeadings $ColumnHeadings $sb.AppendLine("<th>$headingName</th>") > $null } $sb.AppendLine('</tr>') > $null $firstGroup = $false } } [string] $currentStyle = $greyStyle if(($rowCount %2) -eq 0) { $currentStyle=$whiteStyle } $sb.AppendLine("<tr style='$currentStyle'>") > $null try { Set-StrictMode -Off foreach($propertyName in $Property) { if($AllowHtml -icontains $propertyname) { # Allow Html [string] $columnValue = $_.$propertyName } else { # Encode value [string] $columnValue = Get-HtmlEncodedValue -value $_.$propertyName } [string] $style = Get-BackgroundColorStyle -ColumnValue $columnValue -PropertyName $propertyName -ColumnBackgroundColor $ColumnBackgroundColors -this $_ $sb.AppendLine("<td style='$style'>$columnValue</td>") > $null } } finally { Set-StrictMode -Version latest } $sb.AppendLine('</tr>') > $null $sb.AppendLine([string]::Empty) > $null $rowCount++ } $sb.AppendLine('</table>') > $null if (-not $bodyOnly) { $sb.AppendLine('</body>') > $null $sb.AppendLine('</html>') > $null } ($sb.ToString()) | Write-Output Write-Verbose -Message "Finished Export-Html for $rowCount rows." } <# .Synopsis Gets the background style for a propertyname and value combination #> function Get-BackgroundColorStyle { param ( $columnValue = $null, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string] $propertyName , [System.Collections.Hashtable] $ColumnBackgroundColor = @{}, $this = $null ) if($ColumnBackgroundColor) { if ($ColumnBackgroundColor.ContainsKey($propertyName)) { [scriptblock] $colorScriptBlock = $executioncontext.invokecommand.NewScriptBlock($ColumnBackgroundColor[$propertyName]) Write-Verbose -Message "colorScriptBlock: $colorScriptBlock" [string] $color = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $colorScriptBlock if($color) { "background-color:$color" | Write-Output return } } } } <# .Synopsis Gets the heading name for a property #> function Get-HeadingName { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $propertyName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $ColumnHeadings ) if($ColumnHeadings) { if ($ColumnHeadings.ContainsKey($propertyName)) { $ColumnHeadings[$propertyName] | Write-Output return } } Write-Verbose -Message "Didn't find Heading name for $propertyName, using propertyName" $propertyName | Write-Output } <# .Synopsis Puts HTML in the browser #> function Out-Browser { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string] $InputObject) Begin { [System.Text.StringBuilder] $sb = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder'; } Process { $sb.Append($InputObject) > $null } End { [string] $filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + '.html' Write-Verbose -Message "sending temp file $filename to browser." $filename = join-path -path $env:TEMP -ChildPath $filename ($sb.ToString()) | Out-File -FilePath $filename Start-Process -FilePath 'cmd.exe' -ArgumentList @('/c', 'start', $filename) } } Add-Type -Assembly @('PresentationCore') <# .Synopsis Puts HTML on the clipboard #> function Out-Clipboard { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string] $InputObject, [Windows.TextDataFormat] $format=[Windows.TextDataFormat]::Html ) Begin { [System.Text.StringBuilder] $sb = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder' } Process { $sb.Append($InputObject) > $null } End { Write-Verbose -Message 'Sending to clipboard...' [string] $body = $sb.ToString() [string] $cfHtml=Get-CF_Html -html $body Clear-Clipboard $cfHtml|powershell.exe -NoProfile -STA -Command { Add-Type -Assembly PresentationCore $clipText = ($input | Out-String -Stream) ## And finally set the clipboard text #[Windows.Clipboard]::SetText($input,[Windows.TextDataFormat]::UnicodeText) #Write-Host $clipText [Windows.Clipboard]::SetText($clipText, [Windows.TextDataFormat]::Html) } } } <# .Synopsis Converts HTML to the text expected on the clipboard #> function Get-CF_Html { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string] $html ) #adding for script analyzer Write-Verbose -Message 'in get-cf_html' [string] $cfHtmlFormat = @" Version:{0} StartHTML:{1} EndHTML:{2} StartFragment:{3} EndFragment:{4} {5} "@ # Make sure header is 89 characters $totalLengthOfFields = 6 $headerLength = 57 + 3 + ($totalLengthOfFields * 4) $startHtml = $headerLength $startHtmlString = Format-Number -totalLength $totalLengthOfFields -value $startHtml $startFragment= Format-Number -totalLength $totalLengthOfFields -value $startHtml #$startSelection = Format-Number -totalLength $totalLengthOfFields -value $startHtml $endHtmlPosition = $startHtml + $html.Length $endHtml = Format-Number -totalLength $totalLengthOfFields -value $endHtmlPosition $endFragment = Format-Number -totalLength $totalLengthOfFields -value $endHtmlPosition #$endSelection = Format-Number -totalLength $totalLengthOfFields -value $endHtmlPosition $cfHtml=[String]::Format($cfHtmlFormat,'0.9',$startHtmlString,$endHtml,$startFragment,$endFragment,$html) Write-Debug $cfHtml $cfHtml | Write-Output } <# .Synopsis formats a number with leading zeros to a certain length #> function Format-Number { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $value, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $totalLength ) #TODO: make use string builder [string] $text = $value.ToString(); while($text.Length -lt $totalLength) { $text = '0' + $text } $text | Write-Output } <# .Synopsis clears the clipboard #> function Clear-Clipboard { param ( ) End { Write-Verbose -Message 'Clearing clipboard...' powershell.exe -NoProfile -STA -Command { Add-Type -Assembly PresentationCore [Windows.Clipboard]::Clear() } } } |