. $PSScriptRoot\exportManuscript.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\TestPSCodeBlock.ps1 function Test-Chapter { param ( $outputPath = $pwd ) (Get-ChildItem $outputPath).Count -gt 0 } function ConvertFrom-Markdown { param ( $markdownFile = "$pwd\", $outputPath = $pwd, [ValidateSet("Html", "Docx", "PDF")] $OutputType, [Switch]$Show ) Write-Progress -Activity "Generating manuscript" -Status "[$(Get-Date)] Creating chapters" Export-Manuscript -markdownFile $markdownFile -outputPath $outputPath $targetPath = "$($outputPath)\manuscript" Write-Progress -Activity "Generating manuscript" -Status "[$(Get-Date)] Analyzing PowerShell" Test-PSCodeBlock -markdownFile $markdownFile -outputPath $outputPath if (!(Test-Chapter $targetPath)) { "No chapters found" return } #if ((Get-Command pandoc.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and $AsPDF) { if ($OutputType) { if (!(Get-Command pandoc.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Warning @" To generate that output type, you need to install Pandoc, If you want a PDF, you need to also install LaTeX, "@ return } # $chapters = (Get-Content "$targetPath\book.txt") -join ' ' $chapters = (Get-ChildItem $targetPath chap* | ForEach-Object FullName ) -join ' ' # if ($chapters.trim().length -gt 0) { $outFile = "$($targetPath)\book.$($OutputType)" Write-Progress -Activity "Generating manuscript" -Status "[$(Get-Date)] Creating $($OutputType)" "pandoc $chapters -S --toc --standalone -o $outFile" | Invoke-Expression Write-Progress -Activity "Generating manuscript" -Status "[$(Get-Date)] Launching $($OutputType)" if ($Show) { Invoke-Item $outFile } # } # else { # "No chapters found" # } } } function Test-IsUri { param($targetUri) [System.Uri]::IsWellFormedUriString($targetUri, 'Absolute') } |