
.VERSION 0.0.32
.GUID 0019a810-97ea-4f9a-8cd5-4babecdc916b
.DESCRIPTION Converts a source table (format-table) or markdown table to objects
.TAGS Read Input Convert Resource Table Format MarkDown

    Converts a source table (format-table) or markdown table to objects.
    The ConvertFrom-SourceTable cmdlet creates objects from a fixed column
    source table (format-table) or markdown table. The ConvertFrom-SourceTable
    cmdlet supports most data types using the following formating and alignment
        Data that is left aligned will be parsed to the generic column type
        which is a string by default.
        The generic column type can be set by prefixing the column name with
        a standard (PowerShell) cast operator (a data type enclosed in
        square brackets, e.g.: "[Int]ID")
        Data that is right aligned will be interpreted (using Invoke-Expression).
        The width of a source table column is outlined by header width, the
        ruler width and the width of the process data. The process data for
        single rows supplied through the pipeline (in comparison to a multi
        line string) is limited from the first row up and till the current row.
        A right aligned field is outlined by its containing data which has at
        least one leading white space character and no following white space
        characters or at least one leading white space character and placed in a
        right aligned column.
        A right aligned column is outlined by the header description which has
        at least one leading white space character and no following white space
        Note that the vertical header ruler of a source table is especially useful
        for defining the boundaries of a column and how its data is aligned and
        No is parameters is required.
    .PARAMETER HorizontalRuler
        Defines the horizontal ruler character. The default is a hyphen ("-").
    .PARAMETER VerticalRuler
        Defines the vertical ruler character. The default is a vertical line ("|").
    .PARAMETER Markdown
        Threats the input table as a markdown table (-Markdown) or a source table
        (-Markdown:$False). By default, the input table is automatically recognized
        by the vertical ruler.
        $Employee = ConvertFrom-SourceTable '
        Department Name Country
        ---------- ---- -------
        Sales Aerts Belgium
        Engineering Bauer Germany
        Sales Cook England
        Engineering Duval France
        Marketing Evans England
        Engineering Fischer Germany
        $Color = ConvertFrom-SourceTable '
        Name Value RGB
        ------- -------- -----------
        Black 0x000000 0,0,0
        White 0xFFFFFF 255,255,255
        Red 0xFF0000 255,0,0
        Lime 0x00FF00 0,255,0
        Blue 0x0000FF 0,0,255
        Yellow 0xFFFF00 255,255,0
        Cyan 0x00FFFF 0,255,255
        Magenta 0xFF00FF 255,0,255
        Silver 0xC0C0C0 192,192,192
        Gray 0x808080 128,128,128
        Maroon 0x800000 128,0,0
        Olive 0x808000 128,128,0
        Green 0x008000 0,128,0
        Purple 0x800080 128,0,128
        Teal 0x008080 0,128,128
        Navy 0x000080 0,0,128
        PS C:\> $Color | Where {$_.Name -eq "Red"}
        RGB Name Value
        --- ---- -----
        {255, 0, 0} Red 16711680
        $Color = ConvertFrom-SourceTable '
        | Name | Value | RGB |
        | Black | 0x000000 | 0, 0, 0 |
        | White | 0xFFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 |
        | Red | 0xFF0000 | 255, 0, 0 |
        | Lime | 0x00FF00 | 0, 255, 0 |
        | Blue | 0x0000FF | 0, 0, 255 |
        | Yellow | 0xFFFF00 | 255, 255, 0 |
        | Cyan | 0x00FFFF | 0, 255, 255 |
        | Magenta | 0xFF00FF | 255, 0, 255 |
        | Silver | 0xC0C0C0 | 192, 192, 192 |
        | Gray | 0x808080 | 128, 128, 128 |
        | Maroon | 0x800000 | 128, 0, 0 |
        | Olive | 0x808000 | 128, 128, 0 |
        | Green | 0x008000 | 0, 128, 0 |
        | Purple | 0x800080 | 128, 0, 128 |
        | Teal | 0x008080 | 0, 128, 128 |
        | Navy | 0x000080 | 0, 0, 128 |
        $DateType = ConvertFrom-SourceTable '
        Type Value PowerShell Output
        ---- ------------------ ----------- ---------------------
        String Hello World "Hello World" Hello World
        Number 123 123 123
        Null Null $Null
        Boolean True $True True
        Boolean False $False False
        DateTime D 1963-10-07T21:47 [DateTime]"1963-10-07 21:47" 1963-10-07 9:47:00 PM
        Array 1, "Two" @(1, "Two") {1, two}
        HashTable @{One=1; Two=2} @{One=1; Two=2} {One, Two}
        Object O @{One=1; Two=2} [PSCustomObject]@{One=1; Two=2} @{One=1; Two=2}
        $Directory = ConvertFrom-SourceTable '
        Mode [DateTime]LastWriteTime Length Name
        ---- ----------------------- ------ ----
        -a---l 2018-04-16 7:15 PM 4071 ConvertFrom-Table.Tests.ps1
        -a---l 2018-04-22 9:19 PM 3104 ConvertFrom-Table.ps1

Function ConvertFrom-SourceTable {
    [OutputType([Object[]])]Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True)][String[]]$Table,
        [Char]$HorizontalRuler = '-', [Char]$VerticalRuler = '|', [Switch]$Markdown
    Begin {
        Function Null {$Null}; Function True {$True}; Function False {$False};    # Wrappers
        Function O([HashTable]$Property) {New-Object PSObject -Property $Property}
        Set-Alias D Get-Date
        $LeftAligned = 1; $RightAligned = 2
        $HRx = "\x{0:X2}" -f [Int]$HorizontalRuler; $VRx = "\x{0:X2}" -f [Int]$VerticalRuler
        $RulerPattern = "^[$HRx$VRx\s]*$HRx[$HRx$VRx\s]*$"
        $Header, $Ruler = $Null; $RowIndex = 0; $Self = @{Used = New-Object Bool[] 0}; $Columns = @(); $Property = @{}
        Function IsLeftAligned($Line, $Column)  {$Line[$Column.Start] -Match '\S' -and $Line[$Column.End] -Match '\s'}
        Function IsRightAligned($Line, $Column) {$Line[$Column.Start] -Match '\s' -and $Line[$Column.End] -Match '\S'} 
        Function Slice([Int]$Start, [Int]$End = [Int]::MaxValue, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True, Mandatory = $True)][String]$String) {
            If ($Start -lt 0) {$End += $Start; $Start = 0}
            If ($End -gt 0 -and $Start -lt $String.Length) {
                If ($End -lt $String.Length) {$String.Substring($Start, $End - $Start + 1)} Else {$String.Substring($Start)}
            } Else {$Null}
        Function Mask([String]$Line) {
            For ($i = 0; $i -lt $Line.Length; $i++) {
                If ($i -ge $Self.Used.Length) {$Self.Used += $Line[$i] -Match '\S'}
                ElseIf (!$Self.Used[$i]) {$Self.Used[$i] = $Line[$i] -Match '\S'}
            $Margin = $Line.Length - 1; $Align = $False
            For ($i = $Columns.Length - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Column = @($Columns)[$i]
                While ($Column.End -lt $Margin -and $Self.Used[$Column.End + 1]) {
                    If ($Align) {$Column.End = $Margin} Else {$Column.End++}
                $Align = IsLeftAligned $Header $Column
                If ($Align) {$Column.Aligned = $LeftAligned}
                $Margin = $Column.Start - 2
            $Margin = 0; $Align = $False
            For ($i = 0; $i -lt $Columns.Length; $i++) {$Column = @($Columns)[$i]
                While ($Column.Start -gt $Margin -and $Self.Used[$Column.Start - 1]) {
                    If ($Align) {$Column.Start = $Margin} Else {$Column.Start--}
                $Align = IsRightAligned $Header $Column
                If ($Align) {$Column.Aligned = $RightAligned}
                $Margin = $Column.End + 2
        Function TypeName([String]$TypeName) {
            $Null = $TypeName.Trim() -Match '(\[(.*)\])?\s*(.*)'
            $Matches[2], (&{If($Matches[3]) {$Matches[3]} Else {$Matches[2]}})
        Function ErrorRecord($Row) {
            $ErrorRecord = $_.Exception.ErrorRecord
            $Exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException @"
At column '$($Column.Name)' in $(&{If($RowIndex) {"data row $RowIndex"} Else {"the header row"}})
+ $($Row -Replace "[\s]", " ")
+ $(" " * $Column.Start)$("~" * ($Column.End - $Column.Start + 1))

            New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $Exception,
    Process {
        $Table | ForEach-Object {
            $Lines = $_ -Split '[\r\n]+'
            $Head = 0; $Count = 0
            ForEach ($Line in $Lines) {
                If ($Line -Match $RulerPattern) {$Ruler = $Line}
                ElseIf ($Header) {
                    If (!$Columns) {
                        If (!$Ruler) {$Ruler = $Header}
                        If (!$MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Markdown.IsPresent) {$Markdown = $Header -Match $VRx}
                        If ($Markdown) {
                            $Margin = $Header -NotMatch "\w$VRx|$VRx\w"
                            $Columns = ForEach ($Match in ($Header | Select-String "[^$VRx]+\w[^$VRx]+" -AllMatches).Matches) {
                                $Column = @{Start = $Match.Index + $Margin; End = $Match.Index + $Match.Length - 1 - $Margin}
                                $Column.Type, $Column.Name = TypeName $Match.Value
                                If (IsLeftAligned $Header $Column) {$Column.Aligned = $LeftAligned}
                                ElseIf (IsRightAligned $Header $Column) {$Column.Aligned = $RightAligned}
                                If ($Column.Type) {$Column.Type = Try {[Type]$Column.Type} Catch{Write-Error -ErrorRecord (ErrorRecord $Header)}}
                        } Else {
                            $Previous = $Null
                            $Columns = ForEach ($Match in (&{If ($Ruler) {$Ruler} Else {$Header}} | Select-String "\S+" -AllMatches).Matches) {
                                $Column = @{Start = $Match.Index; End = $Match.Index + $Match.Length - 1}
                                $Column.Type, $Column.Name = TypeName ($Header | Slice $Column.Start $Column.End)
                                If ($Column.Type) {$Column.Type = Try {[Type]$Column.Type} Catch{Write-Error -ErrorRecord (ErrorRecord $Header)}}
                                If ($Previous) {$Previous.Next = $Column; $Column.Previous = $Previous}
                            If (!$Ruler) {Mask $Header}
                        $Head = $Count
                    If (!$Markdown) {Mask $Line}
                } ElseIf ($Line.Trim()) {$Header = $Line}
            ForEach ($Line in ($Lines | Select-Object -Skip $Head)) {
                If ($Columns -and $Line.Trim()) {
                    If ($Line -NotMatch $RulerPattern) {
                        ForEach($Column in $Columns) {
                            $Field = $Line | Slice $Column.Start $Column.End
                            $Property[$Column.Name] =
                                If ($Field -is [String]) {
                                    $Value = $Field.Trim()
                                    If ($Value -gt "") {
                                        If ($Field -Match '\S$' -and ($Field -Match '^\s' -or $Column.Aligned -eq $RightAligned)) {
                                            Try {Invoke-Expression $Value} 
                                            Catch {$Value; Write-Error -ErrorRecord (ErrorRecord $Line)}
                                        } ElseIf ($Column.Type) {
                                            Try {Invoke-Expression "[$($Column.Type)]'$Value'"} 
                                            Catch {$Value; Write-Error -ErrorRecord (ErrorRecord $Line)}
                                        } Else {$Value}
                                    } Else {$Value}
                                } Else {""}
                        New-Object PSObject -Property $Property
}; Set-Alias cfst ConvertFrom-SourceTable