# # ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile # # # function ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile { <#PSScriptInfo .SYNOPSIS Generates a Hashtable from a specified PowerShell Data File. .DESCRIPTION Generates a Hashtable from the data stored within a specified valid PowerShell Data File (*.psd1 file), which is then stored within a Variable sharing its name with the source *.psd1 file's BaseName. (Example: If the Filename is 'Data.psd1', then the Hashtable generated from its contents can be referenced using the Variable: '', and individual Keys referenced via dot notation: '.Key1.Key2' etc.) .PARAMETER FilePath Specifies the Path to a PowerShell Data File. .PARAMETER RequireValidation When specified, the target *.psd1 file MUST be a VALID Module Manifest. (Uses Test-ModuleManifest to Validate contents of the Manifest.) If 'Test-ModuleManifest' returns a value of False (File failed to pass Validation) then any issues discovered are highlighted and displayed to the User. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile -FilePath 'C:\test\MyModule\PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile -FilePath 'C:\test\MyModule\MyModule.psd1' -RequireValidation .INPUTS @param 'FilePath' - System.IO.Path .OUTPUTS '$<FileBaseName>' - 'System.Collections.Hashtable' .LINK .NOTES Filename: 'ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile.psm1' Version: 0.9.5 Author: Nathaniel Wallis Praytor #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [string], [switch] ) BEGIN { if (.IsPresent) { Try { Test-ModuleManifest Write-Verbose "Success! PowerShell Data File passed Validation testing! This file is a VALID MODULE MANIFEST." } Catch { Write-Error } } } PROCESS { Try { = New-Object hashtable = Split-Path -Leaf = .Split('.')[0] .BaseName = (Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path ) New-Variable -Name -Value } Catch { Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop } if (.IsPresent) { return . } } END { Write-Information "New Hashtable created: $ containing data stored in PowerShell Data File: " } } Export-ModuleMember -Function ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile |