<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.1.1 .GUID c0c725c3-36be-4fe7-b526-88c549e3f47a .AUTHOR Karl Wallenius, Tobias Keitsch .COMPANYNAME Redeploy AB .COPYRIGHT (c) 2018 Redeploy AB. All rights reserved. .TAGS Azure AzureRm Az Convert Update .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES * 1.0.0 * Initial version. * 1.0.1 * Fixed matching so that *-Azure, as in *-AzureStorage is matched and replaced. * 1.1.0 * Handles Import-Module AzureRm to Az, and using module AzureRm to Az. * Renamed internal function to FindReplaceLine. * Checks if object is a directory or a file, skips if it's a directory. * Handles multiple calls in same line. * 1.1.1 * Added additional Verbs from AzureRM module that * Added Case Insensitive matching * Adjusted *-Azure* match to only match *-AzureStorage* to avoid breaking old code. * Added *-Azure* matching to include *-AzureKeyVault* * Added Get-Module, Find-Module, Get-InstalledModule to matches. .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Script to convert *-AzureRm*-cmdlets to *-Az*-cmdlets. Dot source the script: . <path-to-script>\Convert-REAzureRmToAz.ps1 to get access to the function 'Convert-REAzureRmToAz'. #> <# .SYNOPSIS Takes provded System.IO.FileInfo object(s) or path(s) to a PowerShell script file and converts "-AzureRm" to "-Az" in function/cmdlet calls. .DESCRIPTION Takes provded System.IO.FileInfo object(s) or path(s) to a PowerShell script file and converts "-AzureRm" to "-Az" in function/cmdlet calls. The function will only convert commands that are structured in the PowerShell Verb-Noun syntax. It will replace the content of the specified file if not -OutputPath is used. .PARAMETER InputObject A System.IO.FileInfo object, or path to a file. .PARAMETER OutputPath Output directory of the resulting file (Optional). If used a resulting file with the same name as the input file will be placed in this path. .EXAMPLE To replace "-AzureRm" from cmdlet/function calls in provided scripts: # Assuming Path contains a couple of scripts: $files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Scripts Convert-REAzureRmToAZ -InputObject $files .EXAMPLE To replace "-AzureRm" from cmdlet/function calls in provided scripts and create new files in specified directory: # Assuming Path contains a couple of scripts: $files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Scripts Convert-REAzureRmToAz -InputObject $files -OutputPath C:\Scripts2 .EXAMPLE To replace "-AzureRm" from cmdlet/function calls in provided scripts: # Assuming Path contains a couple of scripts: $files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Scripts $files | Convert-REAzureRmToAz .EXAMPLE To replace "-AzureRm" from cmdlet/function calls in script C:\Scripts\somescript.ps1 (if it contains such calls): Convert-REAzureRmToAz -InputObject C:\Scripts\somescript.ps1 .EXAMPLE To replace "-AzureRm" from cmdlet/function calls in script C:\Scripts\somescript.ps1 and C:\Scripts\somescript2.ps1 (if they contains such calls): Convert-REAzureRmToAz -InputObject C:\Scripts\somescript.ps1,C:\Scripts\somescript2.ps1 .NOTES Written by Karl Wallenius, Redeploy AB. Contibutions by Tobias Keitsch, Redeploy AB. #> function Convert-REAzureRmToAz { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Object[]] $InputObject, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyString()] [String] $OutputPath ) Begin { function FindReplaceLine { param($Line, $Verbs) $modified = $false $newLine = $Line if ($newLine -match "Import-Module|using module|Get-Module|Get-InstalledModule|Find-Module|Install-Module") { $newLine = $line -replace "AzureRm|Azure", "Az" $modified = $true } else { $pattern = "(?i)(" + ($verbs -join "|") + ")(\-AzureRm|\-AzureStorage|\-AzureKeyVault)" $match = [Regex]::Matches($Line, $pattern) foreach ($m in $match) { $verb = $m.Groups[1].Value if ($verb -in $Verbs) { if($m.Groups[2].Value -like '*AzureStorage*'){ $newLine = $newLine -replace "$verb\-(AzureStorage)", "$verb-AzStorage" $modified = $true }elseif($m.Groups[2].Value -like '*AzureKeyVault*'){ $newLine = $newLine -replace "$verb\-(AzureKeyVault)", "$verb-AzureKeyVault" $modified = $true }else{ $newLine = $newLine -replace "$verb\-(AzureRm)", "$verb-Az" $modified = $true } } } } $modified $newLine } $oPath = $null if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OutputPath))) { if (!(Test-Path -Path $OutputPath)) { [void](New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputPath) } $oPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $OutputPath).Path if (!(Test-Path -Path $oPath)) { [void](New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $oPath) } } $verbs = (Get-Verb).Verb $additionalVerbs = @("List", "Login", "Logout", "Reactivate", "Swap", "Validate") $verbs += $additionalVerbs $resultObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Files = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() ModifiedFiles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() SkippedFiles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } } Process { foreach ($object in $InputObject) { if ($object.GetType().Name -eq "String") { $object = Get-Item -Path (Resolve-Path -Path $object).Path } [void]($resultObject.Files.Add($object.FullName)) # Skip if it's a directory. if (!($object -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])) { $content = Get-Content -Path $object.FullName $modded = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $newContent = $content | ForEach-Object { $mod, $line = FindReplaceLine -Line $_ -Verbs $verbs [void]($modded.Add($mod)) $line } if ($true -in $modded) { if ($null -ne $oPath) { $newContent | Out-File -Path (Join-Path -Path $oPath -ChildPath $object.Name) } else { $newContent | Set-Content -Path $($object.FullName) } [void]($resultObject.ModifiedFiles.Add($object.FullName)) } else { [void]($resultObject.SkippedFiles.Add($object.FullName)) } } } } End { $resultObject } } |