
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.ps1", ".psm1")
. "$here\..\$sut"

Describe �Find-ContainerImage" { BeforeAll { #Find-Module ContainerProvider -Repository PSGallery | Install-Module -Force Import-Module ContainerProvider Import-PackageProvider ContainerProvider } AfterAll { "Finished running the Find-ContainerImage tests" } It "Finds ContainerImage Stand-Alone Cloud" { $commands = @() $commands += "Find-ContainerImage -Source ContainerImageGallery" $commands += "Find-ContainerImage -version 10.0.10586.0" foreach($command in $commands) { "Running Find ContainerImage for command: $command" $results = Invoke-Expression $command $results.count -eq 2 | should be $true $resultFirst = $results[0] $resultSecond = $results[1] $source = "ContainerImageGallery" $version = "10.0.10586.0" $nanoName = "NanoServer" $serverName = "WindowsServerCore" $nanoDesc = "Container OS Image of Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 : Nano Server Installation" $serverDesc = "Container OS Image of Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview : Windows Server Core Installation" $nanoSasT = "https://pshctnoncdn.blob.core.windows.net/pshctcontainer/CBaseOs_th2_release_10586.0.151029-1700_amd64fre_NanoServer_en-us.wim?sv=2015-02-21&sr=b&sig=AjH0HKS%2BEBEbiEcFheUE1hE7MnOmizXgW6JB0PVTQJk%3D&st=2015-11-17T22%3A56%3A53Z&se=2016-11-17T22%3A56%3A53Z&sp=r" $serverSasT = "https://pshctnoncdn.blob.core.windows.net/pshctcontainer/CBaseOs_th2_release_10586.0.151029-1700_amd64fre_ServerDatacenterCore_en-us.wim?sv=2015-02-21&sr=b&sig=rLNvGpycEElTr52U6EwrMmnzSRVbsCSIEuO%2B7oa8HYI%3D&st=2015-11-17T22%3A57%3A58Z&se=2016-11-17T22%3A57%3A58Z&sp=r" $resultFirst.Name | should be $nanoName $resultFirst.description | should be $nanoDesc $resultFirst.sasToken | should be $nanoSasT $resultFirst.source | should be $source $resultFirst.version | should be $version $resultSecond.Name | should be $serverName $resultSecond.description | should be $serverDesc $resultSecond.sasToken | should be $serverSasT $resultSecond.source | should be $source $resultSecond.version | should be $version } } It "Finds ContainerImage One-Get Cloud" { $commands = @() $commands += "Find-Package -ProviderName ContainerProvider -Source ContainerImageGallery" foreach($command in $commands) { "Running Find ContainerImage for command: $command" $results = Invoke-Expression $command $results.count -eq 2 | should be $true $resultFirst = $results[0] $resultSecond = $results[1] $source = "ContainerImageGallery" $version = "10.0.10586.0" $nanoName = "NanoServer" $nanoDesc = "Container OS Image of Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 : Nano Server Installation" $serverName = "WindowsServerCore" $serverDesc = "Container OS Image of Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview : Windows Server Core Installation" $resultFirst.Name | should be $nanoName $resultFirst.Summary | should be $nanoDesc $resultFirst.source | should be $source $resultFirst.version | should be $version $resultSecond.Name | should be $serverName $resultSecond.Summary | should be $serverDesc $resultSecond.source | should be $source $resultSecond.version | should be $version } } It "Find ContainerImages Stand-Alone UNCPath" { $baseFolder = "\\winbuilds\release\RS1_ONECORE_CONTAINER_HYP" $guid = [guid]::NewGuid() $badSource = "internal_bad_$guid" $null = Register-PackageSource -name $badSource ` -ProviderName ContainerProvider ` -Location $baseFolder $results = Find-ContainerImage -Source $badSource $results.count -eq 0 | should be $true $null = Unregister-PackageSource -name $badSource ` -ProviderName ContainerProvider } It "Find ContainerImages Stand-Alone UNCPath" { $baseFolder = "\\winbuilds\release\RS1_ONECORE_CONTAINER_HYP" $children = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path $baseFolder | sort -property LastWriteTime -Descending $latestBuild = $children[2] $secondaryPath = "amd64fre\ContainerBaseOsPkgs\cbaseospkg_nanoserver_en-us" $fullPath = Join-Path (Join-Path $baseFolder $latestBuild) $secondaryPath $guid = [guid]::NewGuid() $sourceInternal = "internal_$guid" $null = Register-PackageSource -name $sourceInternal ` -ProviderName ContainerProvider ` -Location $fullPath $nanoName = "NanoServer" $file = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $fullPath -Filter "*.wim" $fileWithPath = Join-Path $fullPath $file $containerImageInfo = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $fileWithPath -Index 1 $containerImageVersion = $containerImageInfo.Version $description = "Nano " + $containerImageVersion
        $results = Find-ContainerImage -Source $sourceInternal
        $results.count -eq 1 | should be $true
        $resultFirst = $results[0]
        $resultFirst.Name -eq $nanoName | should be $true
        $resultFirst.version -eq $containerImageVersion | should be $true
        $resultFirst.Source -eq $sourceInternal | should be $true
        $resultFirst.Description -eq $description | should be $true
        $null = Unregister-PackageSource -name $sourceInternal `
                                            -ProviderName ContainerProvider
    It "
Find ContainerImages One-Get UNCPath" { $baseFolder = "\\winbuilds\release\RS1_ONECORE_CONTAINER_HYP" $children = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path $baseFolder | sort -property LastWriteTime -Descending $latestBuild = $children[2] $secondaryPath = "amd64fre\ContainerBaseOsPkgs\cbaseospkg_nanoserver_en-us" $fullPath = Join-Path (Join-Path $baseFolder $latestBuild) $secondaryPath $guid = [guid]::NewGuid() $sourceInternal = "internal_$guid" $null = Register-PackageSource -name $sourceInternal ` -ProviderName ContainerProvider ` -Location $fullPath $nanoName = "NanoServer" $file = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $fullPath -Filter "*.wim" $fileWithPath = Join-Path $fullPath $file $containerImageInfo = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $fileWithPath -Index 1 $containerImageVersion = $containerImageInfo.Version $description = "Nano " + $containerImageVersion
        $results = Find-Package -ProviderName ContainerProvider -Source $sourceInternal
        $results.count -eq 1 | should be $true
        $resultFirst = $results[0]
        $resultFirst.Name -eq $nanoName | should be $true
        $resultFirst.version -eq $containerImageVersion | should be $true
        $resultFirst.Source -eq $sourceInternal | should be $true
        $resultFirst.Summary -eq $description | should be $true
        $null = Unregister-PackageSource -name $sourceInternal `
                                            -ProviderName ContainerProvider
Describe �Save-ContainerImage"
        $savePath = "C:\temp\ContainerProvider"
        if(-not (Test-Path $savePath))
            "Creating the folder: $savePath"
            $null = mkdir $savePath

    AfterAll {
        "Removing the folder: $savePath"
        $null = rmdir $savePath -Force

    It "Save ContainerImages from PSGallery" {

        $pathNano = Join-Path $savePath "NanoServer.wim"
        # Save the container image
        $resultNano = Save-ContainerImage -Name NanoServer -Destination $pathNano

        # Check if the container image is downloaded
        (Test-Path $pathNano) | should be $true
        # Remove the container image
        "Removing existing item: $pathNano"
        $null = Remove-Item $pathNano -Force

        $pathServer = Join-Path $savePath "WindowsServer.wim"
        # Save the container image
        $resultServer = Save-ContainerImage -Name WindowsServerCore -Destination $pathServer
        (Test-Path $pathServer) | should be $true

        # Remove the container image
        "Removing existing item: $pathServer"
        $null = Remove-Item $pathServer -Force

    It "Save ContainerImage from UNC Path" {
        $baseFolder = "\\winbuilds\release\RS1_ONECORE_CONTAINER_HYP"
        $children = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path $baseFolder | sort -property LastWriteTime -Descending
        $latestBuild = $children[2]
        $secondaryPath = "amd64fre\ContainerBaseOsPkgs\cbaseospkg_nanoserver_en-us"
        $fullPath = Join-Path (Join-Path $baseFolder $latestBuild) $secondaryPath
        $guid = [guid]::NewGuid()
        $sourceInternal = "internal_$guid"
        $null = Register-PackageSource -name  $sourceInternal `
                                             -ProviderName ContainerProvider `
                                             -Location $fullPath

        $nanoName = "NanoServer"
        $file = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $fullPath -Filter "*.wim"
        $fileWithPath = Join-Path $fullPath $file
        $containerImageInfo = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $fileWithPath -Index 1
        $containerImageVersion = $containerImageInfo.Version
        $description = "Nano " + $containerImageVersion

        $fileName = "nanoserver_" + $guid + ".wim"
        $saveFile = Join-Path $savePath $fileName

        $results = Save-ContainerImage -name NanoServer -Destination $saveFile -Source $sourceInternal

        (Test-Path $saveFile) | should be $True

        $imageInfo = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $saveFile -Index 1
        $version = $imageInfo.Version

        $version | should be $containerImageVersion

Describe �Helper Function Tests" { BeforeAll { Import-Module ContainerProvider } InModuleScope ContainerProvider { # Get-Sources It "Get-Sources Test" { $listOfSources = Get-Sources $listOfSources.Count -gt 0 | should be $true $fwdLink = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627586&clcid=0x409" $queryKey = "82E9CC3E0342EA5C9B95ED909FC8E039" $indexName = "pshct-pub-srch-index" $pkgSourceName = "ContainerImageGallery" foreach($source in $listOfSources) { if($source.PackageSourceName -eq $pkgSourceName) { $source.Location -eq $fwdLink | should be $true $source.QueryKey -eq $queryKey | should be $true $source.IndexName -eq $indexName | should be $true $source.PackageSourceName -eq $pkgSourceName | should be $true } } } # Find on Azure cloud It "Find-Azure test" { $name = "" $version = "" $fwdLink = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627586&clcid=0x409" $queryKey = "82E9CC3E0342EA5C9B95ED909FC8E039" $indexName = "pshct-pub-srch-index" $pkgSourceName = "ContainerImageGallery" $results = Find-Azure -Name $name ` -Version $version ` -fwdLink $fwdLink ` -indexName $indexName ` -queryKey $queryKey ` -packageSourceName $pkgSourceName $results.count -eq 2 | should be $true $resultFirst = $results[0] $resultSecond = $results[1] $source = "ContainerImageGallery" $version = "10.0.10586.0" $nanoName = "NanoServer" $nanoDesc = "Container OS Image of Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 : Nano Server Installation" $nanoSasT = "https://pshctnoncdn.blob.core.windows.net/pshctcontainer/CBaseOs_th2_release_10586.0.151029-1700_amd64fre_NanoServer_en-us.wim?sv=2015-02-21&sr=b&sig=AjH0HKS%2BEBEbiEcFheUE1hE7MnOmizXgW6JB0PVTQJk%3D&st=2015-11-17T22%3A56%3A53Z&se=2016-11-17T22%3A56%3A53Z&sp=r" $serverName = "WindowsServerCore" $serverDesc = "Container OS Image of Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview : Windows Server Core Installation" $serverSasT = "https://pshctnoncdn.blob.core.windows.net/pshctcontainer/CBaseOs_th2_release_10586.0.151029-1700_amd64fre_ServerDatacenterCore_en-us.wim?sv=2015-02-21&sr=b&sig=rLNvGpycEElTr52U6EwrMmnzSRVbsCSIEuO%2B7oa8HYI%3D&st=2015-11-17T22%3A57%3A58Z&se=2016-11-17T22%3A57%3A58Z&sp=r" $resultFirst.Name -eq $nanoName | should be $true $resultFirst.description -eq $nanoDesc | should be $true $resultFirst.sasToken -eq $nanoSasT | should be $true $resultFirst.source -eq $source | should be $true $resultFirst.version -eq $version | should be $true $resultSecond.Name -eq $serverName | should be $true $resultSecond.description -eq $serverDesc | should be $true $resultSecond.sasToken -eq $serverSasT | should be $true $resultSecond.source -eq $source | should be $true $resultSecond.version -eq $version | should be $true } # Find wim in the UNC path It "Find-UNCPath Success" { $baseFolder = "\\winbuilds\release\RS1_ONECORE_CONTAINER_HYP" $children = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path $baseFolder | sort -property LastWriteTime -Descending $latestBuild = $children[2] $secondaryPath = "amd64fre\ContainerBaseOsPkgs\cbaseospkg_nanoserver_en-us" $fullPath = Join-Path (Join-Path $baseFolder $latestBuild) $secondaryPath $sourceInternal = "internal" $results = Find-UNCPath -localPath $fullPath ` -packageSourceName $sourceInternal $results.count -eq 1 | should be $true $resultFirst = $results[0] $nanoName = "NanoServer" $file = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $fullPath -Filter "*.wim" $fileWithPath = Join-Path $fullPath $file $version = get-Version $fileWithPath $description = "Nano " + $version
            $resultFirst.Name -eq $nanoName | should be $true
            $resultFirst.version -eq $version | should be $true
            $resultFirst.Source -eq $sourceInternal | should be $true
            $resultFirst.Description -eq $description | should be $true
        # Save network file
        It "
Save network File" { $uncLocation = "\\scratch2\scratch\jayshah\PesterTest" $networkFile = Join-Path $uncLocation "testFile.txt" $savePath = "C:\temp\ContainerProvider" if(-not (Test-Path $savePath)) { "Creating the folder: $savePath" $null = mkdir $savePath } $null = Save-File -downloadURL $uncLocation ` -destination $networkFile (Test-Path $networkFile) | should be $true $null = Remove-Item $networkFile -Force $null = rmdir $savePath -Force } # Save file from Azure blob store It "Save cloud File" { $sasToken = "https://pshctnoncdn.blob.core.windows.net/pshctcontainer/CBaseOs_th2_release_10586.0.151029-1700_amd64fre_NanoServer_en-us.wim?sv=2015-02-21&sr=b&sig=AjH0HKS%2BEBEbiEcFheUE1hE7MnOmizXgW6JB0PVTQJk%3D&st=2015-11-17T22%3A56%3A53Z&se=2016-11-17T22%3A56%3A53Z&sp=r" $savePath = "C:\temp\ContainerProvider" if(-not (Test-Path $savePath)) { "Creating the folder: $savePath" $null = mkdir $savePath } $cloudFile = Join-Path $savePath "azureFile.wim" $null = Save-File -downloadURL $sasToken ` -destination $cloudFile (Test-Path $cloudFile) | should be $true $null = Remove-Item $cloudFile -Force $null = rmdir $savePath -Force } # Resolve FWD Link It "FWD Link test" { $fwdLink = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627586&clcid=0x409" $rslvdLink = "https://pshct-srch-pub.search.windows.net/" $resolvedLink = Resolve-FwdLink $fwdLink $rslvdLink | should be $resolvedLink } # Get the version It "Get the version" { $baseFolder = "\\winbuilds\release\RS1_ONECORE_CONTAINER_HYP" $children = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path $baseFolder | sort -property LastWriteTime -Descending $latestBuild = $children[2] $secondaryPath = "amd64fre\ContainerBaseOsPkgs\cbaseospkg_nanoserver_en-us" $fullPath = Join-Path (Join-Path $baseFolder $latestBuild) $secondaryPath $file = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $fullPath -Filter "*.wim" $fileWithPath = Join-Path $fullPath $file $containerImageInfo = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $fileWithPath -Index 1 $containerImageVersion = $containerImageInfo.Version $version = get-Version $fileWithPath $resultVersion = get-Version $fileWithPath $resultVersion -eq $containerImageVersion | should be $true } } }