#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# POWERSHELL SCRIPT INFO DECLARATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.6.6 .GUID ef7e7376-9b7f-455c-83a7-5e4b628e13f8 .AUTHOR NovaViper .DESCRIPTION Powershell Script for Managing Java Servers (i.e. Minecraft, Bukkit) .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS java minecraft bukkit server manager .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .RELEASENOTES .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .PRIVATEDATA #> #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# VARIABLE DECLARATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# $currentLocation = Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath $PSScriptInfo = Test-ScriptFileInfo -Path "$currentLocation\ConsoleMaster.ps1" $ui = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI $consoleName = "Console Master" $consoleVersion = $PSScriptInfo.Version $consoleServerPrefix = "[" + $consoleName + "]:" $prefix = "$consoleName $consoleVersion" $QuitConsole = $false $configFileName = "config.json" $SleepTime = 3 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# POWERSHELL CUSTOMIZATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# $ui.WindowTitle = "$prefix" Set-Location $currentLocation #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# FUNCTION DECLARATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# function Set-Up-Console() { Clear-Host $ui.WindowTitle = $prefix + ": Server Running (Jar: , MC )" Write-Host "Welcome To $prefix!!" Write-Host '' $jarFile = Test-Jar "Please enter the name of the server's .jar file (w/o the extension)" $useCustomJarLocation = Confirm-Custom-Jar-Location if($useCustomJarLocation -eq 'Y'){ $jarLocation = Test-Jar-Path "Where is your jar file? (w/o the backslash '\' at the end or begining)" $jarFile }else{ $jarLocation = '' } $mcVersion = Test-Version "Please enter the Minecraft version your server is using" $ramDataType = Test-RAM-Type $minRAM = Test-Integer "Please enter your minimum amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) to use" $maxRAM = Test-Integer "Please enter your maximum amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) to use" $fullRAMMin = -Join ($minRAM, $ramDataType) $fullRAMMax = -Join ($maxRAM, $ramDataType) $basicInfo = @{ Jar_File = "$jarFile" Use_Custom_Location = "$useCustomJarLocation" Custom_Location = "$jarLocation" Minecraft_Version = "$mcVersion" Ram_Min = "-Xmx$fullRAMMin" Ram_Max = "-Xms$fullRAMMax" Server_Options = 'nogui' } New-Item $configFileName -ItemType "file" | Out-Null $basicInfo | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $configFileName Write-Host "" Write-Host "Moving to Main Menu..." -BackgroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime Invoke-Main-Menu } function Invoke-Main-Menu() { Update-Variables Clear-Host Write-Host @" ---------------------------------- Main Menu ---------------------------------- 1. Start Server and Ngrok 2. Configurations Menu 3. Exit the Console ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "@ $answer = Read-Host "Please Make a Selection" switch ($answer) { '1' { Clear-Host Start-Server } '2' { Clear-Host Invoke-Settings-Menu } '3' { Exit-Script } default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Invoke-Main-Menu } } } function Start-Server() { Test-Use-Custom-Location $ui.WindowTitle = $prefix + ": Server Running (Jar: " + $Script:INFO.Jar_File + ", MC " + $Script:INFO.Minecraft_Version + ")" Write-Host @" ------------------------------- SERVER LOG START ------------------------------- $consoleServerPrefix Starting Server... "@ Write-Host "$consoleServerPrefix Checking for Ngrok process..." if (-not(Get-Process -Name ngrok -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Host "$consoleServerPrefix Ngrok Not Running! Starting Ngrok..." Start-Process ngrok -argumentlist "tcp 25565" -passthru | Out-Null Write-Host "$consoleServerPrefix Ngrok Started!" } else { Write-Host "$consoleServerPrefix Ngrok is Already Running! Skipping Ngrok Startup..." } Write-Host "$consoleServerPrefix Starting .jar File Now.." java $INFO.Ram_Min $INFO.Ram_Max -jar $INFO.Jar_File $INFO.Server_Options $ui.WindowTitle = "$consoleServerPrefixServer Stopped (Jar: " + $Script:INFO.Jar_File + ", MC " + $Script:INFO.Minecraft_Version + ")" Write-Host "$consoleServerPrefixServer Server Stopped! Check Above For Details!" Test-Use-Custom-Location Invoke-Ask-Restart } function Invoke-Ask-Restart() { $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to restart the server? (Y)es/(N)o" switch ($answer.ToUpper()) { 'Y' { Write-Host "Restarting Server..." -BackgroundColor Red Start-Sleep $SleepTime Clear-Host Start-Server } 'N' { Clear-Host Confirm-Console-Close } default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Invoke-Ask-Restart } } } function Confirm-Console-Close () { $ui.WindowTitle = $prefix + ': Confirm Exit' $answer = Read-Host "Ok, would you to close"$consoleName"? (Y)es/(N)o" switch ($answer.ToUpper()) { 'Y' { Write-Host "" Confirm-Ngrok-Close $true } 'N' { Write-Host "" Confirm-Ngrok-Close $false } default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Confirm-Console-Close } } } function Confirm-Ngrok-Close([bool]$closeConsole) { $answer = Read-Host 'Ok, would you to close Ngrok? (Y)es/(N)o' switch ($answer.ToUpper()) { 'Y' { Write-Host "" Exit-Console-Ngrok $closeConsole $true } 'N' { Write-Host "" Exit-Console-Ngrok $closeConsole $false } default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Confirm-Ngrok-Close } } } function Exit-Console-Ngrok([bool]$closeConsole, [bool]$closeNgrok) { if (($closeConsole -eq $true) -and ($closeNgrok -eq $true)) { Stop-Process -Name ngrok Exit-Script } elseif (($closeConsole -eq $false) -and ($closeNgrok -eq $true)) { Stop-Process -Name ngrok Resume-Main-Menu } elseif (($closeConsole -eq $true) -and ($closeNgrok -eq $false)) { Exit-Script } else { Resume-Main-Menu } } function Invoke-Settings-Menu() { Clear-Host Write-Host @" -------------------------------- Settings Menu -------------------------------- 1. Change Jar - Change the either saved jar file name or location that the script executes 2. Change Version - Change the saved Minecraft version to match what the jar file uses 3. RAM Allocation - Set the amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) to reserve to the server [!] 4. Custom Arguments - Set custom arguments besides the RAM [!!] 5. Factory Reset - Erase all user defined settings and boot to first-time setup [!!!] 6. Return To Main Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "@ $answer = Read-Host "Please Make a Selection" switch ($answer) { '1' { Clear-Host Edit-Jar-File } '2' { Clear-Host Edit-Minecraft-Version } '3' { Clear-Host Edit-RAM } '4' { Clear-Host Confirm-Change-Args } '5' { Clear-Host Confirm-Factory-Reset } '6' {Resume-Main-Menu} default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Invoke-Settings-Menu } } } function Edit-Jar-File() { $newJar = Test-Jar "Please enter the new name of the server's .jar file (w/o the extension)" $useCustomJarLocation = Confirm-Custom-Jar-Location if($useCustomJarLocation -eq 'Y'){ $jarLocation = Test-Jar-Path "Where is your jar file? (w/o the backslash '\' at the end or begining)" $jarFile }else{ $jarLocation = '' } Save-Variable "Jar_File" $newJar Save-Variable "Custom_Location" $jarLocation Save-Variable "Use_Custom_Location" $useCustomJarLocation Resume-Settings-Menu } function Edit-Minecraft-Version() { $newVersion = Test-Version "Please enter the new Minecraft version your server is using" Save-Variable "Minecraft_Version" $newVersion Resume-Settings-Menu } function Edit-RAM() { $newRamDataType = Test-RAM-Type $newMinRAM = Test-Integer "Please enter your minimum amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) to use" $newMaxRAM = Test-Integer "Please enter your maximum amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) to use" $newFullMinRAM = -Join ($newMinRAM, $newRamDataType) $newFullMaxRAM = -Join ($newMaxRAM, $newRamDataType) Save-Variable "Ram_Min" "-Xms$newFullMinRAM" Save-Variable "Ram_Max" "-Xmx$newFullMaxRAM" Resume-Settings-Menu } function Confirm-Change-Args() { Write-Host "Here are your original arguments:" $Script:INFO.Server_Options $answer = Read-Host "Are you SURE you want to modify these arguments? (Y)es/(N)o" switch ($answer.ToUpper()) { 'Y' { Clear-Host Edit-Args } 'N' { Clear-Host Resume-Settings-Menu } default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Confirm-Factory-Reset } } } function Edit-Args() { Write-Host "As a refresher, here are your original arguments:" $Script:INFO.Server_Options $data = '' While (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '')) { [string]$data = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter new arguments for your server" if (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '')) { Write-Output '' $data = '' Invaild-Choice "You cannot enter a null/empty name!" } else { Save-Variable "Server_Options" $data Resume-Settings-Menu } } } function Confirm-Factory-Reset() { Write-Host "Are you sure you want to reset back to factory default? This process CANNOT be reversed!!" -ForegroundColor Red $answer = Read-Host "(Y)es or (N)o" if (($null -eq $answer) -or ($answer -eq '')) { Write-Output '' $answer = '' Invaild-Choice "You cannot enter a null/empty name!" Confirm-Factory-Reset } else { switch ($answer.ToUpper()) { 'Y' { Clear-Host Initialize-Factory-Reset } 'N' { Clear-Host Resume-Settings-Menu } default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Confirm-Factory-Reset } } } } function Initialize-Factory-Reset() { Write-Host "Deleting Preferences..." -BackgroundColor Red Remove-Item $configFileName Clear-Variable -name INFO Write-Host "Factory Reset Completed!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" Write-Host "Returning to First-Time Setup..." -BackgroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime Set-Up-Console } function Exit-Script() { Write-Host "" Write-Host 'Exiting Script...' -BackgroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime $QuitConsole = $true } function Resume-Main-Menu() { Write-Host "" Write-Host 'Returning to Main Menu...' -BackgroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime Invoke-Main-Menu } function Resume-Settings-Menu() { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Returning to Settings Menu..." -BackgroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime Invoke-Settings-Menu } function Invaild-Choice([string]$message) { [Console]::Beep(1000, 100) Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime } function Update-Variables() { $Script:INFO = Get-Content -Path $configFileName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json } function Save-Variable($keyName, $data) { $Script:INFO.$keyName = $data $Script:INFO | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $configFileName } function Test-Jar([string]$promptMessage) { $data = '' While (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '')) { [string]$data = Read-Host -Prompt $promptMessage if (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '')) { Write-Output '' $data = '' Invaild-Choice "You cannot enter a null/empty name!" } else { return $data + '.jar' } } } function Confirm-Custom-Jar-Location(){ $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to add a custom path for your jar file? [Y]es/[N]o" if (($null -eq $answer) -or ($answer -eq '')) { Write-Output '' $answer = '' Invaild-Choice "You cannot enter a null/empty name!" Confirm-Custom-Jar-Location } else { switch ($answer.ToUpper()) { 'Y' { return $true } 'N' { return $false } default { Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" Confirm-Custom-Jar-Location } } } } function Test-Jar-Path([string]$promptMessage, [string]$jarFile) { $data = '' While (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '')) { $data = Read-Host -Prompt $promptMessage $dataWithJar = -Join ($currentLocation,"\",$data,"\",$jarFile) if (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '')) { Write-Output '' $data = '' Invaild-Choice "You cannot enter a null/empty name!" } elseif (!(Test-Path $dataWithJar)) { Write-Output '' Invaild-Choice "Could not locate $jarFile in the folder, $data" $data = '' } else { return -Join ($currentLocation, "\", $data,"\") } } } function Test-Use-Custom-Location(){ if($Script:INFO.Use_Custom_Location -eq $true){ Set-Location $Script:INFO.Custom_Location }else{ Set-Location $currentLocation } } function Test-Version([string]$promptMessage) { $data = '' While ($data -eq '') { $data = Read-Host -Prompt $promptMessage $minVer = [version]'1.0.0' $maxVer = [version]'999.999.999' # not matching NOT 0-9 & '.' [ie - only 0-9 & '.'] # must contain at least one '.' # must START with a digit # must END with a digit if (($data -notmatch '[^0-9.]') -and ($data -match '\.') -and ($data[0] -match '[0-9]') -and ($data[-1] -match '[0-9]') -and ($data -ge $minVer) -and ($data -le $maxVer)) { return $data } else { $data = '' Invaild-Choice "The value [$data] MUST be a version (major, minor, build) ranging between $minVer to $maxVer!" } } } function Test-Integer([string]$promptMessage) { $data = '' While (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '') -or ($data -eq '0') -or (-not ($data -notmatch '[^\d]'))) { [int]$data = Read-Host -Prompt $promptMessage if (($null -eq $data) -or ($data -eq '') -or ($data -eq '0')) { Write-Host '' $data = '' Invaild-Choice "The value [$data] cannot be null, empty or 0!" } elseif (-not ($data -notmatch '[^\d]')) { Write-Output '' $data = '' Invaild-Choice "The value [$data] MUST be an integer!" } else { return $data } } } function Test-RAM-Type() { $ramType = '' $ValidChoices = ('M', 'G') While ($ramType -notin $ValidChoices) { $ramType = (Read-Host -Prompt 'Would you like to use [M]egabytes or [G]igabytes?').ToUpper() if ($ramType -notin $ValidChoices) { $ramType = '' Invaild-Choice "INVALID CHOICE! PLEASE ENTER ONE OF THE CHOICES LISTED!" } else { return $ramType } } } #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# BEGIN FUNCTION CALLS #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Do { Clear-Host If (!(Test-Path $configFileName)) { Set-Up-Console } else { Invoke-Main-Menu } } Until ($QuitConsole = $true) |