Function Reset-CWAA{ [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] [Alias('Reset-LTService')] Param( [switch]$ID, [switch]$Location, [switch]$MAC, [switch]$Force, [switch]$NoWait ) Begin{ Write-Debug "Starting $($myInvocation.InvocationName) at line $(LINENUM)" $Reg = 'HKLM:\Software\LabTech\Service' If (!$PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ID') -and !$PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Location') -and !$PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MAC')){ $ID=$True $Location=$True $MAC=$True } $LTSI=Get-CWAAInfo -EA 0 -Verbose:$False -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False -Debug:$False If (($LTSI) -and ($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand Probe -EA 0) -eq '1') { If ($Force -eq $True) { Write-Output "Probe Agent Detected. Reset Forced." } Else { If ($WhatIfPreference -ne $True) { Write-Error -Exception [System.OperationCanceledException]"ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): Probe Agent Detected. Reset Denied." -ErrorAction Stop } Else { Write-Error -Exception [System.OperationCanceledException]"What If: Line $(LINENUM): Probe Agent Detected. Reset Denied." -ErrorAction Stop } } } Write-Output "OLD ID: $($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand ID -EA 0) LocationID: $($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand LocationID -EA 0) MAC: $($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand MAC -EA 0)" $LTSI=$Null } Process{ If (!(Get-Service 'LTService','LTSvcMon' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { If ($WhatIfPreference -ne $True) { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): LabTech Services NOT Found $($Error[0])" return } Else { Write-Error "What If: Line $(LINENUM): Stopping: LabTech Services NOT Found" return } } Try{ If ($ID -or $Location -or $MAC) { Stop-CWAA If ($ID) { Write-Output ".Removing ID" Remove-ItemProperty -Name ID -Path $Reg -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } If ($Location) { Write-Output ".Removing LocationID" Remove-ItemProperty -Name LocationID -Path $Reg -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } If ($MAC) { Write-Output ".Removing MAC" Remove-ItemProperty -Name MAC -Path $Reg -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Start-CWAA } } Catch{ Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): There was an error during the reset process. $($Error[0])" -ErrorAction Stop } } End{ If ($?){ If (-NOT $NoWait -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("LTService", "Discover new settings after Service Start")) { $timeout = New-Timespan -Minutes 1 $sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() $LTSI=Get-CWAAInfo -EA 0 -Verbose:$False -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False -Debug:$False Write-Host -NoNewline "Waiting for agent to register." While (!($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand ID -EA 0) -or !($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand LocationID -EA 0) -or !($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand MAC -EA 0) -and $($sw.elapsed) -lt $timeout){ Write-Host -NoNewline '.' Start-Sleep 2 $LTSI=Get-CWAAInfo -EA 0 -Verbose:$False -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False -Debug:$False } Write-Host "" $LTSI=Get-CWAAInfo -EA 0 -Verbose:$False -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False -Debug:$False Write-Output "NEW ID: $($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand ID -EA 0) LocationID: $($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand LocationID -EA 0) MAC: $($LTSI|Select-Object -Expand MAC -EA 0)" } } Else {$Error[0]} Write-Debug "Exiting $($myInvocation.InvocationName) at line $(LINENUM)" } } |