.SYNOPSIS Connect to and import a implicit remoting session from an On-Premises Exchange deployment. .DESCRIPTION This command makes connection to an On-Premises exchange simple. It is intended to be an On-Premises equivalent of the Connect-ExchangeOnline command. It will attempt to discover existing exchange servers in the current domain. It will then attempt to connect to each exchange server and import the first sucessful session. .PARAMETER ComputerName Specify the hostname of the exchange server to connect to. Using this parameter will disabled the domain search for servers. On PS 5.0+ this agument supports auto-complete from the list of Exchange servers discovered from AD. .PARAMETER Authentication Use to override the Authentication method use to connect to the server. .PARAMETER Credential Credential to connect to the Exchange server. You should only need this if you change the authentication method away from the default Kerberos. .PARAMETER Prefix Prefix commands from the implicit module with the specified string. This comes from the module import so will Prefix to the Noun of the command. .EXAMPLE Connect-ExchangeOnPrem With no parameters, the command will attempt to lookup a working Exchange server in AD. It will then connect using the default Kerberos authentication. .NOTES #> function Connect-ExchangeOnPrem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias("Computer")] [Alias("ServerName")] [Alias("Server")] [string] $ComputerName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Kerberos","Default","Basic","Credssp","Digest","Negotiate")] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [string] $Prefix ) begin {} process {} end { if (-not $ComputerName) { # lets try to lookup an exchange server try { $DNC = ([adsi]'LDAP://RootDSE').Get("Defaultnamingcontext") $Searcher = [adsisearcher]'(objectclass=msExchExchangeServer)' $Searcher.SearchRoot = "LDAP://CN=configuration,$DNC" $ExchangeServers = [array]$Searcher.FindAll() } catch { Write-Error "Unable to contact domain, Please specify a ComputerName." -Exception $_ return } # Check if we Got any results if ($ExchangeServers.count -eq 0){ $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ( New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord -ArgumentList @( [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]"No Exchange Servers could be found in $DNC", 'ExchangeOnPrem.LookupError', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound, '(objectclass=msExchExchangeServer)' ) ) ) return } Write-Verbose "Found $($ExchangeServers.Count) Servers" # Ask ad for all the matching objects, we create a custom query here so we only have to # make a single call to ldap. $LDAPServerQueryTemplate = "(&(objectclass=computer)(|{0}))" $NameQueryList = foreach ($ExchangeServer in $ExchangeServers){ $CanonicalName = $ # properties are case sensitive "(name=$CanonicalName)" } $LDAPServerQuery = $LDAPServerQueryTemplate -f ($NameQueryList -join '') [array]$AllHostname = ([adsisearcher]$LDAPServerQuery).FindAll().Properties.dnshostname # Try to create a session with each of the servers. $index = 0 do { $ComputerName = $AllHostname[$index] if (-not $ComputerName){ continue } $SessionSplat = @{ ConfigurationName = "Microsoft.Exchange" ConnectionUri = "http://$ComputerName/PowerShell/" } if ($Credential){ $SessionSplat.Credential = $Credential } if ($Authentication){ $SessionSplat.Authentication = $Authentication } $session = New-PSSession @SessionSplat $connectedServer = $ComputerName $index++ } while ( (-not $session) -and ($index -lt $AllHostname.Count) ) } else { # servername supplied $SessionSplat = @{ ConfigurationName = "Microsoft.Exchange" ConnectionUri = "http://$ComputerName/PowerShell/" } if ($Credential){ $SessionSplat.Credential = $Credential } if ($Authentication){ $SessionSplat.Authentication = $Authentication } $session = New-PSSession @SessionSplat $connectedServer = $ComputerName } # Check for a valid connection if ($session){ # this sometimes causes issues with the import due to scope exposure. Remove-Variable Authentication $PrefixParam = @{} if ($Prefix){ $PrefixParam['Prefix'] = $Prefix } Import-module (Import-PSSession -AllowClobber -Session $session @PrefixParam) -Global -DisableNameChecking @PrefixParam $Global:ExchConnectedServer = $connectedServer } else { Write-Error "Failed to connect to any of the Exchange Servers." return } } } if ($PSVersionTable.psversion -gt ([version]'5.0')){ Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Connect-ExchangeOnPrem -ParameterName ComputerName -ScriptBlock { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $DNC = ([adsi]'LDAP://RootDSE').Get("Defaultnamingcontext") $Searcher = [adsisearcher]'(objectclass=msExchExchangeServer)' $Searcher.SearchRoot = "LDAP://CN=configuration,$DNC" $ExchangeServers = [array]$Searcher.FindAll() $PossibleServers = $ExchangeServers.Properties.admindisplayname $LDAPServerQueryTemplate = "(&(objectclass=computer)(|{0}))" $NameQueryList = foreach ($CanonicalName in $PossibleServers){ "(name=$CanonicalName)" } $LDAPServerQuery = $LDAPServerQueryTemplate -f ($NameQueryList -join '') [array]$PossibleDNSNames = ([adsisearcher]$LDAPServerQuery).FindAll().Properties.dnshostname if ($WordToComplete){ $PossibleDNSNames = $PossibleDNSNames.where({ $_ -like "$WordToComplete*" }) } return $PossibleDNSNames } } |