
.VERSION 1.0.0
.GUID 175ead5a-1829-461e-92ef-bc49998c1af5

Script for checking the connection to specified TCP port.
Script for checking the connection to specified TCP port. Script will be used for scanning the open TCP ports.
tcphost names or IP adresses for port scanning (text array).
.PARAMETER -StartingPort
Port number, which will be used first in the port scanning. If this parameter is specified, script will try to connect to port number since StartingPort and will increase
port number till 50000 with step 1. This parameter shouldn't be used with '-Ports' parameter.
Ports, which will be scanned for connection. These ports should be specified through comma separator or as the range like "(StartingPort..EndingPort)" - be aware about brackets in this case.
This parameter shouldn't be used with'-StartingPort' parameter
.PARAMETER -RepeatConnection
Optional switch parameter. If this parameter specified, script will scan ports in range in loop. Scanning will continue till manual stop.
.PARAMETER -TcpTimeout
Optional parameter for Tcp timeout value
PS> .\Connect-ToTcpPort -hosts -StartingPort 22222
PS> .\Connect-ToTcpPort -hosts, -StartingPort 22222
PS> .\Connect-ToTcpPort -hosts, -Ports 23,80,443
PS> .\Connect-ToTcpPort -hosts -PortRange 9000-9010

       [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [string[]]$hosts,
       [Parameter()] [int]$StartingPort,
       [Parameter()] [int[]]$Ports,
       [Parameter()] [switch]$RepeatConnection,
       [Parameter()] [int]$TcpTimeout=1000                                 

$Script:Timestamp = Get-Date -Format MMddyyhhmmss
function Invoke-BeginConnect {
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $tcphost,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int] $tcpport
    $logfile = "$($PWD.Path)\${tcphost}_${timestamp}_scanning.txt" 
    $openportsfile = "$($PWD.Path)\${tcphost}_${timestamp}_OpenPorts.txt" 
    $TCPConnected = $true
    $TCPClient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
    $TCPConnection = $TCPClient.BeginConnect($tcphost,$tcpport,$null,$null)
    $TCPConnection.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($Script:TcpTimeout, $false) > $null
    try {
        Write-Debug "Try to connect to port [$tcpport] on [$tcpost]"
        $TCPClient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($tcphost,$tcpport)
    catch {
        $TCPConnected = $false
        Write-Host "Connect to [${tcphost}:${tcpport}] - failed"
        Out-File $logfile -Append -Force -InputObject ("Connect to [${tcphost}:${tcpport}] - failed")

    if($TCPConnected) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "[${tcphost}:${tcpport}] is open"
        Out-File $logfile -Append -Force -InputObject("[${tcphost}:${tcpport}] is open")
        Out-File $openportsfile -Append -Force -InputObject("[${tcphost}:${tcpport}] is open")

if($StartingPort -and $Ports) {
    Write-Error"[!]Error. You should specify 'StartingPort' or 'Ports' parameter only. Not both parameters together."
elseif(-not ($StartingPort -or $Ports)) {
    Write-Error"[!]Error. You should specify 'StartingPort' or 'Ports' parameter."

if($StartingPort) {
    foreach($tcphost in $hosts) {
        for($tcpport = $StartingPort; $tcpport -le 50000; $tcpport++) {
            Invoke-BeginConnect -tcphost $tcphost -tcpport $tcpport
elseif($Ports) {
    for(;;) {
        $tcphost = $hosts[$hostCounter]
        foreach($tcpport in $Ports) {
            Invoke-BeginConnect -tcphost $tcphost -tcpport $tcpport
        if($hostCounter -eq ($hosts.Length - 1)) {
            if($RepeatConnection) {
            else {
        else {